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Tuesday, Jan. 23, 2018
All Gave Some~Some Gave All

Pic below was taken in 1910. Beautiful women can be from any era...

Today’s women are every bit as beautiful…

From a friend...

The video below was  very emotional for me….. My battery mate (He pitched. I caught.) of some repute in high school and semi-pro baseball in the Boston area was MIA in Korea in 1952. His name was Billy Curtis. After the cease fire in 1953 he was one of the  first POW’s released at Panmunjom. It was the first time we knew he was alive.  He had sustained serious combat  wounds  and the horror of his eighteen months of imprisonment was totally consistent  with the video’s description. Billy became a USPS mail carrier in West Roxbury and was beloved by all on his route. At age sixty-five he keeled over while delivering mail, fell down about six brick steps, and was pronounced dead.

Rest in Peace Billy……

Rest in Peace Father Kapaun



NBC: Did McCabe Sandbag Flynn Into An Obstruction Charge?

How did Michael Flynn get caught in an obstruction of justice charge resulting from an FBI interrogation? The answer should serve as a warning signal to anyone who gets a call from law enforcement seeking a meeting, and perhaps especially to Flynn’s old boss at the White House. According to NBC, the FBI called to set up a meeting with Flynn without telling his scheduler the purpose — and no one thought to ask. As a result, Flynn went into the interrogation both unprepared and without legal representation. And the man who set those wheels in motion should be very familiar to everyone by now:
A brief phone call from the office of Andrew McCabe, the deputy FBI director, to a scheduler for Flynn on January 24 set the interview in motion, according to people familiar with the matter. The scheduler was told the FBI wanted to speak with Flynn later that day, these people said, and the meeting was placed on Flynn’s schedule. The scheduler didn’t ask the reason for the meeting, and the FBI didn’t volunteer it, one person familiar with the matter said.

Later that day, two FBI agents arrived at the White House to speak with Flynn. A lawyer for the National Security Council typically would be informed of such a meeting and be present for it, one person familiar with the procedures said. But that didn’t happen in this instance, and Flynn didn’t include his own personal lawyer, two people said. He met with the two federal agents alone, according to these people.

“No one knew that any of this was happening,” said another senior White House official who was there at the time.

“Apparently it was not clear to Flynn that this was about his personal conduct,” another White House official said. “So he didn’t think of bringing his own lawyer.”

Some may wonder, “How can anyone agree to a meeting with FBI agents without asking its purpose?” To be fair, Flynn was the national security adviser at the time, and that job presumably entails significant engagement with the FBI over counter terrorism issues. Getting a request for a meeting from the deputy director is probably not unique. The scheduler likely assumed that the bureau wanted to start workingwith the nat-sec adviser ASAP at the beginning of the term. Flynn must have made the same assumption.
California hoping to make businesses cough up half of their tax cuts

If NBC’s account is true, though, it still doesn’t explain why Flynn went forward with the interrogation once its purpose was made clear. At some point, in order for the interrogation to stand up in court, Flynn had to have been read his rights. At that point, you stop talking, except to pick up a phone and get your attorney in there ASAP. Flynn could have ended the meeting at any time rather than make the mistake of handing law enforcement statements that could be impeached later.
But did Flynn realize his peril even after the meeting? NBC reports that Flynn waited two days to tell the White House about the interrogation:
Two people familiar with the matter said Trump was unaware that Flynn had spoken with the FBI until two days after the interview took place. An attorney for Flynn did not respond to a request for comment on this story.
This sequence of events makes it appear as though Flynn got sandbagged. It may be impossible to determine that with any certainty, thanks in large part to the FBI’s refusal to record its interrogations. The interrogation would still hold up legally (assuming Flynn was Mirandized prior to any false statements), but politically it might be a different matter. McCabe has drawn fire for political conflicts of interest, and at least two of his agents appear to have discussed using FBI authority to interfere in the presidential election. Unless McCabe had a really good reason to go after Flynn specifically, one could interpret this sequence of events as an attempt to conduct a political hit job on an incoming administration in order to cripple it, out of political malice. It’s not the only interpretation or even the most likely, but it’s not outside of all rationality either, considering the peculiar machinations of the FBI and the Department of Justice in 2015 and 2016 in its probes of both major-party candidates.
The fact that the DoJ has only indicted Flynn on the one charge of obstruction linked to this interview — over a telephone conversation that was a legitimate part of a presidential transition — makes that an acute question, whether or not it is an accurate analysis. At least it does for Republicans on Capitol Hill:
The knives are out for the FBI on Capitol Hill.

