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Wed., Sept.20, 2017
~All Gave Some~Some Gave All~ God Bless America~
Hillary’s new profession…
Hillary Clinton Needs a Major Reality Check. Let’s Give Her One.
A study conducted this week by Rasmussen showed a majority 61 percent of polled Americans said that it is time for Hillary to retire. Now, unable to let her embarrassing loss go, she is now going on a book tour, sobbing to the ladies on the View and whining to every brokenhearted reporter who’ll listen to her.
If anyone's in need of a reality check, it's this almost-kinda-but-definitely-not president.
If anyone's in need of a reality check, it's this almost-kinda-but-definitely-not president.
Trump Vindicated: Report Says Obama Government Wiretapped Trump Campaign
U.S. investigators wiretapped President Trump’s campaign chairman Paul Manafort, according to a report by CNN that vindicates the president’s earlier claims, which were mocked as a conspiracy theory.
President Trump had tweeted on March 4: “Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my “wires tapped” in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!”
Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my "wires tapped" in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!
Breitbart News editor Joel Pollak had reported the day before Trump’s tweet that the Obama administration “sought, and eventually obtained, authorization to eavesdrop on the Trump campaign: continued monitoring the Trump team even when no evidence of wrongdoing was found.”
Trump’s claim, and Breitbart News’s report, were mocked as a conspiracy theory, and other news outlets reported that there was no basis to the claims.
But a report Monday evening said U.S. investigators obtained a surveillance warrant on Manafort from a secret court and had monitored him before and after the election, including a “period when Manafort was known to talk to President Donald Trump.”
The report said the secret court that handles the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act had authorized a surveillance warrant against Manafort for an investigation that began in 2014, looking into his firm, the Podesta Group, and another firm’s lobbying work for Ukraine’s pro-Russian former ruling party.
“The surveillance was discontinued at some point last year for lack of evidence,” a source told CNN.
However, the FBI then restarted the surveillance after obtaining a new FISA warrant that extended early into this year. The report notably does not say when the new warrant was obtained. Manafort joined the Trump campaign as its chairman in May 2016.
The new warrant was “part of the FBI’s efforts to investigate ties between Trump campaign associates and suspected Russian operatives,” according to the report.
The report notes, “such warrants require the approval of top Justice Department and FBI officials” — but doesn’t specify which top Justice Department and FBI officials had approved it.
Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch and former FBI Director James Comey were leading the agencies, respectively, at the time.
The report said the first warrant had already expired when Manafort had become the chairman in May. Before he left in August, FBI investigators “noticed what counterintelligence agents thought was a series of odd connections between Trump associates in Russia.”
A some point, the FBI obtained the new FISA warrant and began monitoring Manafort again — who has a residence in Trump Tower. The story said it’s “unclear” whether the FBI surveillance took place there.
The Justice Department and the FBI denied that Trump was being wiretapped.
Comey later in March disputed Trump’s claims — in testimony that lawmakers could now find misleading.
He told the House intelligence committee, “With respect to the president’s tweets about alleged wiretapping directed at him by the prior administration, I have no information that supports those tweets, and we have looked carefully inside the FBI.”
The New York Times also reported that Comey had said Trump’s claim was false, and that he had asked the Justice Department to publicly reject it, according to the BBC.
James Clapper, the former Director of National Intelligence, also told Congress that intelligence agencies did not wiretap Trump, nor did the FBI obtain a court order to monitor Trump’s phones, according to the BBC report.
Delivering remarks Tuesday to reporters on Capitol Hill, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., compared Dreamers to Japanese-American citizens who were placed in internment camps by the U.S. government during World War II.
“It’s an honor to be here with the Dreamers,” Pelosi said. “The Dreamers, who are perpetuating, advancing the American dream with their courage and their optimism and their inspiration, they make America more American.”
The Democratic leader said she had recently attended an art event called, “And then they came for me,” implying Republicans were “coming for” Dreamers.
