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Mon. Oct.23, 2017
~All Gave Some~Some Gave
~God Bless America
Mueller’s Unbelievable Role in Obama’s Uranium Scandal Revealed!
In the world of psychology, the concept of “projection” is a large part of judging the possible criminality of someone.
The concept is simple; a guilty party will often attempt to convince bystanders and eyewitnesses that another person committed the crime by casting doubt upon this innocent character. Often times, the guilty party’s intimate knowledge of the true events makes it much simpler for them to keep their story straight while projecting that guilt onto their chosen distraction.
Now, a year removed from Hillary Clinton’s wild insinuations regarding Donald Trump and the Russians, it seems that we’ve had a case of projection sitting right in front of our eyes this whole time.
During the 2016 election, Hillary Clinton realized that Donald Trump was pulling away with the contest and began hurling ludicrous accusations his way, most of which involved the Russian government colluding with the eventual President. As ridiculous as they sounded, the desperate democrats were willing to bank on it in order to prevent Trump from winning the election. As it turns out, however, Clinton was merely projecting her own crooked involvement with the Russians on her political opponent.
Now, as Special Counsel Robert Mueller continues his investigation into the Trump-Kremlin connection, his own role in the Clinton-Obama-Russia uranium deal has come to light via Wikileaks...and it’s a doozy.
“The classified cable released by WikiLeaks was authored by Hillary Clinton’s State Department on August 17th, 2009. In the cable it states –
“‘Over two years ago Russia requested a ten-gram sample of highly enriched uranium (HEU) seized in early 2006 in Georgia during a nuclear smuggling sting operation involving one Russian national and several Georgian accomplices. The seized HEU was transferred to U.S. custody and is being held at a secure DOE facility. In response to the Russian request, the Georgian Government authorized the United States to share a sample of the material with the Russians for forensic analysis.’
“The cable also states that, ‘Given Russia’s reluctance to act so far, FBI Mueller’s delivery of this sample will underscore to Russia our commitment to follow through on this case.’ It continues in stating, ‘Embassy Moscow is requested to alert at the highest appropriate level the Russian Federation that FBI Director Mueller plans to deliver the HEU sample once he arrives to Moscow on September 21.’
“Of all people, why would the Head of the FBI be selected to transfer uranium to Russia? It would seem that the US has a number of individuals who could perform this transfer and it would seem that FBI Director Mueller would have enough on his plate in the US. When Mueller couldn’t make the transfer in April the transfer was postponed to September so Mueller could be there.”
While many of us are still reeling from this latest revelation, we had best believe that the President and his staff arry and her cohorts behind bars? e thoroughly examining this latest development and how it could affect Robert Mueller’s future in the already off-the-rails fishing expedition he’s on.
Will this put Hillary and her cohorts behind bars? One can only hope justice is served.
Puerto Rico Governor Makes Shock Trump Announcement, Stuns MSNBC Host
Frank Spear
The controversy over whether President Donald Trump properly handled the disaster of Hurricane Maria has been a central Left-wing talking point for a while now. In order to understand what really happened, it helps to get the opinion of someone who was actually there.
Puerto Rico Governor Ricardo Rossello appeared on MSNBC‘s Morning Joe, where he was asked about the federal government’s response to Maria. He said, “The truth of the matter is, the president has responded. He has responded to all of our petitions. I’ve had enormous access to the president and to his staff and they have done so quickly.”
Governor Rossello went on to say that he had plenty of meetings in the White House. He admitted that he had the chance to talk to President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence personally.
It was far more than just meetings on immediate issues as well. Rossello said that they had talked about all “immediate midterm and long-term necessities for Puerto Rico.”
There is, admittedly, a lot of ground that still needs to be covered in Puerto Rico, but progress is being made. The rebuilding process is of utmost importance at this time.
The island needs access to water and power. It is going to take a lot of work, but time heals all wounds, as they say. As time continues to pass, the well-being of Puerto Rico will naturally rebound, especially as the people reclaim areas that the hurricane has made inaccessible.
The Governor went on to thank everyone who was on the ground when the emergency was going on. Now that Puerto Rico is officially in recovery mode, the rebuilding process can start.
