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.BLOGSPOT.COM Saturday, Jan. 20, 2018
All Gave Some~Some Gave All

Coming soon!!!
Fusion GPS Founder: FBI May Have Paid Expenses for Anti-Trump Dossier Author
AP/Charles Dharapak
TEL AVIV — Glenn R. Simpson, the co-founder of the controversial opposition research firm Fusion GPS, stated in testimony it “makes sense” to him that the FBI paid for a trip to Rome by the former British spy who was contracted by Simpson’s company to produce the largely discredited 35-page anti-Trump dossier.
Fusion GPS hired Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence agent, to do the work cited in the anti-Trump dossier. Last July, Steele reportedly traveled to Rome, where he met with an FBI contact to supply the agency with the anti-Trump dossier and other information he found during the course of his anti-Trump work.
Steele’s dossier reportedly served as some of the basis for the FBI’s investigation into Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and unsubstantiated claims of coordination with Russia.
In August 22 testimony released last week and reviewed in full by Breitbart News, Simpson stated that Steele’s outreach to the FBI was “something that Chris took on on his own.”
Simpson stated that as far as he knew Fusion GPS did not fund Steele’s trip to Rome to meet with the FBI. He said he believes that the trip expenses may have been reimbursed by the FBI.
“I don’t think we did,” Simpson stated, referring to whether Fusion GPS paid for Steele’s travel to Rome to meet with the FBI. “I have no information that we paid for it.”
He continued: “Again, this sort of emphasizes, you know, the point I was making earlier which was this was something that I considered to be something that Chris took on on his own based on his professional obligations and not something that was part of my project.”
“So it makes sense to me that he was reimbursed by them,” he stated, referring to the FBI.
Just before those statements, Simpson was asked: “Do you know who paid for Mr. Steele’s trip to Rome to meet with the FBI?”
Simpson replied: “I have read recently that — I think in a letter from Senator Grassley that the FBI reimbursed the expense. But to be clear, I mean, that’s it. He was, to my knowledge, not been (sic) compensated for that work or any other work during this time.”
Simpson was likely referring to a March 6 letter from Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley requesting information and documents about the FBI’s ties to Steele, including whether the agency utilized Steele for its investigation into Trump and whether the FBI paid Steele or intended to pay him.
The Washington Post reported in February that Steele “reached an agreement with the FBI a few weeks before the election for the bureau to pay him to continue his work, according to several people familiar with the arrangement.”
Ultimately, the FBI did not pay Steele, the Post reported.
The Post report continued:
Communications between the bureau and the former spy were interrupted as Steele’s now-famous dossier became the subject of news stories, congressional inquiries and presidential denials, according to the people familiar with the arrangement, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the matter.
The FBI’s national press office did not return a Breitbart News request seeking comment on whether the agency paid for Steele’s Rome trip or reimbursed him for any expenses.
In March, CNN cited people familiar with the matter as saying that the FBI reimbursed Steele for some expenses.
The FBI reimbursed some expenses of the former British intelligence operative who produced a dossier containing allegations of President Donald Trump’s ties to Russia, people familiar with the matter said. …
An official familiar with the discussions said the FBI didn’t hire Steele as an informant, but that the arrangement instead allowed for expenses to be paid. It couldn’t be learned how much he was paid and for how long.
In his interview on Capitol Hill in August, Simpson was grilled about whether he had any knowledge of previous financial arrangements between Steele and the FBI.
Here is a transcript of that exchange, which includes questions from lawmakers and interjections from Steele’s attorney, Josh Levy:
Q: Was Fusion aware of the reports that the FBI considered — let me rephrase. Was Fusion aware that the FBI considered paying Mr. Steele to investigate Mr. Trump and his associates?
Q: At any time.
LEVY: When you say “paying,” what do you mean by that?
DAVIS: Providing money.
LEVY: For a fee? Are you talking about reimbursements?
DAVIS: Fees or reimbursements in this context.
SIMPSON. We’ve learned that. We know that now. In fact, it was –
LEVY: Learned what?
SIMPSON: Well, we learned — sometime after the election we learned that Chris had discussed working for the FBI on these matters after the election and that that didn’t happen.
Q: Did Mr. Steele discuss that with you at the time?
SIMPSON: He didn’t discuss it — I don’t remember exactly when he mentioned this to me, but he mentioned to me at some point I think after the election that he had discussed this with them.
