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Helen & Moe Lauzier’s
Issues of the Day
Write us at: mvl270@yahoo.com
Wed., May 10, 2017
Obama did, in fact, interfere with both Israel AND France elections!
No "ifs" "ands" or "buts"
Muslim Nation Opens First Concentration Camp Since Hitler
A new report out from the DailyMail is reporting that a Muslim country has opened the first concentration camp since Hitler.
Chechnya, a small muslim country of 1.2 million, which notoriously produced the Boston Marathon Bombers has made some staggering claims:
Chechnya has opened the first concentration camp for homosexuals since Hitler, where campaigners say gay men are being tortured with electric shocks and beaten to death.
It comes after it was claimed 100 gay men had been detained and three killed in Chechnya last week.
Why is the mainstream media not reporting this? You could take a few guesses, but the easiest answer is that it likely does not fit the media's narrative.
The Russian's have been particularly tough on Chechnya for a laundry list of reasons. The decades long Russian-Chechen conflict dates back to the 18th century and the MSM does not want to paint Russia in any positive manner or islamic extremism in any negative manner.
If Chechnya were a Christian nation or an enemy of someone other than Russia perhaps you would find this story on the front page of the New York Times and wall-to-wall coverage on the major news networks.
Heck, you might even remember the time Rolling Stone magazine glorified one of the Boston bombers:
Folks, we are truly in a culture war.
You can always count on us to keep you informed and fighting on your side..
Chechnya, a small muslim country of 1.2 million, which notoriously produced the Boston Marathon Bombers has made some staggering claims:
Chechnya has opened the first concentration camp for homosexuals since Hitler, where campaigners say gay men are being tortured with electric shocks and beaten to death.
It comes after it was claimed 100 gay men had been detained and three killed in Chechnya last week.
Why is the mainstream media not reporting this? You could take a few guesses, but the easiest answer is that it likely does not fit the media's narrative.
The Russian's have been particularly tough on Chechnya for a laundry list of reasons. The decades long Russian-Chechen conflict dates back to the 18th century and the MSM does not want to paint Russia in any positive manner or islamic extremism in any negative manner.
If Chechnya were a Christian nation or an enemy of someone other than Russia perhaps you would find this story on the front page of the New York Times and wall-to-wall coverage on the major news networks.
Heck, you might even remember the time Rolling Stone magazine glorified one of the Boston bombers:
Folks, we are truly in a culture war.
You can always count on us to keep you informed and fighting on your side..
Dangerous Tick-Borne Disease Spreads To MA, CDC Warns
Massachusetts has seen more cases of this rare, potentially deadly tick-borne infection than all but three other states.
By Mike Carraggi (Patch National Staff)
BOSTON, MA — A rare, potentially deadly tick-borne disease has infected people in Massachusetts. And health officials say it could be worse than Lyme disease. The same tick that carries Lyme disease has caused Powassan, otherwise known as POW. It is a virus infection that can impact the nervous system, memory, thinking and balance.
Massachusetts has had eight cases, the fourth highest amount in the country. Others states which have reported cases are Minnesota, 20; New York, 16; Wisconsin, 15; New Jersey, 3; Maine, 2; New Hampshire, 1; Pennsylvania, 1; and Virginia 1.
In some cases, it can be deadly, according to health officials. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said it killed a patient in Minnesota due to brain swelling, officials say. (Find your local Patch and subscribe for breaking news updates and newsletters)
The disease has been recognized in the United States, Canada and Russia. In the United States, cases of POW virus disease have been reported primarily from northeastern states and the Great Lakes region, according to the CDC.
These cases occur primarily in the late spring, early summer and mid-fall when ticks are most active. The CDC did not identify specific locations in New Jersey for the disease.
Jennifer Lyons, chief of the Division of Neurological Infections and Inflammatory Diseases at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, told CNN that 15 percent of patients who are infected and have symptoms are not going survive.
"Of the survivors," she told CNN, "at least 50 percent will have long-term neurological damage that is not going to resolve."
POW virus disease cases are rare, but the reported number of cases have increased in recent years. All residents of and visitors to areas where POW virus activity has been identified are at risk of infection.
People who engage in outdoor work and recreational activities in endemic areas are at increased risk of infection, according to the CDC.
Many people who become infected with Powassan virus do not develop any symptoms.
The incubation period (time from tick bite to onset of illness) ranges from about one week to one month.
POW virus can infect the central nervous system and cause encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) and meningitis (inflammation of the membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord).
Symptoms can include fever, headache, vomiting, weakness, confusion, loss of coordination, speech difficulties and seizures.
Approximately half of survivors have permanent neurological symptoms, such as recurrent headaches, muscle wasting and memory problems.
Approximately 10 percent of POW virus encephalitis cases are fatal.
There are no vaccines or medications to treat or prevent POW virus infection.
