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Thurs., Dec. 21, 2017
~All Gave Some~Some Gave All~God Bless America
A Democratic ‘Blue Wave’ In 2018? Not So Fast
A string of recent GOP defeats suggest a 'blue wave' in next year's midterms. It's a nice theory, but Democrats simply aren't up to the task.
By John Daniel Davidson
By John Daniel Davidson
In the wake of Roy Moore’s loss in Alabama’s special Senate election last week, together with a Republican loss in the Virginia governor’s race last month, pundits are beginning to murmur that the GOP should brace for huge losses in the 2018 midterms. Democrats, we’re told, are poised to take control of the Senate, the House of Representatives, at least five state houses, and maybe even a half-dozen governorships. It’s going to be a blue wave. Democrats are going to capture a new American majority. Even Texas might turn blue.
This isn’t an unreasonable view to take, given Trump’s persistently dismal approval ratings and the GOP-controlled Congress’s deep unpopularity. And of course history suggests that the party of a first-term president will usually lose seats in a midterm election.
But the main problem with the blue wave theory of 2018 is that it asks too much of the Democratic Party, which is riven by as much division and confusion as the GOP is, if not more. As Ed O’Keefe and Dave Weigel reported recently in The Washington Post, Democrats “can’t agree on what the party stands for. From immigration to banking reform to taxes to sexual harassment, many in the party say it does not have a unified message to spread around the country.”
The left-wing base of the Democratic Party seems content to go out and run on a promise to impeach the president on some grounds or other, even as centrist Democratic candidates that don’t toe the Bernie Sanders-Elizabeth Warren line on everything from healthcare to Wall Street regulations are left to fend for themselves. What’s worse, they have no economic message. (Remember the Democrats’ “Better Deal” rollout back in July? Sort of had to do with the economy? Me neither.)
Anti-Trump Sentiment Won’t Be Enough For Democrats
Democrats might do well next year in certain swing states and districts, but they won’t sweep Republicans out of power simply by being against Trump — especially since Trump, despite his inveterate tweeting, actually has some legitimate accomplishments to point to at the end of his first year in office. If they want to win in deep-red states next year, Democrats will have to offer a positive vision for the country. There’s no sign so far they have one to offer.
Not that this is dissuading purveyors of the blue-wave narrative. A recent article in The New York Times posits that reliably GOP districts are in play as “the swelling antipathy toward Mr. Trump threatens to breach the party’s defenses and stretch the congressional battlefield beyond the dimensions Republicans and Democrats anticipated a year ago.”
Things are so bad, says the Times, even rich Republicans in Houston, Texas, might vote for Democrats! The report quotes a woman at a Democratic fundraiser in a “34-floor high-rise in the River Oaks section of Houston that was once home to Enron’s Kenneth L. Lay… and sits in the district of Representative John Culberson, a veteran Republican who may be in for the race of his life.” Culberson represents Texas’s seventh congressional district, which Hillary Clinton carried last year and has therefore drawn the attention of Democratic challengers, some of whom were outraising Culberson as of October.
But here’s what the Times piece doesn’t mention: the last Democrat to represent that district left office in 1967, when the seat went to the former chairman of the Republican Party for Harris County, one George H.W. Bush. Republicans have represented the district ever since. Culberson, who has held the seat since 2001, won reelection last year by 12 points — despite Clinton carrying the district.
Democrats Can’t Tack to the Center
All of this suggests that antipathy towards Trump might not be the silver bullet Democrats — and many Republicans, for that matter — think it’s going to be in 2018. Even in states where Democrats are relatively moderate, like Texas, their problem is akin to what ailed the moderate wing of the GOP in the 1960s and ’70s: they’re “me too” Democrats.
Texas Democrats, for example, routinely make their case along the same line Republicans do — low taxes, maintaining a business-friendly environment, keeping state government limited and unobtrusive. They just argue they’d be better at all of it. Meanwhile, the identity politics and strident culture war posture that characterizes the national party leadership simply won’t play in deep-red states, especially if Trump can, say, avoid starting a nuclear war with North Korea or presiding over a massive economic recession between now and the end of 2018.
In other words, Democrats seem incapable of understanding why they won in 2006, when opposition to the Iraq War, the unpopularity of George W. Bush, and a series of high-profile Republican scandals in Congress mobilized an outraged Democratic base. In those midterms, Democrats picked up 31 seats in the House and six in the Senate, and Nancy Pelosi became the first woman to be elected speaker of the House.
