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Monday, Feb. 26, 2018
All Gave Some~Some Gave All

The horrifying life of sex slavery North Korean cheerleaders face
North Korean cheerleaders attend the Winter Olympics in PyeongChang.
Getty Images
Getty Images
Members of the North Korean national cheerleading squad — who have been featured gleefully rooting at the PyeongChang Winter Olympics — are systematically forced to have sex with high-ranking members of Kim Jong Un’s twisted regime, according to a disturbing report.
Behind the scenes, the troupe — dubbed the “Pleasure Squad” by insiders — are forced to perform sex acts on party leaders during their trip to the Olympics, a defector with knowledge of the sexual slavery told Bloomberg News.
“[The] troupe came here and performed with dances and songs, and it might seem like a fancy show on the outside [but] they also have to go to parties and provide sexual services,” said defector Lee So Yeon, a military musician who fled the country in 2008, during Kim Jong Un’s regime.
“They go to the central Politburo parties events, and have to sleep with the people there, even if they don’t want it,” said Yeon, 42.
She added, “Those sorts of human-rights infringements take place, where women have to follow what they are told to do with their bodies.”
The perky and impeccably dressed cheerleaders are subject to an extreme vetting system based on their looks, family backgrounds and loyalty to the Workers’ Party, according to the outlet.

Behind the scenes, the troupe — dubbed the “Pleasure Squad” by insiders — are forced to perform sex acts on party leaders during their trip to the Olympics, a defector with knowledge of the sexual slavery told Bloomberg News.
“[The] troupe came here and performed with dances and songs, and it might seem like a fancy show on the outside [but] they also have to go to parties and provide sexual services,” said defector Lee So Yeon, a military musician who fled the country in 2008, during Kim Jong Un’s regime.
“They go to the central Politburo parties events, and have to sleep with the people there, even if they don’t want it,” said Yeon, 42.
She added, “Those sorts of human-rights infringements take place, where women have to follow what they are told to do with their bodies.”
The perky and impeccably dressed cheerleaders are subject to an extreme vetting system based on their looks, family backgrounds and loyalty to the Workers’ Party, according to the outlet.
They are monitored 24 hours a day, even while they eat and use the restroom, according to the UK Metro.
Yeon’s account of the sexual slavery piggybacks on past reports in which female defectors from North Korea have described being “selected” to sexually service members of the political party.
In 2010, defector Mi-hyang said she was only 15 years old when soldiers in green uniforms stormed her classroom and chose her to become a sex slave for Kim Jong Il, the father of Kim Jong Un, according to Marie Claire magazine.
She was forbidden from seeing her family and forced to spend 10 years sexually pleasuring him, according to the report.
Lee Il-nam, a nephew of Kim Jong Un’s father, who defected in 1982, also detailed, some of the “Pleasure Squad” parties in his book.
The parties, which were often held at the tyrant’s official home, included kinky games in which the women were forced to strip and shave their pubic hair, Lee Il-nam wrote in his book, “Kim Jong-il’s Royal Family.”
“The routine at the parties included eating, drinking and dancing, but usually ended with erotic games,” he wrote, according to News.com.au.
“A favorite was a game in which the losers had to take off clothes one by one. It was enforced, regardless of men or women. If they got heavily drunk, they also played a hair-shaving game. If men lost, part of their head hair was shaved, as if it was mown. For women, their pubic hair was shaved.”
Other parties would be devoted entirely to sex, he wrote.
When the cheerleaders “retire,” they’re often married off to elite guards and sometimes paid to keep quiet about the regime’s dirty secrets.
Yeon’s account of the sexual slavery piggybacks on past reports in which female defectors from North Korea have described being “selected” to sexually service members of the political party.
In 2010, defector Mi-hyang said she was only 15 years old when soldiers in green uniforms stormed her classroom and chose her to become a sex slave for Kim Jong Il, the father of Kim Jong Un, according to Marie Claire magazine.
She was forbidden from seeing her family and forced to spend 10 years sexually pleasuring him, according to the report.
Lee Il-nam, a nephew of Kim Jong Un’s father, who defected in 1982, also detailed, some of the “Pleasure Squad” parties in his book.
The parties, which were often held at the tyrant’s official home, included kinky games in which the women were forced to strip and shave their pubic hair, Lee Il-nam wrote in his book, “Kim Jong-il’s Royal Family.”
