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Wednesday, August 15, 2018
All Gave Some~Some Gave All

Great line of the week…...Sen. John Kennedy of Louisiana Says Former CIA Director Brennan is 'Lost in a Sea of Dumb'
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Record of Muslim Democrat Keith Ellison 911 Assault Call Released
Chuck Ross | Reporter
Notes taken by Department of Justice official Bruce Ohr show that Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson claimed that longtime GOP lawyer Cleta Mitchell was concerned about Russian funding for the NRA.
Mitchell vehemently denies the allegation, which first appeared in a news article published by McClatchy in March.
Mitchell says Simpson should be prosecuted for making false statements to a federal official.
Veteran GOP lawyer Cleta Mitchell suddenly found her name mixed up in the investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election.
The first public mention of Mitchell came in a March 13 report released by Democrats on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
The report listed Mitchell, a partner at the firm Foley & Lardner, as one of the “individuals or groups who were involved in or may have knowledge of third-party political outreach from the Kremlin to the Trump campaign.”
Two days later, McClatchy newspapers cited two anonymous sources who claimed that Mitchell expressed concerns just after the election that Russians had funneled secret cash to the National Rifle Association.
The origin of the claims about Mitchell, which she says are a “complete fabrication,” have remained a mystery for months. But notes taken during a meeting between Department of Justice official Bruce Ohr and Glenn Simpson, the founder of Fusion GPS, could shed light on how the allegations made their way into the public sphere.
The Daily Caller News Foundation has learned that during a Dec. 10, 2016, meeting in Washington, D.C., Simpson told Ohr that Mitchell learned of and was troubled by Russian funding for the NRA.
“An NRA lawyer named Cleta Mitchell found out about the money pipeline and was very upset, but the election was over,” Simpson said, according to Ohr’s handwritten notes, which were read to TheDCNF by a government source.
Simpson and Ohr were meeting to discuss Fusion GPS’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election. Ohr had been in contact with Christopher Steele, the former British spy was working for Simpson on the Trump dossier.
Ohr’s wife, a Russia expert named Nellie Ohr, also worked for Simpson and Fusion GPS, which worked for the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee to dig up dirt on then-candidate Donald Trump during the 2016 election. The Ohr-Fusion connection has come under intense scrutiny from Republican lawmakers who want to know Ohr’s involvement in the Russia investigation.
Simpson’s claim to Ohr about Mitchell closely matched a March 15 article published by McClatchy reporters Greg Gordon and Peter Stone. Like Simpson’s statement to Ohr, the article made the false assertion that Mitchell is currently a lawyer for the NRA, but she hasn’t had a relationship with the organization for years.
In the piece, titled “NRA lawyer said to have concerns about group’s ties to Russia,” Gordon and Stone claimed that congressional investigations “have learned that a longtime attorney for the National Rifle Association expressed concerns about the group’s ties to Russia and possible involvement in channeling Russian money into the 2016 elections to help Donald Trump.”
The article also quoted California Rep. Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee.
“Whether there was an effort by Russia to create a back channel or assist the Trump campaign through the NRA or gun-rights groups is an open question the committee’s minority has endeavored to answer for the past year,” Schiff said.
Mitchell has emphatically denied the allegations in the McClatchy article, saying that she never expressed concern about Russian funding for the NRA because she had not heard anything about it.
Mitchell told McClatchy the claim was a “complete fabrication.”
“I have no knowledge of anything like this and zero concerns whatsoever about anyone — Russians or otherwise — who ‘funneled’ funds to/ through NRA,” she told the news wire service.
“I have not had any relationship with the NRA in six years. I had zero contact with the NRA in 2016,” Mitchell told the reporters after their article was published. Contrary to what the initial McClatchy article and Simpson claimed, Mitchell’s NRA board membership expired in 2013.
Mitchell told TheDCNF that numerous news outlets, including ABC News, The New York Times, NPR, Talking Points Memo and CNN approached her about what she says is a “false story” about her.
“[The] only one who bit was McClatchy,” Mitchell said. “I’ve suspected all along it was Glenn Simpson/Fusion who made up that story.”
Mitchell minced no words when asked what she thinks about Simpson presenting her name to a top Justice Department official.
“He should be prosecuted for violating 18 USC 1001. Lying to a federal agent is a crime,” she said.
It is unclear how House Intelligence Democrats, led by Schiff, obtained the information about Mitchell. In their March 13 memo, Democrats included Mitchell on a witness list along with Russian national Maria Butina and GOP operative Paul Erickson as someone who “can shed light on the NRA’s relationship with Alexander Torshin.”