But the key factor behind Democrats’ success in 2006 wasn’t a radicalized left-wing Democratic base that boosted turnout. It was because then-Rep. Rahm Emanuel helped recruit a slate of moderate, centrist candidates in swing districts that were willing to buck the party line on issues like abortion. Now the mayor of Chicago, Emanuel recently told the Times, “If you look at the patterns of where gains are being made and who is creating the foundation for those gains, it’s the same: An energized Democratic base is linking arms with disaffected suburban voters.”
The main difference between then and now, however, is that Democrats can no longer move to the center. Pelosi seems to understand that. Back in the spring, Pelosi said the Democratic Party shouldn’t demand support for abortion as a litmus test for candidates. This fall, she said the same thing about single-payer health care when she declined to endorse Sanders’ “Medicare for All” bill.
The question is: who speaks for the Democratic Party in 2018, Pelosi or Sanders? Until Democrats can answer that question, predictions of a blue wave next year are premature.
John is a senior correspondent for The Federalist. Follow him on Twitter.
'We need help, the president is being smuggled out of the White House under a raincoat': How Secret Service busted Bill Clinton on his way to an assignation
Bill Clinton was once caught by a Secret Service officer trying to sneak out of the White House, presumably to visit a mistress
The former president was found hiding under a raincoat in the back of his lawyer Bruce Lindsey's car, claims a new book about his 'abuse' of Secret Service
Author and former Secret Service officer Gary Byrne claims Clinton would regularly sneak out to visit his 'well known and less well known mistresses'
Such trips were known as 'Off The Record' or OTR, a privilege normally reserved for somber occasions like visits to the families of dead servicemen
After the raincoat incident, agents were 'dejected, disappointed, bewildered and shocked' as well as being 'past fury'
Agents also took care to never have Hillary run into any of Bill's mistresses
Bill Clinton was once caught trying to sneak out of the White House - apparently to visit a mistress - by hiding under a raincoat in the back of his personal lawyer's car.
The former president was stopped by a Secret Service officer at the gate who inspected lawyer Bruce Lindsey's vehicle and was shocked to see Clinton inside.
Lindsey pleaded to be allowed to pass but the uniformed officer held firm and radioed for backup. The officer said: 'You better get me some help here.
'I just caught Bruce Lindsey trying to drive out with the President with a raincoat over his head'.
The incident was recounted by former Secret Service officer Gary Byrne - who guarded the Clintons - in his new book, Secrets of the Secret Service: The History and Uncertain Future of the US Secret Service, which is out next month.
President Bill Clinton was once caught by a Secret Service officer trying to sneak out of the White House to presumably visit a mistress by hiding under a raincoat in the back of his personal lawyer Bruce Lindsey's car. Pictured: Clinton in Washington DC in 1999
Lindsey had pleaded to be allowed to pass but the officer radioed for backup. The officer said: 'You better get me some help here. I just caught Bruce Lindsey trying to drive out with the President with a raincoat over his head'. Pictured: Clinton and Lindsey in 1998
Byrne does not reveal the nature of Clinton's excursion but says that he would routinely sneak out to visit his 'well known and less well known mistresses' in Washington DC.
Such trips were known as 'Off The Record' or OTR, a privilege normally reserved for somber occasions such as visits to the families of dead servicemen.
But Clinton supposedly began to use them for his secret assignations which left the Secret Service outraged.
The undated episode with the raincoat left the senior agents 'past fury', he writes.
The book says: 'They were dejected, disappointed, bewildered and shocked. They tried to remain diplomatic but they had to be adamant with Bruce Lindsey that this would never happen again'.
Clinton's attempts to 'sneak off' became something to look out for after the raincoat incident, which led Clinton to using OTR trips to his own ends.
Byrne writes that Clinton 'abused' this freedom and on one occasion it nearly cost a Secret Service agent his life.
On a normal trip, the President was part of a motorcade which blazed through red lights with sirens going to ensure he could not be attacked.
Any trip required cooperation from the Washington DC Metropolitan Police Department, which blocked off roads to prevent a terrorist attack and to keep people away.