“The routine at the parties included eating, drinking and dancing, but usually ended with erotic games,” he wrote, according to News.com.au.
“A favorite was a game in which the losers had to take off clothes one by one. It was enforced, regardless of men or women. If they got heavily drunk, they also played a hair-shaving game. If men lost, part of their head hair was shaved, as if it was mown. For women, their pubic hair was shaved.”
Other parties would be devoted entirely to sex, he wrote.
When the cheerleaders “retire,” they’re often married off to elite guards and sometimes paid to keep quiet about the regime’s dirty secrets.
Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi recently spoke to Fox News Channel’s “The Story,” and was asked if she was in favor of the resignation of FBI Director Christopher Wray as well. Bondi responded saying Wray had a lot of explaining to do.
“I think [Wray] has a lot of explaining to do,” Bondi stated. “You know, the men and women of the FBI report to him, and we need to find out exactly what happened that could have saved 17 lives and many, many injuries, and thousands of kids who will be traumatized for the rest of their lives. And I don’t want that, though, to impact what’s happening next, that kids need to tell their parents about Snapchat. Again, I dealt with it last night, because people are online and it’s a sick world in which we live in now, but we have so many good kids and good parents. And even if you think it’s a hoax, call it in. I’d rather you be wrong 100 percent of the time and call it in and let us save some lives.”
CNN’s Cillizza: Armed Deputy Who Did Nothing to Stop Parkland Massacre a ‘Good Guy’
CNN’s Chris Cillizza described an armed deputy who stood by and did nothing while 17 students were massacred as a “good guy.”
“When the shooting started … there was an armed deputy on duty at the school — someone tasked, specifically, with keeping the students inside safe,” Cillizza writes, adding, “He was outside when the first shots were fired. And he stayed there for four minutes as the shooter murdered 17 people.”
Incredibly, just two paragraphs later, Cillizza says of the deputy, “There was a good guy with a gun just outside the school when the bad guy with a gun started murdering people. The good guy with the gun wasn’t the solution. He didn’t stop it.” [emphasis added]
Cillizza is hoping to rebut the truth that “Only a good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun,” but to declare this deputy a “good guy” is laughable.
The overall point Cillizza hopes to make is that, unlike banks, major media outlets, and shopping malls, America’s schoolchildren should not be offered armed protection.
Conversely, just last month when faced with a death threat, CNN increased its personal security — the far-left CNN even has a security department. And yet, the left-wing Cillizza believes our children should remain sitting ducks in open buildings advertised as gun-free zones, which serve as magnets for mass-murderers who know they will not meet with armed resistance.
Cillizza also believes that a deputy sworn to protect his community, an armed law enforcement officer who did nothing knowing helpless children were being murdered, is a “good guy.”
Along with its documented credibility crash and fake news crisis, the last-place CNN has also suffered a massive ratings decline. Over the last two weeks, when compared to last year, the anti-Trump cable channel has lost -30 percent and -27 percent of its primetime audience, respectively.
Poll: 44% Already Approve of Arming Teachers…and Trump Is Just Warming Up
Already, a full 44 percent of Americans approve of arming teachers, while only 50 percent are opposed, according to a CBS poll.
These results might seem like bad news to those in favor of arming qualified teachers and school personnel, but until now, the debate has been one-sided. Eager to keep the hate directed at the NRA, our hysterical, anti-gun media are quick to shut down this debate before it even begins.
Writing at the far-left Washington Post, Greg Sargent vehemently opposes arming teachers. “The suggestion that we arm teachers in response to school shootings is not just a profoundly, hideously awful idea,” but he also worries the idea is picking up steam.
“This is heavily driven by Republicans — 68 percent of them support this. But so do a lot of independents — they are split, with 47 percent of them supporting the idea and 46 percent opposing it,” he writes (emphasis original).
What should also worry the left is President Trump’s persuasion skills. Unlike former President Obama, who proved incapable of selling anything outside of himself against two lackluster Republican presidential opponents, and despite a cacophony of opposition from Democrats and their media, Trump has moved the public opinion needle on a number of big issues, most especially, tax cuts and immigration. He is now in favor of arming qualified teachers.
