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Sun. July 30, 2017

Kimberly Guilfoyle of Fox News Confirms Priebus Is Leaker to President Trump

President Trump is starting to stamp down on leakers hard in the White House. His hiring of Anthony Scaramucci as Communications Director is part of this new effort to control leaks from the Oval Office.
Scaramucci has wasted no time turning over every stone trying to out the leaker. He has identified White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus as a major source for the anti-Trump press.
Fox News’ Geraldo Rivera has confirmed that Priebus is not to be trusted. But now another Fox host informed the president himself of Priebus’s nefarious intentions: Kimberly Guilfoyle.
The Five co-host was invited, along with her colleague Sean Hannity and former Fox News Executive Bill Shine, to the White House Wednesday night to dine with the president. And a report from The New York Times alleges that Guilfoyle told Trump that his Chief of Staff was ‘a problem’ and ‘a leaker’ during that dinner. According to an anonymous source who was briefed on their conversation, Guilfoyle also told the president that Priebus was “someone who was not serving his agenda.”
When you have this many people calling you out, usually there’s a reason for it. Priebus is in huge trouble. He either has to prove that Guilfoyle has the wrong man, or he needs to resign.
The Trump presidency is far too important to be subverted by traitors in the ranks. A great purging of leakers must take place. Thankfully, that’s already in the works.

SHOCK: Univ of Chicago Prof Says It Should be Legal to Kill Newborns
by Bristol Palin
The College Fix has a horrible story about a University of Chicago professor who believes it’s completely fine to kill babies.  Yes, really:
A biologist at one of the most prestigious universities in the country has come out in favor of killing disabled newborn babies, declaring that “it is time to add to the discussion the euthanasia of newborns.”
In a post on his personal blog, University of Chicago Prof. Jerry Coyne expressed approval over the idea of killing “newborns who have horrible conditions or deformities, or are doomed to a life that cannot by any reasonable light afford happiness.”
Citing a recent pro-baby-euthanasia column in The New York Times by Gary Comstock, a philosophy professor at North Carolina State University, Coyne argues in favor of administering “a lethal injection of…a barbiturate” to gravely ill babies who are suffering as they die.
“If you are allowed to abort a fetus that has a severe genetic defect, microcephaly, spina bifida, or so on,” Coyne asks, “then why aren’t you able to euthanize that same fetus just after it’s born?”
Can you believe this nonsense?  People say that kids have to go to college, they have to get educated….  but if jerks like this guy are the ones who are teaching our kids, I don’t want my kids anywhere near this guy.
Here’s more from The College Fix:
Coyne cites favorably the position of Princeton philosopher Peter Singer, who has also argued in favor of killing disabled newborns. “This is apparently already allowed in the Netherlands,” Coyne points out.
In the Netherlands, the “Groningen Protocol,” a medical text circulated among physicians in that country, is used in order to determine when it is acceptable to end the life of a newborn. The Dutch government has approved of this protocol.
I guess we shouldn’t be surprised that liberals are now just fine with killing babies…  since they also support Roe v Wade.

ICE May Be Getting Ready To Arrest Some Sanctuary City Mayors

Who’s ready for some good news on Friday? Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is out on the streets and hard at work, actually getting the job they are paid to do accomplished. They just wrapped up an eleven day operation in New York designed to get criminal illegal aliens off the streets and out of the country, netting a haul of more than one hundred such suspects. The agency described the details in a recent press release.
An Ecuadorian citizen convicted of rape is among the 114 foreign nationals arrested during a recently concluded 11-day operation conducted by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) deportation officers in New York targeting at-large criminal aliens, illegal re-entrants, and immigration fugitives.

Of those arrested during the enforcement action which ended Saturday, 82 had criminal histories, including prior convictions for sex crimes, drug offenses, and fraud. 15 have pending criminal charges including assault, larceny and sexual exploitation of a minor. 37 individuals have final orders of removal. Nine of those arrested were released from local custody on an active detainer.

That flurry of successful arrests obviously hasn’t rid the Big Apple of all their criminal illegal aliens, but they clearly got some of the worst offenders. Perhaps even more importantly, it sends a message to the rest of them currently remaining in the shadows that the days of having the government simply ignore their existence and being able to move about the city with ease are coming to an end.

