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For Wed., Nov. 29, 2017
~All Gave Some~Some Gave
All~God Bless America


Happy Birthday to our daughter Georgette Lauzier Keller. Your arrival seems like it was yesterday. All our love


The tilted thinking of the Left never ceases to amaze me, especially when it comes to wrongdoing. These hypocrites attack our candidate, Judge Roy Moore, for things that happened 40 years ago, and now we are learning most of the facts are wrong!

And the proof has never been clearer than it has been in the last week concerning inappropriate sexual conduct among our government employees. (Yes, folks. They are our employees. We hire them, and we can fire them!)

Here we have Democratic Senator Al Franken from Minnesota with numerous proven acts of inappropriate behavior against women, well documented prior to his election.
Picture1.png              Picture2.png
And then we have Democratic Congressman John Conyers from Michigan who“settled a wrongful dismissal complaint over ‘sexual advances.’” Picture3.pngWhat have we heard from the Washington Republican Establishment so far on these?

Our Senate candidate in Alabama, Judge Roy Moore, has faced shaky allegations of misconduct from 40 years ago, all which Judge Moore has vehemently denied. And he has been backed up by his wife, too.

And what does Mitch McConnell call for there? That Judge Moore must quit immediately or be expelled. Shouldn't he at least wait until the facts come out? We are already learning that their evidence of a yearbook post was a total forgery.

BREAKING: Putin Makes Shock Move Against US Media, People Are Stunned

Benjamin Welton

In modern America, the government does not need to engage in surveillance or oppression (although it does anyway), for private companies are happy to carry the load.

After Google CEO Eric Schmidt said that his company would “engineer” searches so that Russia Today and Sputnik would not appear, Russia responded by asking American journalists to register as “foreign agents.”

This is a tit-for-tat move after reporters for Russia Today were asked to do the same thing.

President Vladimir Putin signed this law into action on Saturday as a move to halt what his government considers the undue influence of US interests in Russia.
President Donald Trump, a longtime media critic himself, attacked CNN International, one of the largest American news corporations abroad.

In a tweet that claimed that Fox News was much more “important” than CNN, President Trump wrote, “CNN International is still a major source of (Fake) news, and they represent our Nation to the WORLD very poorly. The outside world does not see the truth from them!”

This, of course, did not sit well with CNN, who tweeted, “It’s not CNN‘s job to represent the U.S to the world. That’s yours. Our job is to report the news. #FactsFirst.”

While true, CNN‘s retort misses the point that its biased reporting offers foreigners a jaundiced view of America and its citizens, whether that is their intention or not. Just like Hollywood, which is now making most of its money in the foreign market, CNN International is responsible for poisoning the world’s well against the United States.

As for President Trump’s “job,” his job is to represent the American people and their desires — not act as a PR agent for America.

President Trump and President Putin both have a correct understanding of the power of the media.

As social critic Ryan Landry has pointed out, the media has never been about telling the truth or reporting on facts. Rather, the media in an age of neoliberal globalization is about spreading the opinions of the “expert,” a “tool of the elite” who functions as the pseudo-intellectual face of corporate and political manipulation.

CNN, Russia Today, and Sputnik all have the same goal and function–to spread propaganda for their respective masters. This is why it is so important to the Left that it controls the university system, for hand-picked “experts” all must pass through America’s elite universities (see: indoctrination factories) in order to even reach the first microphone of power.

President Putin understands this. He recognizes that American media is nothing less than an extension of American neoliberalism. President Trump recognizes this too, which is one of the reasons why he is so quick to denounce CNN, the New York Times, and other left-wing outlets.
Fox News at least provides a platform for dissident views in America.
The America media is already targeting Putin for his “autocratic” move. The problem with this complaint is that, unless there are limits placed on the media, the media will control culture, the flow of information, and the direction of politics.

