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Monday, August 13, 2018
All Gave Some~Some Gave All
Free Speech Monopoly — The Game is Rigged: The Internet is Today’s Town Square; The Soapboxes are Social Media
Democrats Chant in Charlottesville: ‘All Cops are Racist — You Better Face It!’ [VIDEO]
Whoa Nellie! Sen. Lindsey Graham: DOJ Probe of Trump Campaign ‘Corrupt at the Core,’ Cites Bruce & Nellie Ohr
Congressman Tom Garrett: FBI Told Me Russia Behind ‘Unite the Right’ Rally in Charlottesville ‘to Pit Americans Against Americans’
Iran Is Going To Regret Crossing Trump After The Bold Thing He Just Did
President Donald Trump has made it clear to Iran that the United States will no longer cower to threats made by them.
He has threatened to fight back against their violent rhetoric by any means necessary.
And he just did one thing that is sure to make Iran regret everything bad they’ve ever said about the United States.
In 2015, then-President Barack Obama signed the Iran nuclear deal.
That deal has been seen as one of the worst deals ever signed in the history of international relations.
It does little to restrict Iran, while at the same time giving them massive advantages at the world stage – the type of advantages that a terrorist-funding country should not be afforded.
One of those advantages was loosened trade restrictions around the world.
With those loosened trade restrictions, Iran gained a lot of revenue through countries trading with them.
One country that became very beneficial to Iran was Germany, who became a trade ally with Iran once the Iran nuclear deal was put into effect.
So when President Donald Trump pulled out of the Iran nuclear deal and announced that the U.S. would be re-imposing the same economic sanctions that the deal reversed, it created an opportunity to really make that hurt Iran.
That’s when U.S. Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell came into play.
After being appointed by President Trump, one of his first goals with Germany was to convince them to stop supporting Iran through trade.
He has already done very well, convincing Germany not to make a $400 million payment from Germany’s central bank to Iran.
Along with that major blow to Iran, he has convinced the car company, Daimler, to cancel expansion plans in Iran.
And that was just the first move in what is sure to be an operation that will economically cripple Iran.
Trump also announced over Twitter that he has officially cast sanctions on Iran, adding that anybody doing business with Iran will not be doing business with the United States.
The Iran sanctions have officially been cast. These are the most biting sanctions ever imposed, and in November they ratchet up to yet another level. Anyone doing business with Iran will NOT be doing business with the United States. I am asking for WORLD PEACE, nothing less!
These moves are setting President Trump apart from his predecessors and making it clear that the man he was on the campaign trail is who he still is.
While running for office he promised to be a strong leader who would stand up to countries who don’t hold U.S. interests at heart.
Iran is one of those countries.
Despite former President Obama being weak with Iran, and the rest of the world, Iran is a sworn enemy not to just the United States, but to Western civilization as a whole.
As an Islamic state, which has strong ties to terrorist organizations, they are not friendly to the United States.
That’s why, while many other countries Trump has taken a more diplomatic approach, Iran has always been handled with tough rhetoric and even tougher actions.
If Trump is able to economically cripple the country, it will likely be his best chance to get them to the table to deal fairly with him.
Trump’s Lawyer Unleashed One Surprise Attack That Left Mueller Reeling
Robert Mueller’s rigged witch hunt against President Trump is reaching a critical phase.
Donald Trump and his legal team are preparing for battle with the special counsel.
In an interview with Sean Hannity, Trump’s lawyer revealed a surprised that left Mueller reeling.
There have been news reports flying around about the status of President Trump sitting for an interview with special counsel Robert Mueller.
Trump is said to favor the idea, but his lawyers believe Mueller is nothing more than a snake trying to set a perjury trap.
Rudy Giuliani discussed these developments in an interview on Sean Hannity’s Fox News Channel show.