Clinton's mistresses are said to have included a blonde woman who has been to his house so many times that his Secret Service detail have given her the nickname 'Energizer'. The buxom woman is supposedly driven to his upstate New York home in an SUV after his wife Hillary leaves in an elaborate maneuver to ensure they never meet. Pictured: The Clintons in 1997
But Clinton asked for everything to be changed 'at the last minute' when he wanted to make his trips out of the White House with less security and less attention.
The Secret Service 'capitulated' but Clinton wanted trips that were even more secret than that, meaning the agency did not have enough time to plan for proper security.
According to Byrne, the new arrangements 'eliminated layers of protection all together' meaning that the remaining security layers were disjointed.
All of this put the service personnel and the public at 'extreme risk', Byrne claims.
Previous extracts from the upcoming book, Secrets of The Secret Service, have revealed that the Clintons forced the agency to undermine itself by 'systematically destroying' the rules that were put in place for their protection.
Agents were forced to collude with the Clintons in the 'Chinagate' campaign finance scandal in 1996 by ignoring the contents of brown paper bags brought into the White House by Chinese officials.
Byrne says that the problem was compounded by Secret Service leadership mistakenly thinking that the Clintons were 'invincible'.
He writes: 'The view from the front lines, however, was that something, somehow, was bound to ensnare them. It was simply a matter of the right scandal'.
Clinton's mistresses are said to have included a blonde woman who has been to his house so many times that his Secret Service detail have given her the nickname 'Energizer'.
Former Secret Service officer Gary Byrne did not reveal the nature of Clinton's excursion on the day of the raincoat incident but says that he would routinely sneak out to visit his 'well known and less well known mistresses'. Pictured: Clinton with Monica Lewinsky in 1998
The buxom woman is supposedly driven to his upstate New York home in an SUV after his wife Hillary leaves in an elaborate maneuver to ensure they never meet.
Clinton is also said to have given orders to his Secret Service detail to not ask his mistress any questions and just 'let her go in', according to another author, Ronald Kessler.
Whilst in office Clinton survived impeachment proceedings when he admitted having an affair with former White House intern Monica Lewinsky.
Clinton also paid out $850,000 to settle a sexual harassment cause brought by Paula Jones, a former Arkansas state employee.
Lindsey, from Little Rock, Arkansas, was a permanent fixture of Clinton's inner circle, especially in times of turmoil.
Byrne's book paints a picture of an agency in crisis which could be a danger to President Trump
The advisor to the president found himself in the spotlight during the Monica Lewinsky scandal when he was subpoenaed to testify in front of a grand jury over allegations that he attempted to silence women who claimed to have sexual encounters with Clinton.
The Georgetown alum is still close with Clinton, serving as counselor to the chair on the Clinton Foundation Board of Directors, and from 2005 to 2017 he served as the chairman of the board.
Lindsey handles potential Clinton scandals, as a leaked email from last October shows he was made aware that foundation staffers in 'protected' classes would slap the organization with lawsuits if they learned they were making less than their colleagues in comparable positions.
These 'protected' classes referred to women and minority groups.
Last October it was also revealed that Lindsey received an email from the foundation's director of foreign policy in 2012 that informed the board that Qatar, an Islamist state in the Persian gulf, would be handing Bill Clinton $1 million check for his birthday.
Both of the correspondences were released by Wikileaks and came from the hacking of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta's emails during the height of the 2016 presidential election.
Worst Passwords of 2017: '123456,' 'Password,' 'Starwars'
By Jen Krausz
Splashdata has released its list of the worst passwords of 2017, including “starwars,” “monkey,” and of course, “password.”
Splashdata's top-ranked horrible password was “123456,” with “password” being second. Most of the bad passwords were too obvious and easy to guess, with strings of sequential numbers appearing six times on the top 25 list, along with “abc123.”
“Qwerty,” which appears in that order on a typical computer keyboard, and “letmein,” were other top-ranked passwords, joining “admin” and “login” as passwords a hacker could probably guess in under five minutes, Mashable reported.
“Hello,” “whatever,” and “trustno1” were several other bad choices.
Splashdata estimates about 10 percent of people have used one of the top 25 worst passwords, USA Today reported.
Experts recommend using a phrase as a password instead of a single word and adding in symbols or numbers that you can remember rather easily. Using two-factor authentication, where you get a text or email with a code to authenticate your identity, is another good option.
Other recommendations include using a different password for each site you use, since hackers will often take one successful password and try to use it on other services, and using a password manager, which automatically generates unique passwords for different sites and only requires you to have one password to log in to the manager.