Conservative lawmakers from four separate committees are raising alarm bells about a tranche of missing text messages between two FBI agents assigned to the investigation into Russia and President Trump’s campaign, saying it calls into “further question the credibility and objectivity of certain officials at the FBI.”

Meanwhile, House Intelligence Committee lawmakers are refusing to allow the FBI to view a classified four-page memo that GOP members say shows abuse by the bureau of government surveillance powers.

“Well, yeah, they’re the ones that had the problem,” Rep. Mike Conaway (R-Texas) said Tuesday, when asked why the bureau’s request to see the document is being denied.

Again, this may or may not be justified. What it should do, however, is warn Trump and his team from entering into an interrogation or “interview” with Robert Mueller or his investigators. Both Allahpundit and I have written about this before, but this Flynn episode makes it worth repeating the point. There is nothing to be gained by putting one’s self into a perjury trap except to score a few points with the media. Yes, Trump will get reamed by the press if he refuses to answer Mueller’s questions, but for this president, that’s a day ending in a Y anyway. This isn’t a let’s-sit-around-the-campfire-and-see-what-happened exercise; it’s a serious prosecution with ambitious attorneys looking to score the biggest trophy possible. They’re using all of the tactics at their disposal, and even the most disciplined target of a probe would have trouble keeping pace with skilled interrogators. And whatever qualities Donald Trump possesses, a disciplined mouth is not among them.

Donald Trump Keeps Life-Saving Promise to Alaska Senator

Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke traded an 11-mile stretch of federal land Monday to the Alaskan community of King Cove, allowing residents access the area’s only all-weather airport by land.
By Zinke signing the deal, President Donald Trump delivered on a promise he made months ago to Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski.
“The president has made very clear, to many of us, that we ought to be able to get this done, and we ought to be able to get it done in a timely manner,” Murkowski said at a news conference after the signing ceremony.
“I got a special delivery on Monday, Oct. 16, of 2017. Front page of The Washington Post, it says ‘Interior’s Alaska Land Swap Plan Stirs Worry’ and the scribble on the top says, ‘Lisa, We will get it done. Best, Donald Trump,’”

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Juliet Eilperin @eilperin
How important was a road through #Izembek National Wildlife Refuge to @realDonaldTrump ? He sent my Oct. 16 @washingtonpost story on it to @lisamurkowski w/ the message, “Lisa, we will get it done.”
King Cove residents have pleaded for the land for decades, wanting to use it as a land access to area’s only all-weather airport, about 30 miles away in the town of Cold Bay. The passage is needed to evacuate people for medical reasons when severe weather excludes all other options.
The state of Alaska has united behind the King Cove community in its fight for the road to Cold Bay. At one point, Alaska’s legislature offered 40,000 acres of state land in exchange for the 500 acres of federal land needed to build the road. That offer was denied.
Zinke struck a new deal, adding one acre to the federal estate in exchange for the 500 acres running through Izembek.
“People have died because they don’t have access,” Zinke said after signing the land swap. “I think (the deal made) was absolutely appropriate.”
At least 18 people have died from causes attributable to the missing road. In July 2007, two newborn twins died after their mother went into labor prematurely. She was stuck in King Cove during bad weather. Her babies were born weighing less than two pounds and died, one after a week and the other after two months.
“I was very disappointed about four years ago when Secretary Jewell turned her back on the people of King Cove and rejected the opportunity to advance the road at that time,” Murkowski said, referring to former-Interior Secretary Sally Jewell’s 2013 denial of the road.
“I was quite determined that we not give up.”
Adm. Paul F. Zukunft, commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard, congratulated the community for finally achieving the decades long goal and added that the road will cut down on risk for members of the Coast Guard.
When bad weather strikes, usually high winds in excess of 100 miles per hour, the short channel is too dangerous to sail and flights out of King Cove’s small, challenging airport are impossible. Often, Medevacs from the Coast Guard are the last chance for the injured.
“This is a lifeline to this community and it allows us to provide many more search and rescue operations for sick and injured personnel in this particularly weather-challenged, remote environment,” Zukunft said.
A version of this article appeared on The Daily Caller News Foundation‘s website.