Giuliani went further than usual and revealed that the investigation was going to blow up in Mueller’s face because it was illegitimate:
“Yes, I’ve never been involved in an investigation on either side that’s more illegitimate than this one, that is so obviously more illegitimate. And I wonder where is the sense of justice on the part of Mueller, on the part of the Justice Department. After all, the Justice Department — this is a Justice Department investigation. He is working for Rosenstein. And at some point, you’ve got to say the irregularities, the unethical conduct…”
“…the double standard, the way in which people who hate Trump will put into primary positions of power has completely tainted this investigation,” Giuliani declared.
Giuliani stated that Mueller needed to wrap the investigation up by September or he would be in violation of Justice Department guidelines about taking action within 60 days of an election.
The President’s lawyer also dropped an ominous warning that there were bombshell developments yet to come about how the FBI started and conducted the Russia investigation.
Giuliani stated, “The reality is, the real story is not that this case isn’t going to fizzle. It’s going to blow up on them. The real question is, what we talked about before, there’s a lot more to what they did that nobody knows about yet.”
And he concluded by stating that the real investigation should be focused on the FBI leadership, like James Comey who launched this partisan witch hunt.
“I said a long time ago, the investigation here has to be of the investigators, because we can’t let this happen again in American history. We may not have a president as strong as President Trump. A lesser president could have really been cracked by this,” the President’s lawyer declared.
Finally, Giuliani also explained why an interview with the President would be a waste of time.
Giuliani stated that Mueller already had all the answers and there was nothing President Trump could add to the record.
Mueller is not a prosecutor acting in good faith.
Trump supporters believe he is an active part of a silent coup against the President.
He was not tasked with a crime to investigate, so Mueller will investigate until he finds a “crime.”
It’s the very definition of a witch hunt and most Trump supporters agree the President should not sit for an interview with a bad faith actor like Mueller.
We will keep you up to date on any breaking developments in Robert Mueller’s rigged witch hunt against President Trump.
Cory Booker Pictured With Anti-Israel Radicals, Holds Sign Calling for Elimination of Security Borders in Israel
BY: Brent Scher
UPDATE: Booker claims he didn't read sign, didn't know it was about Israel
New Jersey senator Cory Booker (D.) was pictured on Friday afternoon at the liberal Netroots Nation conference holding a sign calling for the removal of security borders in Israel, a policy proposal from a radical anti-Israel group with financial ties to terrorist groups.
Booker, standing next to radical activists from the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights, is holding a sign that says, "From Palestine to Mexico, all the walls have got to go," a slogan used by the group in its call for the removal of Israeli security barriers used to protect its citizens from terrorist attacks.
Excited to be here at Netroots Nation talking with progressives like Sen. Cory Booker about our shared commitment to freedom, justice, and equality for all people. #NN18
The picture of Booker was posted by the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights, a radical activist group that supports anti-Israel campaigns such as the Boycott, Divest, and Sanction (BDS) movement and was recently found to be financially tied to designated terrorist groups such as Hamas and Islamic Jihad.
"Excited to be here at Netroots Nation talking with progressives like Sen. Cory Booker about our shared commitment to freedom, justice, and equality for all people," the group wrote.
Booker's senate office did not initially respond to an inquiry on the picture and whether he believes security barriers that prevent terrorists based in the West Bank and Gaza Strip from entering Israel should be removed, but after publication sent a statement claiming the New Jersey senator didn't know what was written on the sign he was holding.
"Just before delivering a speech in New Orleans, Senator Booker was approached by dozens of people for photos," said spokesman Jeff Giertz. "In one instance, amid the rush, he was posing for a photo and was passed a sign to hold—he didn’t have time to read the sign, and from his cursory glance he thought it was talking about Mexico and didn’t realize it had anything to do with Israel."
Giertz added that Booker does believe security barriers are necessary as long as "active terrorist organizations threaten the safety of the people living in Israel."
"He hopes for a day when there will be no need for security barriers in the State of Israel, but while active terrorist organizations threaten the safety of the people living in Israel, security barriers are unfortunate but necessary to protect human lives," Giertz said.
The U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights slogan Booker showcased at the conference is a reference to the security fence built by Israel during the Second Intifada, a wave of Palestinian terrorism that claimed the lives of more than 1,000 Israelis. Constructing the security fence is widely viewed as one of the most effective antiterrorism measures Israel has ever taken, dramatically reducing suicide bombings.
