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Wednesday, May. 30, 2018
All Gave Some~Some Gave All

Once a jerk always a jerk
Mitt Romney is a classic example of a political flip-flopper. Prior to being governor of Taxachusetts he ran against Ted Kennedy. In that race he debated the Massachusetts Submarine Captail and out liberalled The Massachusetts Salon.
In his one and only debate with the bloated pontificator Ole Mitt managed to do what few have ever been able to do, to wit, outflank Teddy-boy to his left.
Once elected governor the Mittster began as a typical Massachusetts super lib politician in the tradition of Mike Dukakis. It was sort of like a real life play of Dumb & Dumber.
The USA voter was not fooled by the super charlatan. Utah voters have an opportunity to demonstrate they have better political sense than my fellow Bay taters.
---Moe Lauzier
Arkansas Effectively Banned Pill-Induced Abortions, And The Supremes Won’t Stop It
Two of Arkansas’ three remaining abortion clinics may soon close after the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear a challenge to the state’s exacting abortion laws.
Though the provisions at issue may yet be overturned in federal court, pro-choice partisans say Monday’s decision will inhibit safe abortion access in Arkansas for the foreseeable future.
“Arkansas is now shamefully responsible for being the first state to ban medication abortion,” Planned Parenthood EVP Dawn Laguens said Monday. “This dangerous law also immediately ends access to safe, legal abortion at all but one health center in the state.”
The case was occasioned when the state adopted a law requiring health care facilities that administer medication abortions to contract with a physician who has hospital admitting privileges. The provision is similar to a Texas law the high court struck down in a 2016 decision called Whole Women’s Health v. Hellerstedt. Any law which places an “undue burden” on abortion access is considered unconstitutional.
A federal judge in Little Rock initially barred enforcement of the law, but the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals overturned that decision, finding the ruling failed to make essential factual findings.
In its petition to the Court, Planned Parenthood said it made every attempt to comply with the state’s requirements, but could not find a single physician willing to enter the contract prescribed in the law.
“Planned Parenthood contacted every OB-GYN it could identify in the state, and non agreed to enter into the required contract,” the petition reads. “As the district court recognized, this is not surprising because ‘physicians who provide abortions or associate with physicians who provide abortions’ in Arkansas ‘risk being ostracized from their communities and face harassment and violence toward themselves, their family, and their private practices.’”
In rebuttal, Arkansas argued its law is different from Texas’ in essential particulars. The Texas provisions in the Hellerstedt decision mandated that all abortion providers have admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles of their facility. The Arkansas law places no such demand on providers, and only applies against a specific subset of procedures. Surgical abortions are still conducted at a clinic in Little Rock.
Proponents of the law say it ensures easy health care access for any women procuring a medication abortion who may need follow-up medical supervision.
The law’s survival is not yet guaranteed, however. Monday’s decision merely affirms the 8th Circuit’s order remanding the case to a lower court for further findings of fact. As such, the law may be enjoined at some future date, once a federal judge makes the factual determinations the 8th Circuit said was lacking in the initial ruling.
The justices are currently weighing another abortion controversy arising from California, in which pro-life crisis pregnancy centers are challenging a state law requiring them to disseminate information about taxpayer-funded abortions.
MSNBC Forced to Admit Americans’ TRUE Opinion of Robert Mueller
By Andrew West

MSNBC Forced to Admit Americans’ TRUE Opinion of Robert Mueller
By Andrew West
Somewhere along the way, the mainstream media began simply inventing the “news” as opposed to reporting it, attempting to cobble together a narrative in which they depose the fairly elected President of The United States.
This is truly shameful, and the left’s obliviousness to the entire debacle is indicative of the massive scope of this hoodwinking operation. The democratic voters, who are either young or young of mind, know nothing other than the wild and wacky tales of Russian collusion to be truth, albeit only because they want to. There simply hasn’t been any evidence to suggest that there was some sort of Kremlin connection to then-candidate Trump, and two congressional investigations have already declared the theory dead.
Still, the progressives persist.
