Title : Nickelodeon News Round-Up - Issue 82: Global Edition
link : Nickelodeon News Round-Up - Issue 82: Global Edition
Nickelodeon News Round-Up - Issue 82: Global Edition
Below is a round-up of aweslime Nickelodeon International news and highlights for June and July 2017!:June 2017 on Nickelodeon Central and Eastern Europe (CEE):
This June, Nick CEE will be premiering:
- The brand-new Nickelodeon Original Movie Legends of the Hidden Temple (A titkos templom legendái) on Sunday 11th June 2017 at 11:35!;
- Nickelodeon's brand-new animated series Bunsen is a Beast (Bunsen, a bestia):
2017-06-05 - 15:25 - 1x01 - Bunsen is a Beast!/Body and the Beast - évadnyitó
2017-06-06 - 15:25 - 1x02 - Hide and Go Freak/Bunsen Screams for Ice Cream
2017-06-07 - 15:25 - 1x03 - Bearly Acceptable Behavior/Beast Busters
2017-06-08 - 15:25 - 1x04 - Spelling Beast/Mikey is a Beast
2017-06-09 - 15:25 - 1x05 - Fright at the Museum/Handsome Beast
2017-06-12 - 15:25 - 1x07 - Beast of Friends
2017-06-13 - 15:25 - 1x06 - Tooth or Consequences
2017-06-14 - 15:25 - 1x08 - Thunder and Frightening/Eyes on the Pies
2017-06-15 - 15:25 - 1x09 - Happy Beastgiving/Beastern Standard Time
2017-06-16 - 15:25 - 1x10 - Unhappy Campers/Hall of Justice
- A brand-new episode of The Thundermans (A Thunderman család) season four:
2017-06-25 - 19:35 - 4x06 - Parks & T-Rex;
- Brand-new episodes of Harvey Beaks (Csőrös Harvey) season two:
2017-06-01 - 18:35 - 2x12a - Romboló rock (Rockbark Rocks)
2017-06-02 - 18:35 - 2x15a - A titkos kert (Secret Gordon)
2017-06-05 - 18:35 - 2x15b - Az ismeretlen rajzoló (The Unknown Comic)
2017-06-06 - 18:35 - 2x13a - Jeremy: Defender of the Forest
2017-06-07 - 18:35 - 2x13b - Princess Harvey
2017-06-08 - 18:35 - 2x14a - The Split
2017-06-09 - 18:35 - 2x14b - The Dade
- A brand-new episode of Game Shakers season two:
2017-06-01 - 17:15 - 2x13 - Llama Llama Spit Spit
- The final two episodes of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Tini Nindzsa Teknőcök) season four:
2017-06-04 - 18:10 - 4x25 - Requiem
2017-06-11 - 18:10 - 4x26 - Owari (évadzáró)
- Brand-new episodes of Henry Danger (Veszélyes Henry) season three:
2017-06-18 - 19:05 - 3x07 - Dodging Danger
2017-06-25 - 19:05 - 3x08 - Double Date Danger
Additionally, Nickelodeon Central and Eastern Europe will:
Hold a special Father's Day marathon (Apák napja-maraton) on Sunday 18th June 2017 between 13:10-18:10!;
- Plus, will air a selection of Nickelodeon Original Movies and specials every Sunday at 11:35 throughout June, encored the following Saturday at 11:35:
Sunday 4th June 2017 - The Fairly OddParents - A Fairly Odd Summer (Tündéri keresztszülők csodálatos nyaralása)
Sunday 11th June 2017 - Legends of the Hidden Temple (A titkos templom legendái)
Sunday 18th June 2017 - Rufus 2
Sunday 25th June 2017 - One Crazy Cruise (Egy észvesztő hajóút)
Source: Gyerek-Világ
June 2017 on Nick Jr. Central and Eastern Europe (CEE):
This June, Nick Jr. CEE will be premiering:
- Nickelodeon's brand-new animated preschool series Nella the Princess Knight (Nella, a hercegnő lovag):
2017-06-26 - 07:30 - 1x03 - Princess Nella's Orc-hestra/The Blaine Game
2017-06-27 - 07:30 - 1x02 - Sir Clod/Up All Knight
2017-06-28 - 07:30 - 1x06 - The Dragon Bully/Royalicious Plumberry
2017-06-29 - 07:30 - 1x04 - New Kid in the Kingdom/Big Birthday Surprise
2017-06-30 - 07:30 - 1x08 - The Sparkle Fest Showdown/Sparkle Splash Friend Day
- Brand-new episodes of Shimmer and Shine (Shimmer és Shine, a dzsinn testvérek) season two:
2017-06-05 - 08:00 - 2x18 - The Pirate Genie
2017-06-06 - 08:00 - 2x15a - Frosty Fun
2017-06-07 - 08:00 - 2x15b - Zeta in Training
2017-06-08 - 08:00 - 2x17a - Potion Control
2017-06-09 - 08:00 - 2x17b - Feel Better
2017-06-12 - 08:00 - 2x19a - Trick or Treasure
2017-06-13 - 08:00 - 2x19b - Easy as Pie
2017-06-14 - 08:00 - 2x20b - The Mysterious Tower (season finale)
2017-06-15 - 08:00 - 2x20a - Bungle in the Jungle
Source: Gyerek-Világ.