FOSTER: So prior to news reports to that effect? In other words, you learned it from him
LEVY: Wait. You asked two different questions. I’m trying to figure out which one you want him to answer.
FOSTER: The last one.
LEVY: What was the last one?
FOSTER: You learned it from the news and not from him? Are you saying you learned it from him?
LEVY: Learned what from him?
FOSTER: That he discussed with the FBI having the FBI pay Mr. Steele.
SIMPSON: I don’t remember.
LEVY: The witness is yawning. Let’s take a break.
Aaron Klein is Breitbart’s Jerusalem bureau chief and senior investigative reporter. He is a New York Times bestselling author and hosts the popular weekend talk radio program, “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio.” Follow him on Twitter @AaronKleinShow. Follow him on Facebook.
Court Rightly Denies Larry Nassar’s Cowardly Attempt To Silence His Survivors
The former gymnastics doctor who pled guilty to criminal sexual conduct will have to face more than 100 of his accusers in court.
By Holly Scheer
Larry Nassar, the disgraced former USA Gymnastics doctor, has pled guilty to 10 counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct. In his sentencing hearing he presented the judge with a lengthy letter asking to be excused from having to listen to the testimony of his victims, citing that hearing them retell their stories would be too difficult for his own mental health.
Nassar took a plea deal, and part of the deal was that all of the 135 women who have accused him would get the chance to both face him and share their stories with the court. His letter is a cowardly attempt to silence these women, to once again remove their power and re-victimize them, and shows that he continues to center his needs as the most important part of this tragic situation.
Nassar’s lengthy career placed him in a position of power and trust over children. He joined the USA Gymnastics team as an athletic trainer in 1986, and worked his way up in the organization, gaining increasing amounts of both autonomy and trust. By 1994 the first allegations of abuse were recorded against him, by a future Olympic gold medalist. During this time, Nassar completed his residency to become a family practice doctor, and began treating athletes for USA Gymnastics for medical issues.
He not only violated the trust that parents and other coaches had in him as a trainer, but the faith they had in him as a doctor. He couched his abuse of the dozens of children he molested as medical treatments, and violated many of them for years at a time. Nassar victimized children as young as six years old, and was also indicted for possession of child pornography, with a collection of some 37,000 images and videos of children being sexually abused on his computer.
This is not a case of someone who was caught once, with few details of wrongdoing, but rather a lengthy, well-documented case with an extensive list of crimes and victims who want their moment in court to confront their abuser. Nassar should be ashamed not only of what he originally did to these girls when they were children, but what he continues to try to do to them now in his attempts to silence them. Women who want to stand up and face the person who abused and harmed them, who want this to be part of the public record, deserve this chance, and it is heinous that he is incapable of any true empathy for them.
Nassar is not the victim in this case, no matter how he tries to portray himself, and he will have years of tax-payer funded therapy to work through any emotions that listening to the testimony will bring up. Judge Rosemarie Aquilina, for her part, refused his request, and ruled the women will be able to continue with their testimony, and Nassar will have to be present.
“You may find it harsh that you are here listening,” she said in her explanation for refusing his request to be removed from the proceedings. “But nothing is as harsh as what your victims endured for thousands of hours at your hands.”
So far 51 of his accusers have taken advantage of the opportunity to recount what Nassar put them through, and the court expects by the end of the hearings on Friday for more than 100 women to have testified. The women have shared that hearing the testimony of other survivors of his abuse has brought them both comfort and courage, and that is something he will never be able to take from them.
Nassar will have to live with the words and hurt of these women, and hopefully some of what they say will penetrate the delusional fantasies he wove in his own mind about his actions. Nassar, and the men like them, take the innocence and childhood of their victims and twist it for their own purposes.
Larry Nassar, and all those who molest children, need to realize and live with the full consequences of their actions, and that includes coping with the anger and disgust of their victims when those victims have the courage to stand up and share it. Let this be the beginning of his punishment for all of the wrongs he has done, and let it be part of the healing process for all of the women he has harmed.
Holly Scheer is a writer and editor. She’s fascinated by politics, culture and theology. Follow her on Twitter @HScheer1580.
Socialist California, Not Mississippi, Now Poverty Capital of America --- Not Golden Anymore.
