Title : New Releases this week 06/04 - 06/10 plus 4 Giveaways
link : New Releases this week 06/04 - 06/10 plus 4 Giveaways
New Releases this week 06/04 - 06/10 plus 4 Giveaways
Happy Monday! This week is jam packed with new releases and a few giveaways, including 3 copies of BRING ME THEIR HEARTS! Don't forget to check out all the books below and enter to win.We're extra excited about this release week because it features one of our AYAP members. Kelly deVos, our Writers on Writing guest post coordinator, is debuting her fabulous novel FAT GIRL ON A PLANE. We're so thrilled for her! Congrats, Kelly!
Happy Reading,
Shelly, Halli, Jocelyn, Martina, Erin, Susan, Kelly, Laura, Emily, Anisaa, and Lori Ann

by Adrienne Kisner
Hardcover Giveaway
U.S. Only
Feiwel & Friends
Released 6/5/2018
Brynn Haper's life has one steadying force--Rachel Maddow.
She watches her daily, and after writing to Rachel for a school project--and actually getting a response--Brynn starts drafting e-mails to Rachel but never sending them. Brynn tells Rachel about breaking up with her first serious girlfriend, about her brother Nick's death, about her passive mother and even worse stepfather, about how she's stuck in remedial courses at school and is considering dropping out.
Then Brynn is confronted with a moral dilemma. One student representative will be allowed to have a voice among the administration in the selection of a new school superintendent. Brynn's archnemesis, Adam, and ex-girlfriend, Sarah, believe only Honors students are worthy of the selection committee seat. Brynn feels all students deserve a voice. When she runs for the position, the knives are out. So she begins to ask herself: What Would Rachel Maddow Do?
Author Question: What is your favorite thing about Dear Rachel Maddow?
My favorite thing about DEAR RACHEL MADDOW is probably my main character, Brynn. Things don’t come easy for her, there are a million reasons for her to give up or disengage, and it’s not like there are a lot of opportunities for her to improve her situation. But she loves what she loves to her core, and can’t stop hoping in something better. She is fearless in speaking her mind. She is comfortable in her own skin. Of course Brynn watches The Rachel Maddow Show. Even on its less optimistic days, this program retains a kind of civility and integrity that drive its dedication to truth. I know not everyone believes that. But I do. Brynn does even more so. The idea of the free press nourishes a part of her that nothing else does. Brynn and I would have baffled one another if we’d known each other in high school, but only because she’s a much cooler person than I ever was.
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by Elly Blake
FIREBLOOD paperback Giveaway
U.S. & Canada Only
Little, Brown Books for Young
Released 6/5/2018
Ruby's world has changed more than she ever could have imagined. She's in love with a powerful Frost King. She's the heir to the Fire Throne. And she may be a Nightblood--the spawn of a vengeful deity hellbent on releasing his wraithlike Minax from their prison. Once freed, these beasts will roam the earth, devouring every last person until he or she is nothing but an empty husk. But Ruby is able to control the Minax to a degree, and now she, her beloved Arcus, and her friend Kai must find a way to bring Frostbloods and Firebloods--sworn enemies--together to make a stand against a foe more deadly than any they've faced.
Author Question: What is your favorite thing about Nightblood?
Aside from the romantic scenes (which are always the most fun for me to write) I so enjoyed getting the opportunity to explore more about the Minax and its effect on Ruby. She’s a character whose emotions are so strong they often spin out of her control, so I wanted to see how would it influence her to have an element that makes control even more difficult, and how that would ripple outward to the people around her. That was the part I was dying to dig into when I started writing NIGHTBLOOD. As it turned out, my first draft was a bit too heavy emotionally, so I ended up having to rewrite a lot of the book to bring Ruby’s fiery personality into play, even as she struggled to contain the shadow creature living in her heart. Then the editors said they actually missed a few key scenes from the first draft, so I brought those back in. When I wove the threads together (heavy elements and fun moments) it finally seemed to create a cohesive whole. I really hope readers find it to be fun and satisfying conclusion to the trilogy. I’m going to miss these characters so much, but I’m ever grateful to those dear readers who have embraced them and loved them too!