June 2017 on Nickelodeon Latin America (Latinoamérica):
To be announced.
June 2017 on Nickelodeon Brazil (Brasil):
To be announced.
June 2017 on Nickelodeon Africa:
Click here for Nickelodeon Africa's June 2017 highlights.
June 2017 on Nicktoons Africa:
Click here for Nicktoons Africa's June 2017 highlights
June 2017 on Nick Jr. Africa:
Click here for Nick Jr. Africa's June 2017 highlights
June and July 2017 on Nickelodeon Germany (Deutschland):
This June and July, Nickelodeon Deutschland will be premiering:
- The brand-new Pokémon season Pokémon Sonne & Mond Saturdays at 10:40 Uhr!
- The brand-new animated comedy series ToonMarty weekdays from Monday 29th May 2017:
-- Monday 29th May 2017 - 15:30 Uhr: Der Aushilfs-Bösewicht / 15:40 Uhr: Die Waffel des Grauens
-- Tuesday 30th May 2017 - 15:35 Uhr: Die Waffel des Grauens / 15:45 Uhr: Der Aushilfs-Bösewicht
-- Wednesday 31st May 2017 - 15:35 Uhr: Der Reklamejunge / 15:45 Uhr: 15:45 Toon Marty Die Waffel des Grauens
-- Thursday 1st June 2017 - 15:40 Uhr: Martys Pickel / 15:50 Uhr: Der Reklamejunge
-- Friday 2nd June 2017 - 15:40 Uhr: Martys Staubwolke / 15:50 Uhr: Martys Pickel
-- Monday 5th June 2017 - 15:40 Uhr: Kleider machen Superhelden / 15:50 Uhr: Martys Staubwolke
-- Tuesday 6th June 2017 - 15:40 Uhr: Hühnerfrikassee / 15:50 Uhr: Kleider machen Superhelden
-- Wednesday 7th June 2017 - 15:40 Uhr: Die Toonsgiving-Parade / 15:50 Uhr: Hühnerfrikassee
-- Thursday 8th June 2017 - 15:40 Uhr: Der Barbier von Toonville / 15:50 Uhr: Die Toonsgiving-Parade
-- Friday 9th June 2017 - 15:40 Uhr: Ruhe in Stückchen / 15:50 Uhr: Der Barbier von Toonville
-- Monday 12th June 2017 - 15:40 Uhr: 15 Minuten, um die Welt zu retten / 15:50 Uhr: Ruhe in Stückchen
-- Tuesday 6th June 2017 - 15:40 Uhr: Batterien inklusive / 15:50 Uhr: 15 Minuten, um die Welt zu retten
-- Wednesday 7th - Friday 23rd June 2017 - TBA
- The brand-new Are You the One? episode "Zwischen Hammer und Amboss" on Monday 5th June 2017 at 21:55 Uhr!
- Brand-new Nicknight Chart Check Saturdays at 22:00!
