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Tuesday, June 19, 2018
All Gave Some~Some Gave All
"One friend with whom you have a lot in common is better than three with whom you struggle to find things to talk about."- Mindy Kaling
Flashback 2014: Hillary On Illegal Alien Children: ‘They Should Be Sent Back’ [OOPS!]
IG Reveals James Comey is Under Investigation for Handling of Classified Information
James Comey Refuses to Testify Before Congress Regarding His Handling of Hillary Clinton ‘Investigation’; Andrew McCabe Pleads the Fifth
De Niro’s Just Desserts: Trump Supporter Surprises Bob on Broadway
By Andrew West

It is simply unnerving that this needs to be said so often in modern day America, but here goes: If you desire for our President to fail, you also desire our nation as a whole to fail. It’s just that simple.
Yet the left plays the role of indignant moral compass on a daily basis, while speaking forcefully out of the sides of their mouth regarding their hopes of seeing Donald Trump impeached, jailed, or even dead. These liberals have likely not thought for a moment about what that truly entails.
Should the President be deposed, violently or against the belief of We The People, (who voted him into office, remember), there is little doubt that our nation could devolve into utter chaos.
The public opinion surrounding Robert Mueller’s investigation into the 2016 election has dipped to unprecedentedly low levels, nearly clearing a path for the President himself to call an end to the nonsense. If Mueller were to whip out a pair of presidential handcuffs, you had best believe that the nearly 50% of the nation who disagrees with the existence of this witch hunt will be reacting vociferously to the news.
Similarly, if our Commander in Chief is assassinated by the liberal left, (who have been sending dog whistles to their rabid followers for well over a year now), it could very well tip off a Civil War in this nation.
And then there is the “resistance” movement being propped up by Hollywood celebrities and the doting democrats who worship them. One of the most prominent of these pathetic, progressive voices has been Robert De Niro – acclaimed actor and now director of musicals, apparently.
During a recent showing of the De Niro directed “A Bronx Tale” on Broadway, one Trump supporter showed the foul-mouthed actor that We The People won’t be bullied.
A Trump supporter tried disrupting a performance of the Robert De Niro directed musical “A Bronx Tale” on Saturday — standing up during the curtain call and displaying a “Keep America Great!” flag towards the audience.
“The times we live in,” tweeted audience member Joe Del Vicario, along with a pic showing the Broadway protest.
“At the end of [the performance], a man turned around and faced the audience to show us how big of a pair he has,” Del Vicario explained. “He was escorted shortly after.”
“How big a pair”? To be fair, this audience member was in the first row.
A @realDonaldTrump supporter tried disrupting a performance of the Robert De Niro directed musical “A Bronx Tale” on Saturday — standing up during the curtain call and displaying a “Keep America Great!” flag towards the audience...https://nyp.st/2LZ2Mln via @nypost
As of this writing, there has been no public reaction from De Niro, but we wouldn’t doubt that any such response would be fit for print, given De Niro’s recent potty-mouthed petulance.
The Lies The Left is Telling About Trump’s ‘Child Separation’ Policy
Remembering that everything leftists say is either a mischaracterization, a false equivalence, or an outright lie, the left and their media lapdogs have spun into overtime to attack the president for the policy of separating some children from illegal aliens trying to hide behind kids to gain illegal entrance into the U.S.A.
Also remembering that all liberals want the U.S. torn down and want every single illegal alien headed our way to be welcomed with no conditions, liberals have called Trump’s policy everything from inhumane, to un-American, obscenely called the holding centers “concentration camps,” and even claimed Trump is “just like Hitler” with the policy.
Furthermore, the left is trying to mischaracterize the policy to fool Americans into thinking literally millions of children have been swept up and placed in “concentration camps.” Several thousand have been detained, yes, but the left makes it seems as if the situation is far more widespread than it is.
The point, here, is that if these illegals weren’t coming here illegally, they would not have been separated in the first place. Also, it is a fact that many of these small children and youngsters are not even being brought here by their real parents. Many of these kids are being brought by distant relatives like uncles, aunts, and cousins, NOT parents. Also, some of these kids are being bought like little slaves by the illegals bringing them here, bought to act as cover to get them into the U.S under the assumption that they will be allowed in if they have children.