If you’ve spent any time on your liberal relatives’ news feeds, you’ve probably seen a meme or five noting how Mississippi — a state where residents overwhelmingly vote Republican — is the most poverty-stricken state in America.
Of course, this meme ignores historical factors as well as the very salient fact that the Democrats, until relatively recently, treated Dixie as their own private fiefdom. However, all of those memes can now go away, because there’s a new poverty capital of these United States.
This time, America’s poverty capital is a state that’s had a history of wealth, both in terms of human capital and natural resources. It’s where several of our biggest industries — including defense and tech — have been based. It was a place where many people went in the 20th century to seek their fortunes. And yet, after the state turned into the most liberal — dare we say socialist? — place in America, it also became our country’s epicenter of economic misery.
Ladies and gentlemen, I present your new poverty capital: California.
“California — not Mississippi, New Mexico, or West Virginia — has the highest poverty rate in the United States,” the Los Angeles Times notes in a Jan. 14 piece by Kerry Jackson.
“According to the Census Bureau’s Supplemental Poverty Measure –which accounts for the cost of housing, food, utilities, and clothing, and which includes non cash government assistance as a form of income — nearly one out of four Californians is poor.”
So, why are Californians so poor? After all, job and GDP growth is good, although most of that is based around the tech sector. Part of it, Jackson argues, is that “state and local bureaucracies that implement California’s anti poverty programs … resisted pro-work reforms” that began in the 1990s to get people off of welfare.
“It’s not as if California policymakers have neglected to wage war on poverty, Sacramento and local governments have spent massive amounts in the cause, for decades now. Myriad state and municipal benefit programs overlap with one another; in some cases, individuals with incomes 200 percent above the poverty line receive benefits, according to the California Policy Center,” Jackson writes.
“Unfortunately, California, with 12 percent of the American population, is home today to roughly one in three of the nation’s welfare recipients. The generous spending, then, has not only failed to decrease poverty; it actually seems to have made it worse,” Jackson continued.
“It’s as though welfare reform passed California by, leaving a dependency trap in place. Immigrants are falling into it: 55% of immigrant families in the state get some kind of means-tested benefits, compared with just 30% of natives.”
Other reasons for California being the new capital of poverty? Californians spent 30 percent of their income on housing in 2015, in part because of government regulations around land use and the environment.
“Counties and local governments have imposed restrictive land-use regulations that drove up the price of land and dwellings,” analyst Wendell Cox said. “Middle-income households have been forced to accept lower standards of living while the less fortunate have been driven into poverty by the high cost of housing.”
That’s not the only place where the state’s exigent environmental regulations have hurt the middle class and poor. Some estimates have energy prices at 50 percent more than the national average due mostly to regulations.
“In 2012, nearly 1 million California households faced ‘energy poverty’ — defined as energy expenditures exceeding 10 percent of household income. In certain California counties, the rate of energy poverty was as high as 15 percent of all households,” read a 2015 Manhattan Institute study titled “Less Carbon, Higher Prices” authored by Jonathan A. Lesser.
And things are only poised to get worse: “By 2020, California will require that one-third of electricity consumed in the state be generated from renewable sources,” the study read. “California households’ electricity prices have risen as a result of the state’s renewable-energy mandates and carbon cap-and-trade program — and will likely continue to rise at an even faster rate in coming years.”
The great irony at work here is that this has been the Democrat playbook for decades now. We’re told that if we give the poorest among us welfare, it will spark the economy more than tax cuts because the impoverished will put that money back into the economy. Green energy — adopted in expedited fashion due to environmental regulations — was supposed to create new industries and economic growth as far as the windmill-trained eye could see.
Instead, what we’ve seen is homelessness, shantytowns, extreme income inequality, joblessness, deficits, and all without discernible benefit to the state and the nation at large. Which raises the question: isn’t this what they said the conservative agenda would lead to?
Atheists Are Throwing a Fit Over Trump’s “Secret” Bible Study
Over the summer the White House began holding a Bible study for President Donald trump’s cabinet sponsored by Vice President Mike Pence.
No big deal, right? Wrong. Unfortunately, this study wound up piquing the attention of the secularists at the Freedom From Religion Foundation, which began hounding the Trump administration for additional information on these otherwise totally innocuous Bible study sessions.