- Brand-new episodes of Catfish: The TV Show Sundays at 22:00 Uhr:
- Brand-new Tweet & Beat Fridays at at 22:00 Uhr;
- Brand-new episodes of Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn Thursdays at 19:40 Uhr:
-- Thursday 1st June 2017: Das EleFunk-Konzert
-- Thursday 8th June 2017: Der Terror-Teddy-Ausflug
- Brand-new episodes of Transformers: Robots in Disguise Saturdays at 10:15 Uhr from Saturday 1st July 2017!
- Brand-new episodes of The Day Henry Met... weekdays at 06:40 Uhr from Monday 3rd July 2017:
-- Monday 3rd July 2017 - Heute traf Henry... eine Socke
-- Tuesday 4th July 2017 - Heute traf Henry... ein Comic-Heft
-- Wednesday 5th July 2017 - The Day Henry Met... Heute traf Henry... einen Golfball
-- Thursday 6th July 2017 - Heute traf Henry... einen Eiswagen
-- Friday 7th July 2017 - Heute traf Henry... einen Dinosaurierknochen
- Brand-new episodes of SpongeBob Schwammkopf season 10 weekdays at 16:25 Uhr from Monday 3rd July 2017!:
-- Monday 3rd July 2017 - Wirbelhirn // Meerjungfraukopf (Whirly Brains // Mermaid Pants)
-- Tuesday 4th July 2017 - TBA
-- Wednesday 5th July 2017 - TBA
-- Thursday 6th July 2017 - TBA
-- Friday 7th July 2017 - TBA
- Brand-new episodes of The Mindy Project on Wednesday 5th July 2017:
22:00 Uhr - Cool bleiben
22:25 Uhr - Hollywood Hamilton
Additionally, Nickelodeon Deutschland will air the movies:
- Bruno & Boots: "Ab ins kühle Nass" ("Go Jump in the Pool!") on Monday 5th June 2017 at 09:20 Uhr;
- Bruno & Boots: "Chaos pur" ("This Can’t Be Happening At Macdonald Hall") on Monday 5th June 2017 at 10:50 Uhr (premiere);
- Monster High: "13 Wünsche" (13 Wishes) on Sunday 11th June 2017 at 15:55 Uhr;
- Die Legende des geheimen Tempels on Sunday 18th June 2017 at 15:55 Uhr;
- Monster High: "Licht aus. Grusel an!" ("Frights, Camera, Action!") on Saturday 25th June 2017 at 15:55 Uhr;
- The Dog Who Saved Summer (Der Hund der den Sommer rettete) on Sunday 2nd July 2017 at 16:00 Uhr.
Sources: Nick Pressecenter, fernsehserien.de, SpongePedia.
June and July 2017 on Nickelodeon Austria (Österreich) and Nickelodeon Switzerland (Schweiz):
This June and July, Nickelodeon Österreich and Nickelodeon Schweiz will be premiering:
- Brand-new Nicknight Chart Check Saturdays at 22:00 Uhr;
- Brand-new episodes of Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn Thursdays at 18:25 Uhr:
-- Thursday 1st June 2017: Das EleFunk-Konzert
-- Thursday 8th June 2017: Der Terror-Teddy-Ausflug
-- Thursday 15th June 2017: Der Mittelaltermarkt (Ye Olde Hand Holde)
-- Thursday 22nd June 2017 - Schlimmer geht’s nicht.