“But we will need to put the peddle to the metal and work as hard as possible, find creative ways to get out of this and stabilize the situation,” Rossello stated.
Rossello went out of his way to thank the White House and Congress for everything they did to ensure that aide was available. He went on to confirm that the federal government would be there with Puerto Rico for the “long haul,” according to The Daily Caller.
This is in sharp contrast to the message that Democrat-minded San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz has been spreading. Cruz claimed that President Trump was not doing enough to help them, though at the time, efforts were already underway to help the people of Puerto Rico. Instead of helping the people in her community with the federal relief effort, Cruz was spotted online begging for help.
The message here is simple, despite what one person was saying — the big picture is much more important. An honest observer would see a community working together trying to rebuild after a horrible disaster.
They would note that one person, in particular, was not helping the community and was begging for help when, if she had been outside actually doing something, she would have seen that American support was already there, working tirelessly to save and restore her community.
This is in sharp contrast to the message that Democrat-minded San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz has been spreading. Cruz claimed that President Trump was not doing enough to help them, though at the time, efforts were already underway to help the people of Puerto Rico. Instead of helping the people in her community with the federal relief effort, Cruz was spotted online begging for help.
The message here is simple, despite what one person was saying — the big picture is much more important. An honest observer would see a community working together trying to rebuild after a horrible disaster.
They would note that one person, in particular, was not helping the community and was begging for help when, if she had been outside actually doing something, she would have seen that American support was already there, working tirelessly to save and restore her community.
Nuke Bombers Could Be Back On 24-Hour Alert
TAYLOR MILLARDThe U.S. is ruminating about putting nuclear bombers back on a 24-hour alert. Defense One reports the move is being considered by top Pentagon officials over national security concerns.
“This is yet one more step in ensuring that we’re prepared,” Gen. David Goldfein, Air Force chief of staff, said in an interview during his six-day tour of Barksdale and other U.S. Air Force bases that support the nuclear mission. “I look at it more as not planning for any specific event, but more for the reality of the global situation we find ourselves in and how we ensure we’re prepared going forward.”
Goldfein and other senior defense officials stressed that the alert order had not been given, but that preparations were under way in anticipation that it might come. That decision would be made by Gen. John Hyten, the commander of U.S. Strategic Command, or Gen. Lori Robinson, the head of U.S. Northern Command. STRATCOM is in charge of the military’s nuclear forces and NORTHCOM is in charge of defending North America.
It’s important to point out the Pentagon is only considering the option. It doesn’t mean this will happen, and it’s completely possible this is something they consider on a regular basis. After all, Great Britain reportedly has a plan in place to attack North Korea, something other countries probably have as well. That’s part of being in the military, making sure there’s a plan for almost everything. It just depends on whether something leaks out or not.
But it’s pretty interesting the Air Force is going on the record and openly talking about the option. It’s not “unnamed sources,” but the Air Force chief of staff saying, “Hey…we’re thinking about it.” Goldfein did admit the strategy may or may not encourage so-called rogue regimes to chill out and back down, noting it depended on, “who, what kind of behavior are we talking about, and whether they’re paying attention to our readiness status.”
The easy guess is North Korea, but other nations could include Iran, Russia, and China.
The big question for me is why? It makes sense to be prepared, but there are ICBMs and cruise missiles which are available to military forces. Perhaps the Pentagon is considering using B-52’s to do some sort of attempted quiet strike against an enemy, like North Korea, and believe the bomber is a better option than the missiles. The military has yet to put the B-52 out to pasture, so this could just be going back to the well because it works. It also could be the Pentagon is confident a B-52 wouldn’t be detected by North Korea’s lone satellite and China or Russia wouldn’t let North Korea know what was going on.
What doesn’t make sense is why the Goldfein would come right out and say, “Yeah this is an option.” Is he trying to send a message to China and Russia or just a message to the entire world that all options are being considered? It also goes against comments by President Donald Trump made during the 2016 campaign about the bombers and their usefulness (the entire, “second-generation B-52” statement). It could be a political move designated to send a message to North Korea, make Kim Jong-un realize the U.S. is taking his threats seriously, and hopefully get him to stop raging against the America. Or it’s Trump just trying to show how “big” his military is.
