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Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2018
All Gave Some~Some Gave All
Yep, Motherhood

'Guns,' 'depression,' 'trouble' cited – but key information not yet disclosed
Here we go again. A horrific mass shooting occurs. Everyone is in shock and grief. Democrats blame guns and Republicans. Pundits urge the public, “If you see something, say something.” And everyone asks, “Why?”
As information about the perpetrator emerges, a relative confides to a newspaper that the “troubled youth” who committed the mass murder was on psychiatric medications – you know, those powerful, little understood, mind-altering drugs with fearsome side effects including “suicidal ideation” and even “homicidal ideation.”
Yet the predictable response from the press is always the same – not only a total lack of curiosity, but disdain for any who ask the question, as though connecting psychiatric meds to mass shootings is pursuing a “conspiracy theory.”
Here’s a good way to tell whether or not something is a conspiracy theory: If it’s true, it’s not a conspiracy theory.
In the case of Nikolas Cruz, the 19-year-old Florida mass-shooter, his mother’s sister, Barbara Kumbatovich, told the Miami Herald that she believed Cruz was on medication to deal with his emotional fragility.
This is strikingly similar to reports right after the 2013 school massacre in Newtown, Connecticut, when Mark and Louise Tambascio, family friends of shooter Adam Lanza and his mother, were interviewed on CBS’ “60 Minutes,” during which Louise Tambascio told correspondent Scott Pelley: “I know he was on medication and everything, but she homeschooled him at home cause he couldn’t deal with the school classes sometimes, so she just homeschooled Adam at home. And that was her life.”
But there was little journalistic curiosity or follow-up, and one wonders whether that will be the case this time around.
But, you may well be asking, why is the issue of psychiatric medications even important?
Fact: A disturbing number of perpetrators of school shootings and similar mass murders in our modern era were either on – or just recently coming off of – psychiatric medications. A few of the most high-profile examples, out of many others, include:
Columbine mass-killer Eric Harris was taking Luvox – like Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, Effexor and many others, a modern and widely prescribed type of antidepressant drug called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SSRIs. Harris and fellow student Dylan Klebold went on a hellish school shooting rampage in 1999 during which they killed 12 students and a teacher and wounded 24 others before turning their guns on themselves. Luvox manufacturer Solvay Pharmaceuticals concedes that during short-term controlled clinical trials, 4 percent of children and youth taking Luvox – that’s one in 25 – developed mania, a dangerous and violence-prone mental derangement characterized by extreme excitement and delusion.
Patrick Purdy went on a schoolyard shooting rampage in Stockton, California, in 1989, which became the catalyst for the original legislative frenzy to ban “semiautomatic assault weapons” in California and the nation. The 25-year-old Purdy, who murdered five children and wounded 30, had been on Amitriptyline, an antidepressant, as well as the antipsychotic drug Thorazine.
Kip Kinkel, 15, murdered his parents in 1998 and the next day went to his school, Thurston High in Springfield, Oregon, and opened fire on his classmates, killing two and wounding 22 others. He had been prescribed both Prozac and Ritalin.
In 1988, 31-year-old Laurie Dann went on a shooting rampage in a second-grade classroom in Winnetka, Illinois, killing one child and wounding six. She had been taking the antidepressant Anafranil as well as Lithium, long used to treat mania.
In Paducah, Kentucky, in late 1997, 14-year-old Michael Carneal, son of a prominent attorney, traveled to Heath High School and started shooting students in a prayer meeting taking place in the school’s lobby, killing three and leaving another paralyzed. Carneal reportedly was on Ritalin.
In 2005, 16-year-old Jeff Weise, living on Minnesota’s Red Lake Indian Reservation, shot and killed nine people and wounded five others before killing himself. Weise had been taking Prozac.
In another famous case, 47-year-old Joseph T. Wesbecker, just a month after he began taking Prozac in 1989, shot 20 workers at Standard Gravure Corp. in Louisville, Kentucky, killing nine. Prozac-maker Eli Lilly later settled a lawsuit brought by survivors.
