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Tuesday, May 15, 2018
All Gave Some~Some Gave All
Obama’s envoy to Israel says embassy move to Jerusalem ‘could help end conflict’
Dan Shapiro says relocation is an 'overdue step' that recognizes the reality of Israel's capital and may bring the world closer to a resolution
Daniel Shapiro, the US ambassador to Israel during the Obama administration, said on Saturday that the move initiated by US President Donald Trump to transfer the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem may help end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Trump announced the plan in December, much to Israel’s approval, the international community’s condemnation, and the Palestinian Authority’s harsh criticism. The highly anticipated move is set for May 14, the anniversary of Israel’s founding according to the civil calendar.
The Palestinians launched over a month of violent protests in Gaza, which are set to culminate ahead of what Palestinians call their “nakba,” or catastrophe of Israel’s founding in 1948, on May 15 when demonstrations are expected to reach their peak and may spread to the West Bank and East Jerusalem, according to the Israeli military.
In an essay published on CNN.com Saturday, Shapiro said that amid the concerns about the decision “and its impact on prospects for peace,” he would be taking the “contrarian view” that the controversial transfer of the US Embassy to Jerusalem “can actually help advance an end to the conflict.”
Shapiro then launched into a “brief history lesson” where he asked why the US never previously recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and linked it to the 1947 Partition Plan calling for the establishment of two states, a Jewish state and an Arab state, but treating “Jerusalem as a separate body — a corpus separatum — and dr[awing] a circle around it to indicate that the city did not belong to either state.”
“The issue was too hard to settle, so virtually every country put off making any changes to its policy until Jerusalem’s status could be resolved through negotiations. The US was among them,” he wrote, adding that this policy remained unchanged “through multiple peace initiatives over many decades.”
When the US Congress sought to advance legislation in 1995 that would require the US move its embassy to Jerusalem, “the Clinton Administration sought a waiver authority, allowing the president to delay the move by six months at a time,” Shapiro explained.
“That led to regular delays, enacted by Presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and Donald Trump to avoid igniting perhaps the most sensitive issue in the conflict, likely dooming the chances for productive negotiations,” he wrote.
“Meanwhile, Jerusalem had always been Israel’s capital, and we have always treated it functionally, if not formally, as such,” he went on, describing how when he served as US ambassador, he would be driven from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem every day “to conduct affairs of state with the Israeli government at the Prime Minister’s office, the Foreign Ministry, and the Knesset.”
Obama, he recalled, stayed at the King David Hotel in Jerusalem during his 2013 visit, while “secretaries of state have for decades based their regional diplomacy out of Jerusalem.”
Trump’s announcement to move ahead with the relocation of the embassy, was “recognizing a reality, and, in a sense, correcting a long-held historical anachronism,” Shapiro said, citing the president.
“The shattering of this taboo is useful in its own right. But it also helps return the search for a resolution to this conflict to its origins,” he wrote, calling the move an “overdue step” that may “actually bring closer the day when the issue long deemed the hardest in the conflict to solve may in fact become the most obvious.”
“Moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem will help strengthen the principle that Israel’s claim to the city, born of centuries of Jewish connection to the city, is legitimate and must be recognized. It probably should have been long ago,” he said.
The US, he went on, needs “similar clarity… that the Palestinians, with their own historical and religious ties, have a valid claim to East Jerusalem.”
“A negotiated boundary to include a sovereign Palestinian capital in a unified city — as part of a broader agreement — is both reasonable and doable,” Shapiro argued, citing reports that the US Mideast negotiations team is “eyeing four Arab neighborhoods of East Jerusalem as the basis of a Palestinian capital there,” and changes among Israeli leaders “even on the right, [who] are daring to experiment with this question, long a third rail in Israeli politics.”
Even as the conflict “is not anywhere close to a resolution, for myriad reasons,” solving the issue of Jerusalem, Shapiro said “would only advance the cause of achieving a conflict-ending deal.”
On Friday, Trump hailed the “big week” of the impending move of the embassy, tweeting: “Big week next week when the American Embassy in Israel will be moved to Jerusalem. Congratulations to all!”
Big week next week when the American Embassy in Israel will be moved to Jerusalem. Congratulations to all!
Trump is set to deliver a video address for the opening of the new embassy, senior administration officials told reporters Friday morning.
