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Sunday, August 12, 2018
All Gave Some~Some Gave All
President Trump: Jeff Sessions ‘Scared Stiff’ and ‘Missing in Action’ on ‘Rigged’ Russia ‘Witch Hunt!’
Dinesh D’Souza: Big Lies About Charlottesville – No, White Nationalists Are Not on the Right
CNN anchor BLOWS UP at Trump tweet on Charlottesville alt-right demonstration
As predicted, the media is freaking out over Trump’s tweet about Charlottesville this recently, even though they were demanding and begging and cajoling that he do what he did for over a year.
Watch below:
I understand the complaint. Trump seems to indulge in dog whistle rhetoric because it will piss off the libs, but he does it just enough in order to be able to deny it. This is a great way to excite his base, not so much to govern a nation.
BUT, we have to notice that Trump gets slammed by the media when he doesn’t do what they want, and then he gets slammed by the media when he DOES what they want. So, the rationale that he should do whatever he wants since he’s going to get slammed anyway kinda makes sense. The media can’t see this though, they just see a target conceding a point that they can trounce all over. And that’s why so many discount anything that comes out of the mainstream media. Right there.
America's Most Wanted, Profiles in Treason: John Brennan - This 'Stooge For Jihad' Should Be Facing The Gallows For Subverting President Trump In Deep State Plot To Overthrow America
By John Velisek, Retired US Navy - All News Pipeline
(ANP: This is part 1 in a series of stories profiling 'enemies of America within' written by US Patriot John Velisek)
CIA officials, including the upper echelons, are required to be 'apolitical'. The main purpose of the CIA is to gather intelligence on America’s enemies and guarantee the safety and security of the citizens of this country. The administration of CIA chief John Brennan came nowhere near meeting this standard. Brennan used the CIA to lie for political ideological goals. This has been shown earlier when Brennan used the CIA to conduct illegal surveillance of the Senate Intelligence Committee and then lied about it. These the same investigations that Brennan lied to Senator Feinstein about, and Brennan later apologized to the leaders of the SIC.
This the same Brennan who coerced the FBI into investigating this sham of Trump-Russia collusion using the unverified Steele dossier. In Brennan’s own words “Just because it is unverified doesn’t mean it isn’t true". A sad idea pushed by a biased 'has been' that was trying to hold on to his job through a Hillary administration. Lying to the Security Intelligence Committee as stated above, it is now known that it was Brennan who passed on and spoke of the Steele dossier to Harry Reid and other Democrat leaders, fed allegations that remain unverified to the FBI and fed information detrimental to President Trump to the press.
This is the same Brennan that lied about NSA surveillance of American citizens and only avoided a perjury trial because he resigned, and the statute of limitations ran out because of obfuscation from the Obama administration. Brennan even had the audacity to proclaim he just gave the “least untruthful answer”. For anyone else, a lie like this would land them in jail. But the Obama administration and the sycophantic media ignored this crime, once again.
The administration of the CIA under the orders of Brennan operated as an offshoot of the Hillary campaign. Using spies and connections in England and Estonia, Brennan weaponized the CIA with the phony intelligence obtained through these sources in his attempt to delegitimize the Trump candidacy, to try and cause maximum political damage on the conservatives, and led a multi agency smear campaign that has led the government to end up in a sham of a Special Counsel investigation being used by the leftists to affect the midterms.
It was John Brennan who proudly admitted voting for Communist Party leader Gus Hall, and even know supports such fellow progressive socialists as Andrew McCabe, James Comey, and his partner in crime at the highest level, James Clapper. This is the same John Brennan who invited a plethora of communist subversives into the highest positions of the CIA.
Brennan talks of corruption in the Trump presidency, but fails to mention and will not discuss the political corruption of the “Resistance” which he helped to get started and continues to push lies, innuendo, and double talk. To those like Brennan, even those still in government, the thought of legality is second to the thought that the ends justify the means in the ideology of leftist thought. They have yet to understand the juvenile antics of those in government and the media are not making a difference, The only difference is the #WalkAway movement which they claim are Russian bots but are actually millions of honest Americans who are tired of the lies.
In March of 2016 The Moscow Times reported the John Brennan, still, head of the CIA made a secret visit to Moscow. At the time he met with the FSS the successor of the KGB, of which the man being demonized by Brennan, Vladimir Putin was a part.