Kurt Danysh, 18, shot his own father to death in 1996, a little more than two weeks after starting on Prozac. Danysh’s description of own his mental-emotional state at the time of the murder is chilling: “I didn’t realize I did it until after it was done,” Danysh said. “This might sound weird, but it felt like I had no control of what I was doing, like I was left there just holding a gun.”
John Hinckley, age 25, took four Valium two hours before shooting and almost killing President Ronald Reagan in 1981. In the assassination attempt, Hinckley also wounded press secretary James Brady, Secret Service agent Timothy McCarthy and policeman Thomas Delahanty.
Andrea Yates, in one of the most heartrending crimes in modern history, drowned all five of her children – aged 7 years down to 6 months – in a bathtub. Insisting inner voices commanded her to kill her children, she had become increasingly psychotic over the course of several years. At her 2006 murder re-trial (after a 2002 guilty verdict was overturned on appeal), Yates’ longtime friend Debbie Holmes testified: “She asked me if I thought Satan could read her mind and if I believed in demon possession.” And Dr. George Ringholz, after evaluating Yates for two days, recounted an experience she had after the birth of her first child: “What she described was feeling a presence … Satan … telling her to take a knife and stab her son Noah,” Ringholz said, adding that Yates’ delusion at the time of the bathtub murders was not only that she had to kill her children to save them, but that Satan had entered her and that she had to be executed in order to kill Satan.Yates had been taking the antidepressant Effexor. In November 2005, more than four years after Yates drowned her children, Effexor manufacturer Wyeth Pharmaceuticals quietly added “homicidal ideation” to the drug’s list of “rare adverse events.” The Medical Accountability Network, a private nonprofit focused on medical ethics issues, publicly criticized Wyeth, saying Effexor’s “homicidal ideation” risk wasn’t well publicized and that Wyeth failed to send letters to doctors or issue warning labels announcing the change.And what exactly does “rare” mean in the phrase “rare adverse events”? The FDA defines it as occurring in less than one in 1,000 people. But since that same year 19.2 million prescriptions for Effexor were filled in the U.S., statistically that means thousands of Americans might experience “homicidal ideation” – murderous thoughts – as a result of taking just this one brand of antidepressant drug. Effexor is Wyeth’s best-selling drug, by the way, which in one recent year brought in over $3 billion in sales, accounting for almost a fifth of the company’s annual revenues.
One more case is instructive, that of 12-year-old Christopher Pittman, who struggled in court to explain why he murdered his grandparents, who had provided the only love and stability he’d ever known in his turbulent life. “When I was lying in my bed that night,” he testified, “I couldn’t sleep because my voice in my head kept echoing through my mind telling me to kill them.” Christopher had been angry with his grandfather, who had disciplined him earlier that day for hurting another student during a fight on the school bus. So later that night, he shot both of his grandparents in the head with a .410 shotgun as they slept and then burned down their South Carolina home, where he had lived with them. “I got up, got the gun, and I went upstairs and I pulled the trigger,” he recalled. “Through the whole thing, it was like watching your favorite TV show. You know what is going to happen, but you can’t do anything to stop it.” Pittman’s lawyers would later argue that the boy had been a victim of “involuntary intoxication,” since his doctors had him taking the antidepressants Paxil and Zoloft just prior to the murders.
Paxil’s known “adverse drug reactions” – according to the drug’s FDA-approved label – include “mania,” “insomnia,” “anxiety,” “agitation,” “confusion,” “amnesia,” “depression,” “paranoid reaction,” “psychosis,” “hostility,” “delirium,” “hallucinations,” “abnormal thinking,” “depersonalization” and “lack of emotion,” among others. The preceding examples are only a few of the best-known offenders who had been taking prescribed psychiatric drugs before committing their violent crimes – there are many others.
Whether we like to admit it or not, it is undeniable that when certain people living on the edge of sanity take psychiatric medications, those drugs can – and occasionally do – push them over the edge into violent madness. Remember, every single SSRI antidepressant sold in the United States of America today, no matter what brand or manufacturer, bears a “black box” FDA warning label – the government’s most serious drug warning – of “increased risks of suicidal thinking and behavior, known as suicidality, in young adults ages 18 to 24.” Common sense tells us that where there are suicidal thoughts – especially in a very, very angry person – homicidal thoughts may not be far behind. Indeed, the mass shooters we are describing often take their own lives when the police show up, having planned their suicide ahead of time.