They tell us outright lies. They insinuate things that they already know are in the offing. They cheat, lie, steal, and possibly murder in their quest to dethrone The Donald, and Robert Mueller’s bizarre #RussiaGate investigation is no different.
America hates the Special Counsel’s probe into the democratic conspiracy theories according to polls, and even the highly biased folks over at MSNBC can no longer deny it.
Robert Mueller’s fishing expedition has been going on for more than a year. Now, Americans are telling MSNBC — much to the network’s consternation — that it may be time for Mueller to put up the “Gone Fishin’” sign on the special counsel’s door.
A new poll released by MSNBC shows a majority of Americans think Mueller’s investigation is a “witchhunt,” much to the surprise of the people at the network.
“The Robert Mueller investigation has yielded many indictments and convictions, but a recent poll shows most Americans believe Donald Trump’s pronouncement that the Russia probe is a baseless ‘witch hunt,’” the network said as they announced the poll, which merited a panel discussion anchored by Joy Reid as to “why the president is controlling the narrative on Mueller’s Russia investigation.”
According to the survey, only 41 percent of people believe the Mueller investigation has uncovered crimes, compared to 59 percent who believe that it hasn’t.
Yet, here we are; inundated every day with a new citation or process-crime misdemeanor meant to spook the spooks that Mueller is relying on for information. This doesn’t even take into consideration the fact that Mueller’s ever-expanding probe has pushed well past the Russia nonsense and is poking around a number of personal bank accounts connected to the Trump family.
‘Roseanne’ Canceled; Why Not ‘The View’?
‘Roseanne’ Canceled; Why Not ‘The View’?
The “Roseanne” revival was abruptly canceled by ABC Tuesday following crude, racist tweets sent by show star Roseanne Barr about former Obama aide Valerie Jarrett. And while there’s absolutely no excuse for Barr’s tweets, it’s extremely hypocritical of ABC to continue airing “The View” given all the abhorrent things the co-hosts have said.
In February, Behar infamously and openly mocked the Christian faith of Vice President Mike Pence and millions of Americans when she proclaimed that the ability to hear messages from God is not a marker of faith, but “mental illness.” It took Behar weeks to apologize, and she only did so after constant public criticism and ridicule.
Further proving just how intolerant she truly is, the very same month she attacked Pence’s faith, Behar also outright stated, “As a Democrat, I am offended by Republicans!”
But perhaps the most disgusting thing to ever fly out of Behar’s mouth occurred in October 2016. During a discussion about Donald Trump’s news conference prior to the second presidential debate, Behar called Bill Clinton’s rape accusers “tramps.”
Yet, she somehow remains employed, and “The View” remains on the air.
Upsettingly, Behar is far from the only unabashedly bigoted member of “The View.” Earlier this month, co-host Whoopi Goldberg suggested that President Donald Trump should endure torture.
Even the show’s producers are guilty of outrageous cultural bias: in October 2017, they censored the word “Jesus” – twice.
Are the statements of Behar, Goldberg, and co. protected under the First Amendment? Yes, they are. So are Barr’s tweets, however misinformed. But Barr is also a conservative, and because of that, she doesn’t enjoy the same treatment under the law as liberals like Behar and Goldberg do. So while “Roseanne” gets canceled, “The View” lives on.
It’s outrageous that ABC immediately jumped to cancel “Roseanne” mere hours after her tweets. Meanwhile, Behar should have been canned a long time ago, but ABC continues to give her a platform to spew her bigotry and hate.
Hillary’s Horrendous Health on Full Display in Streets of Chappaqua
By Andrew West
Hillary’s Horrendous Health on Full Display in Streets of Chappaqua
By Andrew West
The left seems to constantly want the rest of the nation to suspend their belief in reality in order to come to the same conclusions that they have.
For instance, when the liberal mindset dictated that we desegregate public school restrooms and locker rooms after having believed, since their inception in academia, that these places should be separate but equal. This was all based on Barack Obama’s assertion that the nation’s infinitesimal transgender community was being underserved by the federal government – a pet project that very well could have been used to simply galvanize the LGBTQ community around doomed democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.