Besides hackers who want to access your financial information to steal from you, others who might want to access your personal information include prankster friends, exes who want revenge, or those you may have alienated at work or on social media, Lifehacker suggested.
Donald Trump to upgrade US missile defense systems to take on NK and Iran
The Trump administration released on Monday its National Security Strategy, which emphasizes domestic missile defense to counter escalating threats from North Korea and Iran.
The new plan designates U.S. missile defense a “priority action” amid growing efforts by the rogue nations to develop intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of delivering nuclear warheads.
Prioritize US missile defense
The National Security Strategy identifies North Korea and Iran as threats to the security and prosperity of the U.S. and the world in no uncertain terms:
We are rallying the world against the rogue regime in North Korea and confronting the danger posed by the dictatorship in Iran, which those determined to pursue a flawed nuclear deal had neglected.
Noting the developing capability of North Korean missiles, the Strategy document explains, “As missiles grow in numbers, types, and effectiveness, to include those with greater ranges, they are the most likely means for states like North Korea to use a nuclear weapon against the United States.”
North Korea is also “pursuing chemical and biological weapons which could also be delivered by missile,” the document notes.
To counter growing threats, the U.S. will develop a “layered missile defense system”:
The United State is deploying a layered missile defense system focused on North Korea and Iran to defend our homeland against missile attacks. This system will include the ability to defeat missile threats prior to launch.
Cooperation to deter threats
In his speech Monday, Trump spoke of the “neglected […] nuclear menace” in North Korea, the “incomprehensibly bad” deal with Iran, and his administration’s plan to isolate both regimes and neutralize their growing nuclear capabilities.
Those remarks reflect language in the strategy, which identifies the two nations as among the greatest threats to national and world security.
The plan describes Iran as the “world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism” and singles out the regime, in contrast to Israel, as the leading instigator of conflict in the Middle East.
The United States, the plan reads, will seek collaboration with European allies “to counter Russian subversion and aggression, and the threats posed by North Korea and Iran.” It affirms the necessity of cooperation with regional powers in East Asia and the Middle East to isolate and neutralize threats from the rogue regimes.
“We will cooperate on missile defense with Japan and South Korea to move toward an area defense capability,” the strategy reads.
Help for NATO allies
The strategy promises to help NATO allies in Europe bolster their own missile defense systems to ward off threats:
We will work with NATO to improve its integrated air and missile defense capabilities to counter existing and projected ballistic and cruise missile threats, particularly from Iran. We will increase counterterrorism and cybersecurity cooperation.
However, it also urges NATO members to increase defense spending by 2 percent of their GDP by 2024, with 20 percent of the increased spending devoted to “increasing military capabilities.” The language matches Trump’s repeated calls for NATO allies to shoulder a greater burden of defense spending for their own nations than they have during past U.S. administrations.
The U.S. remains ready to respond with “overwhelming force” to North Korean threats, the strategy reads.
Trump promised a foreign policy that would prioritize American interests and national security. The hardline stances of the newly unveiled strategy, which identifies Iran, not Israel, as a regional instigator, while calling for NATO allies to finance more of their own defense, seems to affirm just that.
Taxpayers Foot $342,225.85 for Sexual Harassment, Discrimination Settlements Between 2008 and 2012
Mark Wilson/Getty
The Committee on House Administration has released data from the Office of Compliance (OOC) showing it paid $342,225.85 in taxpayer funds on settlements and awards for sexual harassment and discrimination charges leveled against House members between fiscal year 2008 and fiscal year 2012.
OCC announced the detailed information on Tuesday following widespread outrage that taxpayers, not lawmakers, were paying for settlements and awards, and that details about the nature of the charges and the fiscal totals paid out were not for public consumption.
The release is “part of the Committee on House Administration’s extensive review of sexual harassment and discrimination in the congressional workplace,” according to the announcement, which said the data was given to Rep. Gregg Harper (R-MI), chairman of the committee.
The announcement said, in part, “The OOC provided the committee with additional statistics of settlements and awards paid by type of claims as a result of cases originating with an employing office in the House of Representatives from FY2008 – FY2012.”
Harper said in the press release:
As I have stated from the beginning of this review, one case of sexual harassment is one case too many. We must create a culture within our Capitol Hill community that instills in every employee and employer, new and old, that there is no place for sexual harassment in the halls of Congress.
