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Thursday, August 16, 2018
All Gave Some~Some Gave All
Stunning findings on report of Catholic Church abuse: Pa. priests molested more than 1,000 children
Robert Mizic, 47, watching a news conference on the grand jury report investigating sexual abuse within the Catholic Church in Pennsylvania at his home on Tuesday. Mizic says he was abused by his parish priest at a Catholic Church in suburban Philadelphia 35 years ago. (Andrew Rush/Post-Gazette via AP)
Robert Mizic, 47, said his life was taken away as an altar boy 35 years ago, when he was abused by his parish priest at a Catholic Church in suburban Philadelphia.
He is one of the many accusers in a sweeping scandal encircling the Catholic Church in Pennsylvania.
Hundreds of priests were said to have molested more than 1,000 children — and possibly many more — since the 1940s, and senior church officials, including a man who is now the archbishop of Washington, D.C., allegedly covered up the abuse, according to a grand jury report released Tuesday.
The “real number” of abused children might be in the thousands since some secret church records were lost, and victims were afraid to come forward, the grand jury said.
“We are sick over all the crimes that will go unpunished and uncompensated,” the grand jury said.
The grand jury accused Cardinal Donald Wuerl, who leads the Washington archdiocese, of helping to protect abusive priests when he was Pittsburgh’s bishop. Wuerl responded in part: “I sincerely hope that a just assessment of my actions, past and present, and my continuing commitment to the protection of children will dispel any notions otherwise made by this report.”
Varied Forms of Abuse
Most of the Pennsylvania victims were boys, but girls were abused, too, the report said.
The abuse ranged from groping and masturbation to anal, oral and vaginal rape. One boy was forced to say confession to the priest who sexually abused him. A 9-year-old boy was forced to perform oral sex and then had his mouth washed out with holy water. Another boy was made to pose naked as if being crucified and then was photographed by a group of priests who Attorney General Josh Shapiro said produced and shared child pornography on church grounds.
Mizic called himself a survivor. “It’s a horrible way of living. I had my puberty stolen from me, my life stolen,” he told KDKA-TV.
The report put the number of abusive clergy at more than 300. In nearly all of the cases, the statute of limitations has run out, meaning that criminal charges cannot be filed. More than 100 of the priests are dead, and many others are retired or have been dismissed from the priesthood or put on leave.
“Priests were raping little boys and girls, and the men of God who were responsible for them not only did nothing. They hid it all,” Shapiro said at a news conference in Harrisburg.
At the conference, a film was played featuring the accusers. “Who would have believed me?” 83-year-old Robert Corby said in the film, as Philly.com reported. “A priest, in 1948 or ‘47, would abuse you?”
Church Leaders Allegedly Took Steps to Cover Up the Abuse
Accusations in Dioceses that Minister to More Than Half the State’s 3.2 Million Catholics
The Pennsylvania grand jury, convened by the state attorney general’s office in 2016, heard from dozens of witnesses and reviewed more than a half-million pages of internal documents from the Allentown, Erie, Greensburg, Harrisburg, Pittsburgh and Scranton dioceses.
The grand jury scrutinized abuse allegations in dioceses that minister to more than half the state’s 3.2 million Catholics.
The Pittsburgh diocese said a few priests are still in ministry because the diocese determined allegations against them were unsubstantiated.
Tim Lennon, the president of the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, urged Pennsylvania lawmakers to lift civil and criminal statutes of limitations for child sex crimes, and to provide victims who no longer meet the age requirements in state law with a new window to file civil lawsuits.
Some current and former clergy named in the report went to court to prevent its release, arguing it violated their constitutional rights. The state Supreme Court said the public had a right to see it, but ruled the names of priests and others who objected to the findings would be blacked out pending a September hearing on their claims.
Twenty of the grand jurors said Tuesday they objected to “any attempts to censor, alter, redact or amend” the report.
Several dioceses decided to strip the accused of their anonymity and released the names of clergy members who were accused of sexual misconduct.
Authorities evaluated each suspect and were able to charge just two, including a priest who has since pleaded guilty. Shapiro said the investigation is ongoing.
State Attorney General Calls the Cover-Up ‘Child Sexual Abuse’
Church officials “routinely and purposefully described the abuse as horseplay and wrestling” and simply “inappropriate conduct,” Shapiro said.
“It was none of those things. It was child sexual abuse, including rape,” he said.
Former Pittsburgh Bishop Responds
The grand jury accused Cardinal Donald Wuerl, who leads the Washington archdiocese, of helping to protect abusive priests when he was Pittsburgh’s bishop. Wuerl, who led the Pittsburgh diocese from 1988 to 2006, disputed the allegations.
