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.BLOGSPOT.COM                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Friday, October 12,2018
All Gave Some~Some Gave All

TRUMP..... The Political Picasso

President Trump's strategy and success!

Donald Trump's tweets are not a mistake.

This isn't insanity.  He's not nuts. He's not stupid.

Actually, he's a genius.

Trump is the Picasso of tweets.  Monet meets Beethoven. The Saul Alinsky of conservatives and capitalists.  Trump is first politician from the right to figure out how to stop the radical left by driving them crazy.

Trump has destroyed the left with tweets.  

Just look at them in disarray.  From Kathy
Griffin, to Jeff Tucker of CNN, to Bernie
Sanders, to Megyn Kelly — liberals lay in smoldering ruins

Branch Rickey once said, "Luck is the residue of design."  Maybe it's time for liberals to admit that Trump's crazy tweets aren't so crazy after all, they are purposeful.  

He's driving liberals nuts with rage, while distracting them so they don't even see what's happening.

Sure Trump's tweets turn off lots of Democrats.  Who cares?
Sure he turns off the media.  Who cares?

Sure he turns off plenty of young people who never vote.  Who cares?

Sure he turns off the people walking along Venice Beach or Melrose
Avenue in Los Angeles.  Who cares?

None of these people was ever voting for him in the first place.  Many
of them don't vote at all.

Liberals claim Trump is mentally ill. But he's just much smarter than
they are.  He's playing at a different level.

Trump is doing "The Art of the Deal." For Trump, it's about winning.
How he wins is immaterial.  He doesn't mind shocking, outraging,
offending or even embarrassing himself.  He is using guerrilla warfare
to beat the left.  Trump is deflecting and distracting his critics and
enemies while he passes his entire agenda.

While Trump is busy tweeting, offending, enraging and infuriating, he
is quietly — behind scenes — fundamentally changing America.  Or
haven't you noticed?

Trump is erasing Obama like he never existed.  Trump is demolishing the
socialist dreams of Obama and Sanders and Hillary and Valerie Jarrett
... and their radical Marxist mentor Saul Alinsky.

Trump is destroying the Democrat Party — pushing it so far to the left
it will have no chance in 2020.  Trump is destroying the media. Trump
will keep his job far longer than CNN President Jeff Zucker. Wanna

Trump has destroyed Kathy Griffin's career.  The only head she cut off
was her own.  Trump has destroyed Megyn Kelly's career.  Advertisements
for personal injury lawyers have higher ratings than Kelly's new show.

Bernie Sanders's wife is under investigation for fraud.  The careers of
former FBI director James Comey and acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe
are in tatters.  McCabe is under three separate criminal

A little birdie in government tells me Hillary Clinton and the entire
Clinton Foundation will soon be under federal indictment.

There's no more funding of liberal causes by Department of Justice
lawsuits.  The National Labor Relations Board is becoming pro business.
There's no more political persecutions of conservatives by the IRS,
DOJ or FBI.  Border crossings are down by 50 percent to 70 percent
(depending on which stat you believe).

Trump's going after welfare for illegals.  Trump's going after voter
fraud by illegals.  The travel ban is in effect.  The number of Muslim
refugees let into America is being cut dramatically.

Soon, one way or another, there will be no more Obamacare.

Soon, there will be no more high Obama taxes.

Soon, construction of a wall will begin.

Soon, Trump will get to name a second, and then a third, and maybe
even a fourth  U.S. Supreme Court justice.  Trump's Supreme Court will
turn America red for the next 40 years.

Liberals are toast.  Obama is erased. Hillary will be tied up in court
for years to come.  Military are beloved and respected again.

All is well in my world.  How about yours?
Trump has outwitted the left.

Pope Francis: Abortion Is Like A Mafia Hit

It’s certainly one way to frame the utilitarian argument. The biggest question that arises from Pope Francis’ metaphor is which of his opponents will be the most offended — abortionists, or Mafiosi?

For that matter, which might be the deadlier?

Pope Francis compared abortion to a mafia-style killing Wednesday, saying it’s the equivalent of hiring a hitman to “take out a human life to solve a problem.”

Francis made the comments, among his strongest yet against abortion, during his weekly Wednesday audience dedicated to the commandment exhorting the faithful not to kill.

Francis said some people justify abortion as respecting other rights. But, he asked, “How can an act that suppresses innocent and defenseless life as it blossoms be therapeutic, civil or simply human?”

He asked if it was fair “to take out a human life” to solve a problem: “Is it fair to hire a hitman to solve a problem? It is not fair. We cannot take out a human being, even if it is small.”

The question about offense isn’t entirely facetious, either. Pope Francis has made challenging Mafiosi a significant mission in his pontificate, with all of the risks that entails. Four years ago, the pope emphasized his battle against organized crime by publicly excommunicating anyone belonging to the organization, the first time any pope had done so. Francis even specified the ‘Ndrangheta in his exhortation, calling them an example of “the adoration of evil and contempt for the common good.”