Among the administration members attending are John J. Sullivan, the deputy secretary of state, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, US Special Envoy Jason Greenblatt, Trump’s senior adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner, and daughter Ivanka Trump.
Roughly 800 guests will attend the ceremony. Officials say the US delegation doesn’t plan to meet any Palestinian officials during their visit.
The embassy is opening in part of a pre-existing American visa-and-passport facility with a fraction of the total US personnel in Israel.
The US Ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, is expected to split his time between the new embassy in Jerusalem and his offices in Tel Aviv.
On Friday, Friedman gave a glimpse of the new US embassy in Jerusalem, showing off workers erecting the official seal on the building and preparing for the opening ceremony.
“We are so excited,” Friedman said in a video posted on the embassy’s Facebook page. “We have the official seal of the United States embassy. We have the dedication plaque. They are covered right now, but on Monday they are going to be unveiled.”
“This year, thanks to the US administration, the courage, the vision of President Donald Trump we can say ‘this year in Jerusalem,'” he said, referencing the Passover wish of “next year in Jerusalem.”
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Men Go on Shooting Spree in Walmart Parking Lot, 10-Year-Old Throws Body Between Baby & Bullets
Samantha Tygrit was shopping at a Walmart with her two kids and a nephew in tow. Her oldest daughter, Aaliyah Inghram, was 10 years old, but the other two boys were quite young.
They got what they needed and headed to the checkout. After paying for their purchases, they exited the store, got back to the car, and started loading groceries into it.
It sounds like any other trip to Walmart — you’ve probably made those routine trips yourself, your mind on chores and what to make for dinner as you pack the car, not really worried about what’s going on around you.
They got what they needed and headed to the checkout. After paying for their purchases, they exited the store, got back to the car, and started loading groceries into it.
It sounds like any other trip to Walmart — you’ve probably made those routine trips yourself, your mind on chores and what to make for dinner as you pack the car, not really worried about what’s going on around you.
But on this day, a shootout started right next to the young family, and the next few moments meant life or death.
While Tygrit loaded the groceries, she was hit in the shoulder. Realizing what was happening, she ran to her children.
In the few seconds after the gun fight started, Inghram moved to shield her baby brother. She was older than her 18-month-old brother, and she acted instinctively.
“I didn’t want the baby to get hurt so I like stepped in front of the babies,” she said. “If I wouldn’t have stood in front of my brother, he would have been shot in the stomach.”
She was hit, but fortunately it was not a fatal wound. One of the two men involved in the shootout was taken to the hospital.
While the other gunman has not yet been caught, authorities think they know who they’re looking for.
The two men’s actions showed a lack of value for life — both their own and those of the people around them.
But fortunately, one big sister came to the rescue. Her little brother may not understand just what she did or how much she sacrificed for him, but one day he will.
“She saved her brother’s life yesterday, and my nephews, because they were both there,” Tygrit said. “Her little body could only shield so much. But she threw herself in front of them.”
“I died inside. I just scooped her up in my arms. I’d been shot, but I just picked her up.”
“I would rather be shot than him be shot,” Inghram said, simply. What a brave little girl! Inghram has been tested, and has been found to be selfless.
Why Traditional TV Is in Trouble
By Sapna Maheshwari and John Koblin
Television networks will draw hordes of advertisers to New York City this week for their annual bonanza of presentations and parties, a decades-old tradition known as the upfronts that is meant to dazzle marketers and loosen their purse strings.
New shows and top talent will be pitched from the stages of Carnegie Hall and Lincoln Center, followed by lavish evening affairs where marketers can eat lobster rolls and snag selfies with network stars. The fanfare will kick off weeks of negotiations, with networks aiming to get advertisers to commit to billions of dollars in spending for the year ahead.
But beneath the sparkle and the canapés, the networks are also navigating a serious advertising upheaval. Ratings are on the decline, especially among young people, some of whom don’t even own televisions. It’s hard to keep up with the many devices and apps people now use to watch shows. And there is a host of material from Silicon Valley that is competing for viewers’ attention, including Google’s YouTube, Facebook and Netflix. It all adds up to a precarious situation for broadcast TV.
Advertising on TV has long been the best way for marketers to reach a large number of people at one time. And it is still a formidable medium. But cracks are showing.