But the acting head of ICE has even more plans and they don’t all involve the illegal aliens. Just last week we talked about how Thomas Homan called out the “most un-American sanctuary cities” and put them on notice. He’s now revealing more details as to what may be awaiting them. For starters, he’s talking about arresting the leaders of those cities on charges of violating federal anti-smuggling laws.

The country’s top immigration enforcement officer says he is looking into charging sanctuary city leaders with violating federal anti-smuggling laws because he is fed up with local officials putting their communities and his officers at risk by releasing illegal immigrants from jail.

Thomas Homan, the acting director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, also told Americans to expect more work site enforcement targeting unscrupulous employers and more 287(g) agreements with willing police and sheriff’s departments that want to help get illegal immigrants off their streets. Eventually, he said, ICE will break the deportation records of 409,849 migrants set in 2012 under President Obama.

It’s of particular interest that Homan is predicting that he won’t be able to break the record for deportations this year, making sure to note that the current record holder is… Barack Obama.

I hadn’t thought of the anti-smuggling angle before, but it sounds as if it has merit. Of course, the theory may be long way from the reality if he actually tries it. Even in the “era of Trump” there’s going to be some major head explosions taking place if Homan actually shows up with handcuffs and tries to haul the mayors of San Francisco, New York City and Los Angeles off to jail. Rather than anti-smuggling laws, I previously asked if these sanctuary city officials might not be charged under Title 8 U.S. Code § 1324 Bringing in and harboring certain aliens. That one says that any person, knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that an alien has come to, entered, or remains in the United States in violation of law, conceals, harbors, or shields from detection, or attempts to conceal, harbor, or shield from detection, such alien in any place, is guilty of a felony. Refusing to allow ICE agents to access law enforcement databases in pursuit of suspects certainly sounds like “shielding from detection,” doesn’t it?

Good luck, Mr. Homan. You’ve got a tall hill to climb and too many people in our own government who don’t want you to succeed.

The Russian Collusion Narrative Just Blew Up In The Democrats Face

Ever since Donald Trump won the election, it has been an article of faith among the media and Democrats that he colluded with the Russians to rig the election.
They pointed to emails released by WikiLeaks as evidence.
But that just blew up in their faces.
WikiLeaks obtained emails from the Democrat National Committee that showed how the national party rigged the primary against Bernie Sanders.
The anti-secrecy group also dumped communications that showed how the media worked with the Clintons to defeat Republicans.
The emails fed into the voters’ perception that the establishment was maintaining a rigged game.
Democrats blamed the hacks on the Russians, and the intelligence community agreed even without any law enforcement agency examining the servers.
But a new arrest calls this all into question.
Imran Awan was former Democrat National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s former IT staffer.
He was being investigated by the FBI for a data breach of House of Representatives information systems.
Awan – who is Pakistani – was arrested at Dulles Airport by the FBI for bank fraud while trying to flee to Pakistan.
But Awan having access to sensitive information such as emails from Democrats on the foreign relations committee – and being accused of transferring data off site and destroying the evidence – wasn’t the most sensational part of the case.
Awan had access to an Ipad which Wasserman Schultz used for email correspondence while DNC Chairwoman.
He had the password and he was on a first name basis with the DNC staff.
This gave him access to the emails that were turned over to WIkiLeaks.
The Daily Caller reports:
“Imran Awan — the lead suspect in a criminal probe into breaches of House of Representatives information security systems — possessed the password to an iPad used by then-Democratic National Committee Chairperson Debbie Wasserman Schultz when DNC emails were given to WikiLeaks, The Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group has learned.
Wasserman Schultz resigned the DNC post in the wake of WikiLeaks posting damaging internal emails, blaming the scandal on hacking by Russians.
Imran and his family members, all of whom worked as IT professionals for members of Congress, were banned from the House network Feb. 2, 2017, by the House Sergeant at Arms, but Wasserman Schultz has declined to fire him and circumvented the ban by having him “advise” her office.
WikiLeaks emails show that although Imran was employed by her taxpayer-funded House office, the Florida Democrat’s world — and iPad — mixed DNC, House and campaign business, and that Imran was on call for, and on a first-name basis with, top DNC staff.”
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has always said his source was a whistleblower type and not the Russians.
Could it have been Awan?
No public proof has been offered that the Russians hacked the DNC server.
And the server was not made available to the authorities so they could corroborate the claim of Russian hacking.
Was Awan really the DNC leaker?