“While I understand this report may be critical of some of my actions, I believe the report confirms that I acted with diligence, with concern for the victims and to prevent future acts of abuse,” he said in a statement.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
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Portland Police Chief to Reporters: Why Isn’t Antifa Ever Held Accountable for Their Actions?
Great question — and in remarks to the media, this law enforcement professional made clear her intent every single day
By Deirdre Reilly
Portland Police Chief Danielle Outlaw (shown above left) called out the group Antifa for its violent actions recently — and she vowed to keep her city safe from anyone who chooses to threaten it, no matter their personal views.
Since Antifa was attacking far-right protesters — some of whom were allegedly white supremacists — at a Portland rally back on August 4, it seemed that the behavior of this group (including attacking people physically and ignoring police) was somehow “beyond reproach,” at least in the eyes of the liberal mainstream media.
So the police chief found herself under attack for showing “bias” in terms of police confrontations when tensions erupted between far-right Patriot Prayer and Antifa.
And she came back swinging, mincing no words: Breaking the law is breaking the law, in her city.
“I personally saw, whether they were fireworks, M-80s, explosives — I saw those being set of by the anti-racist groups,” Outlaw told OPB.org of the dangerous rally. “The projectiles — pieces of cement that are large as grapefruit, pieces of brick, broken glass bottles — all of that was not coming from the Patriot Prayer side at that time.”
At a press event after the rally, she also noted about her department’s supposed bias, “I think it’s ridiculous for any one person to think that I would favor someone who is supposedly associated — or would allow white supremacists to be a part of their group — it’s just ridiculous for me to favor anyone that intentionally comes to bring physical harm.”
“Where’s the accountability for people that come with the intent to harm, destroy, and to tear things up, and to actually come and physically fight other people?” she countered. “And then we are called to break it up, and say, ‘We don’t want anything to happen.’ If one side gets the shorter end of the stick for whatever reason, then we’re accused of not protecting one side or the other.”
Outlaw also responded to OPB.org’s interviewer Dave Miller when he said, “It seems some people say that police are defending far-right groups and cracking down on anti-fascist groups.”
She responded, “I think that’s ridiculous. We are neutral. Regardless, let me tell you flat-out, I don’t favor anyone who supposedly favors white supremacists, and I don’t favor anyone who comes to bring violence and physical harm to any person or place or property. Because of that, we have to remain neutral. We are there to ensure safety for everyone involved. We don’t get to pick sides.”
The journalist then asked, “But why does it seem that when police are shooting off flash-bang grenades or running into crowds with batons, that more often than not it’s the Antifa group, or various versions of counter protesters, that are the recipients of police use of force?”
“We focus our attentions on behaviors,” the police chief replied. “When you see people coming, with the intent, after we’ve given the order to disperse, those who remained, usually what we see is a large amount of people peel off after we give dispersal orders. But people remained — which shows us they had the intent to be there to cause harm.”
This is Not Satire. An Open Pedophile is Running for Congress
We've been heading this way for a while. We shouldn't be surprised.
The story is now more than two months old, but it just caught my eye this week, and I felt it was important to share with you. I trust you’ll agree as you read.
Congressional Candidate Wants to Legalize Incest
WUSA9.com ran this headline on June 1: “Candidate for Congress wants to legalize incest.” Yes, “Nathan Larson, an accountant who lives in Fauquier County [VA], thinks it’s okay for adults to have sex with children. A survivor of child sex abuse says Larson is a predator who should be locked up — not elected to high office.”
A widely shared article from May 31 on the Huffington Post carried this headline: “Congressional Candidate In Virginia Admits He’s A Pedophile.”
To make things even worse, he also “bragged in website posts about raping his late ex-wife.” Indeed, “In a phone call, Larson confirmed that he created the now-defunct websites suiped.org and incelocalypse.today — chat rooms that served as gathering places for pedophiles and violence-minded misogynists like himself.”
And he admitted there was a “grain of truth” in an essay he wrote “about father-daughter incest and another about raping his ex-wife repeatedly.”
Yet this man is running for public office? He’s not ashamed of his attractions and proclivities? (Now you understand why I needed to state up front that this was not satire.)
Political Correctness?
In Larson’s own words, “A lot of people are tired of political correctness and being constrained by it. People prefer when there’s an outsider who doesn’t have anything to lose and is willing to say what’s on a lot of people’s minds.”