The point, here, is that if these illegals weren’t coming here illegally, they would not have been separated in the first place. Also, it is a fact that many of these small children and youngsters are not even being brought here by their real parents. Many of these kids are being brought by distant relatives like uncles, aunts, and cousins, NOT parents. Also, some of these kids are being bought like little slaves by the illegals bringing them here, bought to act as cover to get them into the U.S under the assumption that they will be allowed in if they have children.
The media is throwing around a lot of lies and mischaracterizations to enrage people against Trump over this policy. As an example, one of the lies the media is selling is that the detention centers have murals of Trump’s face used as an intimidation tactic to scare the kids.
Take this tweet by pajama boy “reporter” Jacob Soboroff:
Something I just told @chrislhayes: this place is a licensed child care facility with trained staff. There are 26 operated by the same nonprofit, @SouthwestKey.
Its president told me that potential new tent cities that will be on federal property *don’t* have to be licensed.
Its president told me that potential new tent cities that will be on federal property *don’t* have to be licensed.
Starting to get some handout photos from our tour with @HHSGov. Here’s the Trump mural I mentioned to @chrislhayes inside the shelter for incarcerated child migrants.
Also their beds and the towels they shower with. pic.twitter.com/EPEQ1VGAAF
Also their beds and the towels they shower with. pic.twitter.com/EPEQ1VGAAF
Soboroff isn’t the only one selling this claim that the Trump administration has foisted a Trump wall decoration on these poor, poor kids. But the facts are a different animal. Because what the sold-out, left-wing media isn’t mentioning is that there are many murals of many different U.S. presidents — including Obama — and not just wall paintings of Trump.
Replying to @joelpollak
Where are the pics?
The Trump mural meme is going around - Trump = Stalin, etc.
I believe you mentioned other murals of various presidents.
Here are some of the other presidents at the Brownsville center, which media forgot to mention. Obama, JFK, Lincoln... pic.twitter.com/RIy5QJdTHT
Lies like this are floating all throughout the leftist propaganda masquerading as “news.”
Another thing that the leftist “news” media is not mentioning is that the U.S. government has been separating kids from parents for decades. None of this is new and it went on during Clinton and Obama’s administrations as well.
Indeed, we can’t forget the fact that the once the massive welfare state was invented by the Democrat Party in the mid 1960s, the government started taking kids away from parents immediately, not just by the hundreds but by the millions.
The welfare state was specifically set up to eliminate fathers from homes and leave them with single mother-headed households. And then, if those mothers failed to raise kids safely and securely, social welfare departments entered homes and physically took kids from their mothers, as well.
This, of course, is still happening today in every single state and it was a scheme invented by the Democrat Party.
As far as removing migrant kids goes, there is no more famous case than that of Elián González, a Cuban migrant who was in the U.S. legally, but who was nonetheless ripped out of the arms of his American relatives by President Bill Clinton and actually given like a gift goose to brutal communist dictator Fidel Castro.
González’ mother brought him to the U.S. when he was only six. The woman died in a boat on the open seas on the way to this country, but some of his relatives had already come to the U.S. and he was placed with them. Eventually, Castro found out about the boy and then forced the child’s absentee father, still living in Cuba, to petition the U.S. for custody. Clinton agreed and sent armed men into the González home to rip the boy bodily from his relatives’ arms.
The attack by armed American paramilitary operatives resulted in one of the most embarrassing photos of the era:
Another thing that the leftist “news” media is not mentioning is that the U.S. government has been separating kids from parents for decades. None of this is new and it went on during Clinton and Obama’s administrations as well.
Indeed, we can’t forget the fact that the once the massive welfare state was invented by the Democrat Party in the mid 1960s, the government started taking kids away from parents immediately, not just by the hundreds but by the millions.
The welfare state was specifically set up to eliminate fathers from homes and leave them with single mother-headed households. And then, if those mothers failed to raise kids safely and securely, social welfare departments entered homes and physically took kids from their mothers, as well.
This, of course, is still happening today in every single state and it was a scheme invented by the Democrat Party.
As far as removing migrant kids goes, there is no more famous case than that of Elián González, a Cuban migrant who was in the U.S. legally, but who was nonetheless ripped out of the arms of his American relatives by President Bill Clinton and actually given like a gift goose to brutal communist dictator Fidel Castro.