If you think you or a family member may have POW virus disease, see your healthcare provider for evaluation and diagnosis.
Persons with severe POW illnesses often need to be hospitalized. Treatment may include respiratory support, intravenous fluids and medications to reduce swelling in the brain.
While it is a good idea to take preventive measures against ticks year-round, be extra vigilant in warmer months — April through September — when ticks are most active.
Here are some tips to avoid infection:
Avoid direct contact with ticks
Avoid wooded and brushy areas with high grass and leaf litter.
Walk in the center of trails.
Repel ticks on skin and clothing
Use repellent that contains 20 percent or more DEET, picaridin or IR3535 on exposed skin for protection that lasts several hours.
Always follow product instructions. Parents should apply this product to their children, avoiding hands, eyes and mouth.
Use products that contain permethrin on clothing. Treat clothing and gear, such as boots, pants, socks and tents, with products containing 0.5 percent permethrin. It remains protective through several washings. Pre-treated clothing is available and may be protective longer.
Undercover Call Catches Abortion Clinic Offering to Kill Baby at 30 Weeks: “We Will Euthanize It”
A new undercover investigation this week exposes how easy it is to abort a healthy, late-term unborn baby in New Mexico.
Albuquerque, New Mexico is the home to one of the last abortion clinics in the United States that will abort an unborn baby for any reason through all nine months of pregnancy.
Last week, an undercover investigator called the late-term abortion facility, Southwestern Women’s Options, to find out how easy it would be for a woman to schedule a late-term abortion for a healthy unborn baby, CBN News reports. Priests for Life and Abortion Free New Mexico conducted the investigation.
On May 2, the investigator called the late-term abortion clinic posing as “Denise,” a 26-year-old woman who was 30-weeks pregnant and seeking an abortion.
Denise told the abortion clinic staff that she had two children and her husband just had lost his job. She said they had wanted the baby, but now it was putting a strain on their finances and marriage and “our world is falling apart.”
The staffer asked Denise several questions about her pregnancy, health and life, and then described the abortion procedure.
“We will euthanize the fetus on the first day,” the staffer said.
PRO-LIFE COLLEGE STUDENT? LifeNews is looking for summer interns interesting in writing, social media, or video creation. Contact us today.
The next day, “we dilate the cervix and then we induce labor,” the staffer continued. “So you will be going through the act of labor and delivery of a stillborn fetus.”
The staffer said they ask women to take a week off for the procedure.
After reviewing Denise’s information with the abortionist, the staffer told Denise that they could schedule the abortion for May 9, exactly one week later.
The call ended with the staffer checking to see if Medicaid would pay for Denise’s abortion.
At the end of the video, the group pointed out, “It’s that easy to kill a healthy baby at 30 weeks” in New Mexico.
The pro-life groups said they hope the investigation will expose how “third trimester abortions are being performed, and paid for by tax dollars, for reasons other than the health of the mother, rape or incest,” according to CBN.
Last month, an undercover investigator also called about aborting a late-term unborn baby with Down syndrome. During the call, a Southwestern staffer coached the woman about how to apply for a taxpayer-funded abortion through Medicaid.
According to the report:
Tara Shaver said the undercover call reveals that, “The myth that late-term abortions only occur when a woman’s life is at risk or when the baby has been diagnosed with an anomaly could not be farther from the truth. Our latest call dispels this myth with proof that in New Mexico late-term abortions are easy to come by.”
She adds, “New Mexicans deserve to hear the truth about the evil that is occurring in our state and our leaders must work to change the fact that New Mexico is the late-term abortion capital of the country.”
In a previous undercover call, Ms. Shaver told Southwestern Women’s Options that she was 33 weeks pregnant with a Down syndrome baby. The woman who answered the phone assured her that she would be able to abort her child and have Medicaid pick up the tab.
The videos reinforce what abortionist themselves have said. Several late-term abortion practitioners have admitted that women do have late-term abortions for “purely elective” reasons.
“Every abortion is an outrage, and we need to protect every baby,” said Father Frank Pavone of Priests for Life. “To educate our fellow citizens, let’s start with the most obvious and outrageous part of the story: Taxpayer-funded third-trimester abortions of healthy babies carried by healthy mothers.”
Notably, a U.S. Congressional panel recently recommended that Southwestern be criminally investigated for violating federal and state laws. The panel found evidence of potential violations involving the late-term abortion clinic’s handling of aborted babies’ body parts. The matter was referred to the New Mexico Attorney General’s office for further investigation.
New Report Suggests 2016 Heat Wave Was Anomaly, Antarctica Is Actually Getting Colder
Liberals are going to hate new data that casts even more doubt on their crumbling notion that Antarctica is melting, but they sure need to pay attention to it.
A study published in the journal Science of the Total Environment in February debunks the notion that the South Pole is melting.
In fact, according to the study, the opposite is happening.