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by A.V. Geiger
Paperback Giveaway
U.S. Only
Sourcebooks Fire
Released 6/5/2018
No one knows what happened to pop icon Eric Thorn. His Twitter account? Frozen. His cell phone? Cracked and bloody, buried in the snow.
Agoraphobic fangirl Tessa Hart knows the truth, but she's finally left her #EricThornObsessed days behind. She has no intention of ever touching her Twitter app again. But Snapchat... That's safer, right?
After months of living under the radar, Tessa emerges from hiding, forced to face the deadly consequences of her past. But in the interrogation room, answers only lead to more questions in the jaw-dropping conclusion to the Follow Me Back duology.
Author Question: What is your favorite thing about Tell Me No Lies?
I adore the mixed format elements in TELL ME NO LIES above all else. For the life of me, I don't know how to tell a story in a straightforward fashion. The first book of this duology, FOLLOW ME BACK, amped up the suspense by weaving together tweets, direct messages, and fragments from a mysterious police interrogation transcript, alongside the main dual-POV narrative. In TELL ME NO LIES (Follow Me Back #2), I had so much fun pushing the mixed elements even further. In addition to Twitter, the main character Tessa migrates onto Snapchat, and readers get to explore a new social media platform through her eyes. Meanwhile, the police interrogation transcripts continue to frame the main narrative, driving the slow buildup of tension from the first page of the book to the final resolution.
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by Sara Wolf
Advance Reader Copy Giveaway (3 Copies)
U.S. Only
Entangled: Teen
Released 6/5/2018
Zera is a Heartless―the immortal, unaging soldier of a witch. Bound to the witch Nightsinger, Zera longs for freedom from the woods they hide in. With her heart in a jar under Nightsinger's control, she serves the witch unquestioningly.
Until Nightsinger asks Zera for a prince's heart in exchange for her own, with one addendum: if she's discovered infiltrating the court, Nightsinger will destroy Zera's heart rather than see her tortured by the witch-hating nobles.
Crown Prince Lucien d'Malvane hates the royal court as much as it loves him―every tutor too afraid to correct him and every girl jockeying for a place at his darkly handsome side. No one can challenge him―until the arrival of Lady Zera. She's inelegant, smart-mouthed, carefree, and out for his blood. The prince's honor has him quickly aiming for her throat.
So begins a game of cat and mouse between a girl with nothing to lose and a boy who has it all.
Winner takes the loser's heart.
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Cross Fire by Fonda Lee: Charlotte O.Questions I Want to Ask You by Michelle Falkoff: Jo R.
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by Zoraida Córdova
Sourcebooks Fire
Released 6/5/2018
Three sisters. One spell. Countless dead.
Lula Mortiz feels like an outsider. Her sister's newfound Encantrix powers have wounded her in ways that Lula's bruja healing powers can't fix, and she longs for the comfort her family once brought her. Thank the Deos for Maks, her sweet, steady boyfriend who sees the beauty within her and brings light to her life.
Then a bus crash turns Lula's world upside down. Her classmates are all dead, including Maks. But Lula was born to heal, to fix. She can bring Maks back, even if it means seeking help from her sisters and defying Death herself. But magic that defies the laws of the deos is dangerous. Unpredictable. And when the dust settles, Maks isn't the only one who's been brought back...
Author Question: What is your favorite thing about Bruja Born?
The main thing I wanted to accomplish with the Brooklyn Brujas series was a strong sisterly bond. That is the heart of this series, and it's also the heart of this book in particular. Writing Lula Mortiz was difficult for different reasons. She starts off in a bad headspace with the whole getting dumped and then starting an undead invasion in her city. But finding her courage and her love of life again was absolutely wonderful. She gets to stretch outside of her comfort zone and has to deal with her family, her community, and also a cute supernatural hunter.