Democrat-Backed Creators of the “Trump Dossier” were Paid Russian Agents

Holy convoluted story Batman!
The saga surrounding the Democrat supporting, left wing FusionGPS, just took another major turn.
At a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing earlier this week the nation learned that the Democrat-linked opposition research firm, FusionGPS, was also linked to someone else.
The Russians.
We realized this several weeks ago when we learned that the Russian lawyer who met with Donald Trump Jr. was actually an employee of FusionGPS and that she had entered the country under a special dispensation from the Obama administration and that she was seemingly connected to Obama’s top Russia official, Michael McFaul.
The realization that the Russian lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya, was not just some lawyer but an employee of a Democrat research firm was curious. Even worrisome. Now we know even more, and it seems more likely than ever that the Russian government was purposely attempting to sow the exact chaos we are currently seeing in our nation.
At the Senate Judiciary Committee we learned that FusionGPS, the folks who invented the Trump Dossier, were actually paid Russian agents.
SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM: This whole story reads like some kind of novel that nobody would buy, it’s got to be fiction, but unfortunately maybe it’s true. Let’s just break down sort of why you’re here. You believe that FusionGPS should of registered under FARA, because they were acting on the behalf of the Russians?
WILLIAM BROWDER: That’s correct.
SEN. GRAHAM: So, I just want to absorb that for a moment. The group that did the dossier on President Trump hired this British spy, wound up getting it to the FBI. You believe they were working for the Russians?
BROWDER: And in the Spring and Summer of 2016 they were receiving money indirectly from a senior Russian government official.
SEN. GRAHAM: Okay. So, these are the people that were trying to undermine Donald Trump by showing the nefarious ties to Russia. Is that what you’re saying?
BROWDER: Well, what I’m saying with 100% certainty is that they were working to undermine the Magnitsky act and the timing of that.
SEN. GRAHAM: But, the FusionGPS products apparently as they hired a guy to look into Trump?
Browder further explained that the Russian government also worked with the Democrat firm to push “fake news” to the nation.

So. The same people who were working for the Democrat Party, created the fake Trump Dossier, spread fake news about the President, were being paid by THE RUSSIANS to do so.

Can we say collusion?
The Democrats and the Russians were working together to spread false information about candidate Trump – the Democrats in an effort to undermine Trump, the Russians in an effort to get the Magnitsky Act repealed. This is a “smoking gun” for collusion, but is the media reporting it as such? No.

You can read more about the underhanded work of FusionGPS and their connections with the Russians here.

Now the House Judiciary Committee is requesting that a second special counsel be assigned by the White House to investigate FusionGPS and the Russian effort to undermine President Trump and our government.
What does it all mean?
We can’t say for certain yet, but what is clear is that the Democrats have been barking up the wrong tree in their attacks on President Trump’s connections to Russia.
Russia is in the business of trying to destabilize everything that the USA does because as former Presidential candidate Mitt Romney once said (and was roundly ridiculed by Democrats and the media for saying so), “Russia is our number one geopolitical foe.” He wasn’t wrong.
But the Democrats are wrong. Russia doesn’t care about Donald Trump.
Russia cares about destabilizing the USA, and they are doing it by sowing discord at every possible juncture.
They want Democrats to think that Trump colluded, and they want the media focused on that possibility. But as we’ve seen, Russia wasn’t just undermining Hillary Clinton (with possible email hacks and leaks) but they were also working to undermine Donald Trump, just as they were working to get the Magnitsky Act undone.
Russia is focused on destabilizing and destroying America.
Sadly, our leaders would rather topple Trump than defend us from Russia’s obvious attacks.