González’ mother brought him to the U.S. when he was only six. The woman died in a boat on the open seas on the way to this country, but some of his relatives had already come to the U.S. and he was placed with them. Eventually, Castro found out about the boy and then forced the child’s absentee father, still living in Cuba, to petition the U.S. for custody. Clinton agreed and sent armed men into the González home to rip the boy bodily from his relatives’ arms.
The attack by armed American paramilitary operatives resulted in one of the most embarrassing photos of the era:
Worse, by handing over the boy, Clinton handed Cuba’s communist dictator a propaganda tool that he was able to exploit for 20 more years.
However, you may still feel that this policy is wrong. Granted these illegals could stop coming here expecting that little children will give them a free pass at illegally entering the U.S., but you may feel uneasy about this policy.
Well, don’t. Even the anti-Trump National Review noted that this is a reasonable policy.
Firstly, there has been no change to the policy that even Obama had in place. The administration is merely taking kids from adults who the U.S. government feels is falsely claiming the children to be their own. This policy was also in effect during the Obama regime.
The change is that where Obama just relented and let many of these liars through, anyway, the Trump policy is to prosecute every case it sees.
It IS the law, after all.
Also, in most cases these kids are held for only a short time:
The past practice had been to give a free pass to an adult who is part of a family unit. The new Trump policy is to prosecute all adults. The idea is to send a signal that we are serious about our laws and to create a deterrent against re-entry. (Illegal entry is a misdemeanor, illegal re-entry a felony.)
When a migrant is prosecuted for illegal entry, he or she is taken into custody by the U.S. Marshals. In no circumstance anywhere in the U.S. do the marshals care for the children of people they take into custody. The child is taken into the custody of HHS, who cares for them at temporary shelters.
The criminal proceedings are exceptionally short, assuming there is no aggravating factor such as a prior illegal entity or another crime. The migrants generally plead guilty, and they are then sentenced to time served, typically all in the same day, although practices vary along the border. After this, they are returned to the custody of ICE.
If the adult then wants to go home, in keeping with the expedited order of removal that is issued as a matter of course, it’s relatively simple. The adult should be reunited quickly with his or her child, and the family returned home as a unit. In this scenario, there’s only a very brief separation.
Next, the law is actually written so that the U.S. government may hold such children for up to 20 days. Again, it is a law that has been around since 1997, not Trump’s sudden new policy.
Then there is the increase in illegals using kids to try and force entry into the U.S. Illegals using kids (often NOT their own) as a shield to get into the U.S. is up 315 percent since last year. And the reason for this is because Obama told Central America that if they had kids with them it was an automatic pass.
Finally, we must remember this above all: these illegals are the ones putting kids in danger, not the U.S. government.
The trip these illegals make is fraught with danger. Lack of food, water, and shelter, predation from human traffickers and criminals, threats of rape and murder, not to mention the weather conditions and rough topography they have to cross to get from the Central Americas, through hostile, drug gang-infested Mexico, and to the U.S.A.
These illegals — many who aren’t even these kids’ real parents — THEY are the ones putting these kids in danger. Not Trump.
However, you may still feel that this policy is wrong. Granted these illegals could stop coming here expecting that little children will give them a free pass at illegally entering the U.S., but you may feel uneasy about this policy.
Well, don’t. Even the anti-Trump National Review noted that this is a reasonable policy.
Firstly, there has been no change to the policy that even Obama had in place. The administration is merely taking kids from adults who the U.S. government feels is falsely claiming the children to be their own. This policy was also in effect during the Obama regime.
The change is that where Obama just relented and let many of these liars through, anyway, the Trump policy is to prosecute every case it sees.
It IS the law, after all.
Also, in most cases these kids are held for only a short time:
The past practice had been to give a free pass to an adult who is part of a family unit. The new Trump policy is to prosecute all adults. The idea is to send a signal that we are serious about our laws and to create a deterrent against re-entry. (Illegal entry is a misdemeanor, illegal re-entry a felony.)
When a migrant is prosecuted for illegal entry, he or she is taken into custody by the U.S. Marshals. In no circumstance anywhere in the U.S. do the marshals care for the children of people they take into custody. The child is taken into the custody of HHS, who cares for them at temporary shelters.
The criminal proceedings are exceptionally short, assuming there is no aggravating factor such as a prior illegal entity or another crime. The migrants generally plead guilty, and they are then sentenced to time served, typically all in the same day, although practices vary along the border. After this, they are returned to the custody of ICE.