The report stated that while the Antarctic Peninsula — the northernmost point of the continent — is “often described as a region with one of the largest warming trends on Earth since the 1950s,” new research indicates that temperatures in the region have shifted from a warming trend to a cooling trend over the last three decades.
The data also showed that the cooling temperatures have already impacted the cryosphere in the northern Antarctic, which includes a “slow-down of glacier recession, a shift to surface mass gains of the peripheral glacier and a thinning of the active layer of permafrost in northern AP islands.”
In 2016, Antarctic researchers were sounding the alarm over higher than usual temperatures at the bottom of the world, but this new data suggests that was an anomaly.
Former Vice President Al Gore, fake scientist Bill Nye and all environmentalists are going to hate this report because it proves that all the junk they’ve been preaching for the last 30 years about global warming is nothing but that — junk.
Don’t expect them to take it all back, though.
In fact, you can expect that Gore, Nye and the mainstream media won’t even cover this report. They have spent decades, not to mention billions of dollars, pushing the global warming agenda on the public, and they have even gone as far as to label those who question their so-called authority on the matter as “deniers.”
As usual, liberals resort to name calling once they begin losing an argument. However, their name-calling won’t change the facts — facts they will certainly ignore, as they have done many times before.
A study published in the journal Science of the Total Environment in February debunks the notion that the South Pole is melting.
In fact, according to the study, the opposite is happening.
The report stated that while the Antarctic Peninsula — the northernmost point of the continent — is “often described as a region with one of the largest warming trends on Earth since the 1950s,” new research indicates that temperatures in the region have shifted from a warming trend to a cooling trend over the last three decades.
The data also showed that the cooling temperatures have already impacted the cryosphere in the northern Antarctic, which includes a “slow-down of glacier recession, a shift to surface mass gains of the peripheral glacier and a thinning of the active layer of permafrost in northern AP islands.”
In 2016, Antarctic researchers were sounding the alarm over higher than usual temperatures at the bottom of the world, but this new data suggests that was an anomaly.
Former Vice President Al Gore, fake scientist Bill Nye and all environmentalists are going to hate this report because it proves that all the junk they’ve been preaching for the last 30 years about global warming is nothing but that — junk.
Don’t expect them to take it all back, though.
In fact, you can expect that Gore, Nye and the mainstream media won’t even cover this report. They have spent decades, not to mention billions of dollars, pushing the global warming agenda on the public, and they have even gone as far as to label those who question their so-called authority on the matter as “deniers.”
As usual, liberals resort to name calling once they begin losing an argument. However, their name-calling won’t change the facts — facts they will certainly ignore, as they have done many times before.
TRANSGENDER AGENDA FAIL: Scientists Say There Are More Than 6,500 Genes That Express Differently In Men And Women
Transgender activists have simultaneously detached gender completely from sex and suggested that men can magically become "real women" by merely "identifying" as female, and vise-versa. This is untrue, of course. A new study composed by Weizmann Institute of Science researchers just widened the hole in the transgender narrative pushed by progressives: it has been found that the two sexes express over 6,500 genes differently, adding to the already major biological differences between men and women.
"Weizmann Institute of Science researchers recently uncovered thousands of human genes that are expressed — copied out to make proteins — differently in the two sexes," notes the Weizmann Institute. The study focuses on how "harmful mutations in these particular genes tend to accumulate in the population in relatively high frequencies."
Professor Shmuel Pietrokovski and Dr. Moran Gershoni, both researches from the Weizmann Institute’s Molecular Genetics Department, "looked closely at around 20,000 protein-coding genes, sorting them by sex and searching for differences in expression in each tissue. They eventually identified around 6,500 genes with activity that was biased toward one sex or the other in at least one tissue. For example, they found genes that were highly expressed in the skin of men relative to that in women’s skin, and they realized that these were related to the growth of body hair. Gene expression for muscle building was higher in men; that for fat storage was higher in women," reports Weizmann Institute.
And the differences continue: mutations expressed in men were less likely to be weeded out via natural selection than in women. “The more a gene was specific to one sex, the less selection we saw on the gene. And one more difference: This selection was even weaker with men,” said Gershoni.
The researches highlighted sexual evolution theory from the 1930's to account for such a difference: “In many species, females can produce only a limited number of offspring while males can, theoretically, father many more; so the species’ survival will depend on more viable females in the population than males,” said Pietrokovski. “Thus natural selection can be more ‘lax’ with the genes that are only harmful to males.”
There were also discoveries of sex-linked genes in the mammary glands:
Aside from the sexual organs, the researchers discovered quite a few sex-linked genes in the mammary glands — not so surprising, except that about half of these genes were expressed in men. Because men have fully fitted but basically nonfunctional mammary equipment, the scientists made an educated guess that some of these genes might suppress lactation.