The FFRF noted in a recent news brief that its purpose was to “determine whether or not the bible study uses government resources, whether staffers may feel coerced into organizing or even participating in the religious event, and to ascertain government access granted to Capitol Ministries, a group that seeks to evangelize elected officials.”
The radical foundation further pointed out that though nearly every White House department it requested records from “dragged its feet,” HUD has “thrown up additional arbitrary and illegal barriers.”
That might be because HUD Secretary Ben Carson is a proud Christian who I suspect has no tolerance for these ridiculous games.
“When FFRF asked for the records in August, it requested, as is typical with 501(c)(3) groups, a fee waiver. HUD denied that fee waiver the day of the request because the records were allegedly not in the public interest,” the foundation whined.
The foundation tried again by filing “a lengthy appeal,” but Carson again shut them down by refusing on the basis that “the records FFRF was seeking supposedly did not relate to HUD operations or activities.”
Carson was right. Whether or not members of the Trump administration sometimes meet privately to study the Bible is completely irrelevant.
“Members of Congress hold Bible studies, too,” wrote atheist activist Hemant Mehta. “White House staffers held Bible studies during the George W. Bush era. As long as they’re voluntary and not funded by taxpayer money, there’s no legal issue here.”
“Even politicians are allowed to practice their faith,” Mehta added, noting that this is why former “President Obama could walk into a church on Sunday without violating any law.”
So what’s the problem? Apparently, the FFRF’s beef concerns Ralph Drollinger of Capitol Ministries, the man reportedly chosen to lead the Bible study sessions.
“The records are important because the pastor leading the bible study is an extremist with access to the highest levels of our government,” the foundation wrote, referencing Ralph Drollinger of Capitol Ministries, who’s reportedly made remarks in the past critical of homosexuality, Catholicism, etc.
So what? The president makes controversial remarks on a near-daily basis, yet he’s still our president.
It frankly sounds like the FFRF is suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome, as it has a nasty habit of targeting the president and his administration over and over again for the most petty reasons.
That said, this non-controversy controversy reached its boiling point this week when the FFRF filed a joint suit with Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, a government watchdog, against Carson’s HUD.
Will the foundation actually win its suit, though? As conservatives, let’s just hope not.
Snowfall Officially Recorded in All 50 States: Al Gore Must Be Hibernating
It’s been another cold year for the global warming alarmist. In fact, it’s been so cold that a recent story by WMTV reports that all 50 states are now dealing with the white stuff.
That’s right, every state, including Hawaii and Florida, had snow on Wednesday morning. In fact, over half — 52.3 percent — of the country was covered in white.
Having snow on the ground in many states is pretty rare, especially when Al Gore says that the earth is getting warmer.
So, I’m sure you’re wondering like I did, can Hawaii even have snow?
On Hawaii’s main island, Mauna Kea’s volcanic peak sits in a pile of snow. In fact, last November, the peak received eight inches of snow, which was actually EARLY for the state.
Even Newsweek was forced to admit that this was a little strange.
They wrote, “This year’s snowstorm is earlier than usual, with past snowfalls in December and January. In addition, the snowfall in the Pacific Island state is especially strange considering that national snowfall for the rest of the country is at a record low, and down 8.5 percent as of yesterday.”
So much for that global warming.
While snow in Hawaii is actually quite common, snow in Florida is another matter. But as of this season, Florida has already experienced three snowfall events! The Guardian even reports that some parts of Florida saw their first snowfall in almost 30 years. In a video produced by them, one Floridian said, “I never thought I’d live to see the day that there would be snow in Florida.”
Welcome to Florida! Up to 2 inches of snow in northern Escambia County, FL with 1/2 inch on the state line in Century.
Permission for media use credit to http://NorthEscambia.com
3:47 AM - Dec 9, 2017
For a brief period, Florida wasn’t the “Sunshine State,” it was the “Snowy State.”
I’m sure residents in Florida are looking for a little bit more of that global warming — because now they have to bundle up to go outside.
But keep pushing that global warming, message, Al Gore. The more times it snows in Florida, the more times we all can see what a fraud you really are.
Please like and share this story on Facebook and Twitter and let us know what you think about snowfall in states like Florida and Hawaii.
Watch: Gymnast Aly Raisman Confronts ‘Pathetic’ Larry Nassar in Court
By Holly Scheer
The former gymnastics doctor who pled guilty to criminal sexual conduct will have to face more than 100 of his accusers in court.