Elizabeth Warren’s ‘Native American Problem’ Just Got A Lot Worse
By Chris Agee

With midterm elections still months down the road, pundits have already started speculating about the possible lineup of Democrats running for president in 2020.
At or near the top of most such lists is U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren. The Massachusetts Democrat has already demonstrated her fundraising and grassroots-organizing abilities, leading more than a few observers to suggest she is gearing up for a White House bid.
“I think Elizabeth is laying the groundwork for a run,” said San Francisco attorney Guy Saperstein in an interview last year. “She won’t admit it, but it looks like that.”
The investor pledged a $1 million contribution to a pro-Warren super PAC ahead of the 2016 election if she had entered the race.
Though she remains largely popular among her party’s growing left wing, the senator has what many fellow Democrats have identified as an easily exploitable flaw.
President Donald Trump has already made several references to claims that Warren incorrectly identified herself as a Native American on a college form in what critics allege was an attempt to fraudulently advance her academic career.
While Trump has been widely admonished for using the derisive nickname “Pocahontas” in reference to Warren, the backlash for Warren has hardly been contained to the Republican Party.
As the Boston Globe reported last week in a front-page article, Warren faces an uphill battle in explaining her actions to many of her would-be supporters in a presidential election.
“And, more telling, there’s also discomfort on the left and among some tribal leaders and activists that Warren has a political blind spot when it comes to the murkiness surrounding her story of her heritage, which blew up as an issue in her victorious 2012 Massachusetts Senate race,” the article read.
Among several examples of such backlash was a recent segment of Comedy Central’s “The Daily Show.”
Though host Trevor Noah spent much of the monologue building an argument against Trump, he acknowledged there was a legitimate point behind the “Pocahontas” pejorative.
“He’s hitting Elizabeth Warren for saying she was Native American when she wasn’t — something she’s never apologized for or owned up to,” he said.
ThinkProgress surprised some readers when it published an op-ed written by a Cherokee woman deeply critical of Warren.
The piece was published in November, shortly after Trump’s most recent use of the controversial nickname.
“As a young Cherokee woman, one would assume that I would take Warren’s side in standing up against Trump’s racist remark,” Rebecca Nagle wrote.
Instead, she called on Warren to apologize.
Nagle ended the editorial by giving the senator permission to use a draft apology stating in part that she is “deeply sorry to the Native American people who have been greatly harmed” by her “misappropriation of Cherokee identity.”
The Globe article also noted that a number of tribal leaders have called on Warren to address the controversy and apologize.
In addition to an apology, the newspaper wrote that another “path” toward making amends “includes pursuing stronger outreach to the tribes with whom she claims to share kinship, a strategy that she’s begun to employ.”
Even taking this approach, however, has been seen by some in the Native American community as insincere and unconvincing.
Cherokee Nation leader Chad Smith said Warren is “not part of the Cherokee community” and “hasn’t reached out” to his people.
“She hasn’t come here and participated much,” he said.