It was in the summer of 2016 when British spy Robert Hannigan passed material to John Brennan. Brennan then passed this information to the progressives socialists on Capitol Hill. After beefing the “Gang of Eight” this same information was then passed to the New York Times, which dutifully emblazoned the front pages of their liberal rag with this information.
One of the main reasons for Brennan’s animus towards President Trump was his sympathies towards the Muslim Brotherhood and his college days where he spent a year in Cairo learning about the Muslim sharia law and high-end courses in Middle East Studies. He applied for and received the station chief position in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
His background and sympathies for the Muslim outlook was also a primary reason for the intense dislike he felt for Michael Flynn. It was Brennan who instigated the investigation of Michael Flynn after he had already been cleared by the FBI. It was Brennan who released the confidential transcripts of Flynn’s conversations with the Russian ambassador and made sure the press, long in Brennan’s pockets because of earlier leaks, to spread the supposed lies to Mike Pence by Flynn.
The latest unhinged tirade from this Muslim/socialist sympathizer is laughable. This self-important narcissist now claims “America will triumph over you…”
Brennan also sent an aggressive threatening tweet to both Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell claiming they will bear the “responsibility of the harm done to our democracy is President Trump does not stop his disastrous path”. First, we are a Republic, not a democracy, a difference any competent CIA Director would understand. Second, the path President Trump is following, less government control, lower taxes, and border security, is the one the majority of Americans back and understand. His tweet pertained to the definitive proof that the FBI had an informant in the Trump campaign.
Perhaps this man needs to go back to American History in about the sixth grade. President Trump was elected by the people of this country contrary to what Brennan, Clapper, and all the others ensconced in the Deep State believe. He had already called for the executives in the Trump administration of refuse the orders of the President if they didn’t agree with the order. There is no doubt that Brennan and the others will continue to move forward in the adolescent ranting of impeachment and a coup to lead to civil war. It is all they have. They couldn’t beat Trump, they can’t turn his supporters (a group growing every day) against him, and no one listens to their lapdogs in the media anymore.
There is so much more to this web that Brennan has achieved. Passing the information to Harry Reid, who then wrote an open letter to James Comey which also happened to end up with the New York Times filled with lies and unverified innuendo. Or other agents and intelligence officials who were invested in a Clinton victory like former deputy of the CIA Mike Morell.
30 years CIA field operations officer Gene Coyle said the “Brennan is known as the greatest sycophants in the history of the CIA and a big supporter of Hillary Clinton". What has not been made clear if the John Brennan, along with a multitude of others who are no longer part of any governmental decision process, and as such should have the clearances they are still using to leak to the press dismissed?
Thinking they are our betters, they understand that the media and those still in place will do the best they can to protect them. Drawing out the Mueller sham of an investigation until after the midterms will allow the progressive socialists to shut down the investigations in Congress. Then the Stalinist “show trials and investigations" will begin. The impeachment process based on the banshee caterwauling of Mad Mouthy Maxine Waters will move forward if these slimy animals are allowed to take over Congress.
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John Velisek USN (Ret). Lives in California and has written for sites such as intellectualconservative.com and independentsentinel.com and has published at Whatfinger and Bad Blue.
Dem Candidate Cuts Warren Claim to Shreds Seconds Before She Takes the Mic
The best kind of sick burn to see for liberals is the kind that comes from their own side. And that’s why my new favorite progressive is Deb Haaland.
Oh, sure, a cursory glance at her website reveals that I probably don’t agree with the New Mexico Democrat House candidate on any policy issues whatsoever. Then again, she’s from a district where there’s almost no chance that a Republican is going to win, so I don’t feel too guilty about my newfound love for Ms. Haaland.
But I’m getting ahead of myself — let me explain why I love Haaland so much. First, she’s Native American — an enrolled, bona fide member of the Pueblo of Laguna tribe, according to CNN. She’s also a proud progressive, one of many who attended the Netroots Nation liberal conference this past week.
The first thing is a neutral quality, the second I typically find abhorrent. However, for the purposes of this story, both are crucial.
Now, there was plenty of curious stuff coming out the Netroots Nation event, most notably a top NAACP official threatening to “jack up” any Democrat who doesn’t obstruct Trump administration judicial nominees. There was a bit of comic relief to unsavory bits of suborned violence, however, and the best moment came courtesy of Ms. Haaland.
One of the headliners at the progressive conference was Elizabeth Warren, who was among several potential 2020 presidential candidates to speak there. As chance would have it, Ms. Haaland took the stage just before Warren, according to the Washington Free Beacon.