Larry Nassar, the disgraced former USA Gymnastics doctor, has pled guilty to 10 counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct. In his sentencing hearing he presented the judge with a lengthy letter asking to be excused from having to listen to the testimony of his victims, citing that hearing them retell their stories would be too difficult for his own mental health.
Nassar took a plea deal, and part of the deal was that all of the 135 women who have accused him would get the chance to both face him and share their stories with the court. His letter is a cowardly attempt to silence these women, to once again remove their power and re-victimize them, and shows that he continues to center his needs as the most important part of this tragic situation.
Nassar’s lengthy career placed him in a position of power and trust over children. He joined the USA Gymnastics team as an athletic trainer in 1986, and worked his way up in the organization, gaining increasing amounts of both autonomy and trust. By 1994 the first allegations of abuse were recorded against him, by a future Olympic gold medalist. During this time, Nassar completed his residency to become a family practice doctor, and began treating athletes for USA Gymnastics for medical issues.
He not only violated the trust that parents and other coaches had in him as a trainer, but the faith they had in him as a doctor. He couched his abuse of the dozens of children he molested as medical treatments, and violated many of them for years at a time. Nassar victimized children as young as six years old, and was also indicted for possession of child pornography, with a collection of some 37,000 images and videos of children being sexually abused on his computer.
This is not a case of someone who was caught once, with few details of wrongdoing, but rather a lengthy, well-documented case with an extensive list of crimes and victims who want their moment in court to confront their abuser. Nassar should be ashamed not only of what he originally did to these girls when they were children, but what he continues to try to do to them now in his attempts to silence them. Women who want to stand up and face the person who abused and harmed them, who want this to be part of the public record, deserve this chance, and it is heinous that he is incapable of any true empathy for them.
Nassar is not the victim in this case, no matter how he tries to portray himself, and he will have years of tax-payer funded therapy to work through any emotions that listening to the testimony will bring up. Judge Rosemarie Aquilina, for her part, refused his request, and ruled the women will be able to continue with their testimony, and Nassar will have to be present.
“You may find it harsh that you are here listening,” she said in her explanation for refusing his request to be removed from the proceedings. “But nothing is as harsh as what your victims endured for thousands of hours at your hands.”
So far 51 of his accusers have taken advantage of the opportunity to recount what Nassar put them through, and the court expects by the end of the hearings on Friday for more than 100 women to have testified. The women have shared that hearing the testimony of other survivors of his abuse has brought them both comfort and courage, and that is something he will never be able to take from them.
Nassar will have to live with the words and hurt of these women, and hopefully some of what they say will penetrate the delusional fantasies he wove in his own mind about his actions. Nassar, and the men like them, take the innocence and childhood of their victims and twist it for their own purposes.
Larry Nassar, and all those who molest children, need to realize and live with the full consequences of their actions, and that includes coping with the anger and disgust of their victims when those victims have the courage to stand up and share it. Let this be the beginning of his punishment for all of the wrongs he has done, and let it be part of the healing process for all of the women he has harmed.
Holly Scheer is a writer and editor. She’s fascinated by politics, culture and theology. Follow her on Twitter @HScheer1580.
Sen. Dick Durbin addresses the HANA Center September 2017
“Senator Durbin and several of his colleagues are in bed with NAKASEC, a well-funded and very well organized radical group with a long history of Anti-American and pro-North Korea activism.” – Trevor Loudon
On June 15, 2012, then-President Barack Obama delivered a speech in the Rose Garden announcing his intention to unilaterally grant “temporary relief from deportation proceedings” for young people who met certain criteria. The executive order, referred to as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, was “not amnesty,” according to Obama. “… [T]his is not immunity. This is not a path to citizenship. It’s not a permanent fix.”
One month after the president’s speech, a young woman named Tereza Lee met with about 40 young illegal immigration organizers-in-training to tell them the story about how she was the inspiration for Dick Durbin’s original 2001 DREAM Act, which consistently failed to get the votes it needed to pass, even while Democrats had the majorities in the House and Senate.
Tereza’s presentation was a part of a three-day “Social Justice Camp,” which was organized by the HANA Center, an affiliate of the radical organization NAKASEC. Durbin has deep ties to the Chicago group formed by leaders of a nationwide North Korea support network. He has worked with the NAKASEC-affiliated HANA Center for several years, mainly to promote its pro-illegal alien amnesty/pro-DACA agenda.