- Brand-new Tweet & Beat Fridays at 22:00 Uhr;
- The brand-new animated comedy series ToonMarty weekdays at 14:25 Uhr from Monday 29th May 2017:
-- Monday 29th May 2017 - Der Aushilfs-Bösewicht
-- Tuesday 30th May 2017 - Die Waffel des Grauens
-- Wednesday 31st May 2017 - Der Reklamejunge
-- Thursday 1st June 2017 - Martys Pickel
-- Friday 2nd June 2017 - Martys Staubwolke
-- Monday 5th June 2017 - Kleider machen Superhelden
-- Tuesday 6th June 2017 - Hühnerfrikassee
-- Wednesday 7th June 2017 - Die Toonsgiving-Parade
-- Thursday 8th June 2017 - Der Barbier von Toonville
-- Friday 9th June 2017 - Ruhe in Stückchen
-- Monday 12th June 2017 - 15 Minuten, um die Welt zu retten
-- Tuesday 6th June 2017 - Batterien inklusive
-- Wednesday 7th - Friday 23rd June 2017 - TBA
- Brand-new episodes of Hunter Street (Das Geheimnis der Hunters) Sundays at 18:10 and 18:30 Uhr:
-- Sunday 4th June 2017 at 18:10 Uhr - Der blaue Diamant
-- Sunday 4th June 2017 at 18:30 Uhr - MGP
-- Sunday 11th June 2017 at 18:10 Uhr - Tante Hedwig und Onkel Eugen
-- Sunday 11th June 2017 at 18:30 Uhr - Kontakt
-- Sunday 18th June 2017 at 18:10 Uhr - Die Verwandtschaft
-- Sunday 18th June 2017 at 18:30 Uhr - Der rote Diamant
-- Sunday 25th June 2017 at 18:10 Uhr - Cassandras Karte
-- Sunday 25th June 2017 at 18:30 Uhr - Anikas Geburtstag
-- Sunday 2nd July 2017 at 18:00 Uhr - Das Labyrinth
-- Sunday 2nd July 2017 at 18:30 Uhr - In geheimer Mission
- Brand-new episodes of The Mindy Project on Wednesday 28th June 2017:
-- 21:55 Uhr - Lass uns knutschen, du Idiot
-- 22:20 Uhr - Das Sex Tape
- Brand-new episodes of The Day Henry Met... weekdays at 09:10 Uhr from Monday 3rd July 2017:
-- Monday 3rd July 2017 - Heute traf Henry... eine Socke
-- Tuesday 4th July 2017 - Heute traf Henry... ein Comic-Heft
-- Wednesday 5th July 2017 - The Day Henry Met... Heute traf Henry... einen Golfball
-- Thursday 6th July 2017 - Heute traf Henry... einen Eiswagen
-- Friday 7th July 2017 - Heute traf Henry... einen Dinosaurierknochen
- Brand-new episodes of SpongeBob Schwammkopf season 10 weekdays at 16:25 Uhr from Monday 3rd July 2017!:
-- Monday 3rd July 2017 - Wirbelhirn // Meerjungfraukopf (Whirly Brains // Mermaid Pants)
-- Tuesday 4th July 2017 - TBA
-- Wednesday 5th July 2017 - TBA
-- Thursday 6th July 2017 - TBA
-- Friday 7th July 2017 - TBA
Additionally, Nickelodeon Österreich and Nickelodeon Schweiz will air the movies:
- Bruno & Boots: "Ab ins kühle Nass" on Sunday 4th June 2017 at 14:45 Uhr;
- Bruno & Boots: "Chaos pur" on Monday 5th June 2017 at 10:50 Uhr (premiere);
- Monster High: "Licht aus. Grusel an!" ("Frights, Camera, Action!") on Sunday 11th June 2017 at 14:45 Uhr;
- Die Legende des geheimen Tempels on Sunday 18th June 2017 at 14:45 Uhr;
- Swindle (Der große Schwindel) on Sunday 25th June 2017 at 14:45 Uhr;
- The Dog Who Saved Summer (Der Hund der den Sommer rettete) on Sunday 2nd July 2017 at 14:45 Uhr.
Sources: Nick Pressecenter, Google.co.uk.
Additional Nickelodeon News:
- Nickelodeon Russia (Россия) to attend Мультимир-2017!
- Nickelodeon Russia launches ВСЁ НОВОЕ
- Nickelodeon Russia unveils their final "Дню самоуправления закончилось" schedule, as voted for by fans, for Thursday 1st June 2017!
- Nickelodeon Africa launches Nickelodeon Toy Sprint brought to you by Toys R Us contest!
- Nickelodeon Australia and New Zealand hosts Super Shredder takeover!
- Nickelodeon Poland (Polska) launches Dzień Dziecka 2017
- Nickelodeon Asia launches N Beats!
- Nickelodeon Singapore to premiere brand-new episodes of Game Shakers and The Thundermans from Monday 29th May 2017 from 4pm!
Nickelodeon App World
Nick Jr. Magazine Polska
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon International News and Highlights!
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