Never lost a lawsuit
Pharmaceutical manufacturers are understandably nervous about publicity connecting their highly lucrative drugs to murderous violence, which may be why we rarely if ever hear any confirmation to those first-day reports from grief-stricken relatives who confide to journalists that the perpetrator was taking psychiatric drugs. After all, who are by far the biggest sponsors of TV news? Pharmaceutical companies, and they don’t want any free publicity of this sort.
The truth is, to avoid costly settlements and public relations catastrophes – such as when GlaxoSmithKline was ordered to pay millions of dollars to the family of 60-year-old Donald Schell who murdered his wife, daughter and granddaughter in a fit of rage shortly after starting on Paxil – drug companies’ legal teams have quietly and skillfully settled hundreds of cases out-of-court, shelling out hundreds of millions of dollars to plaintiffs. Pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly fought scores of legal claims against Prozac in this way, settling for cash before the complaint could go to court while stipulating that the settlement remain secret – and then claiming it had never lost a Prozac lawsuit.
Which brings us back to the key question: When are we going to get official confirmation as to whether Nikolas Cruz, like so many other mass shooters, had been taking psychiatric drugs?
Donald Trump Fuels Viral ‘Loser CNN’ Meme
President Donald Trump shared a cartoon mocking CNN, a news network fueling the notion that the president’s campaign colluded with Russia to win the 2016 election.
“The Fake News of big ratings loser CNN,” Trump wrote, retweeting a cartoon image of an old Wolf Blitzer searching for evidence of Russian collusion.
The Fake News of big ratings loser CNN. https://twitter.com/rrealdjtrump/status/965212314889723906 …
The caption of the cartoon was marked “CNN 2038,” as Blitzer announces “Update! We should see evidence of Russia-Trump collusion any day now.”
If it was the GOAL of Russia to create discord, disruption and chaos within the U.S. then, with all of the Committee Hearings, Investigations and Party hatred, they have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. They are laughing their asses off in Moscow. Get smart America!
8:12 AM - Feb 18, 2018
Blitzer did not respond on Twitter.
Blitzer did not respond on Twitter.
New Details Just Revealed Why Hillary Clinton Was a Key Player In Uranium One Deal
While Clinton claims she has been vindicated of guilt in the case, an FBI source says otherwise.
Hillary Clinton may finally be convicted as she deserves—and this source’s statement may be the final nail in the coffin.
Victoria Toensing, Attorney for FBI informant Douglas Campbell, believes Hillary is acting in a charade in order to hide her misdealings with Uranium One.
The deal went down in 2010 and rocked the nation with controversy.
Just one year before, Clinton was appointed Secretary of State.
The controversial deal transferred 20% of all U.S. Uranium to Russia via the sale of the Uranium One Company.
The deal went down just as nine foreign investors involved gave $145 million dollars to the Clinton charity, Breitbart reported.
The deal required U.S. government approval—which the new Secretary of State was happy to give.
Clinton informed the FBI that Russia paid a lobbying group $3 million to provide “in-kind support to the Clinton Global Initiative.”
Breitbart reported:
Toensing argued that $3 million is “a lot of money for a year of lobbying” and defended her client’s credibility.
“[Campbell] came out because he thought he was dying from cancer and he wanted his story to be told,” Toensing explained. “They can go attack all they want to. He’s got the truth, he’s got briefings, the FBI has all kinds of videotapes.”
Toensing added that the Russians thought they had “died and gone to heaven” when Clinton became secretary of state in 2009 and said that is when they began planning out the Uranium One purchase.
Campbell’s full statement was obtained first by The Hill:
The informant, Douglas Campbell, said in the statement obtained by The Hill that he was told by Russian nuclear executives that Moscow had hired the American lobbying firm APCO Worldwide specifically because it was in position to influence the Obama administration, and more specifically Hillary Clinton.