This book definitely put me through the ringer, but I had amazing friends who talked scenes out with me and encouraged me to stop being so hard on myself. Of course, I have to shout out Dhonielle Clayton for always setting me straight when I got down on myself. She reminded me to be kind to my little brujas! We're going on tour together in June for a little project we're calling The Belles and Brujas Tour (https://ift.tt/2LR5aM1). Having people who *get* you makes writing that much more worth it because suddenly you're not alone. I was reminded that my books are magic, my girls are magic. BRUJA BORN and I came out stronger for it. I hope readers feel the same.
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by Preston Norton
Released 6/5/2018
Cliff Hubbard is a huge loser. Literally. His nickname at Happy Valley High School is Neanderthal because he's so enormous-6'6" and 250 pounds to be exact. He has nobody at school, and life in his trailer-park home has gone from bad to worse ever since his older brother's suicide.
There's no one Cliff hates more than the nauseatingly cool quarterback, Aaron Zimmerman. Then Aaron returns to school after a near-death experience with a bizarre claim: while he was unconscious he saw God, who gave him a list of things to do to make Happy Valley High suck less. And God said there's only one person who can help: Neanderthal.
To his own surprise, Cliff says he's in. As he and Aaron make their way through the List, which involves a vindictive English teacher, a mysterious computer hacker, a decidedly unchristian cult of Jesus Teens, the local drug dealers, and the meanest bully at HVHS, Cliff feels like he's part of something for the first time since losing his brother. But fixing a broken school isn't as simple as it seems, and just when Cliff thinks they've completed the List, he realizes their mission hits closer to home than he ever imagined.
Author Question: What is your favorite thing about Neanderthal Opens the Door to the Universe?
If you were to metaphorically cut me open and spill out all of my contents, amidst the blood and gore and entrails, you would find bits and pieces everywhere that essentially form the entirety of NEANDERTHAL OPENS THE DOOR TO THE UNIVERSE. That is to say, this book is culmination of me. It's personal on almost every level. In many ways, writing it was a healing, therapeutic experience. I also cried a whole f***ing lot. But I like to think that crying is healthy.
My second favorite thing is Tegan f***ing Robertson. She's a side character who kind of exploded onto the page, and got way out of control, and became everyone's favorite character (mine included) of her own volition. I had no say over it.
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by Greg Howard
Simon & Schuster Books for You
Released 6/5/2018
Beckett Gaines, a gay teen living in South Carolina, has his world turned upside-down by a jock in this laugh-out-loud novel that’s Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda meets The Parent Trap.
The Golden Girls-loving, out-and-proud choir nerd growing up in the “ass-crack of the Bible belt.”
The Golden Boy, star quarterback with a slick veneer facing uncomfortable truths about himself and his past.
When Beck’s emotionally fragile dad starts dating the recently single (and supposedly lesbian) mom of former bully, Jaxon Parker, Beck is not having it. Jax isn’t happy about the situation either, holding out hope that his moms will reunite and restore the only stable home he’s ever known. Putting aside past differences, the boys plot to derail the budding romance between their parents at their conservative hometown’s first-ever Rainbow Prom. Hearts will be broken, new romance will bloom, but nothing will go down the way Beck and Jax have planned.
Author Question: What is your favorite thing about Social Intercourse?
SOCIAL INTERCOURSE is set in the small Southern town where I went to middle school and high school, and I love that one of the two main characters is so comfortable being openly gay. People ask me if I was like the character of Beck in high school and my answer is always "no, but I wish I had been.” I was very closeted in high school and Beck is not in the least. He's out and proud and wears any resulting emotional scars from teasing or bullying as a badge of honor. But for the same reason Beck has built up walls to protect himself and therefore has to learn not to paint everyone with the broad strokes of bigotry and hate that are exhibited by a few. So I love that he thinks he has the world (and other people) all figured out, but in some cases, he couldn’t be more wrong. That was fun to write.