Proof That Democrats Can’t Do Anything Right: CA High Speed Rail Project is BILLIONS Over Budget
By Warner Todd Huston  

America used to be able to build things. Back then we got the Empire State Building and the San Francisco Bridge in less time than it takes to film a movie today. But that  daring-do spirit seems to be a thing of the past and some of the worst evidence of its passing is the gigantic joke that is the billions over budget, and years overdue high-speed rail project in California.
New York was able to build its underground subway system in about four years once authorities got serious about building it. The Golden Gate Bridge was officially started in 1933 and opened to traffic four years later. The Empire State Building only took a scant two years to go from the ground up. Even Chicago’s elevated train system only took about ten years or so, despite that it was built piecemeal and not originally conceived as a single grand project. And as to Chicago’s El, from its start in 1892 it was an operating venture, not an over budget boondoggle that went nowhere.
There are countless examples of great American construction projects that were conceived and finished in short periods of time. But California’s bullet train is decidedly not one of them.
Among so many of its decisions, California’s idea to build a high-speed train to span the state giving citizens the amazing option to traverse one of America’s largest states in only three hours stands out as one of its most laughable.
MSN Money recently published a piece revealing the just how bad this mess has been for the “Land of Milk and Honey.”
This week’s updated cost estimate — to complete just the first phase – a 119-mile segment in the Central Valley – has ballooned to $10.6 billion. That’s a jaw-dropping 77 percent increase from initial estimates, 36 percent higher than forecasts from a year ago.
When California voters in 2008 narrowly approved $10 billion in bond as seed money for the high-speed rail development, they were told the total cost would be about $43 billion.
Fresh estimates put it now at $67 billion.
San Diego City Councilman Mark Kersey is not a fan.
“The so-called bullet train is a solution in search of a problem that is plagued by billions of dollars in cost overruns and fiscal mismanagement,” he said. “The billions being wasted on this boondoggle could have been invested in our current infrastructure needs, such as water storage, flood control, highways and bridges.”
Kersey is right. The whole thing really has been a joke.
Democrats are 100 percent to blame for this mess. They wanted this idiotic project, they pushed the for the tax to float the mess, and they have been in charge of the whole thing. The failure falls on their shoulders.
Soon California will hold the crown for public works boondoggles.
There is one other massive boondoggle that California’s bullet train evokes and that is the horrible boondoggle that was Cincinnati, Ohio’s failed subway project. From abut 1916 to the early 30s Cincy’s city fathers tried to build a subway for the Queen City that wasted millions and never got finished. Well over $6 million in Depression era money was wasted on the project (about $90 million in today’s money). Cincinnati’s subway boondoggle has always been one of America’s worst civil project disasters. That is, of course, until California’s failed bullet train reared its ugly head.
California looks to be trying to take Cincinnati’s jester’s crown.


Scenes from the Campaign Train
* The two teams playing in this year’s Super Bowl are set.  Yawn.  Don’t care.  Won’t  watch.  Especially after the NFL this week rejected a commercial from a veterans’ organization calling on players to stand during the National Anthem.  #NFLBoycott.
* The state of Alabama is considering a bill that would completely remove marriage from the purview of the government.  Instead of government-issued marriage licenses, marriages would be handled as private contractual agreements – which is what we should have been doing all along.
As I’ve said for many years, the real problem with marriage wasn’t letting gays into it, but having let government into it.  
* The Trump administration has given states permission to require certain able-bodied recipients of medical welfare benefits under the Medicaid program to work in return for the taxpayer handouts.  
Now get this: Two dozen Democrat senators have signed onto a letter objecting to the new policy.  Who coulda seen that coming?
* As Congress continues to futz around with funding President Trump’s promised border wall, military special forces recently spent three weeks testing eight prototypes to gauge effectiveness.  
According to an AP story, the tactical teams used “jackhammers, saws, torches and other tools and climbing devices” in efforts to breech the barriers.  Conclusion: “Their heights should stop border crossers.”  
Conclusion conclusion: Start building it.