Simpson had also told Ohr about Torshin, according to the Justice Department official’s notes.
Butina, 29, was indicted on July 17 on charges that she acted as a foreign agent of Russia. She is suspected of attempting to infiltrate conservative political groups, including the NRA, at the direction of Torshin, a top official with Russia’s central bank.
Butina was in a relationship with Erickson at the time.
But Mitchell denies ever meeting Butina and Erickson. Mitchell told TheDCNF that she “never met or heard of either of them until the stories and indictment.”
“I wonder why the indictment says nothing about what these people actually did in 2016 to change or influence one thing the NRA did or did not do,” Mitchell told TheDCNF. “The reason is because I am confident there was zero action taken by NRA related to those two individuals.”
Numerous news articles about Torshin and Butina were published in the months following Simpson and Ohr’s meeting. And emails recently provided to Congress showed that, just after his meeting with Ohr, Simpson emailed Nellie Ohr an article from the left-wing site Think Progress about Torshin and Butina.
“Thank you!” Nellie Ohr responded.
A spokesman for Schiff did not respond to a request for comment for this article. A lawyer for Fusion GPS also did not respond.
Gordon, one of the McClatchy reporters, said he stands by the Mitchell story.
“We stand by our story. As you know, we already quoted Ms. Mitchell as denying these allegations. We do not discuss the sources for our stories.” he told TheDCNF.
Ohr’s notes of his meeting with Simpson show that not everyone at Fusion GPS bought into his theory that Russians were funneling secret cash to the NRA.
“Some of Glen’s [sic] people believe that the NRA received abnormally large amount of money to spread in the election, possibly indicating Russian involvement, but others disagree,” Ohr wrote in his notes.
Islamic Terrorism in London as Car Mows Down at Least 10 Cyclists at 50 MPH Before Smashing Into House of Parliament Security Barriers — Man in Custody
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Democratic District Attorney Slams Elizabeth Warren For Criminal Justice Remarks
Scott Eisen/Getty Images
The president of the National District Attorneys Association criticized Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) in a Facebook post for espousing “uninformed rhetoric” about the criminal justice system.
Jonathan Blodgett, who is also the District Attorney of Essex County in Massachusetts, responded to Warren’s remarks from last week where she deemed the criminal justice system “racist ... front to back."
Fox News ✔@FoxNews
.@SenWarren declares criminal justice system "racist"
11:42 PM - Aug 7, 2018
Blodgett, who is also a Democrat, claimed he contacted Warren and hopes to discuss her comment which he claimed “not only over-simplified and misrepresented the challenges associated with criminal justice but also hinder any meaningful discussion on how to ensure that the system continues to reflect the values of our communities.”
Blodgett acknowledges that the system could be improved but said, “If Ms. Warren is really serious about improving the criminal justice system for all, including victims, I encourage her to reach out to people like prosecutors, who are working in the system today.”
“The uninformed rhetoric she espouses is not helpful to those of us working tirelessly to build trust and improve relationships with our communities,” he concludes.
Warren was also criticized for her remarks by a men at her town hall, Yarmouth Police Chief Frank G. Frederickson and Massachusetts Chiefs of Police Association President Steven J. Wojnar.
Trump Campaign Files Against Omarosa
The Trump campaign has filed charges against Omarosa for breaking the non-disclosure agreement she signed. The charges seek millions in damages from the disgraced former Trump staffer.
According to the Washington Examiner:
President Trump’s campaign organization Tuesday has filed for arbitration against friend-turned-enemy Omarosa Manigault Newman, claiming that she broke a 2016 non disclosure contract by disparaging the president in her new book and revealing private talks from the ultra-secret White House Situation Room.
In New York, Trump campaign lawyers filed for arbitration to force the former star of “The Apprentice” to abide by the agreement they say she signed when joining the 2016 campaign.
According to a sample of the agreement provided to Secrets, she was required to keep proprietary information about the president, his companies or his family confidential and to never “disparage” the Trump family “during the term of your service and at all times thereafter.”
In a statement, a campaign official said, “Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. has filed an arbitration against Omarosa Manigault-Newman, with the American Arbitration Association in New York City, for breach of her 2016 confidentiality agreement with the Trump Campaign.”
Omarosa's claims have been challenged by numerous people including people she said could corroborate them like Michael Cohen and political commentator Frank Luntz.