Our more deductive readers might be able to guess what happened next.
“My name is Deb Haaland, I’m the Democratic nominee for New Mexico’s 1st Congressional District,” Haaland began.
“If elected, I would be the first Native American woman in Congress.“
Excuse me while I engage in a little bit of BuzzFeedery:
Yeah, so I’m guessing that Ms. Haaland, once she wins the House seat that’s almost certainly hers for the taking, won’t be having too many lunches with Fauxcahontas. However, it’s not really her fault. After all, it’s not like liberal media outlets like The New York Times take Warren’s putative Native American ancestry very seriously, either.
In an article about Haaland’s campaign titled “There’s Never Been a Native American Congresswoman. That Could Change in 2018,” The Times noted that Haaland “is among a historic number of Native American women running for elective office. None has ever served in Congress, but that could change this year if Ms. Haaland wins.”
“In all, there are at least four indigenous women running for Congress, three more are bidding for governors’ offices and another 31 are campaigning for seats in state legislatures — from both sides of the aisle,” The Times added.
But no indigenous candidate from Massachusetts? I was under the impression that it was improper to question Ms. Warren’s heritage, particularly as it relates to whether she used it to gain preferential treatment. It’s not like she’s backing off of the claim, either. “I know who I am because of what my mother and my father told me, what my grandmother and my grandfather told me, what all my aunts and uncles told me and my brothers. It’s a part of who I am, and no one’s ever going to take that away,” Warren has said.
Yes, no one is ever going to take that away. Except The New York Times. And Deb Haaland. And, well, reality.
Thanks for the sick burn, Ms. Haaland. Better hope Cory Booker or Joe Biden takes the nomination, or it’s going to be a frosty few years in the corridors of Democrat power for you.
Either way, I hope for plenty of gaffes to come.
Candace Owens Rips Apart MSNBC Host for ‘Tearing Down the Black Community’
Candace Owens Rips Apart MSNBC Host for ‘Tearing Down the Black Community’
Conservative commentator Candace Owens is no stranger to confronting bullying and unfair tactics from the left.
When she decided to accept an invitation to sit in on MSNBC’s “The Beat” on Tuesday, this drive to challenge the left’s threatening tactics showed its head once again as Owens was forced to defend herself against both a condescending, interrupting host and the other guest, Georgetown University professor Michael Eric Dyson.
Watch the exchange below. It’s about 11 minutes long, but it’s well worth the time.
After being shown dated clips of Donald Trump and asked to respond, Owens jumped in to attack the host.
“I think the fact that every time I’m brought here, I’m being asked to dispute another black person. The black community is broken up in general. I don’t want to partake in that,” she said.
She then pivoted to address another blight on a black community in America.
“This weekend where 71 black people were shot in Chicago, 13 of them killed, and we’re not talking about that. Instead we’re talking about old tapes.”
Chicago is infamous for strict gun laws that have done nothing to address the city’s mind-boggling murder rate.
After an interruption by the host, Owens continued, hammering this point home despite being goaded to engage with Dyson.
“We should both respectfully decline tearing apart the black community for the sake of television, and because MSNBC always invites me on to do that, I am declining to do so when our community is mourning the 71 people that were shot over the weekend,” she said.
“We need to stop this warfare and come together and talk about things that matter. What is going on in Chicago is a bigger topic and should be a bigger topic on this network than what Trump said 18 years ago and whether or not it means that people change over 18 years. Which — shocker, guys — they do.”
The host then allowed Dyson to speak uninterrupted for a much longer period than Owens.
More back-and-forth followed, with Dyson sticking to his guns that Trump is a racist and knows nothing of how to support the black community. This only served to galvanize Owens’ argument.
“Liberals have been attacking conservatives and you guys say nothing about it. Blacks were attacked yesterday because they support Donald Trump,” she said. “Black support for Trump has doubled since this time last year.”
She continued, exposing the racist past the Democrat Party struggles to distance itself from.
“You guys try to pretend that he is pushing in a racist era in this country when we know the Democrats are the racists, have always been the racists, the parties never switched, and you should know this as a civil rights person,” she told Dyson. “You know the history. You know the people under the hood of the KKK were Democrats and the party never switched.”
This stumped the good professor, who had nothing to say to that point.
Melber finally cut it to a close and ended the segment.
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