Democrats have cast doubt on Campbell’s credibility, setting the stage for a battle with Republicans over his testimony.
Campbell added in the testimony that Russian nuclear officials “told me at various times that they expected APCO to apply a portion of the $3 million annual lobbying fee it was receiving from the Russians to provide in-kind support for the Clintons’ Global Initiative.”
“The contract called for four payments of $750,000 over twelve months. APCO was expected to give assistance free of charge to the Clinton Global Initiative as part of their effort to create a favorable environment to ensure the Obama administration made affirmative decisions on everything from Uranium One to the U.S.-Russia Civilian Nuclear Cooperation agreement.”
APCO officials told The Hill that its support for the Clinton Global Initiative and its work with Russia were not connected in any way, and in fact involved different divisions of the firm. They added their lobbying for Russia did not involve Uranium One but rather focused on regulatory issues aimed at helping Russia better compete for nuclear fuel contracts inside the United States.
“APCO Worldwide’s activities involving client work on behalf of Tenex and The Clinton Global Initiative were totally separate and unconnected in any way,” APCO told The Hill in a statement. “All actions on these two unconnected activities were appropriate, publicly documented from the outset and consistent with regulations and the law. Any assertion otherwise is false and unfounded.”
Do you believe Hillary betrayed her country for profit?
A Photo Just Leaked That May Ruin Obama
Obama was first a Senator in Illinois, and promised to pursue “equal opportunities” for all citizens—regardless of the consequences of his actions.
And now, the bombshell photo shows just how far Obama may have gone to pursue his radical ideologies concerning minorities, and show his “support” for the Middle East.
The former President was seen posing with Louis Farrakhan, the leader of the black nationalist hate group Nation of Islam.
Then-Senator Obama was seen smiling with the radical leader, who often promotes anti-Semitic and anti-white views.
The Daily Caller reported:
Journalist Askia Muhammed said he took the photo but decided to suppress its publication in order to protect Obama’s presidential ambitions. Now that Obama’s political career is over, Muhammad is going public with the picture and publishing it in a new book called “The Autobiography of Charles 67X.”
The photo was first published last week by the Trice Edney News Wire, a “provocative, empowering, unapologetically Black” wire news service that interviewed Muhammad. The veteran journalist told the news service that he “gave the picture up at the time and basically swore secrecy” to protect Obama.
“But after the nomination was secured and all the way up until the inauguration; then for eight years after he was President, it was kept under cover,” he said, referencing keeping the photo under wraps to protect Obama’s career. “It absolutely would have made a difference.”
Muhammad is a veteran journalist who has won awards from the National Association of Black Journalists.
Obama’s ties to Farrakhan became an issue during the 2008 campaign, after Hillary Clinton slammed Obama for being slow to disavow the hate group leader’s endorsement.
“I obviously can’t censor him, but it is not support that I sought,” Obama said at the time, according to CNN. “And we’re not doing anything, I assure you, formally or informally with Minister Farrakhan.” Obama added: “I can’t say to somebody that he can’t say that he thinks I’m a good guy.”
Obama eventually denounced his support of Farrakhan—but not soon enough.
Pushed by Clinton, Obama finally denounced Farrakhan, saying that “if the word ‘reject’ Senator Clinton feels is stronger than the word ‘denounce,’ then I’m happy to concede the point, and I would reject and denounce.”
The new photo shows Obama was closer to Farrakhan than he let on.
President Obama ended his presidential career with the economy in shambles, and the nation overrun with dangerous immigrants—but was his interactions with people like Farrakhan the worst thing he had done for the country?
Chuckie Schumer Is On Trump’s Last Nerve
Between failed negotiations concerning DACA to supporting a hostile anti-Trump political environment and blocking Trump’s agenda, Schumer has been on a downward spiral all year.
And now, he is getting on Trump’s last nerve.
President Trump challenged Schumer after he failed to negotiate a better DACA deal, ultimately leading to a government shutdown.