Standing next to Booker in the picture is Leah Muskin-Pierret, who heads government affairs for the group and is wearing a shirt that says, "Palestine is a feminist/queer/refugee/racial justice issue."
Muskin-Pierret has been a vocal anti-Israel advocate since her college years at Tufts University, where she was an active member of Students for Justice in Palestine, the main vehicle for rising anti-Israel activity on college campuses across the United States.
Muskin-Pierret's views on Israel are so radical that she has even targeted J Street, a left-wing advocacy group
highly critical of Israel.
highly critical of Israel.
"Lobbies like the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and the only superficially more progressive J-Street continue to strong arm congressmen and presidents alike to swear their allegiance to Israel and hound those who dare voice even tepid dissent," wrote Muskin-Pierret, who goes on to say the groups are controlled by "the same corrupt political money."
She also contributed to the legal defense fund for Rasmea Odeh, who was convicted for her role in 1969 terrorist bombings in Jerusalem that killed numerous Israelis. The U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights has regularly voiced support for Odeh, professing its "love" for the terrorist and saying it hopes to see her in a "liberated Palestine."
Booker did not mention Israel during his Netroots Nation speech, during which he said that things have gone "savagely wrong" in the United States.
Booker, viewed as a possible Democratic presidential candidate in 2020, came under fire from the pro-Israel community late last year over his opposition to the Taylor Force Act, legislation that cut aid to the Palestinian Authority until it ended its "pay to slay" policy of paying families of terrorists. Booker voted against advancing the now-passed law out of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
Dick Morris: Republicans Will Probably Keep Control of the House
Republicans will likely keep control of the house unless there is some unexpected momentous event. As of now, it won’t even be that clos. And the GOP may not lose much at all.
There are 37 open seats formerly or now held by Republicans. But President Donald Trump carried 27 of them by more than 10 points. They are safe.
In four more open Republican seats, Trump won, but his margin was under 10. (NJ-11, NJ-5, TX-2, Mich-11). These might be shaky.
And in six districts that Hillary Clinton carried, Republicans are retiring (CA-49, FL-27, Wash-8, PA-6, CA-39, AZ-2). For now. give those to the Dems. Dem gain 6-10.
Then go to seats that are not open but where Clinton carried the district. There are 20 such seats. But, in 13 of them, the incumbent Republican congressman won by more than 10 points.
In these districts, the incumbent Republican is likely so well entrenched that he can’t be beaten. That leaves seven as likely Dem gains (Denham CA-10, Knight CA-25, Royce CA-39, Issa CA-49, Coffman CO-6, Hurd TX-23, Comstock VA-10). Many of these Congressmen may win again. They have in years past, but, for now, consider them likely Dem pickups. Dem gain 7-10.
That comes to 6 open seats and 7 Hillary seats likely to go Democrat for a total Democrat gain of 13-17.
But a lot of Democrats are also retiring or not seeking re-election. Most, however, are solidly blue seats. But in three of those districts, Trump beat Hillary (NH-1, MN-8, NV-1). We’ll likely win those seats. Republican gain 3.
Democrats Seeking Re-election
And, there are twelve districts where the Democratic incumbent is seeking re-election but where Trump carried the district. While most are safe seats for the Democrats, Republicans could win three. (MV-3, MN-8, and NH-1). In three more, Hillary won but by less than ten points. Republican gain 3.
That comes to 3 open seats and 3 Trump seats likely to go Republican for a total Republican gain of 6.
Net Shift: Democrats gain between 13 and 17 seats but Republicans may gain 6 back for a net Democratic gain of 7 to 11 seats, well short of the 24 they needed for control.
In a real “wave” election, a lot more seats could change parties. If 2018 is a replay of 1974, 1980, 1994, 2006, or 2010, all bets are off. But there is no evidence of that happening. (In the latest generic ballot polling pitting a hypothetical Dem vs a hypothetical Rep, the blue gain has only averaged three points).