In the wake of the Parkland, Florida, school shooting massacre, while the media have completely freaked out against the NRA, while the anti-gun cable channel CNN has hosted hate-driven town halls that attack motherhood and rape victims, Trump has been the calm in the storm, the adult in the room, the man leading our country to what he sees as actual solutions.
As a result, Trump’s approval numbers have steadily risen to a point where he is now more popular than even Obama was at this point in his presidency. This means people are listening to Trump, responding to his leadership.
Moreover, because he is not a politician, Trump appears to actually be looking for real solutions to our country’s school shooting contagion, including modest gun control proposals — a ban on bump stocks and raising the legal age to 21 for the purchase of certain firearms — and arming qualified school personnel.
Like every sane person, Trump understands that no gun control law would have stopped a single one of these mass shootings. Bringing up gun control in the aftermath of one of these atrocities is nothing less than a red herring, nothing less than Democrats and the media exploiting a tragedy to push an agenda — and doing so at the expense of real solutions.
Not being a career politician, Trump wants to solve the problem, and the only way to do that is to end the suicidal madness of herding children into buildings where they are left completely helpless and defenseless. Worse, they are advertised as sitting ducks to every madman in the country.
Of course qualified armed personnel should be in every school building in America, just like you see armed personnel in every bank, major media outlet, movie studio, and government building in America. Talk about a no-brainer.
Think about this: When a media outlet faces threats, it immediately armors up, increases security. And yet, when our children are massacred, these same media outlets stand in opposition to armoring up schools. This should tell you all you need to know about our media’s craven agenda.
Teachers do not give up their Second Amendment civil rights once they become teachers.
Already in Texas, and without incident, qualified school personnel — including teachers, janitors, coaches, etc. — are carrying concealed weapons. After heavy background checks and training, these staffers are designated as marshals and their identities kept secret (so they cannot be targeted).
This is common sense.
Even when local and federal government do not fail as catastrophically as we have seen in Parkland, by the time the police show up at a mass-shooting, the murderer has already had time to kill dozens. Having someone on campus armed and trained is an absolute moral necessity.
Additionally, unlike a gun-free zone, which promises mass-murderers a building full of sitting ducks, just knowing they will immediately meet a good guy with gun will almost certainly serve as a deterrent.
At this stage of the debate, with Trump just getting warmed up in making his case, only 50 percent opposed to this common sense idea is a very good sign that this country might finally do the right thing and offer our children the same protections our media and Hollywood elite enjoy.
Democrat Rep. Openly Admits He’ll Lie About Gun Facts Whenever He Wants
By Erin Coates
WIth the gun debate in full force after the tragedy at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School last week, one Democrat representative admitted to using incorrect terminology for firearms.
Rep. Ted Lieu, D-Calif., was confronted for his use the term “assault rifle” to talk about the AR-15 and he responded on Twitter.
How quaint that some folks are more concerned about kids speaking respectfully than the fact that 17 kids were slaughtered with an assault rifle.#StudentsStandUp https://twitter.com/toddstarnes/status/966511070629199873 …
10:35 PM - Feb 21, 2018
“How quaint that some folks are more concerned about kids speaking respectfully than the fact that 17 kids were slaughtered with an assault rifle,” he said in a tweet.
According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, assault rifles “can be set for automatic or semiautomatic fire.” Assault rifles have also been banned to the public since 1934, according to Independent Journal Review.
One Twitter user pointed out the representative’s mistake, and Lieu responded, “I will keep saying assault rifle if I feel like it. I will not let you define what I can or cannot say.”
“How quaint that some folks are more concerned about kids speaking respectfully than the fact that 17 kids were slaughtered with an assault rifle,” he said in a tweet.
According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, assault rifles “can be set for automatic or semiautomatic fire.” Assault rifles have also been banned to the public since 1934, according to Independent Journal Review.
One Twitter user pointed out the representative’s mistake, and Lieu responded, “I will keep saying assault rifle if I feel like it. I will not let you define what I can or cannot say.”
You said "assault rifle," turbo. Words mean things. If you don't know which words mean which things, don't use those words. https://twitter.com/tedlieu/status/966535437962526720 …
NO. I will keep saying assault rifle if I feel like it. I will not let you define what I can or cannot say. In any statute, the term assault weapon or assault rifle would be defined. But in ordinary conversation, I will use assault rifle interchangeably with assault weapon.