While such a difference might be obvious in the mammary glands, the researchers also found genes "to be expressed only in the left ventricle of the heart in women. One of these genes, which is also related to calcium uptake, showed very high expression levels in younger women that sharply decreased with age; the scientists think that they are active in women up to menopause, protecting their hearts, but leading to heart disease and osteoporosis in later years when the gene expression is shut down."
Additionally, they found "another gene that was mainly expressed in women was active in the brain, and though its exact function is unknown, the scientists think it may protect the neurons from Parkinson’s — a disease that has a higher prevalence and earlier onset in men. The researchers also identified gene expression in the liver in women that regulates drug metabolism, providing molecular evidence for the known difference in drug processing between women and men."
“The basic genome is nearly the same in all of us, but it is utilized differently across the body and among individuals,” said Gershoni. “Thus, when it comes to the differences between the sexes, we see that evolution often works on the level of gene expression.”
“Paradoxically, sex-linked genes are those in which harmful mutations are more likely to be passed down, including those that impair fertility. From this vantage point, men and women undergo different selection pressures and, at least to some extent, human evolution should be viewed as co-evolution. But the study also emphasizes the need for a better understanding of the differences between men and women in the genes that cause disease or respond to treatments," added Pietrokovski.
Still, the many intricate biological differences between men and women, such as the ones expressed by Weizmann Institute researchers, will be said by progressives to be simply overridden by one's feelings.
"Weizmann Institute of Science researchers recently uncovered thousands of human genes that are expressed — copied out to make proteins — differently in the two sexes," notes the Weizmann Institute. The study focuses on how "harmful mutations in these particular genes tend to accumulate in the population in relatively high frequencies."
Professor Shmuel Pietrokovski and Dr. Moran Gershoni, both researches from the Weizmann Institute’s Molecular Genetics Department, "looked closely at around 20,000 protein-coding genes, sorting them by sex and searching for differences in expression in each tissue. They eventually identified around 6,500 genes with activity that was biased toward one sex or the other in at least one tissue. For example, they found genes that were highly expressed in the skin of men relative to that in women’s skin, and they realized that these were related to the growth of body hair. Gene expression for muscle building was higher in men; that for fat storage was higher in women," reports Weizmann Institute.
And the differences continue: mutations expressed in men were less likely to be weeded out via natural selection than in women. “The more a gene was specific to one sex, the less selection we saw on the gene. And one more difference: This selection was even weaker with men,” said Gershoni.
The researches highlighted sexual evolution theory from the 1930's to account for such a difference: “In many species, females can produce only a limited number of offspring while males can, theoretically, father many more; so the species’ survival will depend on more viable females in the population than males,” said Pietrokovski. “Thus natural selection can be more ‘lax’ with the genes that are only harmful to males.”
There were also discoveries of sex-linked genes in the mammary glands:
Aside from the sexual organs, the researchers discovered quite a few sex-linked genes in the mammary glands — not so surprising, except that about half of these genes were expressed in men. Because men have fully fitted but basically nonfunctional mammary equipment, the scientists made an educated guess that some of these genes might suppress lactation.
While such a difference might be obvious in the mammary glands, the researchers also found genes "to be expressed only in the left ventricle of the heart in women. One of these genes, which is also related to calcium uptake, showed very high expression levels in younger women that sharply decreased with age; the scientists think that they are active in women up to menopause, protecting their hearts, but leading to heart disease and osteoporosis in later years when the gene expression is shut down."
Additionally, they found "another gene that was mainly expressed in women was active in the brain, and though its exact function is unknown, the scientists think it may protect the neurons from Parkinson’s — a disease that has a higher prevalence and earlier onset in men. The researchers also identified gene expression in the liver in women that regulates drug metabolism, providing molecular evidence for the known difference in drug processing between women and men."
“The basic genome is nearly the same in all of us, but it is utilized differently across the body and among individuals,” said Gershoni. “Thus, when it comes to the differences between the sexes, we see that evolution often works on the level of gene expression.”
“Paradoxically, sex-linked genes are those in which harmful mutations are more likely to be passed down, including those that impair fertility. From this vantage point, men and women undergo different selection pressures and, at least to some extent, human evolution should be viewed as co-evolution. But the study also emphasizes the need for a better understanding of the differences between men and women in the genes that cause disease or respond to treatments," added Pietrokovski.
Still, the many intricate biological differences between men and women, such as the ones expressed by Weizmann Institute researchers, will be said by progressives to be simply overridden by one's feelings.
A small Minnesota town is about to get the nation’s first public Satanic Temple monument
By Sandhya Somashekhar
An artist's rendering of a monument that the Satanic Temple plans to erect at a park in Minnesota. (Courtesy of the Satanic Temple)
Veterans Memorial Park in tiny Belle Plaine, Minn., is packed with remembrances for the town’s men and women in uniform. Soon, it will get one more: A solemn black cube holding an upturned helmet, its sides adorned with upside-down pentagrams.