Really? Not talking openly about being a pedophile is a matter of being politically correct? That’s the only thing stopping us from saying, “Hey man, no big deal that you identify as a pedophile as long as you keep your hands off my kids”?
How dare Larson chalk this up to political correctness.
Confronting Pedophilia
If you say, “Then what should someone do if he finds himself attracted to children?”
First, he should get help privately, and he should do so in a hurry. Second, he should renounce those attractions as perverted and unacceptable. Third, he should distance himself from any possible sources of temptation.
Should he choose to announce his struggles to the world, then he shouldn’t be surprised if he is shunned by parents with their kids. Would you feel comfortable having a grown man leering at your little ones?
Having said this, I’m not really surprised that something like this has happened.
In my 2011 book A Queer Thing Happened to America, I included a lengthy, carefully documented chapter comparing eight major pro-pedophilia arguments with eight major pro-gay arguments. (For a summary, see this 2011 article, “Why Are We Surprised With the Push for ‘Pedophile Rights’?” As I stated emphatically in the book, I was comparing the arguments, not the actions.)
The author of a 2015 article on Salon.com called for sympathy for pedophiles, stating that, “I’m a pedophile, but not a monster.”
He made clear that he would not act out his desires, but that left him “cursed” with a pedophilic sexual orientation.
And now, two lecturers on the widely viewed TED talks have called for sympathy and understanding for pedophiles. After all, we are reminded, they did not choose their feelings, and they are people like everyone else.
Sexual Anarchy
But again, this should not surprise us in the least. We have been heading in this direction for decades now, as we plunge deeper and deeper into sexual anarchy.
We have redefined marriage, a big reason being that, “We were born this way and we can’t change. Plus, our same-sex relationship doesn’t hurt anyone.”
We’re also getting increasingly used to polygamy and polyamory, while incest is becoming acceptable as well.
Why, then, why should we react so harshly to pedophilia? We’re not talking about adults raping children. Even pedophiles acknowledge that’s wrong.
But if sexual orientation is innate and immutable, and if pedophilia is a sexual orientation, should adult-child desires be considered sinful?
And if some adults (especially gay men) look back fondly at when older men “mentored” them sexually when they were young teens, maybe we should reconsider the age of consent? (I’m uncomfortable even writing these words, but they are all documented in the Queer Thing book, including quotes from famous gay activists.)
Should we be surprised that Peter Tatchell, known as England’s most prominent gay activist, has campaigned to have the age of consent reduced to 14?
Should we be surprised that the 1972 Gay Rights Platform called for the “Repeal of all laws governing the age of sexual consent.” (This was demand #7. The 6th demand called for, “Repeal of all state laws prohibiting transvestism and cross-dressing.” The 8th demand called for, “Repeal of all legislative provisions that restrict the sex or number of persons entering into a marriage unit; and the extension of legal benefits to all persons who cohabit regardless of sex or numbers.”)
Stay Outraged
That’s why I say that I’m not that surprised to see this latest development. And, while Larson’s candidacy has produced shock and revulsion, it is just one more step towards desensitizing our culture. After all, he was born that way, right?
My counsel to each of you is simple. Stay outraged. Stay revulsed. Stay shocked. And let’s pray that Mr. Larson would turn to God and ask for mercy and transformation. Pedophiles, too, can be changed.
Andrew Kerr | Investigative Reporter

San Francisco will launch a “poop patrol” in September in an effort to proactively remove the masses of homeless excrement currently turning the city’s streets brown.
The $750,000 operation is the brainchild of Mayor London Breed and Public Works director Mohammed Nuru, both of whom hope the patrol’s six dedicated staff members and two trucks will be able to locate and remove human feces from the streets before pedestrians call in complaints.
The “poop patrol” will have its work cut out — since the start of 2018, San Francisco’s 311 services received 14,597 calls complaining about piles of human and dog feces on the street, according to KGO-TV. That’s roughly 65 complaints per day.
Report says San Francisco’s 311 service received nearly 15k calls since January about poop on the sidewalks and streets. A new “Poop Patrol” will soon be assigned to try to find the human messes before you do.
The patrol will utilize data-driven strategies to proactively get ahead of the mess in particularly sticky areas of the city.
“We have data that shows where most of the complaints are for poop cleanup. So, the goal is to make sure we have a dedicated team and they are focusing on those particular areas where we know it’s most problematic,” Breed told KTVU.
