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Thursday, October 18,2018
All Gave Some~Some Gave All
The Clintons are off on a lecture tour charging $750 a plate. The first thing Bubba asks a girl is, "How old are you?"
Elizabeth Warren’s Ancestors Actually Helped Slaughter Indians, Report Says
Elizabeth Warren’s Ancestors Actually Helped Slaughter Indians, Report Says
So, it’s the day after Elizabeth Warren tried yet again to prove that she’s at least a little bit Native American. How did that work?
Did the Cherokee Nation welcome her with open arms? No. Did President Trump give her a heartfelt apology? Did skeptical American voters finally nod their heads and say they were wrong this whole time?
Well, not quite. See, it turns out that Sen. Warren’s Pocahontas moment was roughly as successful as Cory Booker’s Spartacus moment, with the test proving she’s anywhere from 1/64th to 1/1024th Native American. Assuming the upper range, that’s a solid 0.09765625 percent. Way to prove ’em all wrong, Liz.
However, we now enter Day Two of Elizabeth Warren trying to convince us that she really did hear the wolf cry to the blue corn moon and that she plans to ask the grinning bobcat why he grinned at the first primary debate, and she’ll demand an answer. As we laugh at her ability to repeatedly embarrass herself over this issue, let’s also remind ourselves that one report claims Warren actually has as much Cherokee-killer as Cherokee in her lineage.
That piece of work was assembled by Michael Patrick Leahy for Breitbart News during Warren’s 2012 senatorial campaign, where her decision to list herself as a minority during her time in academia drew criticism from Republican opponent Scott Brown.
The assumption was that Warren used it to get ahead in a university environment where certain voices were demanding that women of color be hired in greater numbers to diversify the faculty. Warren herself has given a number of reasons she decided to classify herself as Native American, but seems to have settled on the excuse that, as the Boston Globe put it, “many of the matriarchs of her family were dying and she began to feel that her family stories and history were becoming lost.”
In 2012, Warren’s explanation was that her great-great-great grandmother, O.C. Sarah Smith Crawford, was Cherokee. However, Leahy noted that Smith Crawford “had no Cherokee heritage, was listed as ‘white’ in the Census of 1860, and was most likely half Swedish and half English, Scottish, or German, or some combination thereof.”
However, if Smith Crawford somehow thought she was Cherokee, she was definitely one of the self-hating variety.
“But the most stunning discovery about the life of O.C. Sarah Smith Crawford is that her husband, Ms. Warren’s great-great-great grandfather, was apparently a member of the Tennessee Militia who rounded up Cherokees from their family homes in the Southeastern United States and herded them into government-built stockades in what was then called Ross’s Landing (now Chattanooga), Tennessee – the point of origin for the horrific Trail of Tears, which began in January, 1837,” Leahy wrote.
The Trail of Tears, the forced migration of the Cherokee people east of the Mississippi River to Oklahoma under the administration of Andrew Jackson, ended with over 4,000 men, women and children dead, according to the Cherokee Nation website.
And apparently, if we can even assume Warren is correct about her ancestry and that this report is accurate, one of the men who played a part in it married her “Cherokee” relative.
“Jonathan Crawford, O.C. Sarah Smith Crawford’s husband and apparently Ms. Warren’s great-great-great grandfather, served in the East Tennessee Mounted Infantry Volunteer Militia commanded by Brigadier General R. G. Dunlap from late 1835 to late 1836,” Leahy wrote.
“While under Dunlap’s command he was a member of Major William Lauderdale’s Battalion, and Captain Richard E. Waterhouse’s Company.
“These were the troops responsible for removing Cherokee families from homes they had lived in for generations in the three states that the Cherokee Nations had considered their homelands for centuries: Georgia, North Carolina, and Tennessee,” he continued.
“While these involuntary home removals were not characterized by widespread violence, the newly displaced Cherokee mothers, fathers, and children found an oppressive and sometimes brutal welcome when they finally arrived at the hastily constructed containment areas. An estimated 4,000 Cherokees were warehoused in Ross’s Landing stockades for months awaiting supplies and additional armed guards the Federal Government believed necessary to relocate them on foot to Oklahoma.”
Crawford wasn’t one of the men who helped bring the troops to Oklahoma, but given the end result of the effort — something all involved likely had some inkling of it — he was certainly implicated in the slaughter. Crawford also served in the Battalion of Tennessee Mounted Infantry Volunteer Militia during the Second Seminole War in 1837, a conflict that ended with even more dead Native Americans (as one might expect).
So the best-case scenario involves her having as much oppressor blood in her as oppressed. And as Leahy points out, that’s not an incredibly likely scenario: “Neither O.C. Sarah Smith Crawford, Jonathan Crawford, nor any of their seven other children, apparently ever claimed that O.C. Sarah Smith Crawford had Cherokee heritage.”
“It is time for Ms. Warren to publicly acknowledge the truth of her ancestry,” Leahy concluded his report six years ago.
“It is time for her to admit that she has no Native American heritage that she can prove; and it is time for her to acknowledge instead, that she is likely a direct descendant of a Tennessee Militiaman who apparently rounded up the ancestors of those who truly have Cherokee heritage, the first step in their forced removal from the Southeastern United States to Oklahoma over the long and tragic Trail of Tears.”