Operation Rescue's Statement on the Departure of Cecile Richards from Planned Parenthood
Washington, DC - According to news reports, Cecile Richards will be stepping down from her role as Chief Executive Officer of Planned Parenthood.

The following statement is a response from Troy Newman, President, Operation Rescue:
Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion business, is under investigation by the Department of Justice for illegally trafficking in aborted baby remains and other crimes. Could it be that Richards is getting out while she can, before indictments are handed down? Orange may be her new favorite color!

Or could it be that Planned Parenthood now sees her as a liability with all her connections to others under criminal investigation such as Hillary Clinton, the beleaguered Clinton Foundation, and Fusion GPS? Whether she is abandoning a sinking ship or being kicked to the curb by Planned Parenthood, this reveals a destabilized abortion organization, and as long as they are disorganized, it means they won't be expanding their abortion empire. That is great news.

John Kerry Tells Palestinian Leaders to Ignore President Trump

Now, had a former Republican official done this to a high-level Democrat, the media would be having a field day, demanding blood and resignation for this dereliction of professional duty.
But, since it’s a Democrat undermining a Republican president’s foreign policy, expect to hear nothing but the soothing sounds of crickets on a warm summer night.
Last month, President Trump caused an international storm of criticism by doing what none of his predecessors accomplished despite promising it many times over: He formally recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
Even though Barack Obama endorsed the very same policy during his first run for the presidency, the liberal press went berserk over the move, decrying Trump’s rash decision, implying that he would inflame Palestinian opposition. There were, of course, massive protests in the area we call Palestine. But protests are a dime a dozen over there.
That brings us to today. The Israeli newspaper Ma’ariv is reporting that John Kerry, the former presidential candidate and secretary of state under Obama, is actively undermining President Trump’s authority by speaking to leaders within the Palestinian Authority and telling them to disregard Trump’s recent move.
The Jerusalem Post reports,
While the White House confirms that since the “Jerusalem Declaration” there has been a complete disconnect between the Palestinian Authority and the Trump administration, it turns out that the previous administration actually maintains contact with PA officials. Ma’ariv reported that former US Secretary of State John Kerry met in London with a close associate of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, Hussein Agha, for a long and open conversation about a variety of topics.
One of these topics, reportedly, was the recent decision by the U.S. to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. The Jerusalem Post story continues:
During the conversation, according to the report, Kerry asked Agha to convey a message to Abbas and ask him to “hold on and be strong.” Tell him, he told Agha, “that he should stay strong in his spirit and play for time, that he will not break and will not yield to President Trump’s demands.” According to Kerry, Trump will not remain in office for a long time. It was reported that within a year there was a good chance that Trump would not be in the White House.
Did you catch that? Not only is John Kerry telling another government to ignore President Trump, but he’s also hinting that Trump will be removed from office sometime next year.
What does Kerry know that we don’t?

To hell with John Kerry, he is trying to humiliate America on the world stage!

Supreme Court Fast-Tracks DACA Decision

President Trump was granted a small but significant win by the Supreme Court yesterday. The issue: His decision last fall to end “DACA,” former President Obama’s program that protected young illegal immigrants brought to the U.S. as minors.
The Court decided to expedite its decision-making process on the contentious issue that is DACA repeal. This decision comes after a petition from the Trump Administration to quicken the process through which the Court will hear the legal challenge to President Trump’s swift ending of the program.
Breitbart has the details on the process:
When the California federal trial court ruled the DACA shutdown illegal, DOF filed an appeal with the Ninth Circuit federal appeals court, but then also took the rare step of asking the Supreme Court to take the matter up immediately.