Hate Her After Saying “Hillary Was Dangerous”

For a long time now, we’ve known that liberals’ version of “tolerance” includes very little toleration of other belief systems, in spite of the fact that “tolerance” (there aren’t air quotes demonstrative or cloying enough to place around that word) is purportedly one of the core tenets of the liberal philosophy.
Susan Sarandon, long a card-carrying member of the Hollywood left, found this out the hard way.
Sarandon, astute readers may remember, had supported Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders in the Democrat primaries and refused to throw her endorsement behind Hillary Clinton after her preferred candidate was vanquished, going with the Green Party’s Jill Stein instead.
Instead of “tolerating” her beliefs, Sarandon said in an interview with the left-leaning London Guardian this past weekend, liberals absolutely hate her for it.
“I’m not attacked from the right at all,” Sarandon told the paper.
“Instead,” the Guardian’s Emma Brockes wrote, “she is accused of not checking her white privilege, of throwing away her vote on a third-party candidate (the independent Jill Stein) during the US presidential election, and of recklessly espousing a political cause that let Trump in through the backdoor.
“Liberals in the US, it seems, can summon more hatred for Sarandon right now than they can for Paul Ryan,” Brockes noted, apparently with some degree of unwarranted surprise.

Brockes said that what gets Sarandon’s critics most “is that she won’t admit her error. Sarandon’s very physiognomy suggests defiance; she looks indignant even at rest.”
While one wonders what resting physiognomy says about its subject’s political beliefs, there is a telling word here: to the left, Sarandon’s opinion doesn’t just constitute something that differs from their worldview. It’s an “error.”
According to the interview, Sarandon actually supported Hillary’s political career until the then-senator from New York voted in favor of the Iraq War. While one on the right might agree with that vote and disagree with Sarandon’s across-the-board pacifism, one can’t help but at least acknowledge her consistency on the issue.
“I got from Hillary people ‘I hope your crotch is grabbed’, ‘I hope you’re raped’. Misogynistic attacks. Recently, I said ‘I stand with Dreamers’ and that started another wave.”
She was then asked if it came from the right.
“No, from the left! ‘How dare you! You who are responsible for this!’” Sarandon said.
When told that feminist Katha Pollitt called her an idiot, Sarandon responded with, “I’m flattered … that’s why we’re going to lose again if we depend on the DNC. Because the amount of denial … I mean it’s very flattering to think that I, on my own, cost the election. That my little voice was the deciding factor.”
She was then asked if she had said Clinton was more dangerous than Trump.
“Not exactly, but I don’t mind that quote,” Sarandon responded.
“I did think she was very, very dangerous. We would still be fracking, we would be at war (if she was president). It wouldn’t be much smoother. Look what happened under Obama that we didn’t notice.”
And for having these opinions, the left devoured Sarandon, one of their most visible, active and consistent celebrity surrogates. Conservatives can clearly disagree with Sarandon’s beliefs while noting that she represents an individual who couldn’t bring herself to vote for Hillary Clinton — as is her God-given right as an American citizen. For that, she’s been subjected not just to public ostracism, but to absurd and sickening threats.
And to think, this is the same side whose heroine once referred Trump supporters the “basket of deplorables.” Et tu, sinister?
Please like and share on Facebook and Twitter with your thoughts on the treatment that Susan Sarandon has received from the left.

Moore Accuser Is Guilty of Laundry List of Fraud Charges

The credibility of Tina Johnson, the Alabama woman who earlier this month accused Alabama senatorial candidate Roy Moore of having groped her while she visited his law office with her mother in 1991, has come into question over reports she has a history of committing fraud.

According to Breitbart, which claims to have reviewed court documents pertaining to Johnson’s criminal past, as recently as 2010 she “was arrested and pled guilty to felony fraud charges related to checks belonging to a family member.”
She was also reportedly mandated to attend a drug program, suggesting she suffers from substance abuse issues as well.
Johnson’s past also shows that Moore once represented her mother during a custody battle for her then 12-year-old son, Daniel Sitz.
“Johnson was repeatedly painted by Moore’s client (her mother) as an unfit, absent, and unstable mother and was accused of taking her son from his elementary school against his will,” Breitbart noted.
An affidavit reportedly signed by her mother alleged that Johnson possessed a “violent nature” and had “been treated by a psychiatrist when she was approximately 15 years of age.”
Johnson wound up losing custody of her son to her mother in that case.
This report from Breitbart comes roughly two weeks after The Birmingham News unveiled Johnson’s allegations against Moore.
“Tina Johnson recalls that in the fall of 1991 she sat in the law office of then-attorney Roy Moore on Third Street in Gadsden,” the paper wrote. “Her mother, Mary Katherine Cofield, sat in the chair next to her. Moore sat behind his desk, across from them. Johnson remembers she was wearing a black and white dress.”
Johnson further claimed Moore flirted with her the entire time.
“He kept commenting on my looks, telling me how pretty I was, how nice I looked,” she said. “He was saying that my eyes were beautiful.”
At some point, he grabbed her butt, but she was allegedly “so surprised she didn’t say anything,” according to The Birmingham News. “She didn’t tell her mother.”
As noted by Breitbart, this seems odd given that “Johnson described her mother as sitting next to her in Moore’s office just before the alleged incident.”
It also seems odd given her claim that Moore’s alleged groping scarred her for life.
Breitbart also accurately pointed out how The Birmingham News failed to provide pertinent details about what had prompted Johnson and her mother to visit Moore’s office.
While the paper mentioned Johnson was there “to sign over custody of her 12-year-old son to her mother,” it didn’t include the nasty court battle that preceded this transfer.
Please share this story on Facebook and Twitter and let us know what you think about accuser Tina Johnson’s shady past.