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by Kristina Perez
Released 6/5/2018
Two proud kingdoms stand on opposite shores, with only a bloody history between them.
As best friend and lady-in-waiting to the princess, Branwen is guided by two principles: devotion to her homeland and hatred for the raiders who killed her parents. When she unknowingly saves the life of her enemy, he awakens her ancient healing magic and opens her heart. Branwen begins to dream of peace, but the princess she serves is not so easily convinced. Fighting for what's right, even as her powers grow beyond her control, will set Branwen against both her closest confidant and the only man she's ever loved.
Author Question: What is your favorite thing about Sweet Black Waves?
Gosh, this is a tough question! I guess I would have to say the journey that Branwen is on. At its core, this is a coming of age story. It’s about Branwen finding her own power––both in terms of magic and as a political player––and learning to trust herself. Sometimes we all only have ourselves to rely on and that’s actually empowering.
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by Kelly deVos
Harlequin Teen
Released 6/5/2018
High school senior Cookie Vonn’s post-graduation dreams include getting out of Phoenix, attending Parsons and becoming the next great fashion designer. But in the world of fashion, being fat is a cardinal sin. It doesn’t help that she’s constantly compared to her supermodel mother—and named after a dessert.
Thanks to her job at a fashion blog, Cookie scores a trip to New York to pitch her portfolio and appeal for a scholarship, but her plans are put on standby when she’s declared too fat too fly. Forced to turn to her BFF for cash, Cookie buys a second seat on the plane. She arrives in the city to find that she’s been replaced by the boss’s daughter, a girl who’s everything she’s not—ultrathin and superrich. Bowing to society’s pressure, she vows to lose weight, get out of the friend zone with her crush, and put her life on track.
Cookie expected sunshine and rainbows, but nothing about her new life is turning out like she planned. When the fashion designer of the moment offers her what she’s always wanted—an opportunity to live and study in New York—she finds herself in a world full of people more interested in putting women down than dressing them up. Her designs make waves, but her real dream of creating great clothes for people of all sizes seems to grow more distant by the day.
Will she realize that she’s always had the power to make her own dreams come true?
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by Anica Mrose Rissi
Released 6/5/2018
When Betts meets Aiden at the candy store where she works, their connection is like a sugar rush to the heart. Betts already knows the two of them are infinite. Inevitable. Destined to become an us.
Betts has only ever kept one secret from her best friend, Jo, but suddenly there’s a long list of things she won’t tell her, things Jo wouldn’t understand. Because Jo doesn’t see how good Aiden is for Betts. She finds him needy. Possessive. Controlling.
She’s wrong. With a love like this, nothing else matters.
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by Jo Treggiari
Penguin Teen
Released 6/5/2018
Ari Sullivan is alive--for now.
She wakes at the bottom of a cistern, confused, injured and alone, with only the shadowy recollection of a low-pitched voice and a gloved hand. No one can hear her screams. And the person who put her there is coming back. The killer is planning a gruesome masterpiece, a fairytale tableau of innocence and blood, meticulously designed.
Until now, Ari was happy to spend her days pining for handsome, recent-arrival Stroud Bellows, fantasizing about their two-point-four-kids-future together. Safe in her small hometown of Dempsey Hollow. But now her community has turned very dangerous -- and Ari may not be the only intended victim.
Told in alternating perspectives of predator and prey, Blood Will Out is a gripping and terrifying read.
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by Andrew Shvarts
Released 6/5/2018
Tilla, bastard of House Kent, has it made. Safe from her murderous father in the dazzling capital of Lightspire, she lives a life of luxury under the protection of the Volaris King, alongside her boyfriend, Zell, and best friend, Princess Lyriana.
So why isn't she happy? Maybe it's the whispers and stares that follow her wherever she goes, as the daughter of the traitor waging war against Lightspire. Or maybe it's the memories of her beloved brother, Jax, who lies cold in his grave even as she tries to settle into a life in the city's prestigious University.