RINO Senator Attempts to Infringe on Presidential Powers

Sen. Lindsey Graham sent a sharp warning Thursday to President Donald Trump that it “could be the beginning of the end” of his presidency if he makes moves to fire special counsel Robert Mueller.
The South Carolina Republican, who in the late 1990s served as a House impeachment manager against President Bill Clinton, said Trump would be crossing a serious “red line” by ordering the ouster of the lead investigator who is probing his campaign’s ties to Russian meddling in the 2016 election.
“Any effort to go after Mueller could be the beginning of the end of the Trump presidency unless Mueller did something wrong,” Graham told reporters on Capitol Hill, where he outlined plans to introduce legislation next week that would move to block any Trump attempts to fire Mueller.
Graham said his bill — which he promised would have Republican support and “all the Democrats” — would mandate that any special counsel established to investigate either a president or his staff can’t be fired “unless you have judicial review of the firing.”
Originally published by Politico.

Nearly 1 Million Illegal Aliens Get Driver's Licenses In California

Getty Images                                                                     By JOSEPH CURL @josephcurl
In January 2015, California "residents" no longer were required to prove that they were American citizens in order to obtain  a driver's license. All they had to do was "show eligible proof of identification and residency in the state."
Under the law, "no one may discriminate against a holder of an AB-60 license, or use this license to attempt to question the holder's citizenship or immigration status."
But the law also says "these driver's licenses may not be used for identification purposes." Odd, since one of the main requirements for registering to vote is a state driver's license or ID number.
Still, never mind that. Despite the very clear danger that the law could be misused, business is booming in Cali.
Nearly a million illegal aliens will have driver's licenses by the end of the year, the Sacramento Bee reports.
Through June 2017, the Department of Motor Vehicles has issued approximately 905,000 driver’s licenses under Assembly Bill 60, the law requiring applicants to prove only their identity and California residency, rather than their legal presence in the state.
Passed in 2013, after more than 15 years of lobbying by advocates, AB 60 was intended to bolster public safety and reduce penalties for undocumented immigrants who drive. When it finally took effect at the beginning of 2015, making California the 10th state to offer driver’s licenses to immigrants living in the country illegally, the response was so immense that it doubled initial expectations.
But that pace has "slowed considerably" now that Donald Trump is president. "The DMV issued about 11,000 AB 60 licenses last month, the lowest number since the program launched. There have been approximately 83,000 issued in the first half of 2017, only slightly more than March 2015, when the monthly total peaked with 76,000," the Bee reported.
The Los Angeles Times laments Trump's effect on the law. In an April story, headlined "Giving driver's licenses to those here illegally transformed many lives. Then came Trump," the Times said: "Being able to drive without fear of arrests has given them access to more jobs and made them more confident drivers, they say."
But President Trump’s crackdown on immigration has spawned anxiety among those license-holders, many of whom worry that the cards will be used to identify them as being here illegally and lead to their deportations. That has prompted some to avoid getting the licenses, despite assurances from the Department of Motor Vehicles that it will not share information with immigration officials.

Jeff Sessions Made A Bombshell Announcement About His Future Plans

Speculation has swirled around Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
Talk of his future has consumed Washington.

He responded by making a jaw dropping announcement that no one was expecting.

Illegal leaks of classified information have plagued the Trump administration.
The Deep State, Democrats, anti-Trump journalists, and some establishment Republicans have used these leaks to distract the administration from fulfilling Trump’s campaign promises.

But that will quickly come to an end.

Attorney General Sessions is set to announce several criminal leak probes that will bring Deep State operatives to justice.

Fox News reports:
While all agree the U. S. President has the complete power to pardon, why think of that when only crime so far is LEAKS against us.FAKE NEWS

Trump supporters were thrilled with the announcement.

For months they have seen Deep State leakers feed the media fake news so the anti-Trump press can take pot shots at the administration.

They were wondering when it would be time to fight back.

Sessions emphatically answered that question.

Now Deep Sate leakers should be the ones on edge.

The announcement of leak probes means the fun and games are over.