“It’s about the internment of the Japanese-American patriots in our country who were interned into camps during World War II while their family members were fighting for freedom for America and for the world in World War II, they were in camps,” she said.
Pelosi said these Dreamers were strong and patriotic, thereby suggesting that was all it took to become a legal American citizen.
Undocumented Immigrants Concerned After Leaked Memo Reveals Planned
By Amy Yensi
BALTIMORE (WJZ)– Days after Homeland Security cancels “Operation Mega,” a nationwide crackdown and round up of undocumented immigrants, some are worried it’s only a matter of time before they’re booted out of the country.
Immigrants rights advocates from across Maryland took their frustration and fear to the streets Tuesday at the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office in Baltimore.
“We’re demanding that ICE show us our papers as community members and really document that they’re not going to be doing these violations against our community,” said CASA lead regional organizer Lydia Walther-Rodriguez.
The group is demanding that ICE be transparent about any policy changes that impact the immigrant community. They also want to know if any mass deportations are on the horizon.
The backlash comes after the leak of an internal DHS memo revealed that nationwide raids targeting 8,400 undocumented immigrants were planned for later this month.
“Frankly, we are very scared about what’s coming down the road,” said Megan Essaheb for Asian Americans Advancing Justice, an immigration advocacy group.
The immigrant community is still reeling following the announcement that the Trump Administration would end the deferred action for child arrivals program or DACA, the Obama-era policy allowed people brought here as children, to stay if they meet certain requirements and are felony-free.
“We can not admit everyone who would like to come here,” said U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions last week.
Jonathan Jayes-Green came with his parents from Panama to the U.S. when he was 13. He graduated college and recently bought into the American Dream.
“I’m here as a homeowner and being undocumented,” Jayes-Green said. “We deserve protection. We deserve to be safe and to be able to have opportunities as well.”
He is one of about 800,000 DACA recipients who he says are living in fear.
The groups are planning info-sessions to teach undocumented immigrants what their rights are just in case the raids happen at some point.
There are an estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the U.S.
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Immigrants rights advocates from across Maryland took their frustration and fear to the streets Tuesday at the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office in Baltimore.
“We’re demanding that ICE show us our papers as community members and really document that they’re not going to be doing these violations against our community,” said CASA lead regional organizer Lydia Walther-Rodriguez.
The group is demanding that ICE be transparent about any policy changes that impact the immigrant community. They also want to know if any mass deportations are on the horizon.
The backlash comes after the leak of an internal DHS memo revealed that nationwide raids targeting 8,400 undocumented immigrants were planned for later this month.
“Frankly, we are very scared about what’s coming down the road,” said Megan Essaheb for Asian Americans Advancing Justice, an immigration advocacy group.
The immigrant community is still reeling following the announcement that the Trump Administration would end the deferred action for child arrivals program or DACA, the Obama-era policy allowed people brought here as children, to stay if they meet certain requirements and are felony-free.
“We can not admit everyone who would like to come here,” said U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions last week.
Jonathan Jayes-Green came with his parents from Panama to the U.S. when he was 13. He graduated college and recently bought into the American Dream.
“I’m here as a homeowner and being undocumented,” Jayes-Green said. “We deserve protection. We deserve to be safe and to be able to have opportunities as well.”
He is one of about 800,000 DACA recipients who he says are living in fear.
The groups are planning info-sessions to teach undocumented immigrants what their rights are just in case the raids happen at some point.
There are an estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the U.S.
Follow @CBSBaltimore on Twitter and like WJZ-TV | CBS Baltimore on Facebook
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1. BEING CREATURES OF HABITAbout 76% of respondents to our poll said they have a station they regularly go to, either because its location is convenient (25%) or because they believe it tends to have the cheapest price (62%). However, that station you think is the most affordable doesn’t always have the lowest price.