Then Tilla stumbles upon the body of a classmate-a friend. The authorities are quick to rule it a suicide and sweep it under the rug, but when Tilla herself is attacked by a mysterious man with terrifying powers, she's convinced of a conspiracy. Her friends beg her to stay silent; what she's suggesting is impossible . . . and treasonous.
But Tilla can't-won't-let it go. And the deeper she digs, the more questions she uncovers. How is the West beating the supposedly invincible Lightspire mages in battle? Is it connected to the shadowy cult wreaking havoc in Lightspire? Nothing is as it seems in the glorious capital, and Tilla's presence might just be the spark that sets the Kingdom aflame.
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by Natasha Friend
Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Released 6/5/2018
Quinn is a teen who loves her family, skateboarding, basketball, and her friends, but after she's diagnosed with a condition called alopecia which causes her to lose all of her hair, her friends abandon her. Jake was once a star football player, but because of a freak accident―caused by his brother―he loses both of his legs. Quinn and Jake meet and find the confidence to believe in themselves again, and maybe even love.
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by Robyn Schneider
Katherine Tegen Books
Released 6/5/2018
Rose Asher believes in ghosts. She should, since she has one for a best friend: Logan, her annoying, Netflix-addicted brother, who is forever stuck at fifteen. But Rose is growing up, and when an old friend moves back to Laguna Canyon and appears in her drama class, things get complicated.
Jamie Aldridge is charming, confident, and a painful reminder of the life Rose has been missing out on since her brother’s death. She watches as Jamie easily rejoins their former friends—a group of magnificently silly theater nerds—while avoiding her so intensely that it must be deliberate.
Yet when the two of them unexpectedly cross paths, Rose learns that Jamie has a secret of his own, one that changes everything. Rose finds herself drawn back into her old life—and to Jamie. But she quickly starts to suspect that he isn’t telling her the whole truth.
All Rose knows is that it’s becoming harder to choose between the boy who makes her feel alive and the brother she isn’t ready to lose.
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by Tara Eglington
Wednesday Books
Released 6/5/2018
After a perfect first kiss, Aurora's second kiss lands her boyfriend in the hospital, and her matchmaking strategies start to backfire in this sequel to Tara Eglington's How to Keep a Boy from Kissing You.
For a girl who shares her name with a princess (aka Sleeping Beauty), Aurora Skye’s romantic life seems fathoms away from a fairy tale. Sure, she’s landed her prince charming, Hayden Paris. And she got her wish―one first kiss with all the knee-trembling, butterfly-inducing gloriousness she’d hoped for. But instead of happily ever after, their second kiss landed Hayden in the emergency room. If that’s not mortifying enough, the whole school is now referring to her as "Lethal Lips."
When Aurora's best friend decides to run for class president and offers up Aurora's matchmaking service as one of her campaign initiatives, the kissing games begin. Aurora has to convince everyone that her program works―but that might be hard to do when it seems like her own love life might be falling apart.
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by Tamara Ireland Stone
Released 6/5/2018
Next-door neighbors and ex-best friends Hannah and Emory haven't spoken in months. Not since the fight-the one where they said things they couldn't take back.
Now, Emory is fine-tuning her UCLA performing arts application and trying to make the most of the months she has left with her boyfriend, Luke, before they head off to separate colleges. Meanwhile, Hannah's strong faith is shaken when her family's financial problems come to light, and she finds herself turning to unexpected places-and people-for answers to the difficult questions she's suddenly facing.
No matter how much Hannah and Emory desperately want to bridge the thirty-six steps between their bedroom windows, they can't. Not anymore.
Until their paths cross unexpectedly when, one night, Hannah finds Luke doubled over in his car outside her house. In the aftermath of the accident, all three struggle to understand what happened in their own ways. But when a devastating secret about Hannah and Emory's argument ultimately comes to light, they must all reexamine the things they hold true.