If the adult then wants to go home, in keeping with the expedited order of removal that is issued as a matter of course, it’s relatively simple. The adult should be reunited quickly with his or her child, and the family returned home as a unit. In this scenario, there’s only a very brief separation.
Next, the law is actually written so that the U.S. government may hold such children for up to 20 days. Again, it is a law that has been around since 1997, not Trump’s sudden new policy.
Then there is the increase in illegals using kids to try and force entry into the U.S. Illegals using kids (often NOT their own) as a shield to get into the U.S. is up 315 percent since last year. And the reason for this is because Obama told Central America that if they had kids with them it was an automatic pass.
Finally, we must remember this above all: these illegals are the ones putting kids in danger, not the U.S. government.
The trip these illegals make is fraught with danger. Lack of food, water, and shelter, predation from human traffickers and criminals, threats of rape and murder, not to mention the weather conditions and rough topography they have to cross to get from the Central Americas, through hostile, drug gang-infested Mexico, and to the U.S.A.
These illegals — many who aren’t even these kids’ real parents — THEY are the ones putting these kids in danger. Not Trump.
Angela Merkel could soon be ousted over immigration crisis
One of the world’s most powerful voices in favor of immigrants could soon be ousted.
According to several reports, German Chancellor Angela Merkel may be ousted from office within the next week.
German Crisis
Germany, like many other European countries, is having a serious migration problem.
The borders are porous, creating problems on many different levels.
While the largest challenge facing the United States is undocumented immigrants from Mexico, Germany faces a much different challenge.
Migrants from several Middle Eastern countries are pouring into the country.
With them comes the danger of terrorism as well as in influx in communities adhering to Sharia law, a strict code of conduct followed by some Muslims.
Community Clash
When these communities become saturated with Muslims, they are faced with significant challenges.
One challenge is how women are treated in one culture versus the other.
The second, of course, is how some Muslims treat Christians, who are considered infidels by some sects of the Islamic religion.
Sadly, these disagreements often end up in violence rather than discussion, as we have seen on the nightly news far too many times.
Merkel’s Problems
With the election of U.S. President Donald Trump, migrant issues in many other countries have become the focal point of the powers that be.
Merkel has been very vocally supportive of migrants, something that is not going over well with other politicos in her country.
Merkel has been openly feuding with Horst Seehofer, who adamantly opposes Merkel’s migration stance.
Insiders report that these problems could result in change, and very soon.
German MP Kai Whitaker, when asked what he thinks will happen, said: “Probably a new Chancellor.”
If that happens, the ripples will truly be felt around the world in how open border policies are perceived.
ML comment...Bye, bye Birdie Merkel
Dick Morris on Immigration and ‘Dreamers’: It’s All About Citizenship
By Dick Morris
Some Republicans, not including Donald Trump, want the Dreamers — illegal immigrants who were brought into the United States as children — thrown out, or at least not allowed to stay legally.
But most, including the president, are willing for them to stay but not to be given a special path to citizenship and voting rights.
The Democrats only really want their votes and, therefore, citizenship.
Without citizenship, they don’t much care if the Dreamers stay or are forced to leave.
So the compromise is obvious: Let them stay but not become citizens until they go through the normal process of returning home and coming back legally.
Republicans would support that and so would Trump.
But for Democrats, the compromise is just too obvious.
The party wants the Dreamers to vote and is pretending that it is protecting them from deportation when, in reality, it really only wants their ballots. Without citizenship or voting rights, the Democrats couldn’t care less.
The Dreamers, of course, don’t care as much about citizenship as being allowed to stay and make a living. That is, of course, the Achilles heel in the Democratic position.
By echoing the Democratic line that the issue is letting the Dreamers live here rather than insisting on voting rights, the media are perpetuating the Democratic deception.
Remember that the entire issue of Dreamers was fabricated by former President Barack Obama and his political team to put an attractive face on illegal immigration. They invented this subset of illegal immigrants precisely to skirt the very real objections to amnesty for those who knowingly broke the law and came here as adults.
Now their goal is to smuggle them into the electorate to create 2 million or 3 million new Democrats.
Let them stay!
Let them work!
But don’t let them become citizens and vote.
Dick Morris is a former adviser to President Bill Clinton as well as a political author, pollster and consultant. His most recent book, “Rogue Spooks,” was written with his wife, Eileen McGann.
G’ day…Ciao…
Helen and Moe Lauzier
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