Rudy Giuliani: 'The Guy Running It Was Brennan'
By Susan Jones
Former CIA Director John Brennan is a fierce and frequent critic of President Donald Trump. (Photo: Screen capture/C-SPAN)
(CNSNews.com) - Former CIA Director John Brennan, a man who repeatedly blasts President Donald Trump -- even accusing him of treason after the Helsinki summit -- was the "quarterback" behind the Trump-Russia investigation that is so riddled with irregularities, Rudy Giuliani told Fox News's Sean Hannity Monday night.
President Trump's attorney is demanding an independent counsel to "investigate the investigators."
"I'm going to tell you who was the quarterback for all of this," Giuliani said. "(Former FBI Agent Peter) Strzok, he's a bit of a puppet. Then there's Mueller, he's a puppet...The guy running it is Brennan. And he should be in front of a grand jury."
Giuliani said Brennan took a "false" dossier ("you can look at it and laugh at it") and peddled it to former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.).
“That led to the request for the investigation,” Giuliani continued. “So he takes a false...dossier; he get the senators involved, and a couple of Republican senators; and they demand an investigation. A totally phony investigation.
“Now, why can't we get an investigation when there are clear facts showing possible violations of the law? Even in the order appointing Mueller, which is completely illegitimate, they don't point out any crime. You have to point out a crime under the independent counsel regulations. They don't point it out, Giuliani said.
"We have lots of crimes and we can't get (Attorney General Jeff) Sessions to move and appoint an independent counsel. He's, look, he's recused from everything. And (Deputy Attorney General Rod) Rosenstein is too much involved in it. And they're possible witnesses.”
Hannity noted that Rosenstein signed the fourth and final FISA warrant to surveil former Trump campaign volunteer Carter Page.
“And that's why he's a possible witness," Giuliani said. "Independent counsel to investigate the investigators," he offered as the segment wrapped up.
In early June, Brennan told MSNBC, "I didn't put eyes on the Steele dossier until December of 2016, after the election, but yet people claim that I was the one that was sharing it around town and briefing it. That is not true," Brennan said.
In his interview with Hannity Monday night, Giuliani said the Steele dossier compiled by a former British spy was "provably false," a "cut and paste job by a down and out ex-spy, English spy, who hated Trump and was paid by the Hillary Clinton and the DNC."
Giuliani said the Trump Justice Department is hiding the affidavits, based on the dossier, that were used to get FISA warrants on Carter Page.
"Well, my goodness, here are the things we need to know about it. Was the fact that Hillary Clinton and DNC-- the people who paid for this -- was that pointed out to the judge? Because if it wasn't you've got a glaring omission,” Giuliani said.
“Was it pointed out during the course of this that Steele was fired by the FBI? Were problems in his background exposed to the judge? I mean, when you present this guy, was he presented as a fully reliable informant or were the questions -- you have to do that in an affidavit. I wrote many of these affidavits.”
Giuliani said it would have been a "nonstarter" if the FISA court was not told that Clinton and the Democrats paid for the dirt on Trump.
"So here's the point," Giuliani said. "Strzok created a false document. When we say is there any evidence that his bias led to action that he took against Trump? Yeah. He perjured himself in the affidavit in order to start his insurance policy investigation.
“They were hoping they could do something with that before the election, but they ran into the same problem Mueller runs into. The president didn't do anything wrong. They couldn't find any evidence. They struck out.”
Missouri Dems defy McCaskill, rescind amendment inviting to pro-life candidates to join Party
Grace Carr, DCNF
Missouri’s Democratic party committee voted Saturday to remove a previously proposed amendment welcoming pro-life candidates into the party.
Missouri’s Democratic party committee voted Saturday to remove a previously proposed amendment welcoming pro-life candidates into the party.
“Abortion is a legal healthcare procedure, and as a party we must support access,” St. Louis alderwoman Annie Rice said, The Kansas City Star reported Monday. She also called the June amendment, which she helped draft, “a mistake.”
Following the amendment’s withdrawal, the party platform now affirms, “A woman’s right to choose and the right of every person to their own bodily autonomy and to be free from government intrusion in medical decisions, including a decision to carry a pregnancy to term, and oppose any efforts to limit access to reproductive health care.”
Saturday’s vote comes after party members introduced an amendment acknowledging that the party hosts an array of beliefs, including those about abortion. “We respect the conscience of each Missourian and recognize that members of our party have deeply held and sometimes differing positions on issues of personal conscience, such as abortion. We recognize the diversity of views as a source of strength, and welcome into our ranks all Missourians who may hold differing positions on this issue,” the June amendment stated.