Hillary Clinton: Large Portion of U.S. ‘Uneasy,’ ‘Angry’ About Women Seeking Power
Clinton said, “There is still a very large proportion of the population that is uneasy with women in positions of leadership, and so the easiest way to kind of avoid having to look at someone on her merits is to dismiss her on her looks.”
When asked about the “lock her up” chants, Clinton added, “There is this fear, there is this anger, even rage about women seeking power, women exercising power, and people fall back on these attacks, like you’re a witch or you should go to prison, or whatever it is. And the enthusiasm with which that is generated speaks to a much deeper sense of alienation that people still have toward women leaders. It’s not a majority, thank goodness, it’s not, but it’s a very vocal minority, at least in my country. And sometimes these tropes are very much part of the press coverage.”
Mueller Makes Rookie Mistake
During a court hearing on the Russian meddling indictments by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, a rookie mistake was revealed. One of the companies indicted was shown to not have existed during the time period stated by the Mueller team.
According to the Daily Wire:
According to the Daily Wire:
This week, one of the Russian companies accused by Special Counsel Robert Mueller of funding a conspiracy to meddle in the 2016 U.S. presidential election was revealed in court to not have existed during the time period alleged by Mueller's team of prosecutors, according to a lawyer representing the defendant.
U.S. Magistrate Judge G. Michael Harvey asked Eric Dubelier, one of two lawyers representing the accused Russian company, Concord Management and Consulting LLC, if he was representing a third company listed in Mueller's indictment.
"What about Concord Catering?" Harvey asked Dubelier. "The government makes an allegation that there's some association. I don't mean for you to – do you represent them, or not, today? And are we arraigning them as well?"
"We're not," Dubelier responded. "And the reason for that, Your Honor, is I think we're dealing with a situation of the government having indicted the proverbial ham sandwich."
This highlights the level of care the Mueller investigation has taken and should concern anyone when it comes to believing the conclusions he and his team reach.
FBI Releases Pro-2nd Amendment Statement, States the Importance of Armed Citizens in America
By Becky Loggia

U.S. Magistrate Judge G. Michael Harvey asked Eric Dubelier, one of two lawyers representing the accused Russian company, Concord Management and Consulting LLC, if he was representing a third company listed in Mueller's indictment.
"What about Concord Catering?" Harvey asked Dubelier. "The government makes an allegation that there's some association. I don't mean for you to – do you represent them, or not, today? And are we arraigning them as well?"
"We're not," Dubelier responded. "And the reason for that, Your Honor, is I think we're dealing with a situation of the government having indicted the proverbial ham sandwich."
This highlights the level of care the Mueller investigation has taken and should concern anyone when it comes to believing the conclusions he and his team reach.
FBI Releases Pro-2nd Amendment Statement, States the Importance of Armed Citizens in America
By Becky Loggia
Active shooter incidents are defined as any incident involving one or more individuals who are actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill those within a populated area — gang or drug-related shootings notwithstanding.
There were 50 active shooter incidents in 2016 and 2017 combined, leaving many to question if America is, in fact, safer when armed.
However, a recent investigation by the FBI in April showed that, in numerous incidents involving active shooters, there were people who stopped them by use of a weapon.
“Armed and unarmed citizens engaged the shooter in 10 incidents. They safely and successfully ended the shootings in eight of those incidents,” read the report. “Their selfless actions likely saved many lives.
“The enhanced threat posed by active shooters and the swiftness with which active shooter incidents unfold support the importance of preparation by law enforcement officers and citizens alike.”
Ten active shooters had been confronted by citizens, and eight of them ended successfully, according to The Daily Caller. Four of those eight shooters were stopped by a lawfully armed citizen.
“In one incident, a citizen possessing a valid firearms permit exchanged gunfire with the shooter, causing the shooter to flee to another scene and continue shooting,” the report read.
Yet, in the wake of so many gun shootings and violence, the call for disarming American citizens remains.
According to Timothy Hsiao for The Federalist, it is not a matter of if guns increase violence, but if they are a good means of self-defense.
“What matters is not the risk (or lack thereof) that guns pose to society, but simply whether guns are a reasonable means of self-defense,” wrote Hsiao, adding that to defend one’s life is a basic dignity that cannot be taken away in the name of “social utility.”
“Rights function as moral ‘trump cards’ that override appeals to utility,” he said. “Like our right to life, our right to defend ourselves is a basic dignity that can’t be defeated just because it might produce a net benefit.”