Don’t be a creature of habit because GasBuddy shows there is an average spread of 60c/gallon and prices change often. Check the Price Spread in the GasBuddy app before you pull up to the pump. |
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The longer you wait the fewer options you have. Be sure you are not running on fumes and forced to pull into the closest station where you have no control over how much you pay. |
3. CHOOSING THE EASY ROUTEConsumers are paying for convenience and not planning ahead. Of the 40% of respondents, they choose a gas station based on location and 14% choose a station depending on ease of entrance. Sometimes paying for convenience is worth it but if this is how you operate on a regular basis, consider pre-planning your gas purchases. It could save you some dough!
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*Responses based on an August 2016 GasBuddy survey on American motorists’ fuel-purchasing habits
N. Korea Issues Horrifying Threat To Trump. Prepare For War
Frank Spear
The struggle between the United States and North Korea has been on a steady incline since the start of the summer, ever since Kim Jong-un test-launched multiple missiles over and around Japan. Now, Kim has taken it too far, and has issued the ultimate threat.
North Korea is at it again, testing their missile capabilities in the faces of our allies, all the while threatening to attack anyone who gets in their way.
Kim has gone as far as to say that the United States is now in “mortal fear” because they have the military power to strike us. According to The Sun, A spokesman for North Korea said that their new tests show that they can essentially turn the American empire into a sea of flames.
The North Korean dictator has been making threats against the United States all summer, and now, it seems that everything is coming to a head. They have threatened that there is nothing the US can do to stop them.
President Trump has proven that he is not going to sit back and let North Korea make empty threats. He assured the country that we were “locked and loaded” once the dictator-run country threatened to attack Guam.
Now, as things begin to escalate, a spokesman for North Korea has stated that, “Whatever means and methods the US may employ, they will never work on the DPRK. The US’ fate is in the hands of the DPRK.”
You have to wonder if they believe their own threats. Surely they realize that the cost of our military is slightly less than half of what it takes to run their entire country. They do not have nearly enough resources to sustain a long-term battle.
The North Korean papers are not much better, as you can imagine. They are insisting that the United States and South Korea are acting as “warmongers,” when the opposite is true.
They are threatening to attack us on almost a weekly basis, launching missiles over and over again, and threatening to turn the US into a sea of flames, yet, the US and South Korea are acting as warmongers? The logic is a little faulty, to say the least.
New footage from Korean TV shows the country launching a Hwasong-12 missile, which they claim has the range to reach the US island of Guam.
Russia Special Counsel Mueller Implicated In Horrific Scandal
Benjamin Welton
When it was first announced that former FBI Director Robert Mueller would be leading an investigation into President Trump’s possible ties with Russia, the media reacted by championing Mr. Mueller’s pristine record. The truth is that Mueller is a corrupt and crooked cop.
Back in 2013, while still serving as FBI Director, Mueller worked alongside the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) to purge the words “radical Islamic terrorism” from FBI training manuals, according to Judicial Watch.
This decision was based on the findings of ISNA and CAIR, both of whom deemed such wording “offensive.”
As argued by former Trump administration official Dr. Sebastian Gorka, the West’s refusal to recognize the reality of radical Islamic terrorism makes it vulnerable to more terror attacks from groups like Al-Qaeda and ISIS.
In a viral back-and-forth with MSNBC, Dr. Gorka compared radical Islamic terror to cancer.
“If you, God forbid, caught cancer, and the hospital was forbidden from calling it cancer and said, ‘you have the flu, go home and hydrate and take some aspirins,’ would you actually have the right treatment?”
Dr. Gorka’s point is that the threat has to be acknowledged before it can be combated.
As for ISNA and CAIR, they have long maintained links to the very same people and organizations that promote radical Islamic terrorism throughout the world.
Hillary Clinton’s Insane Comment About Loretta Lynch Will Make Your Blood Boil
It signaled to many Americans the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server was a sham.
But what Hillary Clinton said about Loretta Lynch and that meeting defies all logic.
In “What Happened” – her account of her failed and disastrous campaign – Clinton described how she was outraged that former FBI Director James Comey believed Lynch was compromised because of the meeting and took it upon himself to decide her fate.