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by Sheba Karim
Released 6/5/2018
Three Pakistani-American teenagers, on a trip through the land of pork ribs, mechanical bulls, and Confederate flags. It’s going to be quite an adventure.
The summer after her freshman year of college, Mariam is looking forward to working and hanging out with her best friends: irrepressible and beautiful Ghazala, and religious but closeted Umar.
But when a scandalous photo of Ghaz appears on a billboard in Times Square, Mariam and Umar come up with a plan to rescue her from her furious parents. And what could be a better escape than a spontaneous road trip down to New Orleans?
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by Christine Conradt
Released 6/5/2018
In this action-packed and romantic thriller based on the “can’t pull your eyes away” series on Lifetime, one girl discovers that your life can change in an instant.
Seventeen-year-old Chelsea doesn’t go looking for trouble, but somehow it always manages to find her. Not only is her father taking off to work on a dangerous crab boat, the man she testified against is getting out of prison, and she's just discovered she's pregnant.
So when help comes in the most unlikely of forms—Sonia, an odd but generous woman who comes into the shop where she works—Chelsea isn’t sure how to react. As the two women begin to form a friendship, though, Chelsea begins to believe she's finally found someone she can trust.
But Chelsea should know better than anyone that people aren’t always what they seem, and when she discovers Sonia’s true identity she’s left reeling.
Faced with a difficult decision at the same time her past comes back to haunt her, Chelsea must do what she's never had the courage to do before—fight for herself. And now, fight for her baby as well.
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by Morgan Matson
Simon & Schuster Books for You
Released 6/5/2018
Charlie Grant’s older sister is getting married this weekend at their family home, and Charlie can’t wait—for the first time in years, all four of her older siblings will be under one roof. Charlie is desperate for one last perfect weekend, before the house is sold and everything changes. The house will be filled with jokes and games and laughs again. Making decisions about things like what college to attend and reuniting with longstanding crush Jesse Foster—all that can wait. She wants to focus on making the weekend perfect.
The only problem? The weekend is shaping up to be an absolute disaster.
There’s the unexpected dog with a penchant for howling, house alarm that won’t stop going off, and a papergirl with a grudge.
There are the relatives who aren’t speaking, the (awful) girl her favorite brother brought home unannounced, and a missing tuxedo.
Not to mention the neighbor who seems to be bent on sabotage and a storm that is bent on drenching everything. The justice of the peace is missing. The band will only play covers. The guests are all crazy. And the wedding planner’s nephew is unexpectedly, distractingly…cute.
Over the course of three ridiculously chaotic days, Charlie will learn more than she ever expected about the family she thought she knew by heart. And she’ll realize that sometimes, trying to keep everything like it was in the past means missing out on the future.
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by Renée Ahdieh
G.P. Putnam's Sons Books for Y
Released 6/5/2018
After Okami is captured in the Jukai forest, Mariko has no choice--to rescue him, she must return to Inako and face the dangers that have been waiting for her in the Heian Castle. She tricks her brother, Kenshin, and betrothed, Raiden, into thinking she was being held by the Black Clan against her will, playing the part of the dutiful bride-to-be to infiltrate the emperor's ranks and uncover the truth behind the betrayal that almost left her dead.
With the wedding plans already underway, Mariko pretends to be consumed with her upcoming nuptials, all the while using her royal standing to peel back the layers of lies and deception surrounding the imperial court. But each secret she unfurls gives way to the next, ensnaring Mariko and Okami in a political scheme that threatens their honor, their love and the very safety of the empire.
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by Katrina Leno
Released 6/5/2018
Georgina Fernweh waits impatiently for the tingle of magic in her fingers—magic that has touched every woman in her family. But with her eighteenth birthday looming at the end of this summer, Georgina fears her gift will never come.
Over the course of her last summer on the island—a summer of storms, falling in love, and the mystery behind one rare three-hundred-year-old bird—Georgina will learn the truth about magic, in all its many forms.