White House Official Leaks Bombshell Statement on Roy Moore
By Tracy Mastaler

President Donald Trump will not campaign for Alabama Republican senatorial candidate Roy Moore prior to the Dec. 12 special election, a White House official said on Monday.
The official, who was not authorized to reveal Trump’s plans publicly, spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity.
Trump will not campaign on Moore’s behalf, despite his recent public statements regarding the allegations that Moore romantically pursued multiple teenage girls when he was in his 30s and an assistant district attorney in Alabama.
Prior to his departure from the White House on Tuesday to spend Thanksgiving at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, Trump said that Moore “totally denies” the accusations, which stemmed from events that purportedly occurred 40 years ago, NPR reported.
Trump also remarked on Moore’s opponent, former U.S. Attorney Doug Jones, saying that “we don’t need a liberal person” in the Senate.
“I can tell you one thing for sure,” Trump said, “we don’t need a liberal person in there, a Democrat.”
Trump added that he has looked at Jones’ record and contended that, “It’s terrible on crime. It’s terrible on the border. It’s terrible on the military.”
The president insisted that “we do not need somebody that’s bad on crime, bad on borders, bad on the military, bad on the Second Amendment.”

In a Sunday tweet, Trump continued to make his case against Jones, claiming that he would be a “Schumer/Pelosi” puppet should he be elected to the U.S. Senate.
The last thing we need in Alabama and the U.S. Senate is a Schumer/Pelosi puppet who is WEAK on Crime, WEAK on the Border, Bad for our Military and our great Vets, Bad for our 2nd Amendment, AND WANTS TO RAISES TAXES TO THE SKY. Jones would be a disaster!
8:52 AM - Nov 26, 2017
Trump’s tweets and remarks have led to speculation that he might campaign on behalf of Moore.
Moore has been accused by two women of making unwanted advancements on them decades ago, when he was in his 30s and they were teenagers.
Multiple other women have come forward claiming that Moore pursued romantic relationships with them while they were in their teens.

Moore has denied all of the allegations and said he is the victim of a “witch hunt,” according to The Washington Post.
Even prior to the allegations against Moore, Jones’ campaign claimed that Moore was “unfit” for office.

Obama’s Untouchable “Watchdog” Agency Moves to Hobble Trump

A significant legal battle is brewing over the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, a largely independent-of-government “watchdog” agency with incredible autonomous and wide-ranging powers that was created during former President Barack Obama’s administration.