As British Prime Minister Harold McMillan said, when asked what could go wrong with his plans, “events, dear boy, events.”
But, for now, Republicans are in pretty good shape in the House.
It’s too early to call the Senate races, but Republican have a good shot at picking up five seats: Missouri (McCaskill), Montana (Tester), North Dakota (Heitkamp), West Virginia (Manchin), and Florida (Nelson). Democrats really only have a good shot at winning a red seat in Nevada (Heller) but hope for unlikely victories in Tennessee (open), and Arizona (open).
So Trump and the GOP will probably keep Congress.
Dick Morris is a former adviser to President Bill Clinton as well as a political author, pollster and consultant. His most recent book, “Rogue Spooks,” was written with his wife, Eileen McGann.
Devin Nunes: Clinton campaign colluded with 'nearly every' top official at the DOJ and FBI
by Daniel Chaitin
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes declared Sunday that Hillary Clinton's campaign "colluded" with nearly every top official in the Justice Department and FBI.
An interview on Fox News had turned to the topic of Trump dossier author Christopher Steele and his ties to Bruce Ohr, a high-level DOJ official who fed the FBI information from the ex-British spy even after he was cut as a source for providing confidential information to the media.
The dossier, published last year by BuzzFeed, contains unverified claims about the Russians having information on President Trump that could be used as leverage. Republican investigators are concerned the FBI deceived a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act court when it used information from the dossier without disclosing its Democratic benefactors to gain the authority to spy on onetime Trump campaign aide Carter Page.
Clinton's campaign, as well as the Democratic National Committee, retained Fusion GPS' anti-Trump research through October 2016 after it was initially funded, then dropped by the Washington Free Beacon, a conservative publication.
Nunes, R-Calif., blamed the media for largely ignoring the revelations surrounding the origins of the federal investigation into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia and stressing that the American people "need to know it" called for the declassification of "an unprecedented amount of information."
Ohr, who was the fourth-highest ranking official in the Justice Department, will testify before the House Judiciary Committee on Aug. 28 “to answer why he had 60+ contacts with dossier author, Chris Steele, as far back as January 2016," Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., announced on Twitter late Friday.
Trump himself has condemned the media for not covering Ohr more, using it as yet another avenue to label special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia investigation a "witch hunt."
"The big story that the Fake News Media refuses to report is lowlife Christopher Steele’s many meetings with Deputy A.G. Bruce Ohr and his beautiful wife, Nelly. It was Fusion GPS that hired Steele to write the phony & discredited Dossier, paid for by Crooked Hillary & the DNC," he tweeted last week. "Do you believe Nelly worked for Fusion and her husband STILL WORKS FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF 'JUSTICE.' I have never seen anything so Rigged in my life. Our A.G. is scared stiff and Missing in Action. It is all starting to be revealed - not pretty. IG Report soon? Witch Hunt!"
Trump also warned on Saturday that he "may have to get involved" if the FBI doesn't provide conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch and others with text messages of former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe, whom he has accused of harboring a bias against him. McCabe’s wife, Jill, accepted thousands of dollars in donations for a Virginia state Senate election in 2015 from a political action committee headed by former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, who is close to the Clinton family and chaired Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential run. McCabe assisted overseeing the FBI’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails after Jill McCabe’s bid for the state Senate ended in failure. The FBI, led by then-Director James Comey, did not recommend that Clinton face criminal charges for how she managed classified information. Among other FBI officials Trump has criticized are Comey, whom he fired last year, and FBI agents Lisa Page and Peter Strzok, who exchanged anti-Trump text messages.
Ohr's wife, Nellie, was employed by Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm that commissioned the dossier in an effort that was funded in part by Democrats, to assist in the cultivation of research on then-candidate Trump. Nunes stressed the need to have her testify too.
"She also was working for Fusion GPS, working for the Clinton campaign," he said. "So here you have information flowing from the Clinton campaign from the Russians, likely I believe was handed directly from Russian propaganda arms to the Clinton campaign, fed into the top levels of the FBI and Department of Justice to open up a counterintelligence investigation into a political campaign that has now colluded [with] nearly every top official at the DOJ and FBI over the course of the last couple years. Absolutely amazing."