Of course it could also complete backfire and cause Kim to issue even more threats against the U.S., and attempt to draw the nation, and possibly the world, into war. It’s a curious strategy, but one which is only being considered. At the moment.
Rep. Wilson Has Never Supported A Pro-Veteran Bill
By Jack Davis
Rep. Frederica Wilson has cast herself as the champion of veterans and their families with her recent attacks on President Donald Trump over comments he denies making to a Gold Star family.
However, when it was time to cast a vote for veterans, the record shows that the Florida Democrat has not supported key legislation — or any legislation supporting veterans at all, for that matter.
For example, on Oct. 1, 2013, she opposed what was known as “H J Res 72 – Veterans Benefits Continuing Appropriations Resolution, 2014,” which VoteSmart.org said was “a motion to suspend rules and pass a joint resolution that appropriates funds for military and veterans’ benefits and payments for fiscal year 2014.”
The vote came at a time when a federal shutdown was a possibility. The resolution sought to ensure that veterans and their families would not be caught up in the partisan conflict on Capitol Hill.
The article said Wilson opposed “a bill that could have ensured that families of four soldiers slain in Afghanistan in 2013 received death and burial benefits.”
In July 2015, Wilson likewise had the opportunity to vote on the VA Accountability Act of 2015, a proposal which sought to authorize “the Department of Veterans Affairs to remove or demote a department employee based on performance or misconduct.”
As seen above, Wilson not only opposed the VA Accountability Act of 2015, but numerous other pieces of legislation that were designed to help veterans.
In fact, when it came time for other bills that would tighten up the ability of the VA to discipline staff in the name of better care for veterans, Wilson was there to vote no every time — except for once, when she didn’t vote at all.
And many have caught onto the Democrat’s record, taking to Twitter to give their opinion.
Rotten Dem Rep. Wilson Routinely Votes Against Our Wonderful Veterans, Military Families and VA http://ift.tt/2yCTTea …
Rotten Dem Rep. Wilson Routinely Votes Against Our Wonderful Veterans, Military Families and VA
Just when you thought you knew how rotten Democrat Rep. Frederica Wilson is, new information surfaces to prove you wrong. According to VoteSmart.org, “Wilson has frequently voted against measures...
Dem Wilson no friend of veterans, vote record shows - Shame on her for politicizing the death of a vet. #Slimehttp://fxn.ws/2xPmRDk
In June, the Trump administration’s massive overhaul of the VA came before Congress as the “Department of Veterans Affairs Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act of 2017.”
Wilson rejected the wide-ranging plan to improve care for veterans and became one of only 55 members of Congress to oppose the bill.
At that time, she’d signed her name to a letter from several Democrats objecting to Trump’s military policy of not telegraphing troop movement to Congress or the media, a policy Trump said he follows to better protect the lives of men and women serving overseas.
Report: GOP Tax Framework Could Raise GDP By 5%, Wages By 7%
Economists say tax reform could help every generation due to higher wages and return on investment
BY: Ali Meyer
Getty Images
President Donald Trump's tax reform framework could raise GDP by as much as 5 percent and wages by as much as 7 percent, according to a new study from Boston University economists.
"We find that, depending on the year considered, the new Republican tax plan raises GDP by between 3 and 5 percent and real wages by between 4 and 7 percent," the economists explain. "This translates into roughly $3,500 annually more annual real take-home pay for the average American household."
Economists believe this growth can happen due to the plan's aim to reduce the marginal effective corporate tax rate from 34.6 percent to 18.6 percent, which they believe will grow the capital stock by 12 to 20 percent.
While critics of the plan have said the tax cuts will add costs to the economy, the Boston University economists say the plan is essentially revenue neutral due to the economy's expected expansion. They point out that closing corporate tax loopholes helps keep the plan revenue neutral and increased revenues are a result of broadening the tax base.
The study also says every American can benefit from this tax reform framework.
"The [Unified Framework] tax reform delivers small increases in lifetime welfare to current retirees and moderate ones to workers and future generations," the study states. "All generations benefit from the policy. The old benefit slightly from higher rates of return on their investment, and the young from higher wages."