As part of my Committee’s review, I asked the Office of Compliance for a breakdown of the $17 million total amount that has been reported by their office for all cases involving claims of violations of the Congressional Accountability Act. We released the original data provided to the Committee on December 1.
“The OOC has provided our committee with additional information from FY2008 through FY2012 involving offices within the House of Representatives,” Harper said, adding that more information is still needed.
“The Committee has yet to receive all of the information we requested,” Harper said. “We will continue to investigate the OOC’s record-keeping practices as part of our extensive review.”
Here are the details provided from the OOC:
Claims against Member-led Offices from 2008-2012:
1. sex discrimination, retaliation, & FLSA violation $15,225.00
2. sex and disability discrimination & retaliation $8,160.00
3. retaliation $10,000.00
4. race and disability discrimination & retaliation $17,500.00
5. retaliation $15,333.33
6. sexual harassment and harassment because of retaliation $85,000.00
7. sex discrimination (including sexual harassment) & retaliation $10,000.00
8. sexual harassment because of retaliation & sex discrimination $20,000.00
9. disability discrimination & retaliation $50,000.00
10. sex discrimination, retaliation & FLSA violation $12,100.00
11. race discrimination $5,000.00
12. age discrimination $65,000.00
13. age discrimination $5,000.00
14. race, age, national origin, sex, and disability discrimination & retaliation $8,000.00
15. race and sex discrimination, retaliation & FMLA violation $15,907.52
Total of Settlement Amounts for Member-led offices: $342,225.85
. . .
Claims Against Non-Member-led Offices from 2008-2012:
1. race and age discrimination & retaliation $12,240.00
Total of Settlement Amounts for Non-Member-led Offices: $12,240.00
Total of Settlement Amounts for All House Offices (2008-2012): $354,465.85
The Nuclear Option: Amid Anti-Trump Hysteria, Obama Treason Exposed
These days, we are living through a real-life international spy thriller full of vast conspiracies, lawless rogue government agents, unthinkable betrayals all driven by stupendous greed and a blithe willingness to lie about absolutely anything.
It could be the latest HBO sensation or a binge-worthy hit on Netflix.
The first major wormhole moment came after a U.S. Border Patrol agent was murdered in 2010 and guns at the crime scene were linked to the U.S. government.
Conspiracy nuts started talking about how the ATF had violated the very federal gun laws the bureau is charged with enforcing by knowingly allowing “straw purchasers” to obtain weapons that they would later sell to Mexican drug cartels.
We are talking tinfoil-hat crazy conspiracy stuff. Many good people dismissed the claims as preposterous, the daffy product of overactive imaginations and overstimulated partisanship. Like monsters underneath a child’s bed.
Then we learned every bit of it was honest-to-God’s truth. Under the Obama administration, our federal government was arming some of our most savage and destructive enemies — purportedly in the name of “tracking” the bad guys.
Since that startling revelation, similarly appalling betrayals and conspiracies have become almost routine. The root causes of each scandal range from alarmingly reckless incompetence to treasonous betrayals of the American people.
There was the terrorist attack on the U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi. Rooted in lazy incompetence, the ensuing cover-up became a labyrinth of lies and false accusations that led to riots and mayhem around the globe.
Then the Democratic Party rigged its own primary to thwart the will of its own voters.
When then-candidate Donald Trump sounded the alarm, Democrats — and even some Republicans — called him a reckless kook and laughed him off.
Of course, stolen insider emails have since proved all of Mr. Trump’s hunches to be correct.
In fact, it was even worse than he predicted.
Every day now, we learn more and more about how Democrats, Republicans and self-serving bureaucrats inside the federal government worked to jilt the election out of Mr. Trump’s hands. Shamelessly, the Obama administration used our government’s most powerful intelligence apparatus to spy on his political opponents during the height of a presidential campaign.
That these vermin colluders failed has in no way deterred them. They remain as committed to undoing the Trump presidency today as they were before the election.
But the most sinister twist — the most brazen conspiracy caper of all — in this entire spy novel extravaganza we are now enduring has to be the eight-year scheme by the Obama administration to betray the American people and hand unbridled power to one of our most ardent and determined enemies.
An extraordinary and thorough report by Politico exposes a vast left-wing conspiracy at all levels of the Obama administration to collude with a terrorist organization in hopes of empowering a nation devoted to the death of America.