And, speaking of Hillary Clinton…
Another incredibly blatant use of the left’s anti-reality lens was on full display during the media’s coverage of the 2016 electoral contest, in which We The People were led to believe that Hillary Clinton was a woman of impeccable health.
The evidence to the contrary has been coming hard and steady since the end of her doomed campaign, with the former First Lady cancer-ridden coal miner’s cough making more than a few appearances as of late.
Just this weekend, some keen observers in Chappaqua, New York had another clue to add to the mounting pile surrounding the former Secretary of State.
And, speaking of Hillary Clinton…
Another incredibly blatant use of the left’s anti-reality lens was on full display during the media’s coverage of the 2016 electoral contest, in which We The People were led to believe that Hillary Clinton was a woman of impeccable health.
The evidence to the contrary has been coming hard and steady since the end of her doomed campaign, with the former First Lady cancer-ridden coal miner’s cough making more than a few appearances as of late.
Just this weekend, some keen observers in Chappaqua, New York had another clue to add to the mounting pile surrounding the former Secretary of State.
Just returned from marching in the annual Chappaqua Memorial Day Parade with everyone from Governors to Girls Scouts. Today we honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for their country to keep us safe here at home.
The Girl Scouts over to Hillary’s left are wearing shorts. Hillary has a full length peacoat and scarf on, to march in.
And, let’s not pretend that we can’t see how enormously bulky this thing is. Many observers have noticed that, earlier this year, it became obvious that Clinton was wearing some sort of intense back brace. Take a look at the supposedly fit for office Clinton struggling to navigate this crowd.
And, let’s not pretend that we can’t see how enormously bulky this thing is. Many observers have noticed that, earlier this year, it became obvious that Clinton was wearing some sort of intense back brace. Take a look at the supposedly fit for office Clinton struggling to navigate this crowd.
.@HillaryClinton, @BillClinton, and @NYGovCuomo walk in today's #MemorialDay parade in #Chappaqua. @FiOS1NewsLHV
Please, mainstream media, I’m begging you: Stop trying to make me pretend that this is all normal, or sane, or not a big deal. It most certainly is.
Hillary Clinton has, even after repeated failures, chosen to seek political influence in our nation. She will undoubtedly continue to do so in the future. Her health is something that must be considered if she is to be taken seriously as a candidate.
That’s a big ‘if’, I know.
Hillary Clinton has, even after repeated failures, chosen to seek political influence in our nation. She will undoubtedly continue to do so in the future. Her health is something that must be considered if she is to be taken seriously as a candidate.
That’s a big ‘if’, I know.
(AP/Roswell Daily Record Mark Wilson)
The Trump administration has shut down an Obama-era loophole that let immigrants who otherwise could not legally enter the U.S. claim a free pass by saying they were “entrepreneurs.”
The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, part of the Department of Homeland Security, announced an end to the program, claiming former President Barack Obama overstepped his powers in creating it.
The administration also said that the program that let immigrant small businessmen and women enter was a threat to U.S. workers, a key focus of the White House.
In a statement, Homeland Security said that “the department believes that it represents an overly broad interpretation of parole authority, lacks sufficient protections for U.S. workers and investors, and is not the appropriate vehicle for attracting and retaining international entrepreneurs.”
It is not clear how many immigrants came in through the loophole.
The administration said in closing it that there are many other ways for investors and entrepreneurs to enter the U.S. legally and, if needed, Congress could offer new legislation to address the issue.
While those let in under Obama might have felt their immigration status was open-ended, the Trump administration said it is not and at the end of their “temporary” status the immigrants will be required to return home.
The temporary status, said the administration, undermined the value of the businesses created by the immigrants. DHS said the program “focused too narrowly on the economic benefits that potential foreign entrepreneurs may bring, without giving sufficient attention to the existing statutory scheme and the absence of a durable immigration status for these individuals, which is not made available through the device of temporary parole.”
It is the latest example of the Trump administration moving to close many of the Obama-era immigration expansion programs.
It is not clear how many immigrants came in through the loophole.
The administration said in closing it that there are many other ways for investors and entrepreneurs to enter the U.S. legally and, if needed, Congress could offer new legislation to address the issue.