“Diversity has been a matter of strength in this party,” Joan Barry said Monday. Barry is a former Democratic state lawmaker who introduced the amendment in June. “I just felt that we needed to be sure pro-life Democrats are recognized as members of the party,” she said. Barry did not vote on the platform change Saturday.
“I don’t think the Missouri Democratic Party should shut its doors to those who feel differently,” said U.S. Sen. Claire McCaskill after Saturday’s vote. “It should be up to voters to decide who they want to represent them,” McCaskill said, despite her personal belief that women should be able to make health care choices as they see fit.
“Democrats needs to step up and fight for women, the base of the party, and their quick reversal on the disappointing vote to include anti-choice language in the party platform shows they’re ready to do that,” said NARAL Pro-Choice Missouri executive director Alison Dreith, applauding the move.
“Democrats needs to step up and fight for women, the base of the party, and their quick reversal on the disappointing vote to include anti-choice language in the party platform shows they’re ready to do that,” said NARAL Pro-Choice Missouri executive director Alison Dreith, applauding the move.
Others are unhappy with the platform’s quick reversal. “At what point will the abortion-rights progressives be held accountable for prioritizing their single issue above the health and success of the Democratic Party?” Democrats for Life of America executive director Kristen Day said.
We need more Democrats like @WaltMaddox. We should not have to hide our pro-life for the whole life views! #prolifeDemocrat
stephanie gillis@gillis_steph
Democrats for Life of America is “the preeminent national organization for pro-life Democrats,” according to its website. The group has endorsed Sen. Joe Donnelly, Sen. Joe Manchin, Rep. Dan Lipikski and Rep. Collin Peterson.
Pollster: Omarosa Says I’m Source of Trump N-Word Story, But I’ve Never Heard It
The Trump White House has certainly had its share of drama since the 45th president took office, and the past week was no exception.
An African-American former aide to President Donald Trump who spent years defending him has pivoted 180-degrees and is now accusing him of being a horrible racist … but the examples she is using don’t seem to hold much water.
Omarosa Manigault-Newman first received attention as a contestant on “The Apprentice,” which, of course, featured then-businessman Donald Trump as its star.
After impressing Trump, Manigault-Newman — who often goes by just her first name — joined the billionaire’s campaign staff and was a strong defender of him during the presidential election.
“In my experiences with him, he has only been professional. I am aware of the perceptions. But he is open-minded: He does not judge people on their gender or race. He judges them on their ability to do the job,” she continued at the time, according to Fox News.
Suddenly, the same woman is now accusing Trump of racism. Not long ago, she was let go from her White House staff position by Chief of Staff John Kelly after allegedly misusing government vehicles and other ethics violations.
Kelly, by even Manigault-Newman’s account, tried to let her go on good terms as a “friendly departure.” In what appears to be a good-will gesture, Trump’s team offered her an ongoing consulting position but made it clear that she would no longer be working in the White House.
But it appears there were other plans in the works for the former “Apprentice” star. (A 2017 profile in Politico described her TV career like this: “She became a walking one-name synonym for office backstabbing, dubbed one of the nastiest TV villains of all time by TV Guide.”)
Manigault-Newman announced she was writing a controversial book claiming to be a tell-all account of Trump’s presidency. At the same time, Manigault-Newman began accusing the president of racism, completely contradicting her earlier words.
It’s that explosive book that now has people scratching their heads.
The White House has pushed back against Manigault-Newman’s claims, and a respected political expert who appears in the book is also calling the fired employee out for playing fast and loose with the truth.
“I’m in @Omarosa’s book on page 149,” tweeted Frank Luntz, a well-known pollster and political analyst who has previously been critical of Trump.
“She claims to have heard from someone who heard from me that I heard Trump use the N-word,” Luntz wrote. “Not only is this flat-out false (I’ve never heard such a thing), but Omarosa didn’t even make an effort to call or email me to verify.
“Very shoddy work.”
I’m in @Omarosa’s book on page 149. She claims to have heard from someone who heard from me that I heard Trump use the N-word.
Not only is this flat-out false (I’ve never heard such a thing), but Omarosa didn’t even make an effort to call or email me to verify. Very shoddy work.
In a separate tweet, Luntz criticized the publication of the book overall. “It seems like certain book publishers these days care more about getting a release out than getting the facts down,” he wrote, perhaps thinking of the anti-Trump screed “Fire and Fury.”
“This is why people don’t trust these ‘exposés,’ which is especially bad for authors who actually are good and reliable,” Luntz wrote.