According to the report, Obama officials pressured federal investigators to back off investigations into huge money-laundering, weapons and drug trafficking operations by the terrorist group Hezbollah. The Obama administration offered this protection even as Hezbollah was raking in $1 billion a year and extending its murderous anti-American influence far beyond the Middle East.
All in the name of what? Upholding the U.S. Constitution? Fighting the war on terror? Peace in the Middle East?
Not hardly. It was all in the name of placating Iran — Hezbollah’s patron nation — so that the Obama administration could ink a ridiculously lopsided deal on Iran’s nuclear program. A deal that scored Iran hundreds of millions in cash and billions more in sanctions relief.
At the very, very, very end of the whole deal, Iran gets to weaponize its nuclear program anyway.
If that is not outright treason, then nothing is.
1-in-5 Illegal Aliens Would Go on Food Stamps After Amnesty, Says CBO
Nearly one-in-five amnestied aliens could go on food stamps if Congress approves a DACA amnesty, according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office.
The DREAM Act, which is the most expansive amnesty being considered in the Republican-controlled Congress, would give potentially 3.25 million illegal aliens a pathway to U.S. citizenship.
Roughly two million of those 3.25 million illegal aliens would be immediately eligible for amnesty under the DREAM Act, says a newly released report from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). Around 1.6 million of the two million would later obtain green cards and become eligible for federal benefits.
Some 17.5 percent of DREAM Act illegal aliens, or 280,000 former illegals, would be on food stamps by 2027 — even though they are young and employable — according to the CBO. Twenty thousand of those illegal aliens would be immediately eligible for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits after the amnesty.
The CBO report states that under the DREAM Act, American taxpayers would spend $2.3 billion just on food stamps for the newly amnestied illegal aliens between 2018 to 2027, with more illegal aliens expected to join the welfare program after that period.
The CBO report reveals:
CBO: DACA Amnesty Would Cost American Taxpayers $26 Billion http://ift.tt/2z5ws9G …
The cost of DACA amnesty would be placed on top of the costs that Americans already pay every year due to illegal immigration into the U.S.
As Breitbart News reported, the most recent Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) report reveals that an illegal alien costs each American taxpayer approximately $8,075, totaling a burden of roughly $116 billion annually.
Researchers with FAIR said the finding was both a “disturbing and unsustainable trend,” as the cost of illegal immigration to taxpayers has risen nearly $3 billion since 2013, when illegal immigration cost $113 billion.
The study directly challenged research by libertarian think tanks and open borders organizations, which claim that illegal immigrants and amnesties are net-gains for American taxpayers.
Ivanka Trump: 'Historic' Bill Means Small Business Taxes Will Be Lowest Since 1931
Ivanka Trump is confident that the GOP will deliver historic tax reform for the American people before Christmas, touting the positive impact on the middle class and small businesses.
The House is expected to vote on the so-called Tax Cuts and Jobs Act on Tuesday, with a Senate vote to follow later in the week.
The sweeping legislation keeps seven tax brackets, but reduces rates for five of them. The new rates start at 10 percent and rise to 12, 22, 24, 32, 35 and 37 percent. The corporate tax rate is reduced from 35 percent to 21 percent, and the bill provides tax deductions to other businesses, lowering their top effective tax rate to about 30 percent instead of 39.6 percent.
"We're going to deliver historic tax reforms and it's going to happen before Christmas," Trump said on "Fox & Friends" Monday morning. "It's going to be the fulfillment of an enormous campaign promise, and something that's just tremendously important for the American people."
"Small businesses will have the lowest taxes since 1931" ... Ivanka Trump discusses impact of tax reform
She said people want a simplified tax code, lower corporate taxes, increased per-child tax credits for families and more favorable rates for the middle class and small businesses.
"Since day one, the president said he wanted to deliver middle income tax relief - targeted middle income tax relief - and he also wanted to cut corporate rates to enable our businesses to be competitive and to thrive in a global economy," Trump said. "And this bill does exactly those things."
The president's oldest daughter, who now serves as a special adviser, said small businesses will see taxes go down to their lowest point since 1931.
She said she's hopeful that this "enormous and historic win for the American people" will help create cohesion within the Republican Party and with Democrats in Congress, so that the administration can enter 2018 with tremendous momentum.
G’ day…Ciao…
Helen and Moe Lauzier
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