10:17 AM - Feb 22, 2018
A different Twitter user added that it was a “bizarre move for an elected official” to not use the correct terminology.
Lieu responded that it was “bizarre” that people were more concerned about him labeling guns correctly.
22 Feb
Knowingly using the wrong terminology is a bizarre move for an elected official. https://twitter.com/tedlieu/status/966693409049079808 …
If you are more bothered by me saying AR-15-style assault rifle than by the fact that 14 students and 3 adults were slaughtered by an AR-15-style rifle, then I respectfully suggest that is what is bizarre.
The representative explained that he was going to use the term “in ordinary conversation because I find it to be descriptive,” but will define it correctly when he passes legislation.
So what you’re saying is purposely going to continue to use a misnomer. This picture shows two semi-automatic rifles. You want to call one an “assault weapon” because it looks scarier. https://twitter.com/tedlieu/status/966693409049079808 … pic.twitter.com/ftJkKLra41
When I say AR-15-style assault rifle, you know exactly what I mean. In statute, however, it would be defined based on function and characteristics and so on. But am going to keep using the term "assault" in ordinary conversation because I find it to be descriptive.
10:47 PM - Feb 22, 2018
Lieu is not the only one who has mixed up gun facts on Twitter.
Liberal author Joyce Carol Oates tried to simultaneously defend the armed school resource officer who stayed outside while last week’s Florida school shooting took place, as well as blast the National Rifle Association in one post.
Liberal author Joyce Carol Oates tried to simultaneously defend the armed school resource officer who stayed outside while last week’s Florida school shooting took place, as well as blast the National Rifle Association in one post.
how could a single school guard, armed with a conventional weapon, expect to confront & "kill" an individual w/ AK-15 who has methodically plotted an attack? isn't this demanding of the guard that he sacrifice his life? would NRA pay his widow a bonus?
Oates, whose Twitter feed is full of pro-gun control, anti-NRA posts, took issue with the widespread criticism that the now-former school resource officer has received.
In the process of doing so, she seemed to get confused regarding the difference between an AK-47 rifle and an AR-15.
Assuming that she was not being sarcastic, Oates’ tweet seemed to suggest that it would not be possible for an armed officer to take down the shooter.
Moreover, she was apparently arguing that a school resource officer, who many people would argue is duty-bound to put the lives of students before his own, should not sacrifice himself in an active-shooter situation.
In the process of doing so, she seemed to get confused regarding the difference between an AK-47 rifle and an AR-15.
Assuming that she was not being sarcastic, Oates’ tweet seemed to suggest that it would not be possible for an armed officer to take down the shooter.
Moreover, she was apparently arguing that a school resource officer, who many people would argue is duty-bound to put the lives of students before his own, should not sacrifice himself in an active-shooter situation.
Lawyer: Melania Trump’s parents are living in the U.S. legally
Multiculturalist liberals have historically struggled to distinguish between law-abiding immigrants who enter the U.S. legally and the estimated 12.5 million illegal aliens who flagrantly disregard the laws of the land in which they hope to prosper.
In the left’s latest attempt to distort the debate by conflating legal and illegal immigration, the mainstream media challenged the legal status of First Lady Melania Trump’s parents — but according to her parents’ lawyer, they are both here legally.
Still, after it became clear that they were in the U.S. under a legitimate visa program, liberals are now defending a widely unpopular chain migration policy by introducing Melania Trump’s parents into the immigration debate.
A family affair
The establishment media is attempting to undermine the president and expose him as a hypocrite by suggesting that the first lady’s parents, Viktor and Amalija Knavs, are only in America by taking advantage of an immigration program that President Trump has promised to end.
As recently as his State of the Union address, Trump reviled chain migration as “a broken system” where “a single immigrant can bring in virtually unlimited numbers of distant relatives.”
Sixty percent of legal immigrants from the past 35 years are in the U.S. thanks to chain migration, which explains why nearly half of all immigrant-headed households are dependent on costly welfare programs.
As a result, the president has made ending the controversial policy of allowing distant relatives to settle in America a pillar of his immigration reform agenda.
Now that an attorney representing the Knavs has confirmed that the retired couple have been “lawfully admitted to the United States as permanent residents,” and are expected to become citizens soon, the persistently anti-Trump mainstream media are scrambling to frame the president as providing special favors for his own extended family, while blocking access to immigrants without his political connections.