At issue is whether President Donald Trump has the authority to appoint a new director to head the agency after the Obama-appointed director, Richard Cordray, abruptly resigned Friday and named his deputy, Leandra English, as acting director, according to Bloomberg.
English has filed a lawsuit in federal court asking for the temporary replacement named by Trump, budget director Mick Mulvaney, to be blocked so that she can assume leadership of the powerful financial sector regulatory agency. The agency can issue rules and levy fines that are not subject to any sort of oversight or accountability from either Congress or the executive branch.
The bureau was created out of the 2010 Dodd-Frank Act that strictly regulated the banking industry and was the brainchild of Massachusetts Democrat Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who initially sought to run it herself. By design, it was created to exist outside of the federal government structure, and the statutes that created it state that the deputy director is to take over “in the absence or unavailability” of the director.
But the position isn’t open because the previous director is absent or unavailable, but is vacant because he resigned. This means Trump has the authority to name a new director as per the Federal Vacancies Reform Act, according to legal counsel from the White House and Justice Department.
Even legal counsel at the CFPB appear to agree that Trump has the authority to appoint a new acting and permanent director, according to Reuters, leaving English to fight this impending legal battle by herself with private attorneys.
That decision by CFPB General Counsel Mary McLeod was most likely influenced by the fact that a federal court ruled in October of 2016 that the agency as structured was unconstitutional, and required reforms that would allow at least some oversight by the Executive branch or Congress into their activity and command structure, according to Forbes.
The court didn’t like the fact that the agency was run by a single “untouchable” director, and insisted that if the bureau wanted to be a constitutionally-protected watchdog “independent” of government, it must be run by a group of appointed people in a board or commission.
The Obama administration attempted to appeal that ruling from the D.C. Court of Appeals on its way out the door, but the Trump administration dropped the challenge in March and agreed with the court that the agency needed to be reined in. That move could very well have been a large part of Cordray’s decision to abruptly resign well before his term was to expire.
Unsurprisingly, Sen. Warren’s head has been about to explode all weekend. She posted a series of tweets that defended the regulatory agency she helped create and attacked the Trump administration and the named acting director, Mulvaney, according to The Hill.
Mulvaney has long been on record as opposing the CFPB from the very start, even calling it a “sick, sad joke.”
According to the Washington Examiner, Mulvaney will serve temporarily as the acting director of the CFPB until a permanent director appointed by Trump can be confirmed by the Senate.
Meanwhile, as per the requirements of the Federal Vacancies Reform Act, he will continue to serve in his confirmed position as Director of the Office of Management and Budget.
It is expected that Mulvaney will take steps to reform the CFPB in the duration that would make it more friendly to banks and financial institutions, in essence getting out of their way so they can take part in growing the economy instead of hampering them with increasingly strict regulations and hefty fines.
As with many of the other battles the left has picked with Trump, the president will ultimately win this one, and a once “untouchable” and powerful independent regulatory agency prized by Obama and Warren will be brought to heel.
Please share this on Facebook and Twitter so everyone can see the brewing legal battle over leadership at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

BREAKING: Top Republican Has Sick ‘Wish’ For Trump, This Is Disgusting

William Widener

Self-proclaimed Republicans and conservatives have jumped on the anti-Trump bandwagon — just like the media, continuing to ride despite the fact that President Trump saved the country from a Hillary Clinton presidency. Nothing President Trump does seems to be good enough to gain the support of the media or establishment Republicans. One allegedly “conservative” journalist is an example of this.

Bill Kristol, the same pseudo-conservative who supported liberal Evan McMullin in an attempt to cost Donald Trump the election, took a jab at the President recently. As The Hill reported, Kristol stated: “I don’t know who’ll be Time’s 2017 Person of the Year, but I must say it would be nice if Robert Mueller turns out to be Time’s 2018 Person of the Year.”

Kristol’s tweet came after President Trump revealed that he has turned down Time Magazine’s Person of the Year honor. Mr. Trump tweeted, “Time Magazine called to say that I was PROBABLY going to be named ‘Man (Person) of the Year,’ like last year, but I would have to agree to an interview and a major photo shoot. I said probably is no good and took a pass. Thanks anyway!”

Kristol’s tweet implies favor toward Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who has been investigating alleged ties between the Trump campaign and Russia since early this year. Apparently, Kristol hopes the investigation is a success, and uncovers damning information about President Trump. This indicates that Kristol (and perhaps Mueller) may share the same goal of impeachment as the Left.

However, the investigation has turned up nothing to support those allegations. Mueller has only produced arrests of former short-lived campaign manager, Paul Manafort, and his associate, for failing to register as foreign agents when they worked with Ukraine prior to working with the Trump camp. Despite this failure to find evidence for the investigation’s actual purpose, the probe will carry on into 2018.

Kristol, who is the founder and editor-at-large of The Weekly Standard, admitted that President Trump and other current societal issues and scandals are challenging his long-held political beliefs.

Kristol tweeted, “The GOP tax bill’s bringing out my inner socialist. The sex scandals are bringing out my inner feminist. Donald Trump and Roy Moore are bringing out my inner liberal. WHAT IS HAPPENING?”

Those kind of remarks are unheard of for a true conservative. Kristol has criticized and opposed Donald Trump throughout the 2016 Republican primary and general election. In June, he claimed that the US was reliving their own version of the fall of the Roman empire as a result of President Trump’s leadership.