Sessions’ top Supreme Court lawyer, Solicitor General Noel Francisco, filed a motion at the Court asking the justices to expedite the timeline on the petition so that they could decide this case before the Court’s term concludes this June.
The Court has accepted the Administration’s petition and we’ll have a final DACA decision – specifically, on whether President Trump was within his authority to end the federal program – come June.
However, there’s one catch. When June comes, the entire case may be a non-issue. That’s because Senate Republicans and Democrats are already working out a compromise to extend DACA-like protections to young illegal immigrants.
Part of the recent spending deal to reopen the government was an assurance from Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell that there would be a vote held on granting amnesty to those previously protected via DACA. In all likelihood, Republicans will go along with this measure, House and Senate included, in order to avoid the media nightmare of having headlines written about how the’re kicking people out of the country who had no choice but to come here as minors.
So even if the Supreme Court upholds Trump’s authority to end DACA, it will only set precedent for a similar case in the future. That’s still a big win, but it won’t mean that the Court will make DACA as a program illegal.

Super blue moon to coincide with lunar eclipse for 1st time in 150 years

By Brian Lada, AccuWeather meteorologist and staff writer
A blue moon, a supermoon and a lunar eclipse will all fall on the same night at the end of January in an event that hasn’t happened in over 150 years.
These three lunar events separately are not uncommon, but it is rare for all three to occur at the same time. The last time that there was a blue moon, a supermoon and a total lunar eclipse at the same time for North America was on March 31, 1866.
More recently, a blue moon, a supermoon and a lunar eclipse occurred at the same time on Dec. 30, 1982, but only for the Eastern Hemisphere. Because of time zones, the full moon was not considered a blue moon for North America as the previous full moon occurred at the end of Nov. 30, not early on Dec. 1.
super blue infographic
The full moon will rise on the evening of Tuesday, Jan. 30, and set around daybreak on Wednesday, Jan. 31, local time.
People all across North America will be able to see the moon light up the night sky, as long clouds do not interfere, but only those in the central and western parts of the continent will be able to see a total lunar eclipse.
How to view the total lunar eclipse
For most of the night, the moon will appear its normal color. However, during the predawn hours on Jan. 31, the moon will turn a rusty orange or red color as it passes into the Earth's shadow.
During a total lunar eclipse, the moon passes through the darkest part of the Earth's shadow. Unlike a total solar eclipse which lasts only minutes, this will last for several hours.
“This will be the first total lunar eclipse since 2015,” AccuWeather Astronomy Blogger Dave Samuhel said.
Much of the United States and Canada will be able to see the total eclipse before the moon sets around daybreak, local time.
However, those in the eastern United States and eastern Canada will only see a partial lunar eclipse as the moon will set before it enters totality. total lunar eclipse viewing areas
During a total lunar eclipse, the moon is sometimes referred to as a blood moon. This name is derived from the red color that the moon turns during the height of the eclipse.
“Some sunlight still reaches the moon [during a total lunar eclipse], but first it goes through Earth's atmosphere. The atmosphere filters out most of the sun’s blue light, so the moon looks red,” NASA said.
During the partial phases of the eclipse, the moon will appear its normal color, but with a part of it shaded dark due to the Earth's shadow.
lunar eclipse AP
The moon exhibits a deep orange glow as the Earth casts its shadow in a total lunar eclipse as seen in Manila, Philippines, before dawn Thursday June 16, 2011. Asian and African night owls were treated to a lunar eclipse, and ash in the atmosphere from a Chilean volcano turned it blood red for some viewers. (AP Photo/Bullit Marquez)
Mainly clear skies should allow for excellent viewing conditions across the Southwest and along much of the East Coast on Tuesday night into early Wednesday morning.
Moisture from the Gulf of Mexico may lead to disruptive clouds for onlookers in the Deep South, while a far-reaching storm spreads clouds from the Pacific Northwest to the Great Lakes.
The eclipse can also be viewed online for free on NASA TV or NASA.tv/live.
People across North America that miss this month’s eclipse will have to wait only one year for the opportunity to view another.
The next time that a total lunar eclipse will be visible from the United States and Canada will be on the night on Jan. 20, 2019, with the entire eclipse being visible across all of North America.
This lunar eclipse will also occur during a full super moon, making the blood moon appear larger than the average lunar eclipse.

G’ day…Ciao…
Helen and Moe Lauzier

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