In nearly all national survey estimates, the result saw that defensive gun uses by victims were nearly as common as offensive uses by criminals.
Though millions of Americans are legally permitted to carry firearms every day, most of them cite self-defense as the first and foremost reason to do so.
“The overwhelming majority of the time, those guns are never drawn in anger,” wrote Paul Hsieh for Forbes. “But innocent civilians can and do sometimes use their guns in self-defense.”
Any conversation, Hsieh added, that centers around firearm policy needs to acknowledge those that are saved by the legal use of guns and self-defense, such as those in the active shooter incidents.
“The value of firearms in the hands of law-abiding citizens should be measured in terms of lives saved or crimes prevented,” he said, “Not criminals killed.”
Obama’s Spy Within The Trump Campaign ID’d By Internet Sleuths!
There are very few reasons for anyone to believe that Barack Obama was some sort of saintly, atypical political operative. In fact, in his absence from Washington, we are just now getting a good look at the democrat’s slimy trail.
Well, to be fair, he really isn’t absent from Washington, having bought a home in the suburbs and hired a team of politicos to “keep tabs” on the Trump team…but that’s for another time.
Earlier this week, we heard one of the most disheartening stories of American insurrection that we have heard in a long time. According to new reports, the Obama administration had planted a spy within the Trump 2016 campaign, through the FBI, in order to launch a covert war against the conservative candidate. Now, thanks to a number of highly motivated internet detectives, it looks as though we may have found our mole.
HUGE! Federal Records reveal that Obama, Clapper and Brennan Paid Stefan Halper $282,295 to SPY ON THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN!
4:56 PM - May 11, 2018
Now, this is a long and confusing story, so I will attempt to break it down into bite-sized pieces for us.
With Peter Strzok’s text messages available to the public due to his outing as an anti-Trump instigator within the Special Counsel’s #RussiaGate hoax, we can determine that Strzok and his adulterous lover Carter Page were both connected to Stefan Halper and George Papadapolous – two men intrinsic to the Obama team’s offensive against Trump. Then, evidence of a secret meeting between Halper and Obama cronies was uncovered.
On September 13, 2016 Papadopoulos accepted a meeting with Stefan Halper.
Halper approached Papadopoulos unbidden. Papadopoulos had no prior contact with Halper.
Halper, who has connections to CIA & UK Intelligence, asked Papadopoulos: “George, you know about hacking the emails from Russia, right?”
Stefan Halper is a Cambridge Fellow. He was a Senior Policy Advisor to Presidents Nixon, Ford & Reagan (bio here).
Halper approached Papadopoulos unbidden. Papadopoulos had no prior contact with Halper.
Halper, who has connections to CIA & UK Intelligence, asked Papadopoulos: “George, you know about hacking the emails from Russia, right?”
Stefan Halper is a Cambridge Fellow. He was a Senior Policy Advisor to Presidents Nixon, Ford & Reagan (bio here).
Of course, we can’t ignore that MI6 connection either.
Here is a nice, succinct little timeline of what we’re looking at:
Late February or early March 2016 – Papadopoulos lands a prestigious sounding job that immediately pads his resume.
Early March 2016 – Papadopoulos learns he will become a foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign.
March 14, 2016 – Papadopoulos first meets Mifsud in Italy – approximately one week after officially joining the Trump team.
March 24, 2016 – Papadopoulos, Mifsud, Olga Polonskaya and unknown fourth party met in a London cafe.
April 18, 2016 – Mifsud introduced Papadopoulos to Ivan Timofeev, an official at a state-sponsored think tank called Russian International Affairs Council.
April 26, 2016 – Mifsud claims to have met with high-level Russian government officials who have “dirt” on Clinton. Papadopoulos told the FBI that Mifsud said “the Russians had emails of Clinton” and “they have thousands of emails.”
May 4, 2016 – Papadopoulos gives his interview to the London Times. It is not well-received in London.
May 10, 2016 – Papadopoulos meets with Australian Diplomat Alexander Downer. It is Downer who seeks out the meeting.
May/June 2016 – Halper invites Carter Page to July 2016 Cambridge symposium regarding the upcoming election.
July 11, 2016 – Carter Page attends symposium with Halper just four days after his July 2016 Moscow trip.
July 31, 2016 – FBI opens Counterintelligence Investigation into Trump-Russia connections.