In a tweet, Trump claimed Schumer’s inconsistencies as a Senator were causing many problems for the nation- especially concerning his constant sabotage of the Republican Party’s efforts.
Cryin’ Chuck Schumer fully understands, especially after his humiliating defeat, that if there is no Wall, there is no DACA. We must have safety and security, together with a strong Military, for our great people!
Throughout President Trump’s first year, Chuck Schumer worked to consistently undermine the President, often blocking legislation and refusing to work with the Executive Office in general.
And Trump has had enough.
Breitbart reported:
“Cryin’ Chuck Schumer fully understands, especially after his humiliating defeat, that if there is no Wall, there is no DACA,” Trump wrote on Twitter on Tuesday night. “We must have safety and security, together with a strong Military, for our great people!”
Schumer’s political days may soon be numbered.
Schumer’s biggest mistake was playing into the hands of liberals who claimed to be part of a “resistance” against Trump.
But his consistent failures to pass legislation and work hand in hand with the Executive Office will certainly be career ending for the Democrat.
Schumer’s attempts at sabotaging the administration has hindered any major legislation from being passed.
The New York Post reported:
Chuck Schumer started a government shutdown he couldn’t finish.
The New York Democrat, among the shrewdest operators in national politics, stumbled badly because he succumbed to the siren song of the anti-Trump Resistance. He believed any charge could be made to stick to President Trump, no matter how implausible, and chose the dictates of an inflamed Democratic base over common sense.
His embarrassing climbdown after a short, mostly weekend shutdown shows the limits of the Resistance. Yes, an anti-Trump midterm wave appears to be building and Democratic activists — marching in the streets by the thousands and badgering Republicans at town-hall meetings — are energized. But this doesn’t mean that Democrats can act with impunity as long as they are fighting under an anti-Trump banner.
Schumer sought to attach an extraneous matter, an amnesty for so-called Dreamers, on a must-pass government funding bill and when Democrats inevitably didn’t get what they wanted, blame Trump for the ensuing government shutdown. This effort depended on gravity-defying spin that proved sustainable for less than three days.
The fact is that the Republican House handily passed a bill to keep the government open, with the support of the Republican president. Almost every Republican in the Senate voted to pass that bill through the upper chamber — where it required a supermajority of 60 votes, and therefore some Democratic ayes — while almost every Democrat in the Senate opposed it. Republican leaders said they didn’t want a shutdown and urged Democrats not to force one.
Do you believe Chuck Schumer is still a legitimate authority in the government?
Eric Trump re-posts message clearing Trump associates of illegal Russian ‘collusion’
Much ink has been spent in trying to tie President Trump, his campaign and his family to Russia in any way possible. From potential business deals to meeting with Russian lawyers, collusion has been seen by Democrats as the silver bullet that will metaphorically slay the evil and demented president. That all came crashing down yesterday after the DOJ held a press conference that essentially cleared the Trump family and campaign of collusion charges.
In response, Eric Trump tweeted a quote from the press conference held by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein after the indictment of 13 Russian actors by a federal grand jury. During the press conference, Rosenstein confessed, “there is no allegation in this indictment that any American was a knowing participant in Russian illegal activity.”
Conduct Did not Change Outcome of Election
One of the left’s favorite talking points is the allegation that Trump, with Russian help, stole the election from Hillary Clinton. Rosenstein’s press conference over the recent indictment not only denies that allegation but refutes it all together. Eric Trump tweeted the two relevant quotes:
The relevant portion of the question and answer section of the press conference was transcribed and reported by Real Clear Politics:
QUESTION: Jack, is there concern that this — the (ph) indictment undermines the outcome of the election?
ROSENSTEIN: Well, haven’t I (ph) identified for you the allegations in the indictment? There’s no allegation in the indictment of any effect on the outcome of the election.
QUESTION: On page 4 of the indictment, paragraph 6, it specifically talks about the Trump campaign, saying that defendants communicated with unwitting individuals associated with the Trump campaign.
My question is, later in the indictment, campaign officials are referenced, not by their name; by “campaign official 1” or “2” or “3.” Were campaign officials cooperative, or were they duped? What is their relationship with this?