It seems very likely that Manigault-Newman invented rumors against Trump in order to save face and sell books after being fired. That’s certainly the view of White House insiders.
“It’s sad that a disgruntled former White House employee is trying to profit off these false attacks, and even worse that the media would now give her a platform, after not taking her seriously when she had only positive things to say about the president during her time in the administration,” White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said in a statement, according to Business Insider.
“Instead of telling the truth about all the good President Trump and his administration are doing to make America safe and prosperous, this book is riddled with lies and false accusations.”
While trying to salvage her reputation, Manigault-Newman may have sabotaged any credibility she had left — and the anti-Trump media was all too willing to play along.
New Evidence Points to Clinton Operatives Colluding with Russians To Frame Trump Campaign
A former Department of Justice official will appear before Congress as lawmakers seek to learn whether there was collusion between the Justice Department and supporters of Hillary Clinton during the 2016 presidential election.
“DOJ official Bruce Ohr will come before Congress on August 28 to answer why he had 60+contacts with dossier author Chris Steele as far back as January 2016. He owes the American public the full truth,” tweeted Rep. Mark Meadows, a North Carolina Republican and member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.
DOJ official Bruce Ohr will come before Congress on August 28 to answer why he had 60+ contacts with dossier author, Chris Steele, as far back as January 2016.
He owes the American public the full truth.
Steele authored a dossier that contained unsubstantiated claims of misconduct on the part of President Donald Trump. Trump denied the claims, which caused a sensation when they were published but have since been debunked.
A Judiciary Committee letter to the Justice Department said multiple documents prove “that Department of Justice official Bruce Ohr continued to pass along allegations from Mr. Steele to the FBI after the FBI suspended its formal relationship with Mr. Steele for unauthorized contact with the media, and demonstrating that Mr. Ohr otherwise funneled allegations from Fusion GPS and Mr. Steele to the FBI,” The Washington Times reported.
Amid these revelations, the website Real Clear Investigations sought to connect the dots by suggesting that the evidence indicates a highly controversial meeting in Trump Tower in June 2016 between Trump campaign staff and a Russian lawyer “may have been a setup.”
As summarized by the site, the various bits of documentation appear to show that “then-Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr, the fourth-highest-ranking official at DOJ, coordinated before, during and after the election with Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson, who did work for the Clinton campaign and Russians; and former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele, who was employed by Simpson.”
President Donald Trump has also tweeted his perspective on Ohr’s involvement.
Bruce Ohr of the “Justice” Department (can you believe he is still there) is accused of helping disgraced Christopher Steele “find dirt on Trump.” Ohr’s wife, Nelly, was in on the act big time - worked for Fusion GPS on Fake Dossier. @foxandfriends
“They were all in on it, clear Hillary Clinton and FRAME Donald Trump for things he didn’t do.” Gregg Jarrett on @foxandfriends If we had a real Attorney General, this Witch Hunt would never have been started! Looking at the wrong people.
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes said that Ohr’s testimony can help sort out exactly who was colluding with whom, and the depth of the Clinton campaign’s involvement.
“What’s come out now, Maria, is that he has been the go-between Christopher Steele, so once Christopher Steele was terminated as a source, for doing all things like talking to the media, at the behest of Glenn Simpson, remember he was working for Glenn Simpson Fusion GPS, who are working for the Clinton Campaign. Christopher Steele was fired, a lot of this information wasn’t shared with the FISA court, especially because of the fact that Christopher Steele was desperate that Donald Trump not become president,” Nunes said on Fox News Channel’s “Sunday Morning Futures,” according to Breitbart.
“After that happened, Bruce Ohr, one of the top lawyers in the Department of Justice, kept continually meeting and providing information from Christopher Steele to who? The FBI.”
He added, “So here you have information flowing from the Clinton campaign from the Russians, likely — I believe was handed directly from Russian propaganda arms to the Clinton campaign, fed into the top levels of the FBI and Department of Justice to open up a counterintelligence investigation into a political campaign that has now polluted nearly every top official at the DOJ and FBI over the course of the last couple years. It is absolutely amazing.”
“This is just madness. The American people need to know it,” Nunes said, Breitbart reported.
Nunes said that the issue, for once, needs to be fully explained to the American people.
“I will tell you, like I said in the last segment, the fact that the media is ignoring this is even more of a reason that we’re going to have to have more information than usual declassified. We’re going to have to have, I think, an unprecedented amount of information declassified because the media is just not covering this topic,” he said.