Nunes and fellow GOP chairmen Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., and Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., have pressed the DOJ for months for documents related to the Russia and Hillary Clinton emails investigations, with some success. However, Nunes complained that the DOJ has been slow to comply.
He also said there needs to be "an investigation into these top-level people as to how somebody concocted the idea that it's okay to take information from one political campaign and use it to open up an investigation on the other political — on somebody else's opposing political party."
Nunes and other Trump allies in Congress have said they have seen no evidence that would have justified the Obama administration to open up a collusion investigation into the Trump campaign.
Asked if there will be accountability in the DOJ and FBI, Nunes declined to say if he expects there to be prosecutions, but did emphasize his call to the president to release the unredacted FISA warrant applications to spy on Page.
"The only way there could be accountability is one step at a time and it deals with full and complete transparencies," Nunes said. Full sunlight on as many of the documents that don't endanger national security, which from our committee members, we've sent a letter to the president, we don't believe they're going to jeopardize any sources or methods. And I think people I have said many times are going to be shocked as to what went into a FISA warrant against Carter Page and even more importantly, what did not go into the FISA application, that was not presented to the court involving the information that they had on Carter Page."
Democrats have pushed back on what they say is a GOP effort to discredit the Mueller probe.
Page surveillance warrant documents were released in July, but in redacted form, after which Rep. Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, argued that Page's suspicious contacts with the Russians justified FBI scrutiny. The applications "underscore the legitimate concern FBI had about Page's activities as it was investigating Russia's interference," Schiff, D-Calif., said.
Gowdy Issues Warning
Representative Trey Gowdy issued a warning to those involved in the dossier that they could be subpoenaed to testify in front of Congress.
According to Fox News:
House Oversight Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) warned of possible subpoenas if the Justice Department ignores congressional committees' requests to question former FBI official Bruce Ohr and others about the infamous anti-Trump dossier.
Gowdy referenced reports from Fox News and The Hill, which recall how Ohr -- who was not involved in the use of ex-British spy Christopher Steele as an FBI source -- continued to communicate with Steele after the FBI cut ties with him.
House Oversight Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) warned of possible subpoenas if the Justice Department ignores congressional committees' requests to question former FBI official Bruce Ohr and others about the infamous anti-Trump dossier.
Gowdy referenced reports from Fox News and The Hill, which recall how Ohr -- who was not involved in the use of ex-British spy Christopher Steele as an FBI source -- continued to communicate with Steele after the FBI cut ties with him.
Gowdy said Ohr's text messages are not new to him, and said it was outrageous that a guy like Ohr -- who was supposed be focused on narcotics investigations -- got involved with the compiler of the Trump-Russia dossier while his wife Nellie Ohr was working for the opposition research firm assisted by Steele, Fusion GPS.
House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) is reportedly preparing subpoenas for the Ohrs, Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson and other current and former FBI and DOJ officials, according to two congressional sources familiar with the matter.
When Gowdy speaks people should listen. He recognized something isn't right with how this story is adding up and he wants to get to the bottom of it.
House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) is reportedly preparing subpoenas for the Ohrs, Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson and other current and former FBI and DOJ officials, according to two congressional sources familiar with the matter.
When Gowdy speaks people should listen. He recognized something isn't right with how this story is adding up and he wants to get to the bottom of it.
Fusion GPS Admits They Used John McCain to Pass Anti-Trump Dossier to Obama-Era Intel Agencies
EILAT, Israel — The founders of the controversial opposition research firm Fusion GPS admitted that they helped the researcher hired to compile the infamous, largely discredited 35-page dossier on President Donald Trump to share the document with Sen. John McCain.
The goal of providing the dossier to McCain, the Fusion GPS founders explained, was to pass the information contained in the questionable document to the U.S. intelligence community under the Obama administration.
The disclosure raises questions about whether McCain knew that the information he delivered to the intelligence community was actually an opposition document reportedly funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee.