Tereza Lee has been the poster child for DACA. Dick Durbin was near tears that could rival those of Cory Booker crying over the word “s—hole,” advocating for amnesty for Tereza Lee’s family. What Durbin fails to mention during his propaganda speeches on Tereza Lee, however, is Lee’s ongoing, hardcore pro-illegal immigration activism.
Last July, Durbin, the Democrats’ “lead man” on DACA negotiations with President Trump, invited HANA Center representatives into a “closed stragedy (sic) meeting … about [the] Dream Act.” How do I know? Because the group boasted about it on its Facebook page on July 24, 2017:
Just two months before Dick Durbin had his secret meeting with the HANA Center, the group hosted the literal terrorist murderer Rasmea Odeh of the Arab American Action Network as their “honoree” for a “gala event.” Odeh is infamous for her role in the murders of the young Jewish boys Edward Joffe and his best friend, Leon Kanner, in a Jerusalem supermarket on Feb. 21, 1969.
The HANA Center is a merger of Korean American Community Services (KACS, founded 1972) and the Korean American Resource and Cultural Center (KRCC, founded 1995). The group is the Chicago affiliate of a nationwide federation the National Korean American Service and Education Consortium (NAKASEC), which also incorporates the Los Angeles-based Korean Resource Center and a NAKASEC branch in Annandale, Virginia.
The network was founded by South Korean political refugee Yoon Han Bong, a leading activist involved in the very bloody and allegedly North Korean-backed May 18 Gwang Ju People’s Uprising of 1981. Yoon Han Bong fled South Korean authorities by stowing away on a cargo ship to Seattle for 35 days. He “arrived in Seattle in 1981 and received political asylee status.” In 1983, he founded the Korean Resource Center and one year later Young Koreans United. Chapters were eventually formed nationwide and later in Canada, Australia and Europe.
Dick Durbin, HANA Center, June 2017
Young Koreans United, NAKASEC and the Korean Resource Center were all militantly active in the North Korea-backed “Korean Re-Unification” movement, active from 1980s to mid-2000s. They were also strongly opposed to the U.S. military presence in South Korea. The group organised several “TROOPS OUT NOW” protests in the mid-1980s, including a 1986 rally outside the White House.
In 1985 Young Koreans United held a conference on “reunification and Third World solidarity.” In 1987 Young Koreans United hosted an international conference on “democracy and reunification.” In 1988 the group got 100,000 signatures on a petition for removal of U.S. nuclear weapons from South Korea. The same year they organized an international conference in New York to support the “North-South Korea Student Conference for Peace and Unification.”
In 1989 the Young Koreans participated in a “Korea and the U.S. Peace March” from New York to D.C. and a three-week hunger strike against proposed separate membership of the two Koreas into the U.N. The 1990s hunger strike was only two weeks, but they did manage another conference for “Peace and Self Determined Unification.”
In 1993 Young Koreans United organized a telegram campaign for the withdrawal of U.S. troops in Korea and participated in the left-wing love fests “World Human Rights Caucus” in Vienna and the “March for Peace and Justice” in Washington, D.C.
In 1996 Young Koreans United and the Korean Alliance for Peace and Justice partnered with the World Food Programme of the United Nations to carried out two campaigns (North Korea Food Aid and Feed the Hungry Children) for flood victims in North Korea. Through a four-year intensive street fundraising drive, Young Koreans United and the Korean Alliance for Peace and Justice “raised $300,000 of rice and nutrition bars for the people of North Korea.”
In 2003, they organized a campaign for a U.S. House resolution to “normalize relations between North Korea and the U.S. which included 45 legislative visits to members of Congress and 9,000 letters sent nationally.”
In 2004 Young Koreans United marked its 20th anniversary with a “Towards Peace in Korea and the Political Empowerment of Korean Americans” conference, a march in front of the Republican National Convention for “Peace from Korea to Iraq” and “Immigrant Rights are Human Rights”.
Illegal-immigration advocacy
This period marked the beginning of a new focus. “Immigration reform” was the new cause. The young radicals put as much energy into promoting amnesty for illegal aliens as they had cheerleading for North Korea. What better way to destroy America’s anti-communists and conservatives than by swamping their voting base with millions of new foreign-born Democrats?