That history makes the pope’s condemnation of abortion even more damning. Francis is essentially equating the abortion industry to organized crime — and if one believes that human life begins at conception, that’s not an altogether hyperbolic comparison. In the US alone, over 300,000 children get aborted every year, and an estimated 60 million abortions have taken place since Roe v Wade. Abortion may no longer be a crime, but no one can claim that it’s not organized. It’s become an industrial process.

The Associated Press notes that Francis has been sharpening his rhetoric against abortion of late:

In June, Francis denounced how some couples resort to pre-natal testing to see if their unborn babies have malformations and then choose to have an abortion, which he said was the “white glove” equivalent of the Nazi-era eugenics program.

Francis has framed both abortion and euthanasia as part of what he calls today’s “throwaway culture,” where the sick, the poor, the elderly and the unborn are considered unworthy of protection and dignity by a society that prizes instead individual prowess and success.

Official church teaching opposing abortion is absolute, providing for no exceptions. That said, Francis has acknowledged that women sometimes are driven by circumstance to abortion and he has extended the ability of ordinary priests — and not just bishops — to absolve them of the sin of abortion if they repent.

Francis’ comments came during a three-week meeting of bishops from around the world on young people, where sexuality, including premarital sex, is among the topics of discussion.

There does seem to be a shift in emphasis lately on this issue. Early in his pontificate, Francis made it clear that he wanted to move away from the traditional culture-war issues to emphasize outreach and inclusion. The 2014 Extraordinary Synod on the Family may have been a high-water mark on that strategy, and it’s still obviously part of Francis’ mission. However, it’s also clear from the vote in Ireland that engagement on other social issues didn’t do anything to prevent the spread of legalized abortion in Christendom, which may account for Francis’ tougher approach now.

CNN’s Jim Acosta Reports Kanye’s Oval Office Curse Word, Gets Annihilated On Twitter
by Jeff Dunett
Jim Acosta
One of these days I am going to feel sorry for Jim Acosta, but I am not there yet.  Very few people in the administration like or respect him. He is considered by most people I know  (including liberals) as the most unprofessional member of the White House press corps. And as if to prove it today he tweeted something petty about Kanye West’s visit to the White House, and he was practically disemboweled on twitter.
Apparently, Kanye West said a naughty word in the oval office and Acosta felt obligated to report it:

Kanye just said “motherf***er” in the Oval Office. Per WH pool.

Acosta wasn’t even there he was told by the pool reporter, It’s Kanye West, he says “motherf***er” everywhere. Kanye was there to raise awareness for issues relevant to the Black Community,  And if you read the transcript he made some intelligent points, but the only thing Acosta got out of it was Kanye used a bad word.  And deservedly the CNN crybaby was ridiculed

Support for Dumping Electoral College Is Down
Voters are less enthusiastic these days about taking the Electoral College out of the presidential election process. Interestingly, opponents of the Electoral College are less likely to know what it does.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 46% of Likely U.S. Voters still favor eliminating the Electoral College so that whoever wins a majority of the popular vote wins a presidential election. Forty-one percent (41%) are opposed, while 13% are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Supreme Court tosses out challenge to North Dakota voter ID law

by Jerry McCormick
Supreme Court tosses out challenge to North Dakota voter ID lawWEBN-TV / CCL
A recent decision by the Supreme Court has Democrats all twisted up.
On Tuesday, the Supreme Court allowed North Dakota to enforce its new voter ID law during the upcoming midterms. The high court voted 6-2 to toss out an emergency request to overturn an earlier appeals court decision in favor of the controversial law.

Controversial ID law

Before liberals get into a tizzy that this is a sign of things to come with Brett Kavanaugh, they should know the newest Supreme Court Justice did NOT sit in on this decision.
The fight at hand was over a new law requiring all voters to have a valid ID with a current residential street address.
The Native American Rights Fund and other detractors said the new requirements will make it harder for Native Americans to vote, because many live on reservations without standardized addresses.
But North Dakota Secretary of State Al Jaeger said that the address requirement is necessary — allowing post office box addresses as ID would lead to wrong-precinct voting, which can have measurable effects on local races.
He also told local ABC affiliate WDAY that voters who don’t have their residential address on an ID card can use utility bills, paychecks, or any other document with their address and date of birth.

Court Battles

Initially, a federal judge temporarily blocked the new voter ID law and it was not in effect during the primary elections.
However, the 8th Circuit Court granted a stay on that decision, upholding the new requirements.
Challengers to the stay granted by the 8th Circuit Court made an emergency appeal to the Supreme Court, but their request was denied.

Dissenting Opinion

Not surprisingly, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg penned a dissenting opinion. She was joined by Justice Elena Kagan.
Justice Ginsburg stated she would have granted the stay because she thinks the current ruling could lead to voter confusion.
She believes that could lead to less turnout come election day.
Ginsburg stated, “The risk of voter confusion appears severe here because the injunction against requiring residential-address identification was in force during the primary election and because the Secretary of State’s website announced for months the ID requirements as they existed under that injunction.”