The Satanic Temple announced Friday that it had received approval to install the monument, which is in production. Within a couple of months, it is expected to take its place alongside a flag-lined walkway, a marble plaque and a retired UH-1H Iroquois “Huey” helicopter positioned as if it is hovering above the ground.
The approval of the monument brings a new twist to a long-running battle that began last summer, when someone put up a metal silhouette of an infantryman kneeling before a cross. A resident objected, calling it a religious symbol that violates the principle of the separation of church and state.
After months of acrimony, the city decided to make part of the park a “public forum,” open to virtually any group that wants to honor the town’s veterans. The Satanic Temple took them up on it.
It is not the first such effort from the Satanic Temple, a provocative organization that often pushes the boundaries on free speech and religious liberties to prove a point about religion in public spaces; last year, it started its “After School Satan” clubs as a way of challenging Christian evangelical groups that sponsor after-school religious programming. But this is the first time that the group has succeeded in having a monument placed on public land, said Lucien Greaves, spokesman for the organization, which is based in Salem, Mass.
Belle Plaine officials “didn’t offer any resistance, to their credit,” said Greaves, who also goes by the name Doug Mesner. “We genuinely want something that will honor the veterans. It’s not about being shocking or upsetting the locals, though it’s an inevitable byproduct.”
In this promotional video, the Satanic Temple says it is planning to bring their new After School Satan Club to public schools across the country. (The Satanic Temple)
City officials considered that the new policy could invite provocateurs, but approved it anyway.
“It was discussed during our city council meeting when we authored the policy that groups that were unpopular or otherwise would put monuments in the park,” said Michael Votca, the city administrator.
The flare-up in this town about 45 miles southwest of Minneapolis comes as the country is mired in a heated battle over religious freedom and the rights of people of faith, particularly conservative Christians, to opt out of activities that support same-sex marriage, abortion or birth control.
On Thursday, President Trump signed an executive order aimed at expanding religious protections that, among other things, soften enforcement of the Johnson Amendment, which bars tax-exempt houses of worship from engaging in political speech.
But as the Satanic Temple has tried to demonstrate, expanding religious liberties can have unintended consequences. Because the Constitution bars the establishment of a national religion, it requires that the same protections be extended to people of all faiths, including those who profess no faith and those who practice faiths with disturbing connotations such as satanism.
Greaves said that his organization is now considering applying for the same tax-exempt status that churches and synagogues enjoy. It previously avoided doing so to freely engage in politics. But with Trump’s executive order, he said, “there’s absolutely no advantage to not be tax-exempt. A lot more organizations should apply and put it to the test.”
He said that his organization does not worship the devil. Rather, he said, it is a “nontheistic religious organization” devoted to art, free speech and individuality, whose values “are no less deeply held” than those professing a belief in God.
In its application to the city, the organization described the monument as a “black steel cube with embossed inverted pentagrams with inlaid gold on four sides. An inverted helmet rests on the top of the cube. A plaque on one side of the cube reads: ‘In honor of Belle Plaine veterans who fought to defend the United States and its Constitution’.”
Belle Plaine has been grappling with its park policy since last summer, when the two-foot statue of the kneeling soldier appeared. Katie Novotny, a Belle Plaine resident and veterans advocate, said it was created by a local vet who died shortly after it was put up. It is affectionately dubbed “Joe.”
Novotny contends that it is not a religious display. Joe, she said, is simply kneeling at a headstone fashioned into the shape of a cross, which is a common way for gravestones to be depicted.
“I don’t think 90 percent of people see it as a religious symbol when it’s in that context,” she said.
Nevertheless, fearing a lawsuit, the city ordered the cross removed in January. Someone from the local Veterans of Foreign Wars group was tasked with sawing it off the statue, she said. The person given that job “said it was the hardest thing he ever had to do,” she said.
The decision immediately prompted protests. People fashioned their own crosses and defiantly installed them next to the statue. Around the town, Novotny said, citizens who supported the original display put replicas in their windows — including the cross.
The city eventually hit upon a compromise. It established a “limited public forum” within the park in which groups could erect, with city permission, a monument honoring the town’s veterans. The permits last for a year, and no more than 10 monuments may be displayed at a time.
Novotny said she does not object to the Satanic Temple’s plans. “If they want to come here from Massachusetts and put something up to honor our veterans in Belle Plaine, go for it,” she said. “They deserve to be honored.”
Some other places have opted to ban all religious displays when faced with this type of conflict. In 2015, the Oklahoma Supreme Court ruled that a monument of the Ten Commandments had to be removed from its grounds for violating a state prohibition against use of public property to promote one religion.
Another group planning to apply for a spot at the Belle Plaine park is the Freedom From Religion Foundation, which objected to the cross display. It is planning to commission a stone tribute to “atheists in foxholes” — a take on an old saying suggesting that everyone finds God when faced with death.