While those let in under Obama might have felt their immigration status was open-ended, the Trump administration said it is not and at the end of their “temporary” status the immigrants will be required to return home.
The temporary status, said the administration, undermined the value of the businesses created by the immigrants. DHS said the program “focused too narrowly on the economic benefits that potential foreign entrepreneurs may bring, without giving sufficient attention to the existing statutory scheme and the absence of a durable immigration status for these individuals, which is not made available through the device of temporary parole.”
It is the latest example of the Trump administration moving to close many of the Obama-era immigration expansion programs.
Elizabeth Warren praises communist China ‘long-term whole-of-government’ strategy

Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren would rather praise communist China than the President of the United States.
The 2020 presidential hopeful and darling of the left appeared on CBS This Morning to hawk her new book when host John Dickerson brought up North Korea and the progress President Trump’s made in pressuring the rogue nation to denuclearize its military.
But Warren insisted the president doesn’t have a clear strategy, and suggested Trump take cues from North Korea’s communist neighbor to the north.
Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren has become one of the Democrats' leading voices in Congress. Warren's latest book, "This Fight is Our Fight: The battle to save America's middle class," is out today in paperback. @elizabethforma joins us:
“There is a North Korean official apparently coming to America. You said the president doesn’t look like he has a strategy, but it looks like his calling off the summit last week seems to have lit a fire under the North Koreans. Three hostages have been released, so maybe there is a strategy?” Dickerson said.
“You know, look. North Korea is a bad actor, we understand that, uh and uh, the president had already promised that they could have a meeting with the President of the United States, something that both Kim Jong Un’s father and grandfather had long, long sought,” Warren said.
“Then it’s been back and it’s been forth. I want this to work, I want this to work to reduce the threat to South Korea, to Japan, to our allies in the region, to the United States of America, to the entire world, but it really takes a strategy and I look at the comparison with China,” she said.
“Look at what China is doing,” Warren continued. “China’s got the long term arc and it’s playing everybody. It’s playing North Korea, it’s playing South Korea, it’s playing the United States of America because it has a long-term whole-of-government strategy that keeps driving towards an end.”
The “whole-of-government” strategy is no doubt a product of China’s communist government, which has repeatedly jailed or tortured anyone who doesn’t align with its views.
The Communist party of China – the only political party in China – also recently announced that it eliminated term limits for the country’s president and vice president, which essentially turned the China’s 65-year-old leader Xi Jinping into a dictator for life, The Guardian reports.
“What is going on here is that Xi Jinping is setting himself up to rule China as a strongman, a personalistic leader – I have no problem calling it a dictator – for life,” Susan Shirk, former President Bill Clinton’s deputy Secretary of State, told the news site.
The move solidifies Communist control over the “whole-of-government,” making it much easier to keep “driving towards an end” than in a Democracy like America, though Shirk and others seem to believe that “strategy” will ultimately fail.
“It’s hard for me to see how this kind of police state that puts such severe restrictions on civil society and on information and on the educational system is really going to be a successful modern China,” Shirk told The Guardian. “I expect there is going to be some form of push back eventually – he’s already lost the intellectuals.”
More Proof of Cali Being Destroyed by Homelessness, Illegals, Liberals
Liberals are no longer destroying California bit-by-bit. They have sped their destruction up to a faster clip and conservative actor James Woods just showed some proof of the frenetic pace.
Usually, the left in California, especially the Hollywood elite, have succeeded in secluding themselves away from the troubles the average citizen faces every day, but Woods shows that even the liberal elites are starting to be forced to confront the troubles they have wrought with their foolhardy, self-destructive policies.
Liberals have allowed the once great state of California to devolve into the worst dystopian mess in the nation (though Illinois is desperately trying to beat the west coasters). But, now even the elites are finding their territory overrun with the homeless and illegals and conservative actor James Woods revealed a shocking video outside the famed studios of TV mogul Oprah Winfrey to show it.
“This is the sidewalk next to Oprah Winfrey’s studio in West Hollywood,” Woods tweeted on May 25. “She has done extensive, and truly beautiful renovations to The Lot. Brand new apartments were built across the street. The new resident families cannot walk their children on the sidewalk to the local school.”