Young Koreans United dissolved in 2008, with many members taking up posts in NAKASEC.
For example, Dae Joong Yoon moved from the Korean American Cultural Center in Chicago to the national leadership of Young Koreans United, to running the Korean Resource Center in Los Angeles to the co-directorship of NAKASEC.
This post has taken Dae Joong Yoon to meeting President Obama in the White House in May 2013, to leading the hunger strike for illegal-alien amnesty outside the White House in December that year.
Dae Joong Yoon, hunger-striking with Obama “immigration advisor” and leading amnesty advocate Eliseo Medina
The NAKASEC network has organized dozens of rallies, marches, internet campaigns and congressional and Senate delegations in support of amnesty and DACA over the last ten years. They work closely with several senators, but none more closely than DACA Dick Durbin.
On April 27, 2010, Simon Cho, U.S. Olympian for short track speed skating and the winner of a bronze medal for 5000m men’s relay, spoke about his immigration experience. During a press conference organized by NAKASEC, in a packed room, Simon talked about his memories of crossing the border with his mother at the age of 4 as undocumented immigrants. Following the press conference, Simon and staff of NAKASEC held face to face meetings with Durbin.
May 11, 2011, Sen. Durbin re-introduced the DREAM Act in the 112th Congress with the co-sponsorship of 32 members of the U.S. Senate, including California Sens. Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein, as well as Sen. Daniel Akaka, D-Hawaii, member of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus.
NAKASEC and its affiliates, the Korean American Resource and Cultural Center in Chicago and the Korean Resource Center in Los Angeles thanked Durbin for his “continued leadership on the DREAM Act and take this opportunity to continue to organize and strengthen our communities for reform while highlighting the need for immediate relief of immigrant youth.”
“The re-introduction of the DREAM Act will allow us to continue the conversation on the need for reform,” said Dae Joong Yoon, executive director of the Korean Resource Center. “But we also know that while we recommit ourselves to this struggle, we need to ensure that our youth are safe and not feel the threat of deportation. We can do this with President Obama’s executive authority to grant deferred action”.
The first week of December 2016, Durbin shared the story of Luke Hwang, a “gifted student and community leader who is currently a Ph.D. candidate in chemistry at the University of Chicago” on the floor of the U.S. Senate.
Senator eulogizes Luke Hwang on the Senate floor
Durbin used Hwang and several others like him to maximum propaganda advantage.
In Durbin’s speech he explained that Luke Hwang “… is currently a Ph.D. candidate in chemistry at the University of Chicago. He also works as a researcher at the university. In his spare time, he volunteers with the Chicago Korean American Resource and Cultural Center, an organization that provides services to disadvantaged members of the community.”
Durbin failed to mention that the Korean American Resource and Cultural Center (now part of the HANA Center) is part of a radical network run by old pro-North Korea activists.
In December 2017, NAKASEC and affiliates visited the offices of Sens. Dianne Feinstein, Chuck Schumer Tim Kaine, Mark Warner and Dick Durbin. According to the NAKASEC website, Durbin was deeply affected by the visit.
Moved by the efforts of members of NAKASEC and HANA Center from Chicago, Senator Durbin confirmed publicly that he will vote “no” on the upcoming CR (Continuing Resolution) if the DREAM Act is not attached.
Let that sink in. Dick Durban was so “moved” by his young NAKASEC friends, that he will be willing to shutdown the federal government if they don’t get their way.
Durbin and several of his colleagues are in bed with NAKASEC, a well-funded and very well-organized radical group with a long history of anti-American and pro-North Korea activism.
NAKASEC’s main immediate goal is to gain citizenship for potentially millions of DACA recipients and their families. Amnesty is important to NAKASEC for the same reason it is important to the Democrats.
Republican Mitt Romney lost his presidential election by around 2.5 million votes. President Trump won by a couple of hundred thousand votes. It’s easy to see what DACA will do for the Democrats future electoral fortunes.
Is Dick Durbin so hungry for amnesty that he is willing to work with friends of a known terrorist murderer? Is Dick Durbin so hungry for amnesty that he is willing to work with friends of North Korea, a country currently threatening America with a nuclear attack?
G’ day…Ciao…
Helen and Moe Lauzier
Thus Article
That's an article
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You are now reading the article with the link address https://capitalstories.blogspot.com/2018/01/www_21.html
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