ROSENSTEIN: Again, there’s no allegation in this indictment that any American had any knowledge. And the nature of the scheme was the defendants took extraordinary steps to make it appear that they were ordinary American political activists, even going so far as to base their activities on a virtual private network here in the United States so, if anybody traced it back to that first jump, they appeared to be Americans.
13 Russians Later
A little over nine months into the Mueller investigation on potential Trump-Russia collusion, Mueller has seemingly found nothing tying Trump associates to efforts to change the outcome of the 2016 election.
13 Russians have been indicted by a federal grand jury for their efforts to undermine American unity during the election.
The indictments note:
Some defendants, posing as U.S. persons and without revealing their Russian association, communicated with unwitting individuals associated with the Trump Campaign and with other political activists to seek to coordinate political activities.
Hillary Clinton, however, was not the only candidate targeted by the Russians. Some of Trump’s Republican opponents were also targeted, according to the indictment.
Some of those charged also “posted derogatory information” about candidates in the Republican primaries, including Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, and supported Bernie Sanders and Trump. By the time of the general election, the Russians’ efforts included “supporting the presidential campaign of then-candidate Donald J. Trump and disparaging Hillary Clinton.”
After the press conference, President Trump also weighed in on the indictment via twitter:
Russia started their anti-US campaign in 2014, long before I announced that I would run for President. The results of the election were not impacted. The Trump campaign did nothing wrong - no collusion!
When asked about the indictments, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stated he had “no response” and added: “until we see the facts everything else is just blabber.”
It has been known for years that Russia, as well as other world powers, have been trying to sow discord and chaos in our electoral system. America has also engaged in this practice in other countries.
We, as a country, must take active steps to protect our Republic from foreign influence. However, despite a long investigation, no evidence has been presented linking Trump or anyone in his family to a nefarious plot to steal the election from Hillary.
We, as a country, must take active steps to protect our Republic from foreign influence. However, despite a long investigation, no evidence has been presented linking Trump or anyone in his family to a nefarious plot to steal the election from Hillary.
Rosenstein’s comments, along with the improper conduct of the FBI revealing pervasive anti-Trump bias, should be reason enough to force Mueller to end the investigation.
It is looking more and more like Trump was correct — this was nothing but a witch-hunt.
Repeal gun-free zones
By Erich Pratt
By Erich Pratt
Florida school shooting shows, again, the failure of gun control:
The Florida shooting this week was heartbreaking. As a father of 10 children, it hurts to see this kind of violence being perpetrated against our schoolchildren. But this week’s events are also infuriating because we refuse to learn the lessons of the past.
Killers continue targeting locations where guns are not allowed. Ninety-eight percent of public mass shootings in this country occur in gun-free zones — the Florida school being one of them.
No wonder that 81% of police officers support arming teachers and principals, so that the real first responders — the potential victims — can protect the children.
Anti-gun liberals tell us that these types of shootings don’t occur in other countries. But that’s a lie. The U.S. is not even in the top 10 when one compares international death rates resulting from mass shootings.
For example, France has far more gun control than we do. The French have greater restrictions on semiautomatic “assault weapons,” which are falsely labeled as such by newspapers like USA TODAY. Yet gun ownership restrictions in France did not stop terrorists from murdering 130 people at a concert in 2015.
Not only that, France had more mass shooting deaths and injuries in 2015 than during Barack Obama’s eight years as president.
From everything we know now, the Florida killer bought his guns legally. This shows, again, the failure of gun control. Anti-gun activists can’t produce one gun-control law that would have effectively stopped the killer.
So what would work? Repealing gun-free zones. The killer at Sutherland Springs church in Texas last November was stopped by a neighbor with an AR-15 style rifle.
The year before, police credited an armed firefighter with stopping a school shooting in South Carolina. How did he do it? He didn’t use a fire hose, but he was possessing a concealed handgun.
Repealing gun-free zones and lifting the restrictions that keep good people from carrying guns for self-defense — that will make a huge difference.