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by Megan Bannen
Balzer + Bray
Released 6/5/2018
Enslaved in Kipchak Khanate, Jinghua has lost everything: her home, her family, her freedom . . . until the kingdom is conquered by enemy forces and she finds herself an unlikely conspirator in the escape of Prince Khalaf and his irascible father across the vast Mongol Empire.
On the run, with adversaries on all sides and an endless journey ahead, Jinghua hatches a scheme to use the Kipchaks’ exile to return home, a plan that becomes increasingly fraught as her feelings for Khalaf evolve into an impossible love.
Jinghua’s already dicey prospects take a downward turn when Khalaf seeks to restore his kingdom by forging a marriage alliance with Turandokht, the daughter of the Great Khan. As beautiful as she is cunning, Turandokht requires all potential suitors to solve three impossible riddles to win her hand—and if they fail, they die.
Jinghua has kept her own counsel well, but with Khalaf’s kingdom—and his very life—on the line, she must reconcile the hard truth of her past with her love for a boy who has no idea what she’s capable of . . . even if it means losing him to the girl who’d sooner take his life than his heart.
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by Michael Belanger
Dial Books
Released 6/5/2018
History buff Ray knows everything about the peculiar legends and lore of his rural Connecticut hometown. Burgerville's past is riddled with green cow sightings and witches' curses, but the most interesting thing about the present is the new girl--we'll call her Jane Doe.
Inscrutable, cool, and above all mysterious, Jane seems as determined to hide her past as Ray is to uncover it. As fascination turns to friendship and then to something more, Ray is certain he knows Jane's darkest, most painful secrets and Jane herself--from past to present. But when the unthinkable happens, Ray is forced to acknowledge that perhaps history can only tell us so much.
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by Jessica Spotswood
Sourcebooks Fire
Released 6/5/2018
As the oldest, Des shoulders a lot of responsibility for her family and their independent bookstore. Except it's hard to dream big when she's so busy taking care of everyone else.
Vi has a crush on the girl next door. It makes her happy and nervous, but Cece has a boyfriend...so it's not like her feelings could ever be reciprocated, right?
Kat lands the lead in the community theater's summer play, but the drama spills offstage when her ex and his new girlfriend are cast too. Can she get revenge by staging a new romance of her own?
Bea and her boyfriend are heading off to college together in the fall, just like they planned when they started dating. But Bea isn't sure she wants the same things as when she was thirteen...
Told through four alternating points of view, readers will laugh, cry, and fall in love alongside the Garrett girls.
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by Cecilia Vinesse
Released 6/5/2018
American expat Aubrey has only two weeks left in Europe before she leaves for college, and she's nowhere near ready. Good thing she and her best friend, Rae, have planned one last group trip across the continent. From Paris to Prague, they're going to explore famous museums, sip champagne in fancy restaurants, and eat as many croissants as possible with their friends Clara, Jonah, and Gabe.
But when old secrets come to light, Aubrey and Rae's trip goes from a carefree adventure to a complete disaster. For starters, there's Aubrey and Gabe's unresolved history, complicated by the fact that Aubrey is dating Jonah, Gabe's best friend. And then there's Rae's hopeless crush on the effortlessly cool Clara. How is Rae supposed to admit her feelings to someone so perfect when they're moving to different sides of the world in just a few weeks?
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* * * *

by Bridget Morrissey
Sourcebooks Fire
Released 6/5/2018
Martin and Petra meet for the first time at graduation, and though they've shared the halls of their high school for four years without crossing paths, there's an instant connection the moment they're seated next to each other at the commencement ceremony.
Then a car accident puts Martin into a coma; and Petra is somehow left picking up the pieces, using friends, family, and shared dreams to keep their surprise connection going.
Together they must unlock the truth of his situation, and with time running out, their bond becomes Martin's best shot at waking back up to the life he's left behind.
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