Annie Laurie Gaylor, co-president of the Freedom From Religion Foundation, predicted that city officials will come to regret opening the park to all displays.
“They’re going to run out of space,” she said. “It will just be littered. . . . One day, they will look at everything and decide, was it really worth it?”
Texas Gov. Abbott Signs Bill to Ban Sanctuary Cities on Facebook Live
Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed a bill to effectively ban sanctuary cities in the state. Thing is, Abbott signed the bill on Facebook Live without giving any notice, which has left his critics with spinning heads. From Fox News:
Abbott took the unusual step of signing the bill on Facebook with no advanced public notice. He said Texas residents expect lawmakers to “keep us safe” and said similar laws have already been tested in federal court, where opponents have already been hinting the bill will be immediately challenged.
“Let’s face it, the reason why so many people come to America is because we are a nation of laws and Texas is doing its part to keep it that way,” Abbott said.
The law faces opposition from law enforcement in Texas, including all major police chiefs in the state. They do not like that police can “inquire about the immigration status of anyone they detain, a situation that can range from arrest for a crime to being stopped for a traffic violation.”
Abbott’s law “also requires police chiefs and sheriffs — under the threat of jail and removal of office — to comply with federal requests to hold criminal suspects for possible deportation.” Elected officials can “face up to a year in jail and lose their posts if convicted of official misconduct.”
“As Governor, my top priority is public safety, and this bill furthers that objective by keeping dangerous criminals off our streets,” said Governor Abbott. “It’s inexcusable to release individuals from jail that have been charged with heinous crimes like sexual assault against minors, domestic violence and robbery. There are deadly consequences to not enforcing the law, and Texas has now become a state where those practices are not tolerated. With this bill we are doing away with those that seek to promote lawlessness in Texas.”
As part of the legislation, entities and officials that do not comply with the law could face the following penalties:
A civil penalty for entities in violation of the law of up to $25,500 for each day of the violation.
A class A misdemeanor for a sheriff, chief of police, or constable who fails to comply with federal immigration detainer requests
Removal from office for any elected or appointed official who does not comply with the law.
It will go into effect on September 1.
Critics Cry
Remember, Abbott did this on Facebook Live without giving anyone prior notice. His critics cried foul since his approach avoided “demonstrations opponents planned for later in the week when they thought he was going to put his signature on the legislation.” The Washington Post continued:
“I’m not sure all of that is positive,” someone wrote in response. “Coward,” wrote another. “Afraid of all the police chiefs who spoke out against the bill?” said a third.
“Quite frankly I think it was a cowardly way to do it,” State Rep. César Blanco, a Democrat representing El Paso, said in an interview with The Washington Post. “I think he wanted to get it done quickly with less friction.”
It was unusual for the governor to skip the typical fanfare and ceremony surrounding the signing of a bill, and to sign it in a way that did not include the speaker of the house or the lieutenant governor.
“This is red meat for his base,” Blanco said. “This for his primary voters, not for mainstream Texas.”
Texas state Rep. Victoria Neave (D) stated that many thought Abbott would sign the bill on Monday and make the signing “more public especially since this was one of his top priorities.”
People did swarm to the governor’s mansion on Sunday night to protest the bill:
Immigrant rights activists shouted “here to stay” and held up a banner with a words, “Abbott is a racist.”
“Today, on a Sunday, on the Lord’s day, he decides to sign this bill,” one protester shouted into a megaphone. “This bill that will terrorize communities.”
Parents investigated by child welfare agency in Muslim genital mutilation
Michael Haverluck,OneNewsNow.com
Michigan’s child welfare agency is pushing for the termination of at least two Muslim families’ parental rights in the midst of an investigation of female genital mutilation conducted by doctors in the Detroit metro area.
This breaking development in the ongoing probe comes just days after the Federal Bureau of Investigation provided testimony about bringing the Muslim doctors into custody.
“Testifying in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee Wednesday, FBI Director James Comey highlighted a series of cases being investigated and referred for prosecution by agents across the country,” Townhall reported. “One of the cases he mentioned involves the arrest of two Detroit area doctors in recent weeks who are accused of performing genital mutilation on girls as young as six-years-old.”
Ignoring U.S. law
Comey indicated that the destructive procedure done as an Islamic practice, has been going on illegally for more than two decades – as the Muslims knowingly acted outside of U.S. law.
“This past week for the first time since Congress passed the statute making it a crime in the United States to engage in female genital mutilation – to mutilate little girls – it’s been a felony in the United States since 1996 … we made the first case last week against doctors in Michigan for doing this terrifying thing to young girls,” Comey divulged, according to Townhall. “All across the country with our partners in the Department of Homeland Security, we brought a case against two doctors for doing this to children. This is among the most important work we do – protecting kids – and it was done by great work that you don’t hear a whole lot about all across the country by the FBI.”