Kristol was one of the establishment Republicans behind the campaign of the unknown congressional staffer, Evan McMullin, to be the “Never Trump” independent candidate. The purpose was to steal enough electoral votes from Donald Trump, thus thwarting his presidential bid. Kristol is such a “conservative” that he backed a liberal independent candidate over GOP’s Donald Trump, even though it risked a Hillary Clinton presidency.

The Washington Examiner revealed in August that Kristol is in discussions for the creation of a “Committee Not to Renominate the President,” which is considered a facelift of the “Never Trump” movement for 2020. Kristol stated to the New York Times, “We need to take one shot at liberating the Republican Party from Trump, and conservatism from Trumpism.”

Kristol retweeted the story with the message, “The task in 2020: ‘Liberating the Republican Party from Trump, and conservatism from Trumpism.'”

Bill Kristol is nothing more than a globalist Neocon — using the GOP and the “conservative commentator” labels in an attempt to sway other Republicans to the anti-Trump movement. That Kristol wishes for Mueller to find information to condemn President Trump shows that he is nothing but a spiteful enemy of the President.

Court Documents: Roy Moore Accuser Has ‘Violent Nature,’ History of Criminal Fraud Against Own Family


Republican candidate for U.S. Senate Judge Roy Moore speaks during a campaign event at the Walker Springs Road Baptist Church on November 14, 2017 in Jackson, Alabama. The embattled candidate has been accused of sexual misconduct with underage girls when he was in his 30's. (Photo by Jonathan Bachman/Getty Images)

Birmingham, ALABAMA — Court documents related to Tina Johnson, an Alabama woman who claims that Republican senatorial candidate Roy Moore groped her in his office decades ago, may raise questions about Johnson’s motives in making the accusation.

The documents, reviewed by Breitbart News, show that Moore represented Johnson’s mother in a nasty custody case for Johnson’s then 12-year-old son, Daniel Sitz. In the case, Johnson was repeatedly painted by Moore’s client as an unfit, absent, and unstable mother and was accused of taking her son from his elementary school against his will. Johnson’s mother was ultimately awarded custody in the case.
One affidavit signed by Johnson’s mother while she was represented by Moore accused Johnson of having a “violent nature” and noted that she “has been treated by a psychiatrist when she was approximately 15 years of age.” Johnson was a teenage mother.
Separate criminal documents show that, as late as 2010, Johnson was arrested and pled guilty to felony fraud charges related to checks belonging to a family member. She also entered a court drug program.
Speaking to AL.com, Johnson first went public with the claim that Moore groped her when she was “on legal business with her mother” in 1991. The website noted that “Johnson reached out to AL.com” to discuss her alleged experience with Moore.
The website related that Johnson was “at the office to sign over custody of her 12-year-old son to her mother, with whom he’d been living.”
Johnson claimed that, after the two met with Moore, her mother walked out of the office door first and that, as Johnson was walking out, Moore grabbed her buttocks from behind. “He didn’t pinch it; he grabbed it,” she claims.
Johnson claims that she was so surprised by Moore’s alleged actions that she didn’t mention anything to her mother — even though Johnson described her mother as sitting next to her in Moore’s office just before the alleged incident.
Johnson’s mother, Mary Katherine Cofield, had hired Moore, then a private attorney, to represent her in the custody case for Johnson’s son, Daniel Sitz. The custody documents, filed by Moore, refer to Johnson by her married name at the time, Tina Sitz.
AL.com reported that it “located the court documents from 1991, detailing the custody transfer.”
The website did not report on the nastiness of the soap opera-like custody case or that Moore’s client filed numerous court documents with allegations against Johnson. In one affidavit, Cofield stated that Johnson “has a violent nature and has been treated by a psychiatrist when she was approximately 15 years of age.”
Another document, signed by Moore, stated that Cofield — and not Johnson — was the “most fit and proper person” to have custody of Daniel Sitz.
Johnson’s son had resided with his grandmother, Cofield, since he was nine months old. Cofield says that, during those years, she provided Daniel with food, clothing, and shelter “without any assistance” from Johnson. A judge officially granted Cofield full custody on September 23, 1991.
In the custody documents, Johnson is accused of taking her son against his will. A September 11, 1991, affidavit signed by Daniel says that two days earlier, Johnson took him from elementary school “against my will and made me go to her home.”
An affidavit signed by Johnson’s mother claimed that Johnson took Daniel from school “forcefully and without my permission.”
Immediately after the school incident, documented by Moore’s office, Cofield was granted temporary custody of Daniel until the September 23 hearing at which she received permanent custody.
Daniel stated that he wants to “live with my grandmother with whom I have lived as long as I can remember.”
The AL.com article, meanwhile, mentioned in one sentence in the 18th paragraph of its story that Johnson “has pled guilty to writing bad checks, and for third-degree theft of property, which she said stemmed from family disagreement over the care of her late stepfather.”
Criminal and court records reviewed by Breitbart News find that she was arrested on February 25, 2010, for the felony charge of criminal possession of a forged instrument and theft by deception. She spent one day in jail and was released on bond.
The case revolved around the charges of intent to “defraud, possess or utter” checks in the amounts of $288, $129.96, $259.92, $300, and $170 respectively. She was also charged with obtaining or exerting unauthorized control over five checks for $25 each with intent to “deprive the owner of said property.”
Those five checks were in the name of “W.G. Cofield,” ostensibly her late stepfather. Cofield personally appeared to file charges against Johnson, criminal records show.
Johnson claims that Moore groped her in 1991 at his private law practice on Third Street in Gadsden, Alabama.
Last week, Breitbart News interviewed Debra Adams, Moore’s former longtime secretary and judicial assistant. Adams said that, in her 13 years of working for Moore, she never saw or experienced any inappropriate conduct toward women.
Adams worked for Moore in 1991 at the time of Johnson’s accusations. Adams’s desk was right outside his office door at the time. Adams’ name was signed as a notary on one of the custody documents filed in Johnson’s case on behalf of Johnson’s mother, Cofield.
Numerous attempts to reach Johnson for comment were unsuccessful.
Moore has strenuously denied the numerous accusations against him.
Aaron Klein is Breitbart’s Jerusalem bureau chief and senior investigative reporter. He is a New York Times bestselling author and hosts the popular weekend talk radio program, Aaron Klein Investigative Radio. Follow him on Twitter @AaronKleinShow. Follow him on Facebook.