Maxine Waters: Trump ‘Trying To Frighten Whites’ by Calling Me Democrats’ ‘New Star’
Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) (Screenshot)
When asked whether her label as the “new star” of the Democratic Party makes her a liability, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) stated that President Trump is “trying to frighten, you know, whites” about her.
“Listen, he’s trying to frighten, uh, you know, whites about Maxine Waters,” she said. “‘Here’s this black woman, and she’s controversial, and she said things about me, and she does not move away from her position on impeachment, etc.’ He’s trying to frighten them. It’s not going to work.”
Waters went on to claim that the president won’t have enough supporters to help Republicans win the November midterm elections. “Even some of those people who voted for him, who are going to be hurt by his tariff policies, and who is [sic] going to be hurt by his tax policies, are going to see who he is eventually. Many of them are going to move away from him,” she stated.
“I know there’s a lot of talk about his constituency and the people who are going to stand with him no matter what he does, there’s not enough of them. They are not going to win,” Waters concluded.
Below is a transcript of her exchange with MSNBC’s Jonathan Capehart from Sunday:
Jonathan Capehart: “[The president] has called you, quote, ‘the new star of the Democratic Party.’ The new star of the Democratic Party – it’s as if he’s trying to make you a liability for the Democrats, that if the Democrats take the majority, that you are going to be in charge in some way. I mean, uh, are you a liability to the Democratic Party?
“I mean, you almost- there aren’t very many of your colleagues who are doing what you are doing, which is calling on the president to be impeached, calling on your colleagues in the House to impeach the president. Does that not make you a liability for the Democratic Party?”
Rep. Maxine Waters: “Listen, he’s trying to frighten, uh, you know, whites about Maxine Waters. ‘Here’s this black woman, and she’s controversial, and she said things about me, and she does not move away from her position on impeachment, etc.’ He’s trying to frighten them. It’s not going to work.
“In the final analysis, even some of those people who voted for him, who are going to be hurt by his tariff policies, and who is [sic] going to be hurt by his tax policies, are going to see who he is eventually. Many of them are going to move away from him.
“I know there’s a lot of talk about his constituency and the people who are going to stand with him no matter what he does, there’s not enough of them. They are not going to win.”
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Ellison Is Done: 911 Report (Below) Confirms Assault Details and We’ve Got the Report
Democratic Rep. Keith Ellison isn’t having the best week, but it’s nothing compared to what women around him have been through.
The Minnesota lawmaker and Deputy Chair of the Democrat National Convention was accused by Karen Monahan of being physically abusive during their relationship. Karen’s son, Austin Monahan, backs up her claim.
Now a second woman has courageously stepped forward, and she’s got the 911 report that gives her horrifying story some serious weight. Laura Loomer published the official report to her website.
The Minnesota lawmaker and Deputy Chair of the Democrat National Convention was accused by Karen Monahan of being physically abusive during their relationship. Karen’s son, Austin Monahan, backs up her claim.
Now a second woman has courageously stepped forward, and she’s got the 911 report that gives her horrifying story some serious weight. Laura Loomer published the official report to her website.
All the data on the report matches up, including the names, dates, and ages of those involved.
After this report was taken, Alexander wrote an article titled “Coming Out Of The Dark: Breaking The Silence About The Anointed Candidate” detailing not only Ellison’s anger problems, but his constant belittling and insults.
It all ended in violent fury. Alexander wrote that “Keith wanted to try and quiet me so he came to my home uninvited. We had words. His anger kicked in. He berated me. He grabbed me and pushed me out of the way.”
Ellison allegedly began running a smear campaign against Alexander. She said “I feared for my life and for the safety of my daughter. I heard through the grapevine that Ellison’s people had preemptively distributed information to the press suggesting that I was insane.”
Keith Ellison’s denial of the Monahans’ claims is eerily similar to what Amy Alexander described.
“Karen and I were in a long-term relationship which ended in 2016, and I still care deeply for her well-being. This video does not exist because I never behaved in this way, and any characterization otherwise is false.”
With mounting evidence against him, it appears as though Ellison may have to change his tone.
In the past year, allegations like this have brought down fellow politicians and even Hollywood elite. Not all of the claims were supported with evidence.
Now that we have an official report documenting an act so abusive that police became involved, Ellison’s chances in his current race to become the attorney general of Minnesota are slimming.
Not much time has passed since the first accusation, so it remains to be seen whether fellow Democrats will turn on Ellison, or give him the Bill Clinton treatment.Helen and Moe Lauzier
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