According to the criminal complaint, numerous young females were victimized by Islamic physicians.
“This investigation has identified other children who may have been cut by Nagarwala at Attar’s clinic, MBC, between 2005 and 2017, including children in Michigan,” the prosecution’s document reads. “On April 10, 2017, child forensic interviews employed by the FBI and HSI interviewed several minor girls in Michigan. In these interviews, multiple minor girls informed forensic interviewers that procedures had been performed on their genitals by Nagarwala. One minor girl said that Farida was present during the procedure performed by Nagarwala.”
It is reported that many parents drove their children from Minnesota across state lines into Michigan, where a number of charges are now being made, with one Michigan attorney indicating that this probe is still in its early stages.
“Margaret Raben (RAY’-bin) said Saturday that the parents have been told to report to Oakland County court in a few days,” The Associated Press (AP) reported. “She hasn’t seen any formal documents. The children haven’t been removed from their homes.”
Being charged with genital mutilation and pleading not guilty, three members of the families belonging to the Dawoodi Bohra Muslim sect are being targeted by prosecutors.
“Genital mutilation – also known as female circumcision – is outlawed in the United States,” AP informed. “But the practice is common in parts of Asia, Africa and the Middle East.”
Mounting evidence
Late last month, a local paper revealed that a second doctor and his wife belonging to the Muslim sect had been arrested by federal agents.
This breaking development in the ongoing probe comes just days after the Federal Bureau of Investigation provided testimony about bringing the Muslim doctors into custody.
“Testifying in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee Wednesday, FBI Director James Comey highlighted a series of cases being investigated and referred for prosecution by agents across the country,” Townhall reported. “One of the cases he mentioned involves the arrest of two Detroit area doctors in recent weeks who are accused of performing genital mutilation on girls as young as six-years-old.”
Ignoring U.S. law
Comey indicated that the destructive procedure done as an Islamic practice, has been going on illegally for more than two decades – as the Muslims knowingly acted outside of U.S. law.
“This past week for the first time since Congress passed the statute making it a crime in the United States to engage in female genital mutilation – to mutilate little girls – it’s been a felony in the United States since 1996 … we made the first case last week against doctors in Michigan for doing this terrifying thing to young girls,” Comey divulged, according to Townhall. “All across the country with our partners in the Department of Homeland Security, we brought a case against two doctors for doing this to children. This is among the most important work we do – protecting kids – and it was done by great work that you don’t hear a whole lot about all across the country by the FBI.”
According to the criminal complaint, numerous young females were victimized by Islamic physicians.
“This investigation has identified other children who may have been cut by Nagarwala at Attar’s clinic, MBC, between 2005 and 2017, including children in Michigan,” the prosecution’s document reads. “On April 10, 2017, child forensic interviews employed by the FBI and HSI interviewed several minor girls in Michigan. In these interviews, multiple minor girls informed forensic interviewers that procedures had been performed on their genitals by Nagarwala. One minor girl said that Farida was present during the procedure performed by Nagarwala.”
It is reported that many parents drove their children from Minnesota across state lines into Michigan, where a number of charges are now being made, with one Michigan attorney indicating that this probe is still in its early stages.
“Margaret Raben (RAY’-bin) said Saturday that the parents have been told to report to Oakland County court in a few days,” The Associated Press (AP) reported. “She hasn’t seen any formal documents. The children haven’t been removed from their homes.”
Being charged with genital mutilation and pleading not guilty, three members of the families belonging to the Dawoodi Bohra Muslim sect are being targeted by prosecutors.
“Genital mutilation – also known as female circumcision – is outlawed in the United States,” AP informed. “But the practice is common in parts of Asia, Africa and the Middle East.”
Mounting evidence
Late last month, a local paper revealed that a second doctor and his wife belonging to the Muslim sect had been arrested by federal agents.
“Dr. Fakhruddin Attar is accused of letting Dr. Jumana Nagarwala perform mutilations at his Burhani Medical Clinic on Farmington Road,” the Detroit News reported. “His wife, office manager Farida Attar, also was arrested and is accused of helping Nagarwala perform the mutilations, according to a 14-page complaint unsealed Friday in federal court.”
The constantly unfolding developments stemmed from disturbing discoveries that young girls were victimized this year by an illegal procedure that many of the Muslim sect members believe is perfectly fine.
“The complaint solves a mystery stemming from the case by pinpointing where Nagarwala allegedly mutilated two 7-year-old girls from Minnesota earlier this year,” the Detroit daily revealed. “The complaint also describes a conspiracy involving at least Nagarwala, Attar and his wife – all three are members of the Dawoodi Bohra religious community based locally out of a Farmington Hills mosque.”
The alleged suspects are reportedly adherents of fundamental Islamic practices, and their appearances indicate that they set themselves apart from American culture and live their own unassimilated lives in the community.