There are about 7,500 homeless people living in San Francisco according to the city, which will spend nearly $280 million this year on housing services for the homeless. (RELATED: SF Mayor Says Her City Is Drowning In Poop: ‘There’s More Feces … Than I’ve Ever Seen’)
The operation will serve as a compliment to the city’s Pit Stop public toilet program. The city allotted $1.05 million in its most recent budget to construct five additional public toilets, bringing the total Pit Stops in the city to 22. But many of the public toilets are only in operation until the late afternoon, leaving the homeless with few decent options overnight.
Breed, a Democrat who was inaugurated as the San Francisco’s mayor in July, has made frequent unannounced tours of the city’s streets to monitor their condition first-hand.
She praised the city following a tour Monday for making “important investments” in public trash cans, public toilets and expanded street cleaning teams.
Today I took another unannounced tour of our streets, this time in the Castro. There is still a lot of work to be done, but important investments like opening more Pit Stops, adding trash cans, and expanding our street cleaning teams are going to make a noticeable difference.
But Breed acknowledged there is still much work to be done.
“I just want the city to be clean, and I want to make sure we’re providing the resources so that it can be,” she told the San Francisco Chronicle.
San Francisco will launch a “poop patrol” in September in an effort to proactively remove the masses of homeless excrement currently turning the city’s streets brown.
The $750,000 operation is the brainchild of Mayor London Breed and Public Works director Mohammed Nuru, both of whom hope the patrol’s six dedicated staff members and two trucks will be able to locate and remove human feces from the streets before pedestrians call in complaints.
The “poop patrol” will have its work cut out — since the start of 2018, San Francisco’s 311 services received 14,597 calls complaining about piles of human and dog feces on the street, according to KGO-TV. That’s roughly 65 complaints per day.
Report says San Francisco’s 311 service received nearly 15k calls since January about poop on the sidewalks and streets. A new “Poop Patrol” will soon be assigned to try to find the human messes before you do.
2:28 PM - Aug 14, 2018
The patrol will utilize data-driven strategies to proactively get ahead of the mess in particularly sticky areas of the city.
“We have data that shows where most of the complaints are for poop cleanup. So, the goal is to make sure we have a dedicated team and they are focusing on those particular areas where we know it’s most problematic,” Breed told KTVU.
There are about 7,500 homeless people living in San Francisco according to the city, which will spend nearly $280 million this year on housing services for the homeless. (RELATED: SF Mayor Says Her City Is Drowning In Poop: ‘There’s More Feces … Than I’ve Ever Seen’)
The operation will serve as a compliment to the city’s Pit Stop public toilet program. The city allotted $1.05 million in its most recent budget to construct five additional public toilets, bringing the total Pit Stops in the city to 22. But many of the public toilets are only in operation until the late afternoon, leaving the homeless with few decent options overnight.
Breed, a Democrat who was inaugurated as the San Francisco’s mayor in July, has made frequent unannounced tours of the city’s streets to monitor their condition first-hand.
She praised the city following a tour Monday for making “important investments” in public trash cans, public toilets and expanded street cleaning teams.
Today I took another unannounced tour of our streets, this time in the Castro. There is still a lot of work to be done, but important investments like opening more Pit Stops, adding trash cans, and expanding our street cleaning teams are going to make a noticeable difference.
But Breed acknowledged there is still much work to be done.
“I just want the city to be clean, and I want to make sure we’re providing the resources so that it can be,” she told the San Francisco Chronicle.
DJT really has a good heart with the well being of our congress people is paramount to him
Donald J. TrumpVerified account @realDonaldTrump
Happy Birthday to the leader of the Democrat Party, Maxine Waters!
One more thing…
Preparing to say goodbye... a message from Clint Eastwood... My Twilight Years at 84.
If you realize each day is a gift, you may be near my age. As I enjoy my twilight years, I am often struck by the inevitability that the party must end.
There will come a clear, cold morning when there isn't any "more."
No more hugs, no more special moments to celebrate together, no more phone calls just to chat.
It seems to me that one of the important things to do before that morning comes, is to let everyone of your family and friends know that you care for them by finding simple ways to let them know your heartfelt beliefs and the guiding principles of your life so they can always say, "He was my friend, and I know where he stood."
So, just in case I'm gone tomorrow, please know this: I voted against that incompetent, lying, flip-flopping, insincere, double-talking, radical socialist, terrorist excusing, bleeding heart, narcissistic, scientific and economic moron that spent eight years-in the White House trying to destroy our wonderful country and turn it into Muslim loving, socialist s__t hole like he came from and I don’t mean Hawaii!
Participating in a gun buy-back program because you think criminals have too many guns is like having yourself castrated because you think your neighbors have too many kids.
Regards, Clint
Helen and Moe Lauzier
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