Unsubstantiated assumptions
However, The Washington Post, which was the first to report on the Knavs immigration status, is basing their story of presidential hypocrisy on unsubstantiated conjecture.
Although Washington Post contributor Glenn Kessler acknowledges that there are several avenues by which the first lady’s parents could have obtained authorization for legal residency, he chooses the instance that best fits his counter-Trump narrative by citing Buffalo-area immigration attorney Matthew L. Kolken, who said:
If I were advising Trump, Melania’s parents would be admitted as immigrants as the immediate relative of a United States citizen if they were planning on moving here permanently, especially given the fact that there is talk to eliminate this basis for immigration.
Kolken was referring to the IR-5 visa program which allows parents of a U.S. citizen to legally reside in the United States. Since this is how most immigrants parents take advantage of chain migration, Kessler emphasizes this program as the most likely course of action.
However, there are other means for obtaining citizenship that may better explain the Knavs’ circumstances. For instance, there is an equally likely chance that the first lady’s parents requested “parole” into the U.S. based upon “humanitarian or significant public benefit reasons.”
Parole based on significant public benefit includes, but is not limited to, law enforcement and national security reasons or foreign or domestic policy considerations. We exercise our discretion on a case-by-case basis.
Shameful tactics
If President Barack Obama’s illegal alien aunt Zeituni Onyango could be granted asylum in the U.S. after breaking visa laws and ignoring multiple deportation orders, certainly the law-abiding parents of a serving first lady can be awarded a similar exception.
Onyango eventually convinced a judge that her “credible fear of persecution” in Kenya gave customs officials the “obligation to make [her] a citizen.”
Clearly, the Knavs familial ties to the White House would qualify as “foreign or domestic policy considerations.” Yet, Kessler ignored this most probable pathway to citizenship in favor of the politically explosive alternative.
Chain migration is wildly unpopular among ordinary, hard-working Americans. No matter how Democrats and their complicit media attempt to frame the concept, there is no escaping that chain migration must end — and attempts to discredit first lady’s family along the way only expose their blind desperation oppose the will of American voters.
The left isn’t fooling anyone — and it’s time they stop bringing the president’s innocent family members into the mix. But we aren’t holding our breath on that one.
These Companies Cut Ties With NRA… Time to Boycott Them All
If you support the Second Amendment and firearms safety classes, a number of companies no longer want your business.
A handful of well-known brands are severing business agreements with the National Rifle Association after being pressured by anti-gun voices in the wake of the Florida school shooting… but they may have under-estimated the number of law-abiding gun owners in the United States.
“Several social media users pressured companies listed as working with the NRA on discounts and other programs to drop their affiliation,” reported Fox News.
“Initially, Enterprise Rent-A-Car and First National Bank of Omaha – which sponsored an NRA-related credit card – cut ties with the Virginia-based gun rights and safety organization,” Fox continued.
But it didn’t stop there. As corporations caved to hysterical anti-Second Amendment voices, the list of brands that purposely ended their programs for NRA members grew.
As of Feb. 24, 2018, those companies are:
Enterprise Rent-A-Car, First National Bank of Omaha, Avis Car Rental, Allied Van Lines, Budget Rent-A-Car, Chubb, Delta Airlines, Hertz Rent-A-Car, MetLife, North American Van Lines, TrueCar, Wyndham Hotels & Resorts, Symantec and United Airlines.
Conservative commentators quickly pointed out that those businesses are essentially giving millions of lawful gun owners the middle finger, and shooting themselves in the foot — if you’ll pardon the expression.
“People should study that list,” radio host Tony Katz declared during a Fox News appearance. “This is the list of companies that don’t believe in freedom of thought… or freedom of expression.”
“This is a list of people who haven’t thought through what it is they’re actually saying, and what they’re saying is: How dare you think differently, we punish you for it.”
Leland Vittert, the Fox anchor speaking to Katz, pointed out that companies like MetLife give discounts to other politically active organizations besides the NRA, including members of the Teamsters. Yet NRA members have been singled out to be excluded from those discount programs.
“Now they’re basing business practice on thought policing,” Katz responded. “And that has to be dealt with.” He then called on NRA members to think twice about whether they wanted to continue giving money to brands that apparently didn’t want their business.