“Attar, 52, and his 50-year-old wife were arraigned in federal court … and ordered jailed until a detention hearing [days later],” Detroit News’ Robert Snell divulged. “Both were dressed in the distinctive attire of Dawoodi Bohra members – he wore a white cap with gold trim, while his wife wore a long teal dress and head covering with pink fringe.”
Their defense attorney, Mary Cartier, argues that her clients did nothing wrong and had been a harsh critic of the criminal proceedings.
“Dr. Attar is not aware of any crimes committed at his clinic,” Chartier told the press. “This is frightening for them and terrifying. [Arresting my clients on Friday – it’s classic gamesmanship by the government, knowing they would spend the weekend in custody. I’m not surprised the government would pull that stunt.”
U.S. Attorney’s Office Spokeswoman Gina Balaya indicated that the timing was in order to make sure U.S. Magistrate Judge David Grand would be able to determine whether the couple could be released on bond.
The local Farmington Hills mosque released a statement after the arrests, with its leaders stressing that its members are not encouraged to have the illegal Muslim procedures performed.
“Any violation of U.S. law is counter to instructions to our community members,” the mosque leaders stated. “It does not reflect the everyday lives of the Dawoodi Bohras in America. It is an important rule of the Dawoodi Bohras that we respect the laws of the land, wherever we live. This is precisely what we have done for several generations in America. We remind our members regularly of their obligations.”
Yet the Muslim sect members being prosecuted evidently believe that performing the illegal practice in the U.S. should not be punishable by law.
The constantly unfolding developments stemmed from disturbing discoveries that young girls were victimized this year by an illegal procedure that many of the Muslim sect members believe is perfectly fine.
“The complaint solves a mystery stemming from the case by pinpointing where Nagarwala allegedly mutilated two 7-year-old girls from Minnesota earlier this year,” the Detroit daily revealed. “The complaint also describes a conspiracy involving at least Nagarwala, Attar and his wife – all three are members of the Dawoodi Bohra religious community based locally out of a Farmington Hills mosque.”
The alleged suspects are reportedly adherents of fundamental Islamic practices, and their appearances indicate that they set themselves apart from American culture and live their own unassimilated lives in the community.
“Attar, 52, and his 50-year-old wife were arraigned in federal court … and ordered jailed until a detention hearing [days later],” Detroit News’ Robert Snell divulged. “Both were dressed in the distinctive attire of Dawoodi Bohra members – he wore a white cap with gold trim, while his wife wore a long teal dress and head covering with pink fringe.”
Their defense attorney, Mary Cartier, argues that her clients did nothing wrong and had been a harsh critic of the criminal proceedings.
“Dr. Attar is not aware of any crimes committed at his clinic,” Chartier told the press. “This is frightening for them and terrifying. [Arresting my clients on Friday – it’s classic gamesmanship by the government, knowing they would spend the weekend in custody. I’m not surprised the government would pull that stunt.”
U.S. Attorney’s Office Spokeswoman Gina Balaya indicated that the timing was in order to make sure U.S. Magistrate Judge David Grand would be able to determine whether the couple could be released on bond.
The local Farmington Hills mosque released a statement after the arrests, with its leaders stressing that its members are not encouraged to have the illegal Muslim procedures performed.
“Any violation of U.S. law is counter to instructions to our community members,” the mosque leaders stated. “It does not reflect the everyday lives of the Dawoodi Bohras in America. It is an important rule of the Dawoodi Bohras that we respect the laws of the land, wherever we live. This is precisely what we have done for several generations in America. We remind our members regularly of their obligations.”
Yet the Muslim sect members being prosecuted evidently believe that performing the illegal practice in the U.S. should not be punishable by law.
Parents Catch Illegal Alien Allegedly Raping 15-Year-Old Daughter
Auburn Police arrested and charged a Guatemalan National with second-degree rape after he fled the girl’s parents. Immigration officials confirmed he is illegally present in the U.S.
Police Officers arrested Wilmer Adailt Lemus Villafuerte, 19, on Tuesday after he fled the home where he allegedly raped a 15-year-old girl, the Ledger-Enquirer reported.
An immigration detainer was placed on Villafuerte by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) shortly after being taken into custody.
“U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) issued a detainer for Wilmer Villafuerte-Lemus, 19, a Guatemalan citizen, on May 2, after his arrest by the Auburn Department of Public Safety,” ICE confirmed in an email to Breitbart Texas.
The local newspaper referred to the man only as a “Loachapoka, Ala.” resident and made no reference as to his nationality or immigration status.
Officers responded to the home where the alleged incident took place after the girl’s parents said they found him and he took off running. Authorities located Villafuerte nearby and after taking him into custody determined that he had been “sexually involved” with the young girl on numerous prior occasions.
Villafuerte was charged with second-degree rape and transferred out of Lee County Jail to another facility.
G’ day…Ciao…
Helen & Moe Lauzier
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