Erich Pratt is the executive director of Gun Owners of America, a grassroots lobby representing more than 1.5 million gun owners.
Sex Predator Olympian Drags American Flag After Gold Medal Run
The 2018 Winter Olympics have been a disaster by all means of measure, and prodigal American snowboarder Shaun White has only added to the controversy this week.
White, known for a while as “They Flying Tomato” on account of his formerly unkempt ginger mop, is one of those athletes who is nigh unstoppable in his snowboarding disciplines. Much like Steph Curry is the NBA’s greatest current three point shooter, White is the king of the halfpipe – the first discipline of the relatively young sport to be incorporated into the Olympic Games all the way back in 1998 during the event in Nagano, Japan.
The fact that snowboarding is even an Olympic sport has irked many within the culture of of the sport, as the move to include the discipline was done hastily, and with regard only for the television advertising revenue that it could generate for the formerly struggling games.
Now, as the sport’s most recognizable face, White has come under increased scrutiny as the world attempts to pigeonhole the wild child as a model citizen – something Shaun certainly is not.
First, there was the embarrassing, drunken incident in Nashville, Tennessee, in which White was arrested for intoxication and the destruction of a hotel telephone – an incident that prompted the childish athlete to assault a bystander who had expressed concern for his behavior.
On top of that, White is still in the midst of a lengthy investigation into inexcusable sexual behavior that included the sharing of pornographic material with female bandmates in which the two hunters copulated on the corpse of a recently slain bear.
Now, to top off all of this horrific behavior, the man-child has been forced to apologize for dragging the American flag on the ground in the wake of his final, gold medal run in Pyeongchang.
“Snowboarder Shaun White apologized Wednesday for dragging a U.S. flag on the snow after his dramatic gold medal victory in the men’s halfpipe, but said he did not know he had let the flag touch the ground.
“’I remember being handed the flag but I was trying to put my gloves on and hold the flag and get board,’ he told reporters afterward. ‘Honestly, if there was anything, I definitely didn’t mean any disrespect.'”
The excuses gets even lamer from there.
“’I remember being handed the flag but I was trying to put my gloves on and hold the flag and get board,’ he told reporters afterward. ‘Honestly, if there was anything, I definitely didn’t mean any disrespect.'”
The excuses gets even lamer from there.
“‘The flag that’s flying on my house right now is way up there. So sorry for that,’ White continued. ‘But I’m definitely proud — very proud — to be a part of Team USA and being an American and to be representing for everyone back home.'”
Ah, the old “I do it differently when you’re not looking argument” from 4th grade. Classic.
Shaun White is a great example of where parenting can make a huge difference in our society as well. While the mainstream media gushes over the freckled twerp, there is a teachable moment here for the parents of our nation, to demonstrate to the next generation of possible Olympians that Shaun White is from a different era, and from a disparate mindset, when it comes to patriotic representatives of our great nation.
Andrew West is a Georgia-based political enthusiast and lover of liberty. When not writing, you can find Mr. West home brewing his own craft beer, perfecting his home-made hot sauce recipes, or playing guitar.
Dick Morris: Susan Rice Memo Channels Richard Nixon
By Dick Morris
On March 21, 1973 — exactly two months after he was inaugurated for a second term as president — Richard M. Nixon met, in the Oval Office, with his aides H.R. Haldeman and John Dean III to discuss how to buy the co-operation and silence of Watergate burglar Howard Hunt.
Haldeman reported that Hunt wanted $120,000 but Dean said it would likely take a cool $1 million.
Haldeman reported that Hunt wanted $120,000 but Dean said it would likely take a cool $1 million.
Nixon replied that “there is no problem in raising a million dollars — we can do that — but it would be wrong.”
Knowing that he was taping himself, Nixon’s comment is widely and accurately seen as a CYA comment in case any payments that were made were exposed.
Knowing that he was taping himself, Nixon’s comment is widely and accurately seen as a CYA comment in case any payments that were made were exposed.
The same is probably true of Susan Rice’s email, sent hours before she left office, recounting an Oval Office meeting with President Barack Obama on Jan. 5, two weeks before the end of his term.