“You have to make them hurt to make them understand that they can’t thought-police America,” the conservative host explained.
Katz is right: Companies are now going after people not for anything they’ve done — the criminal in Florida was not an NRA member by any stretch of the imagination — but rather merely because of what they think.
Even more appalling, they are shunning millions of Americans for believing in something that is enshrined in the Constitution.
NRA members are responsible gun owners who pass background checks, want to reduce crime, and support gun safety classes that train kids and adults to prevent accidents. These are the kind of customers the corporations want to exclude?
It’s virtue signalling, plain and simple. Cutting off discount programs for an NRA member who wants to rent a car will do nothing, absolutely zilch, to stop the next school shooter, but these companies want to pretend that they’re “helping.”
Politicians, the media, and companies all seem to forget that the National Rifle Association is not a rogue group that came out of nowhere, but is made up of everyday Americans who simply share common interests and views. Those people’s voices count, and their dollars do, too.
There are about five million official NRA members, and according to a Pew study, nearly 10 million additional people identify as supporters of the NRA although their membership has lapsed or they are part of a household that has a membership.
That’s close to 15 million people who belong to the NRA, with uncounted millions more who support gun rights but don’t join membership organizations. The number of Americans who hold concealed pistol licenses is similar.
Every company can make its own decisions about how to run their business, but they may have miscalculated the blow-back from this short sighted decision. The American people are watching.
Anti-Trump Billionaire Sports Owner Just Got A Rude Awakening
It seems every single day another sports figure comes out against President Trump.
Athletes, coaches, and owners have become political and social activists seemingly overnight.
But one anti-Trump sports owner just got his comeuppance.
Dallas Mavericks’ billionaire owner, Mark Cuban, has been extremely vocal in his opposition towards Trump.
The New York Times once described their relationship as “longtime frenemies.”
But during the 2016 election,Cuban claimed he told Trump that he “was really concerned about a candidate becoming president who was not making an effort to learn the issues.”
That sounds like jealousy.
But Cuban has bigger problems than Donald Trump after a recent Sports Illustrated issue exposed sexual misconduct among his top people as well as the president of operations.
And not only are people wary of what Cuban actually knew, he’s also just been fined $600,000 for boldly admitting that he intentionally tanked this season to get a high draft pick.
The New York Times reports:
Between the sexual assault allegations and receiving his highest fine yet, Cuban may end up losing the Mavericks altogether.
House Intel Dems release countermemo
© Greg Nash
House Intelligence Committee Democrats have released their memo countering the GOP document that alleged surveillance abuses in the Justice Department and FBI.
President Trump blocked the release of the Democrats' memo earlier this month, after the committee voted unanimously to release it. Many lawmakers from both parties argued that the American people deserved the right to view the rebuttal, since the GOP memo had been released just weeks before.
The GOP memo, assembled by Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) and his staff, accuses FBI and Justice Department officials of abusing a surveillance program to unfairly spy on the Trump campaign. Trump claimed that the information in the GOP memo "totally vindicates" him in the investigation into whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to win the election.
The Democratic memo, which can be viewed in its entirety below, claims to "correct the record" on what the Democrats say is a "transparent effort to undermine" the FBI and Justice Department, as well as the Russia investigations, on the part of the committee's GOP members.
House Intelligence Committee Democrats have released their memo countering the GOP document that alleged surveillance abuses in the Justice Department and FBI.
President Trump blocked the release of the Democrats' memo earlier this month, after the committee voted unanimously to release it. Many lawmakers from both parties argued that the American people deserved the right to view the rebuttal, since the GOP memo had been released just weeks before.
The GOP memo, assembled by Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) and his staff, accuses FBI and Justice Department officials of abusing a surveillance program to unfairly spy on the Trump campaign. Trump claimed that the information in the GOP memo "totally vindicates" him in the investigation into whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to win the election.
The Democratic memo, which can be viewed in its entirety below, claims to "correct the record" on what the Democrats say is a "transparent effort to undermine" the FBI and Justice Department, as well as the Russia investigations, on the part of the committee's GOP members.
Investigation into Clinton Foundation launched – and it is getting serious
The walls are starting to close in on the Clinton family.
Now, more than one government, including the United States, is looking into the dealings of the Clinton Foundation and its possible criminal activities.