August 2-3, 2016 – Strzok travels to London to meet unknown party at Australian Embassy.
September 13, 2016 – Papadopoulos accepts a meeting with Stefan Halper. Halper, who has connections to CIA & UK Intelligence, asked Papadopoulos: “George, you know about hacking the emails from Russia, right?”
And while there is little hope that we’ll ever know the full scope of the Obama administration’s infiltration of the Trump campaign, this is a good start. Now wouldn’t it be nice if the so-called “journalists” of the mainstream media would do their jobs as well as the American people do?
Dick Morris: Forget About ‘Blue Wave’ in 2018 Midterms — Get Ready for ‘Red Wave’
Sunday on New York AM 970 radio’s “The Cats Roundtable,” political commentator and former Bill Clinton adviser Dick Morris shot down the idea that there will be a “blue wave” in the 2018 midterm elections, instead saying a “red wave” is on the way.
Morris told host John Catsimatidis he believes “Democrats are overplaying their hand” by going after President Donald Trump for the Michael Cohen and Stormy Daniels scandals, adding it will show in the 2018 elections
“I think that [Democrats] see fool’s gold in these scandals,” Morris stated. “They’re putting everything behind the Stormy Daniels scandal and Michael Cohen … and the country doesn’t give a damn.”
He predicted, “There is no blue wave coming. There is a red wave. And what makes it red is the blood of the Democratic Party.”
Follow Trent Baker on Twitter @MagnifiTrent
The Twitter Holy War between Robert Jeffress and Mitt Romney is religious identity politics
by Philip Wegmann
Holy wars don’t help anyone in a democracy. They don’t answer religious questions and they don’t offer meaningful political guidance, unfortunate realities that will soon be realized at the conclusion of the current spat between megachurch pastor Robert Jeffress and former Massachusetts governor and Utah Senate candidate Mitt Romney.
The two started feuding when Jeffress disparaged Romney as a presidential candidate because of that Republican’s faith. Mormonism, he declared at the 2011 Values Voter Summit, is “a cult.” Though not entirely disqualifying for office, he continued, membership in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints isn’t a preferable quality.
Fast forward seven years. Jeffress is about to deliver the invocation at the opening of the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem. Romney is about to be the next senator from Utah. A virtue-signaling crusade is about to commence on cable news as we all grapple with the same political-theological problem that engulfed Europe in war for centuries.
Without divine revelation, the amoral voter has no idea who to believe as one man’s heresy is just as easily another man’s doctrine. Absent a central authority, there is no way to say who is right or who is wrong on issues of faith. Subjective religious arguments are unending and consequently fail to provide any basis for political decision making.
Lucky for all of us, another Mormon War isn’t required because the founding fathers provided a constitutional solution to a religious problem. They married reason with revelation by making natural and divine law tantamount. Ed Erler, a political science professor at California State University in San Bernardino, points out that those early politicos were as likely to espouse natural law in a treatise as they were from a pulpit.
Jeffress would do himself a favor if he revisited some of those founding-era sermons like one delivered by the Rev. Samuel West on election day in 1776 in Boston:
A revelation, pretending to be from God that contradicts any part of natural law, ought immediately to be rejected as an imposture; for the Deity cannot make a law contrary to the law of nature without acting contrary to himself—a thing in the strictest sense impossible for that which implies contradiction is not an object of the divine power.
How does this apply to the candidacy of Mitt Romney? Well, if the revelation of his faith called on him to violate the natural rights of someone else, he wouldn’t have any business being in government. But so long as life, liberty, and property are respected it makes no matter whether a lawmaker is a Christian who celebrates Easter, a Jew who observes Passover, or a Muslim who fasts during Ramadan.
None of this means that all religions are true, of course. None of this means that all politicians should give lip service to all religious truth claims, either. Plenty of evangelicals dismiss Mormonism and vice-versa. All it means is that pluralism allows government to make law by reason and lets the individual answer questions about the meaning of life by revelation.
Jeffress is at danger of up ending all that when he makes political arguments from subjective religious grounds. He doesn’t rely on reason. He uses revelation to place Romney in a box. This is religious identity politics and leads nowhere but to name calling and division. Thank God, any fighting will play out on Twitter and not on any battlefield.