Clinton ignored that Comey let her get away with breaking the law and focused on how Comey used the remarks leading up to his announcement that she would not be facing charges to catalogue his wrongdoing.
The Daily Caller reported:
“Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has her own take in her new book “What Happened” on how the 2016 tarmac meeting between former President Bill Clinton and former Attorney General Loretta Lynch actually panned out.
“Comey decided to go ahead with the press conference because of supposed concerns he had with his boss, Attorney General Loretta Lynch. His decision was reportedly influenced by a forged Russian document that sought to discredit Lynch. It was fake, but Comey was still concerned (more on that in the next chapter),” Clinton wrote in a chapter of her new book, titled “Those Damn Emails,” released to The Daily Caller News Foundation.
“Comey has also pointed to the fact that Lynch and my husband had a brief, unplanned conversation on a tarmac in Phoenix in late June 2016, when their planes happened to be next to each other. Nothing inappropriate was said in any way, but both of them came to regret exchanging pleasantries that day because of the firestorm that followed,” Clinton wrote.
“There’s no doubt that the optics were bad, but that didn’t give Comey carte blanche to ignore Justice Department policies and overstep his bounds. The implication that Lynch, a distinguished career prosecutor, was suddenly compromised and couldn’t be trusted is outrageous and insulting,” Clinton wrote. “It’s also insulting to the former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates and all the other senior Justice Department officials who were in the chain of command.”
At the time, Trump expressed the feelings of millions of Americans when he tweeted that Comey letting Clinton off the hook meant the system was rigged.
The system is rigged. General Petraeus got in trouble for far less. Very very unfair! As usual, bad judgment.
While Clinton was correct that Comey overstepped his bounds and assumed the role of a prosecutor, she was horribly off base in describing how compromised Lynch and the Justice Department political appointees actually were.
Lynch was given her start as the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York by Bill Clinton.
And there were rumors during the election that Hillary would ask Lynch to stay on as Attorney General if he won.
In addition, Comey also testified that Lynch ordered him to refer to the investigation as a “matter” – a phrase that synched the FBI’s public statements with Clinton campaign talking points.
That directive demonstrated she was looking out for Hillary Clinton’s political interests – and not those of the Justice Department.
For a family known for telling whoppers, Hillary’s claim that Lynch was not compromised by politics ranks right up there with “I did not have sexual relations with that woman.”
Bombshell Email Proves Hillary Clinton Of One Major Charge
But the real scandal was Hillary’s relationship with Russia and Vladimir Putin.
And now one bombshell email just proved she was guilty of one major thing.
Hillary Clinton liked to talk tough about Russia on the campaign trail.
She hurled accusations that Trump was Putin’s puppet.
Hillary, however, was guilty of being a hypocrite.
She was the one who presented Putin with a big “reset” button when she became Secretary of State.
And she did not recommend against a deal that would allow Russia to purchase 20 percent of the Uranium supply.
After the sale went down, donors who had a close relationship to the Russian controlled company stuffed the Clinton Foundation’s bank account with $145 million in donations.
Now one unearthed email shows Hillary invited Vladimir Putin to the Clinton Foundation gala when she became Secretary of State.
The Daily Wire reported:
“Hillary Clinton likes to talk a tough game about Russian President Vladimir Putin — but that didn’t stop her from inviting him and other top Russian officials to a Clinton Foundation gala right after she became Secretary of State.
Clinton Foundation director of foreign policy Amitabh Desai sent dozens of invitations to world leaders including then-Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, and Former President of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev, emails recently obtained by Judicial Watch revealed.
On March 13, 2009, Desai emailed the list of invitations to Assistant Secretary of State Andrew Shapiro, who then forwarded the email to top Clinton aide, Jake Sullivan. This happened at approximately the same time that the newly appointed Clinton tried to “reset” U.S. relations with Russia.”
If anyone in the 2016 campaign was soft on Russia it was Hillary.
But the so-called “mainstream” news media blindly followed Hillary’s claims of collusion with Russia because they could not believe that Trump legitimately defeated her.