‘She’s Like An Angel’: Child Visiting White House Stunned by a Grand First Lady --- Melania Trump

SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images
Schoolchildren at the White House were reportedly in awe of First Lady Melania Trump as she greeted them during a ceremony for the unveiling of Christmas decorations that she helped design.
“She looks like an angel,” one child reportedly said as Melania was embraced by a handful of schoolchildren when she emerged in the White House wearing a caped Christian Dior dress and a thin, gold belt to accent her small waist.
“She seriously looks like an angel,” one of the children said as they greeted Melania.
“Are you the first lady?!” a boy asked as he embraced Melania Trump during a White House Christmas event. “She seriously looks like an angel,” another child said.
US First Lady Melania Trump walks through Christmas decorations in the East Wing as she tours holiday decorations at the White House in Washington, DC, on November 27, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / SAUL LOEB
US First Lady Melania Trump stands in the Grand Foyer as she tours Christmas decorations at the White House in Washington, DC, November 27, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / SAUL LOEB
US First Lady Melania Trump walks through the Grand Foyer as she tours Christmas decorations at the White House in Washington, DC, November 27, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / SAUL LOEB
US First Lady Melania Trump walks into the East Room as she tours Christmas decorations at the White House in Washington, DC, November 27, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / SAUL LOEB
US First Lady Melania Trump hugs children in the East Room as she tours Christmas decorations at the White House in Washington, DC, November 27, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / SAUL LOEB
US First Lady Melania Trump makes Christmas decorations with children in the State Dining Room as she tours holiday decorations at the White House in Washington, DC, November 27, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / SAUL LOEB
US First Lady Melania Trump makes Christmas garland with children in the East Wing as she tours holiday decorations at the White House in Washington, DC, November 27, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / SAUL LOEB
Breitbart readers may recognize Melania’s Dior dress from her trip to Tokyo, Japan. Melania wore the dress in navy blue when she visited Japanese schoolchildren earlier in the month, pairing the dress with a pair of metallic snakeskin Manolo Blahnik stilettos. 
U.S. President Donald Trump, center left, and First Lady Melania Trump, left, are welcomed by Emperor Akihito, second from right, Empress Michiko, right, upon their arrival at the Imperial Palace Monday, Nov. 6, 2017 in Tokyo. (AP Photo/Eugene Hoshiko, Pool)
John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder.

G’ day…Ciao…
Helen and Moe Lauzier

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