McCain’s office did not reply yesterday to a Breitbart News request for comment on the matter.
Last December, it was revealed that it was McCain who notoriously passed the controversial dossier documents produced by the Washington opposition research firm Fusion GPS to then FBI Director James Comey, whose agency reportedly utilized the dossier as a basis for its probe into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.
Writing in a New York Times op ed last Tuesday, Fusion GPS founders Glenn R. Simpson and Peter Fritch relate that they helped McCain share their anti-Trump dossier with the intelligence community via an “emissary.”
“After the election, Mr. Steele decided to share his intelligence with Senator John McCain via an emissary,” the Fusion GPS founders related. “We helped him do that. The goal was to alert the United States national security community to an attack on our country by a hostile foreign power.”
It was not clear from their statement whether McCain knew Fusion GPS was behind the dossier. Fusion GPS paid former intelligence agent Christopher Steele to do the purported research for the document. Steele later conceded in court documents that part of his work still needed to be verified.
Breitbart News sent the following questions to McCain’s office but did not receive a reply before press time: “Given that Fusion GPS is openly an opposition research firm, did Sen. McCain know that he was sharing political opposition research on Trump with the intel community? Did he know the dossier was partially funded by the DNC and Hillary Clinton’s campaign?”
In October, the Washington Post reported that in April 2016, attorney Marc E. Elias and his law firm, Perkins Coie retained Fusion GPS to conduct the questionable anti-Trump work on behalf of both the Clinton campaign and the DNC. Through Perkins Coie, Clinton’s campaign and the DNC continued to fund Fusion GPS until October 2016, days before Election Day, the Post reported.
On January 10, CNN was first to report, based on leaked information, that the contents of the dossier were presented during classified briefings one week earlier to then-president Obama and president-elect Trump.
Just after CNN’s January 10 report on the classified briefings about the dossier, BuzzFeed published its full unverified contents.
In October, McCain denied providing the dossier to BuzzFeed and said that he only gave the material to the FBI. “I gave it to no one except for the director of the FBI. I don’t know why you’re digging this up now,” McCain told the Daily Caller during what the news website described as a testy exchange.
While the Fusion GPS oped sheds some light on the manner in which McCain obtained the dossier, the Fusion founders did not name the “emissary” who delivered the document to McCain.
A January 11 statement from McCain attempted to explain why he provided the documents to the FBI but did not mention how he came to possess the dossier or whether he knew who funded it.
“Upon examination of the contents, and unable to make a judgment about their accuracy, I delivered the information to the director of the FBI,” McCain said at the time. “That has been the extent of my contact with the FBI or any other government agency regarding this issue.”
Sir Andrew Wood, a former British ambassador to Moscow, said McCain first consulted him about the claims inside the dossier at a security conference in Canada shortly after last November’s presidential election.
Wood stated that McCain had obtained the documents from the senator’s own sources. “I told him I was aware of what was in the report but I had not read it myself, that it might be true, it might be untrue. I had no means of judging really,” Wood further told BBC Radio 4 in January.
Last Month, Wood related that he served as a “go-between” to inform McCain about the dossier contents. “My mission was essentially to be a go-between and a messenger, to tell the senator and assistants that such a dossier existed,” Wood told Fox News.
In March, Vanity Fair raised questions about the alleged involvement of David J. Kramer, a former State Department official, in helping to obtain the dossier directly from Steele. The issue was also raised in a lawsuit filed against Steele by one of the individuals named in the dossier.
The dossier contains wild and unproven claims that the Russians had information regarding Trump and sordid sexual acts, including the widely mocked claim that Trump hired prostitutes and had them urinate on a hotel room bed. It also claimed there was an exchange of information between Trump surrogates and intermediaries for the Russian government.
Those allegations remain unsubstantiated following numerous public hearings. Indeed, former CIA Director John Brennan made clear in testimony last May that after viewing all of the evidence that was available to him on the Russia probe he is not aware of any collusion between Russia and members of Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.
Dossier was reportedly basis for Obama administration moves
According to the BBC, the dossier served as a “roadmap” for the FBI’s investigation into claims of coordination between Moscow and members of Trump’s presidential campaign during the Obama administration.