For the last year, officials in Washington and the media have been consumed with this baseless conspiracy theory that Trump and his campaign colluded with the Russians.
In reality, it was Clinton and her associates who had ties to Russia as well as financial arrangements.
The new email showing Clinton inviting Putin to a Clinton Foundation gala is, even more, proof of her hypocrisy.
Illegal Aliens Crash Nancy Pelosi’s DACA Press Conference: ‘All of Us or None of Us!’
A group of illegal aliens calling themselves the “Immigration Liberation Movement” crashed a press conference by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on Monday, warning the Democratic Party not to “sell [us] out.”
The group shouted down Rep. Pelosi, who struggled to maintain control of the meeting, and unfurled a large banner calling for all illegal aliens to be legalized.
WATCH LIVE: Nancy Pelosi press conference descends into chaos as Dreamers take over http://j.mp/2w33Ehz #p2 #ctl
Others held up signs, including: “Fight 4 All 11 Million,” referring to the estimated total of all illegal aliens in the U.S.
In the “mic check” call-and-response style popularized by the Occupy Wall Street protests in 2011, the activists declared:
We remember all too well how for eight years the Democrats laid siege to our communities, raiding and deporting nearly three million people, of our family members and loved ones. Where was your resistance then? Ms. Pelosi, did you think we would forget? We send a clear message to our fellow undocumented youth and community: We are the resistance to Trump! Not the Democrats!
The activists also chanted “Brown power!” In a show of “intersectionality” — solidarity among left-wing groups — they also chanted “Trans lives matter!” and other slogans, while Pelosi stood silently behind the throng.
“You met with Trump, and you call that resistance?” they shouted in unison.
Earlier, Pelosi had spoken at the podium with community leaders and fellow members of Congress from the Bay Area in support of her legislative push for a bill that would legalize the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.
President Donald Trump canceled DACA earlier this month, but left Congress a six-month window in which to find a legislative solution for the roughly 800,000 DACA beneficiaries. Pelosi said that she wanted the “DREAM Act,” a long-dormant Democratic Party bill that goes much further than DACA, “to be the basis of how we go forward.”
“We’re not giving up our fight to protect America’s dreamers,” she said.
However, she could not speak over the protests. “It’s clear you don’t want any answers,” she said.
As if to support her point, activists chanted: “All of us — or none of us,” meaning that they would only accept full amnesty for all illegal aliens, not just DACA beneficiaries.
Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News. He was named one of the “most influential” people in news media in 2016. He is the co-author of How Trump Won: The Inside Story of a Revolution, is available from Regnery. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.
Supreme Court Just Issued The Ruling We’ve All Been Waiting For
Since day one of Donald Trump’s presidency, the left has worked tirelessly to obstruct him.
Despite that, President Trump has found ways to get work done.
And the Supreme Court just gave him a huge boost, with a ruling that every Trump supporter has been waiting for.
President Trump’s refugee ban has been under fire from the left since it was first proposed.
They don’t care that the list of countries affected came directly from a list created during the Obama administration.
They don’t care the countries on the list are all havens for terrorism.
All the radical left cares about is stopping everything President Trump tries to achieve.
But thankfully, the Supreme Court provided a temporary reprieve for Trump’s refugee ban.
That means the challenge waged from the 9th U.S. Circuit Court, that would weaken the ban, will not go into effect, pending further review.
As reported by Reuters:
This is great news for anyone who supports Trump’s plan to keep radical Islamic terrorists out of the United States.
President Trump, like many Americans, saw the massive number of terrorist attacks in countries harboring refugees and became concerned.
His temporary ban is simply a reaction to the major rise in acts of Islamic terrorism in countries bringing in massive amounts of refugees.
But this reprieve is only temporary, so while it is a promising step in the right direction, the courts will still need to rule one way or the other.
It is unclear how the Supreme Court will rule, but with newly appointed Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch, the ban has a major likelihood of being upheld.
G’ day…Ciao…
Helen and Moe Lauzier
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