Along with the tweet, Woods added a video showing row after row of tents used by illegals and homeless people living on the very sidewalk outside Oprah’s studios.
This is the sidewalk next to Oprah Winfrey’s studio in West Hollywood. She has done extensive, and truly beautiful renovations to The Lot. Brand new apartments were built across the street. The new resident families cannot walk their children on the sidewalk to the local school.
9:17 PM - May 25, 2018
Conservative Tribune reported the major trouble that California is seeing with the growing number of homeless people in the state.
As you may have heard, California has a bit of a homelessness problem. Even Politifact — a site which, in spite of its name, isn’t known for giving particularly accurate facts on politics if those facts skew conservative — backed up one of California’s GOP gubernatorial candidates when he said “(h)omelessness has skyrocketed across California. We have the nation’s highest homelessness rate and the nation’s highest homeless population.”
They tried to prove him wrong by focusing on the word “skyrocketed” — and failed.
“The report shows California’s homeless population jumped nearly 14 percent from 2016 to 2017 — to a total of more than 134,00 people. It rose nearly 9 percent over the previous seven years,” they noted.
“That’s much different than the national picture. While the national homeless population ticked up about 1 percent in 2017, it remained 13 percent lower than in 2010, according to an NPR analysis following the report’s release.
“Notably, the rise statewide and nationally in 2017 was attributed to a surge in the number of people living on the streets in Los Angeles and other West Coast cities, at least in part due to a shortage of affordable housing.”
James Woods is not alone in posting such a disheartening video. Twitter user Jim Dalrymple also found such a video that speaks to the homeless trouble…
This video is incredible. It’s shows a 10 min bike ride through Orange County, CA, and almost the entire path is lined with homeless tent cities. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvCGtxeknSg …
The mess is deepening, too. It is so bad that now, even many lower middle class Californians can’t afford their housing in their own cities.
According to Fox News, the Golden State has the most “broken” housing system in the nation.
Not just low-income, affordable housing, but middle-income, working-class housing for teachers, firemen and long-time residents hoping to live anywhere near work.
“California has a housing crisis. We can’t provide housing to our citizens,” said Rita Brandin, with San Diego developer Newland Communities. “In Georgia, Texas and Florida, it can take a year and a half from concept to permits. In California, just the process from concept to approvals, is five years – that does not include the environmental lawsuits faced by 90 percent of projects.”
And, if you can believe it, the state just made things worse by requiring all new home construction to add tens of thousands of dollars in solar energy equipment.
With the middle class already being priced out of being able to afford homes, these new solar energy requirements will have a range of bad effects in those increasingly unable to afford to live in the Golden State.
A recent report by the Los Angeles Times noted that upwards of 30 percent of people in the state’s metro areas cannot afford housing in their area and, in some places, that number reaches as high as 60 percent.
On the other hand, while advocates for the plan admit that the costs will drive more people out of the housing market, they insist the addition of solar power will end up saving homeowners in electric costs. Some analysts claimed that while mortgage costs on a thirty-year loan could go up as much as $40 a month due to the solar requirements, owners may also save up to $80 a month on electric costs.
Some have noted that the ability of richer residents to indulge their need to go solar actually drives up costs for those who don’t have the money to install the systems. As wealthier residents go solar, poorer residents find their bills rising and their lives harder as they foot the growing costs incurred by electric companies trying to maintain the power grid even as they lose customers to solar.
A recent report by the Manhattan Institute decries this “energy poverty,” saying, “The highest rates of energy poverty are occurring in the most economically depressed parts of the state.”
“Energy poverty” is determined by the growing percentage of a household’s income spent on electric, heating, cooling, and transportation.
Advocates for the poor fear that the new rules passed by fiat by the California Energy Commission will only cause energy poverty to grow.
But don’t worry. Now that California has that highly successful bullet train — that is billions over budget and counting, and goes from nowhere to nowhere — residents will be able to speed through their state in record time… if the project is ever finished.. so that they won’t even have to see the blight their politicians are lovingly bestowing on their state.
Yes, the only place liberals have made a worse mess is Venezuela.
Helen and Moe Lauzier
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