Despite Voting to Keep Obamacare, John McCain Promised to Repeal It During 2016 Campaign

Senator John McCain’s reputation among grassroots conservatives may be beyond repair.
His vote early yesterday morning to preserve Obamacare damns him in the minds of Republican voters who have demanded a repeal of Obama’s cruel health care takeover.
What makes it worse is that McCain returned to the Senate just in time to cast the deciding vote to start debate on Obamacare’s repeal. He was revered as a hero for getting the debate underway. Now, he’s ruined it all. Senate Republicans will no longer work to repeal Obamacare.
Obamacare is here to stay, and it’s McCain’s fault.
Which gets to an interesting video that just cropped up. During the 2016 campaign, McCain was a vicious foe of Obamacare. In a debate with his Democratic opponent, Congresswoman Ann Kirkpatrick, McCain didn’t say that Obamacare needed to be tinkered with or changed slightly. He demanded that it be fully repealed!
One of the debate moderators asked McCain if it was possible for Congress to try to improve Obamacare rather than to try to repeal it. McCain rejected the idea that it could be fixed and that the only solution is to repeal Obamacare: “We have to scrap it entirely and start over.” McCain went on to explain why Congress MUST repeal Obamacare, “It’s a scam and the problem is, that the cost is becoming prohibitive and we’ve got to change it and fix it.”
There’s nothing John McCain can say to make up for this disgusting betrayal.
There is only one conclusion to draw from this entire ordeal: McCain is a liar. He lied to his voters. He lied to every American. And he let down conservatives when they needed him most.
Sen. McCain did a lot of good for our country during his years in the military. But he needs to do the country one more good deed and retire. There is no excuse for his behavior.

Is It Time for John McCain to Retire?

Health Care: What Happens Now?
Published on DickMorris.com

The Senate rejection of repeal of ObamaCare, coupled with its obvious failure, leaves Americans in a hell of a mess.

Because of the inherent problems in the ObamaCare law, premiums will continue to skyrocket and outpace subsidies.  More insurance firms will refuse to participate and people will be stuck.

In addition, President Trump is likely to take two actions that are good policies but will worsen the situation:
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A.  He will probably direct his agencies, including the IRS, to stop enforcing the requirement that everybody buy insurance.  Last year, six million people ran afoul of the requirement and had to pay fines of averaging $500 each.  If nobody has to buy insurance, more and more people will refuse to do so.  That will leave older and sicker people in the insurance pool and drive rates even higher.

B.  Trump will probably refuse to pay extra money to insurance companies under ObamaCare.  The Republicans say the requirement to pay these subsidies was illegally passed because it did not originate in the House.  The lower courts have agreed.  And, now, the solicitor general, appointed by Trump is likely to agree also, nullifying the provision.  Once the subsidies stop, every insurance company will pull out of ObamaCare and there will be nobody to write insurance.

This will leave Americans with no good choices.

ObamaCare, which remains on the books, makes it illegal to buy an insurance policy that does not cover everything (even if you don't want or need it) and for insurance companies to vary premiums based on risk.  So all Americans will find their premiums going up by a prohibitive amount and won't find any companies willing to write insurance.

They will be stuck.

This real gridlock will be mirrored by the political gridlock in DC.  We can expect four groupings in the Senate:

1.  Single-Payer -- Backed by the left of the Democratic Party, they will want simply to put everybody on Medicare and raise the tax accordingly, banning private insurance.  Likely about 30 Senators will support this.

2.  ObamaCare -- Continue the current system.  Make some minor adjustments.  Require the payment of insurance company subsidies.  Require enforcement of the mandate to buy insurance.  About 20 Senators, all Dems.

3.  The McConnell-Cruz Bill -- Got 45 votes in the Senate.  Eliminate the mandate.  Subsidize high risk patients or those with pre-existing conditions.  Curb insurance bailouts.  And eliminate the Medicaid entitlement.  About 30 Senators, all GOP will opt for this approach.

4. Repeal ObamaCare With No Replacement -- No government role. Let anyone buy any insurance they want and let insurance companies offer whatever they want.  About 20 Senators, all Republican, will probably prefer this alternative.

As in a government shutdown, the deadlock will last until somebody blinks.  President Trump will be happy with options three or four, but the lack of unity in his party will cripple his ability to pass it.  

But with ObamaCare crashing around him, he probably can bully the Dems into compromising or make them pay too high a price for failing to do so.  After all, he has the biggest microphone in town.

Senator McCain will keep his seat as long as his health permits.

G’ day…Ciao…

Helen and Moe Lauzier

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