Voter Fraud A Real Issue

While Democrats and liberals alike will see this as some type of assault against liberal voters, it is a clear victory for conservatives.
Voter fraud is very real in this country, as we see stories almost weekly about deceased people casting votes.
Democrats contend the numbers are so insignificant these problems don’t really matter. That thought process, though, goes against everything this country stands for.
We are taught as children how important each and every one of our votes are for the future of this country.
The integrity of our elections must be protected and voter ID laws such as this are at least a step in the right direction.

Chuck Schumer behind Kavanaugh letter leak (wow!)

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer was behind the leaked letter that made Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing historically controversial.

The nation spent a week gripped in a “he said, she said” battle between Kavanaugh supporters demanding evidence and those that believed Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s accusations. The entire fight centered around a letter Ford sent to California Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the leading Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Ford asked to remain anonymous, but her life was turned upside-down when her name was leaked to mainstream media journalists.

The media quickly began hounding Ford and her family, causing her to be unwillingly thrust into the national spotlight — and it was all at the direction of Schumer.

That’s according to Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton, a Republican, who told radio host Hugh Hewitt the leaking of Ford’s letter was a “political operation” of Schumer “from the very beginning.”

A spokesman for Schumer has strongly denied the claim and dismissed Cotton as a conspiracy theorist. That hasn’t slowed down the Arkansas Republican.

“I believe the Schumer political operation was behind [the leak] from the very beginning,” Cotton said. “We learned last week that a woman named Monica McLean was Ms. Ford’s roommate, and she was one of the so-called beach friends who encouraged Ms. Ford to go to Dianne Feinstein and the partisan Democrats on the Judiciary Committee.”

“Well, it just turns out, it just so happens that Monica McLean worked for a Preet Bharara, the former U.S. Attorney in Manhattan,” Cotton continued. “Now, a virulent anti-Trump critic on television — and former counsel to Chuck Schumer.”

“So I strongly suspect that Chuck Schumer’s political operation knew about Ms. Ford’s allegations as far back as July and manipulated the process all along to include taking advantage of Ms. Ford’s confidences and directing her towards left-wing lawyers who apparently may have violated the D.C. code of legal ethics and perhaps may face their own investigation by the D.C. Bar,” he said.

Cotton went on to predict that the “left wing mobs” that Schumer and the Democratic Party have incited to push their political agenda would hurt them in the long run.

“I think there’s going to be a consequence for those Democrats in four weeks from today in the polls,” Cotton predicted. “But remember … voting has already started in a lot of places, and our people are starting to go out and vote to show their revulsion at the left wing mob tactics.”

— The Horn editorial team

‘My Pillow’ boss credits Trump for boom, ‘Who else is there?’
by Paul Bedard

Donald Trump, Michael LindellMichael Lindell, with My Pillow, laughs with President Donald Trump during a "Made in America," roundtable event in the East Room of the White House in Washington, Wednesday, July 19, 2017.
Alex Brandon/AP

With many businesses booming again and confidence among executives and workers reaching new highs, some are asking who to give the credit to.
In Minnesota, home to the as-seen-on-TV “My Pillow” company, the founder said he knows the answer.
“It’s President Trump, Who else is there that you can attribute it to? It’s him,” said Mike Lindell, whose company is expanding.
“I’ve seen an amazing confidence and optimism in businesses and even among my own employees,” said Lindell.
The former addict turned entrepreneur and philanthropist was an early supporter of Trump and has appeared at two of his recent rallies, one in Rochester, Minn. Thursday night and earlier in Fargo, N.D.
He said that his and some other Minnesota companies have benefited from the Trump-backed GOP tax cuts and reduction in costly regulations. He gave his employees a 5 percent to 10 percent raise after the tax cuts were passed.
The increase in business, he added, has allowed him to foster side gigs by his employees who he encourages to start their own businesses. “People are taking chances and it’s an overall optimism and confidence the the president has fostered since Day One,” said Lindell in a telephone interview.
Amazing night at the Rochester, MN @realDonaldTrump rally! #POTUS45pic.twitter.com/VpnHFpRmvu
— Mike Lindell (@realMikeLindell) October 5, 2018
Like most Trump supporters, and many who live outside the Beltway, Lindell decried the political forces lined up against the White House.
“It’s too bad there is so much resistance and attacks every day because we would be getting so much more done,” he said.
But, citing polls putting Trump’s approval rating a better-than-average 50 percent, Lindell said he senses that as the president fulfills campaign promises, like changing the NAFTA trade deal, support will grow.
“I like to say, everybody loves him, they just don’t know it yet. They are going to keep on coming. He’s what a leader should be,” said Lindell.

G’ day…Ciao…
Helen and Moe Lauzier

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