Adult Actress Breaks Silence on Stormy Daniels’ Secret – Sexual Assault Details
Adult actress Tasha Reign, who is 29 years old, said she was assaulted by a member of the crew while filming a pornographic movie – “The Set Up”- on November 29th. Now, she’s taking direct aim at the film’s director Stormy Daniels, claiming she failed to act after being groped.
Daniels – whose real name Stephanie Clifford – is currently suing President Donald J. Trump after alleging she had sex with him in 2006.
“I was sexually assaulted by one of her crew members. He groped and grabbed me from behind,” she says, wiping away tears. “I spoke up immediately because I was in the moment, and I was so proud of myself. She was the director that day, I went straight to her and straight to the man that did it, we had a conversation about it, I went to the owner of Wicked Pictures, I did all the right things. And she did not handle the situation appropriately, respectfully or professionally. So it’s a little bit outrageous when I hear her say things about how she is standing up for women and wants to be a voice for other women to be able to come forward when I was assaulted on her set and she didn’t give me any care or attention, and didn’t even send that man home.”
According to Reign, the alleged incident in question occurred on November 15 of last year during the filming of The Set Up, an adult movie directed by Daniels and produced under the Wicked Pictures banner.
“I’d always looked up to Stormy,” recalls Reign. “I’d shot for her before, ran into her at conventions. We even traveled once to Seattle at the beginning of my career when I believe they were considering me for a contract-girl position at Wicked. I know her, so I was stoked.”
According to Reign, the alleged incident in question occurred on November 15 of last year during the filming of The Set Up, an adult movie directed by Daniels and produced under the Wicked Pictures banner.
“I’d always looked up to Stormy,” recalls Reign. “I’d shot for her before, ran into her at conventions. We even traveled once to Seattle at the beginning of my career when I believe they were considering me for a contract-girl position at Wicked. I know her, so I was stoked.”
Reign was the lead in the film, along with Michael Vegas. She noted that on November 14 (the first day of shooting), everything went relatively smoothly—save an uncomfortable conversation about accused sexual abuser Harvey Weinstein.
Reign says that Stormy Daniels was “basically making fun of the Me Too movement, in so many words,” joking to the crew, “Oh, I could be seen as Harvey Weinstein because I’m flirtatious with my crewmembers and I can be inappropriate.” It made Reign uncomfortable, but she let it go. (Previously, Daniels has made statements critical of #MeToo on her Twitter account.)
But on day #2, that’s when something horrible allegedly happened (WARNING: graphic language):
“I’m fully clothed in my outfit, I’m standing and signing my paperwork, and all of a sudden I feel two hands from behind me grab my ass and make sexual moaning noises,” remembers Reign. “I felt a pit in my stomach and thought, shit, my scene partner, Michael Vegas, is in the other room… who is this?”
She continues: “So I turn around and it’s a crewmember from set. I look him directly in the eye and go, ‘What the fuck are you doing?’ and I look so upset. So I thought, OK, I can either ruin my makeup, which took an hour and a half to do, or I can go do my scene as quickly as it’s going to take and then as soon as it’s over, I can go and confront Stormy, the director who has all the power that day on set, and the man that did this to me.”
She continues: “So I turn around and it’s a crewmember from set. I look him directly in the eye and go, ‘What the fuck are you doing?’ and I look so upset. So I thought, OK, I can either ruin my makeup, which took an hour and a half to do, or I can go do my scene as quickly as it’s going to take and then as soon as it’s over, I can go and confront Stormy, the director who has all the power that day on set, and the man that did this to me.”
Reign noted that Stormy failed to act, after being told what happened: “So then I confront Stormy and this guy in the hallway and I’m like, ‘This is what happened. What on earth were you thinking?’ The guy starts backpedaling and goes, ‘Oh, I was just trying to get through.’ And I said, ‘If you were trying to get through, why did you grope me? And why did you make sexual moaning noises?’ and he says, ‘Oh, it was a joke.’ I said, ‘That’s sexual harassment and assault. If you don’t know that, that’s a problem.’ Stormy is there, and she’s totally silent. Just neutral. Which is such a problem. He says sorry, starts talking about how he has a family—which all men do when they get accused.”
Stormy Daniels herself has her own history of actual assault. According to The Smoking Gun, she was arrested in 2009 after allegedly battering her husband because she was upset about “the way the laundry had been done.”
At the time, she was considering a candidacy from Louisiana for the United States Senate. Here is Stormy’s mugshot from the incident:
Ciao…….Helen and Moe Lauzier
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