A New Investigation
In January, The Hill reported that the Justice Department had opened a new investigation into whether the Foundation engaged in any quid pro quo when Hillary Clinton served as the Secretary of State.
“The officials, who spoke only on condition of anonymity, said the probe is examining whether the Clintons promised or performed any policy favors in return for largesse to their charitable efforts or whether donors made commitments of donations in hopes of securing government outcomes,” The Hill wrote.
“The probe may also examine whether any tax-exempt assets were converted for personal or political use and whether the foundation complied with applicable tax laws, the officials said.
One witness recently interviewed by the FBI described the session to The Hill as “extremely professional and unquestionably thorough” and focused on questions about whether donors to Clinton charitable efforts received any favorable treatment from the Obama administration on a policy decision previously highlighted in media reports,” it said.
Spokesmen for Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation derided the new investigation.
“Let’s call this what it is: a sham,” Hillary Clinton’s spokesman Nick Merrill said. “This is a philanthropy that does life-changing work, which Republicans have tried to turn into a political football. It began with a now long-debunked project spearheaded by Steve Bannon during the presidential campaign. It continues with Jeff Sessions doing Trump’s bidding by heeding his calls to meddle with a department that is supposed to function independently.”
“Time after time, the Clinton Foundation has been subjected to politically motivated allegations, and time after time these allegations have been proven false. None of this has made us waver in our mission to help people,” foundation spokesman Craig Minassian said. “The Clinton Foundation has demonstrably improved the lives of millions of people across America and around the world while earning top ratings from charity watchdog groups in the process.”
Some watchdog groups have given the Foundation a clean bill of health, but other investigators contend it is a pay-for-play scheme and critical part of Clinton empire.
The Clintons get nothing from the foundation except free travel on chartered jets and first-class airline seats and hotel stays and, oh yes, control over a giant operating budget to steer to the charities and good causes that they prefer. Practically nothing!
The International Connection
First, multiple investigations have been launched into the Foundation because of the many indications that the organization operates primarily to benefit the Clintons. France, for instance, conducted an investigation between 2009-2011 that attempted to determine where millions of dollars of HIV/Aids assistance money (a good portion of which was given to the Clinton Foundation) was spent.
The Clinton Foundation has its tentacles in several nations, including Columbia and Haiti, and during the transition from the Obama administration to President Trump’s administration, it was reported that the new president wanted to pressure foreign governments to investigate.
“A source close to President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team told The Post that the new administration plans to pressure the US ambassadors it will name to bring up the foundation with foreign governments — and suggest they probe its financial dealings,” The New York Post reported.
“Haiti and Colombia will be key diplomatic posts for this because of all the money involved,” a source told The Post.
“In Haiti, recently leaked emails indicate “Friends of Bill” Clinton may have been given priority by the State Department as it prepared to spend some $10 billion in aid after a devastating earthquake hit the country in 2010. The State Department has denied any special treatment,” The Post reported.
“In Colombia, Canadian mining magnate Frank Giustra pledged $100 million to the foundation in 2005 and later benefited from the foundation’s philanthropic work in the country, where he acquired large parcels of land and set up an oil business, according to watchdog groups,” it said.
There are simply too many examples of corruption and the buying of favors to believe that the Clintons were merely operating a good-natured charity.
They can run but they cannot hide forever, and the noose is tightening.
A Judge just revealed the truth about Russian meddling James Comey tried to hide
The media has tried to play up alleged Russian election meddling as if it was a Donald Trump scandal.
Democrats and journalists are trying to use it destroy the Trump Presidency.
But a Judge revealed the truth that James Comey and the FBI want to keep hidden.
According to Robert Mueller’s indictment of 13 Russian nationals, the meddling began in 2014.
That meant it started on Barack Obama’s watch while James Comey was Director of the FBI.
Fox News Channel’s Judge Andrew Napolitano pointed out that it fell to Comey to stop this plot.
Any Russian meddling that took place was because Comey was derelict in his duty.
The Daily Caller reports:
“Fox News legal analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano blamed former Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director James Comey for failing to stop Russian election interference and said it all occurred on former President Barack Obama’s watch.
“The NSA is so thorough in it’s listening to conversations and capturing emails. Why didn’t they capture this,” Napolitano asked. “Why didn’t the FBI know about what was going on? If you know, Jim Comey, that this is happening — why don’t you stop it?!”