In April, CNN reported that the dossier served as part of the FBI’s justification for seeking the FISA court’s reported approval to clandestinely monitor the communications of Carter Page, the American oil industry investor who was tangentially and briefly associated with Trump’s presidential campaign.
Senior Republican members of the Senate Judiciary Committee have reportedly requested that the FBI and Department of Justice turn over applications for any warrants to monitor the communications of U.S. citizens associated with the investigation into alleged Russia interference in the 2016 presidential election.
In testimony last May, former FBI Director James Comey repeatedly refused to answer questions about his agency’s ties to the dossier.
In further testimony to the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Comey admitted he pushed back against a request from President Donald Trump to possibly investigate the origins of “salacious material” that the agency possessed in the course of its investigation into alleged Russian interference.
Dossier discredited
Major questions have been raised as to the veracity of the dossier, large sections of which have been discredited.
Citing a “Kremlin insider,” the dossier, which misspelled the name of a Russian diplomat, claimed that Trump lawyer Michael Cohen held “secret meetings” with Kremlin officials in Prague in August 2016.
That charge unraveled after Cohen revealed he had never traveled to Prague, calling the story “totally fake, totally inaccurate.” The Atlantic confirmed Cohen’s whereabouts in New York and California during the period the dossier claimed that Cohen was in Prague. Cohen reportedly produced his passport showing he had not traveled to Prague.
In testimony in May, the FBI’s Comey confirmed that the basis for the intelligence community’s assessment that Russia allegedly wanted Trump in office was not because the billionaire was, as Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) claimed during a hearing, “ensnared in” Russia’s “web of patronage” – just as the dossier alleged. Instead, the FBI chief provided two primary reasons for Russia’s alleged favoring of Trump over Clinton during the 2016 presidential race.
One reason, according to Comey, was that Putin “hated” Clinton and would have favored any Republican opponent. The second reason, Comey explained, was that Putin made an assessment that it would be easier to make a deal with a businessman than someone from the political class.
Comey’s statements are a far cry from the conspiracies fueled by the dossier alleging Putin held blackmail information on Trump.
Citing current and former government officials, the New Yorker reported the dossier prompted skepticism among intelligence community members, with the publication quoting one member saying it was a “nutty” piece of evidence to submit to a U.S. president.
Steele’s work has been questioned by former acting CIA Director Michael Morell, who currently works at the Hillary Clinton-tied Beacon Global Strategies LLC.
Morell, who was in line to become CIA director if Clinton won, said he had seen no evidence that Trump associates cooperated with Russians. He also raised questions about the dossier written by a former British intelligence officer, which alleged a conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia. …
Morell pointed out that former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said on Meet the Press on March 5 that he had seen no evidence of a conspiracy when he left office January 20.
“That’s a pretty strong statement by General Clapper,” Morell said.
Regarding Steele’s dossier, Morell stated, “Unless you know the sources, and unless you know how a particular source acquired a particular piece of information, you can’t judge the information — you just can’t.”
Morell charged the dossier “doesn’t take you anywhere, I don’t think.”
“I had two questions when I first read it. One was, how did Chris talk to these sources? I have subsequently learned that he used intermediaries.”
Morell continued:
And then I asked myself, why did these guys provide this information, what was their motivation? And I subsequently learned that he paid them. That the intermediaries paid the sources and the intermediaries got the money from Chris. And that kind of worries me a little bit because if you’re paying somebody, particularly former FSB [Russian intelligence] officers, they are going to tell you truth and innuendo and rumor, and they’re going to call you up and say, “Hey, let’s have another meeting, I have more information for you,” because they want to get paid some more.
I think you’ve got to take all that into consideration when you consider the dossier.
Aaron Klein is Breitbart’s Jerusalem bureau chief and senior investigative reporter. He is a New York Times bestselling author and hosts the popular weekend talk radio program, “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio.” Follow him on Twitter @AaronKleinShow. Follow him on Facebook.
Written with additional research by Joshua Klein.
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