The Rice email memorializes Obama’s words at the meeting saying that he wanted any investigation of the Russia-Trump scandal to be conducted “by the book.”
Rice’s email, sent on Jan. 20, 2017, the very day of Trump’s inauguration, described a meeting two weeks before with FBI Director James Comey, Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, and Vice President Joe Biden about the investigation into Russian election interference.
Her email (possibly her last official action before walking out the door) notes that Obama stressed “his continued commitment to ensuring that every aspect of this issue is handled by the Intelligence and law enforcement communities ‘by the book.’ The president stressed that he is not asking about, initiating or instructing anything from a law enforcement perspective. He reiterated that our law enforcement team needs to proceed as it normally would by the book.”
Obama’s comments smack of the same CYA motivation as Nixon’s in making sure he was on tape as saying that payoffs to the burglars (which in fact were being made as he spoke) “would be wrong.”
We don’t know why Rice waited two weeks after the Jan. 5 meeting to send her email.
But we can imagine that it had slipped her mind and that she realized right before leaving office, perhaps as a result of a reminder from the president, that she needed to get it on record … now.
Just as Nixon was, indeed, paying off the burglars, so Obama’s people were conducting the Russia investigation anything but “by the book.”
The FBI has used the totally inaccurate dossier as the basis for warrants to surveil Trump staffer Carter Page before, during and after the transition.
But in getting the warrant to do so from the FISA Court, they hid the fact that the dossier was paid for by Hillary Clinton’s campaign and had been amassed with substantial aid from Hillary black ops boys Sidney Blumenthal and Cody Shearer and from the wife of Bruce Ohr of the Justice Department.
If this was “by the book”, it must have been a strange book — the same one Nixon was using that led to his forced resignation.
Dick Morris is a former adviser to President Bill Clinton as well as a political author, pollster and consultant. His most recent book, “Rogue Spooks,” was written with his wife, Eileen McGann.
McCarthy Reveals Obama Story More Shocking Than Russia Collusion
House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) was recently interviewed on the “Hugh Hewitt Show” where he shared that he believes the “overreach on the 4th Amendment” by Barack Obama and his administration will soon come to light. The result will be a much bigger and shocking story than the Russian collusion during the elections.
Partial transcript as follows:
HEWITT: And that’s where it is today. That’s good. Let me close by talking about the House Intel Committee. The Schiff-Nunes split, or the Nunes-Schiff split is pretty deep.
HEWITT: And Adam Schiff is your colleague from California. I’ve talked with him in airports before. He’s a nice guy until he goes on TV.
HEWITT: And then he turns into this complete, utter fabricator. I mean, I just can’t come up with any…
MCCARTHY: It’s a whole different person.
HEWITT: What is going on with him?
MCCARTHY: I don’t quite know, because this is the not the Adam Schiff you had for years here. And he is a really a fundamentally different person on the television. And remember what he said prior to the investigation, that he had, and I’ll get the phrase incorrectly, but he gave something to the point that he had evidence that Trump was guilty before the investigation started. And then to what he did, they all voted against letting the information out about FISA. Every Republican voted for the Republican version and the Democrat version. And you know you can’t put methods in there. The one thing that the Republican memo did, they went to the FBI ahead of time and said scrub it. The Democrats did not, because they want to play games with it. And the President cannot put that out there, because it would put our agents in jeopardy and others who are gathering this information. But you know the FISA Court better than almost anyone. This is a unique court. You can’t go before them and to have three different times and withhold where you know the dossier is coming from, that it was from Steele and the Democrats are paying for it.
HEWITT: Now 30 seconds, Kevin McCarthy, do you believe this will end up being more about Obama administration wrongdoing or about Trump campaign wrongdoing, 30 seconds?
MCCARTHY: Much more about Obama’s overreach on the 4th Amendment than anything about Trump and the election.
HEWITT: Remarkable. Kevin McCarthy, congratulations on a great start to 2018. Good luck on getting an immigration compromise done. Come back early and often, even when you’re chief of staff.
G’ day…Ciao…
Helen and Moe Lauzier
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