“This happened on Obama’s watch,” he said.”
Donald Trump made a similar point on twitter.
Have a great, but very reflective, President’s Day!
Obama was President up to, and beyond, the 2016 Election. So why didn’t he do something about Russian meddling?
And former Director Comey was so consumed with spying on the Trump campaign that he let this happen right under his nose.
As more facts come to light, the only question Americans are asking about Donald Trump’s firing of James Comey is why didn’t he do it sooner?
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Dick Morris: Kerry and Daughter in Scandal Crosshairs
By Dick Morris
It always comes as something of a shock when rich people are accused of stealing, trying, as the Beatles sang, “to make their wealth a little golder.”
But former Secretary of State John Kerry and his daughter Dr. Vanessa Kerry seem to have tried.
They are accused of channeling more than $9 million of taxpayer money through the Peace Corps to Seed, a charity run by Vanessa.
Seed seeks to train doctors and nurses in underserved areas, mainly in Africa.
A former Peace Corps official, Warren “Buck” Buckingham — facing prosecution himself in the same deal — has flipped, agreeing to cooperate with the U.S. attorney investigating the matter in the hopes of getting favorable treatment for himself.
In the same deal, Buckingham is accused of lobbying former colleagues in the government to procure the grant for Seed.
A long-time anti-AIDS activist, Buckingham was former director of the Peace Corps’ Office of Global Health and HIV.
Seed, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, “strives to strengthen health education and delivery in places facing a dire shortage of health professionals by working with partner countries to meet their long-term health care resource needs.”
It is a “(p)ublic-private collaboration between Seed Global Health, the Peace Corps, and the US Presidents’ Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief.”
Seed also provides up to $30,000 in debt relief for its “volunteers.”
By relieving them of student debt, Seed says it “ensures that the most-qualified applicants an serve regardless of financial barriers.”
Kerry is already facing controversy over reports that he got a copy of the Steele dossier on Trump during the summer of 2016.
An official at the State Department, while he was in charge — Jonathan Winer — served as a channel for the flow of anti-Trump material.
Winer admits to getting material from ex-British spy Christopher Steele in the summer of 2016 that ended up being shared with the FBI.
Winer says that he gave the material to State Department top diplomatic official Victoria Nuland, “who indicated that, like me, she felt that the secretary of state (Kerry at the time) needed to be made aware of this material.”
But former Secretary of State John Kerry and his daughter Dr. Vanessa Kerry seem to have tried.
They are accused of channeling more than $9 million of taxpayer money through the Peace Corps to Seed, a charity run by Vanessa.
Seed seeks to train doctors and nurses in underserved areas, mainly in Africa.
A former Peace Corps official, Warren “Buck” Buckingham — facing prosecution himself in the same deal — has flipped, agreeing to cooperate with the U.S. attorney investigating the matter in the hopes of getting favorable treatment for himself.
In the same deal, Buckingham is accused of lobbying former colleagues in the government to procure the grant for Seed.
A long-time anti-AIDS activist, Buckingham was former director of the Peace Corps’ Office of Global Health and HIV.
Seed, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, “strives to strengthen health education and delivery in places facing a dire shortage of health professionals by working with partner countries to meet their long-term health care resource needs.”
It is a “(p)ublic-private collaboration between Seed Global Health, the Peace Corps, and the US Presidents’ Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief.”
Seed also provides up to $30,000 in debt relief for its “volunteers.”
By relieving them of student debt, Seed says it “ensures that the most-qualified applicants an serve regardless of financial barriers.”
Kerry is already facing controversy over reports that he got a copy of the Steele dossier on Trump during the summer of 2016.
An official at the State Department, while he was in charge — Jonathan Winer — served as a channel for the flow of anti-Trump material.
Winer admits to getting material from ex-British spy Christopher Steele in the summer of 2016 that ended up being shared with the FBI.
Winer says that he gave the material to State Department top diplomatic official Victoria Nuland, “who indicated that, like me, she felt that the secretary of state (Kerry at the time) needed to be made aware of this material.”
Dick Morris is a former adviser to President Bill Clinton as well as a political author, pollster and consultant. His most recent book, “Rogue Spooks,” was written with his wife, Eileen McGann.
G’ day…Ciao…
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Helen and Moe Lauzier
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