The Boston University study is similar to the findings from the Council of Economic Advisers study put out earlier this week, which said that the average household income could increase by $4,000 annually if the corporate tax rate was cut from 35 percent to 20 percent.
"The truth is that a tax cut like this very conservatively will increase the median wage by about $4,000 a year over a relatively short time," said Kevin Hassett, the chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers. "If you look at some of the more optimistic estimates of the literature and then run the thing over time you could be looking at $10,000, even $20,000 higher wages relative to baseline, and that's the message of this tax reform."
Jimmy Carter Admits He Didn’t Vote for Hillary and That Russians Didn’t Alter Election
In a recent interview with The New York Times, former president Jimmy Carter said he did not vote for Hillary Clinton in the Democrat primaries and said Russian interference didn’t alter the course of the 2016 election.
The interview, conducted by Maureen Dowd and published Saturday, was a wide-ranging sit-down with Carter and his wife Rosalynn which touched on current issues like Russian interference, Clinton’s failures as a candidate and NFL anthem protests.
As it came to Hillary, the former president mentioned that he and his wife “voted for Sanders” in the primary without elaborating. However, the couple was at odds as to whether or not Russian interference played a significant role in the 2016 election.
Asked if “the Russians purloin the election from Hillary,” the former president said that “Rosie and I have a difference of opinion on that.”
Dowd notes that Rosalynn “looked over archly” and said “They obviously did.” She referred to “(t)he drip-drip-drip about Hillary,” presumably through WikiLeaks.
Carter did not concur. “I don’t think there’s any evidence that what the Russians did changed enough votes, or any votes,” the former president said.
Carter also obliquely criticized both Obama and the Clintons for cashing in on speeches to corporate America.
“I don’t care if he gets rich or Clinton gets rich or whatever,” Carter said. “I don’t want to get into a bragging position; I’m not trying to do that. But I announced when I was defeated I was not going to be on corporate boards, I was not going to try to enrich myself with speeches. I was patterning my policy after Harry Truman.”
He also lobbed what could be interpreted as a barb toward the Clinton Foundation: “Rosie and I put money in the Carter Center,” Carter said. “We never take any out.”
Even though Carter said that Trump was “exacerbating” racial tensions and wasn’t necessarily complementary to the nation’s 45th president, his words were surprisingly measured.
“I think the media have been harder on Trump than any other president certainly that I’ve known about,” Carter told The Times. “I think they feel free to claim that Trump is mentally deranged and everything else without hesitation.”
There were also a few other things to infuriate liberals in Carter’s interview. Take NFL anthem protests, which Carter came out squarely against.
“I think they ought to find a different way to object, to demonstrate,” Carter said. “I would rather see all the players stand during the American anthem.”
While a bit more equivocal on the tearing down of Confederate statues, Carter still didn’t echo the liberal line on getting rid of them.
“That’s a hard one for me. My great-grandfather was at Gettysburg on the Southern side and his two brothers were with him in the Sumter artillery,” Carter said. “One of them was wounded but none of them were killed. I never have looked on the carvings on Stone Mountain or the statues as being racist in their intent. But I can understand African-Americans’ aversion to them, and I sympathize with them. But I don’t have any objection to them being labeled with explanatory labels or that sort of thing.”
Of course, none of this makes Mr. Malaise a better president in retrospect, but it shows that he’s exponentially more sensible than today’s crop of Democrats. If the left needs a master class in how to win again, perhaps Jimmy Carter should be the one teaching it.
Yes, I know — those are words I never thought I’d be uttering either. That shows you just where the left is in space year 2017.
Donald Trump Blasts Media for Ignoring Russia Uranium Deal Story
“Uranium deal to Russia, with Clinton help and Obama Administration knowledge, is the biggest story that Fake Media doesn’t want to follow!” Trump wrote on Twitter.
Uranium deal to Russia, with Clinton help and Obama Administration knowledge, is the biggest story that Fake Media doesn't want to follow!
A new story from The Hill reported that the FBI had evidence in 2009 that the Russian deal was crooked, but the Obama administration approved it anyway in 2010.
The Senate Judiciary Committee has launched a corruption probe investigating the Obama administration’s approval of the Uranium One deal.
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