So, what has she done instead? She hasn’t admitted it. She hasn’t even stayed quiet about it. It would have been much smarter if she left it alone and hoped most voters forgot about the whole thing. Nevertheless, she persisted.
Trump Threatens Honduras
TTN Staff
A new caravan of immigrants is approaching the U.S. Southern border and President Trump is not happy. Trump issued a threat to Honduras that he will cut off aid to the country if they do not stop the group of 1,600 or more Hondurans heading to the U.S.
According to The Hill:
President Trump on Tuesday threatened to cut off aid to Honduras if its government does not stop a migrant "caravan" from heading north toward the U.S. border.
"The United States has strongly informed the President of Honduras that if the large Caravan of people heading to the U.S. is not stopped and brought back to Honduras, no more money or aid will be given to Honduras, effective immediately!" the president tweeted.
The president was responding to reports that a group of 1,600 or more Hondurans hoping to reach the U.S. crossed the border into Guatemala on Monday. Members of the caravan have said they are fleeing poverty and violence in their home country in search of a better life.
The U.S. gave $175 million in aid to Honduras in fiscal 2017, according to the United States Agency for International Development.
The border has been one of Trump's main issues as a candidate and as president and he continues to stand strong against illegal immigration. It remains to be seen whether Trump's threat will stop the approaching caravan.
According to The Hill:
President Trump on Tuesday threatened to cut off aid to Honduras if its government does not stop a migrant "caravan" from heading north toward the U.S. border.
"The United States has strongly informed the President of Honduras that if the large Caravan of people heading to the U.S. is not stopped and brought back to Honduras, no more money or aid will be given to Honduras, effective immediately!" the president tweeted.
The president was responding to reports that a group of 1,600 or more Hondurans hoping to reach the U.S. crossed the border into Guatemala on Monday. Members of the caravan have said they are fleeing poverty and violence in their home country in search of a better life.
The U.S. gave $175 million in aid to Honduras in fiscal 2017, according to the United States Agency for International Development.
The border has been one of Trump's main issues as a candidate and as president and he continues to stand strong against illegal immigration. It remains to be seen whether Trump's threat will stop the approaching caravan.
The Vatican’s explanation for the sex abuse crisis is embarrassing
John David Powell
(American Thinker) – Politics and sex. There was a time when some of us "seasoned" individuals believed that you could not get enough of either. Sadly, that is not the case lately. Politics and sex; sex and politics. I do not know about you, but it has not been good for some folks in a long time.
Sex in some form is all part of a day's work for a political figure. It can range from criminal behavior (alleged or actual) to extramarital (real or imagined) to issues of gender (same or trans or whatever is in vogue at the moment). Former Louisiana governor Edwin Edwards combined all of them when he famously said the only way he could lose the 1983 election was "if I'm caught in bed with either a live boy or a dead girl."
Even our sanctuaries are not free from sex scandals. If we are not reading about pedophile priests, we are reading about pedophile preachers. If we are not hearing about a preacher in a car with a hooker, we are reading about Jesus in bed with a prostitute.
Most of the time, the scandals fade into the mist and the dark nightmare that spawned them. Other times, they breed and grow because smart people make stupid statements that keep the controversy on the front pages.
The Vatican's latest attempt to explain the growing scandal of pedophilia among priests is such a case. The Holy See still does not see that there is no easy way out of this mess.
Reuters reported this week that Pope Francis continued his campaign to make the theology of Evil the main issue instead of the child-molesters and those who gave them cover. "[The Church must be] saved from the attacks of the malign one, the great accuser and at the same time be made ever more aware of its guilt, its mistakes, and abuses committed in the present and the past," Francis said in a message Sept. 29.
A friend, a member of the Eastern Orthodox clergy, called BS on an Oct. 6 statement from the Vatican press office asserting that the massive and pervasive (my words, not theirs) cover-up "would not be consonant with a contemporary approach to such issues" and that child abuse and cover-ups "represent a form of clericalism that is no longer acceptable."
My friend rightly pointed out that the Vatican wants us to believe that the problem is not that somebody did something wrong, but that our standards have changed when it uses phrases like "contemporary approach" and "no longer acceptable," as if this sort of thing were acceptable at any time.
I am always amazed at the Vatican's deafness on this subject and its inability to take a rock-solid position. It reminds me of a politician or celebrity who does or says something outrageous and then says, "I'm sorry if I offended someone."
No one, particularly victims, wants to hear the Vatican's version of that old joke "the Devil made me do it." People want to hear the vicar of Christ say, "The abuse was wrong, the cover-up was wrong, everything associated with these horrible acts was wrong. For all of that, we can only ask for forgiveness and prayers. But these will not change the past. So I ask for your prayers and help to change the future, knowing that the Devil himself is working overtime to destroy the Faith and the faithful and that we, as shepherds, cannot now and will not again allow the Wolf of Souls to destroy our flock."
Words alone mean nothing. Public relations professionals churn out millions of words a day that mean nothing until someone takes action. No one expects the Spanish Inquisition (with no apologies to Monty Python), but all victims of child sexual abuse and all people, regardless of religious belief, expect and demand accountability, a path to justice, and a promise to stamp out the evil wherever it lurks.
John David Powell is an award-winning journalist living in Texas. His email is johndavidpowell@yahoo.com.
Pittsburgh Democrats oust official for posting ‘I stand for the flag, I kneel at the cross.
Calvin Freiburger

(LifeSiteNews) – The Allegheny County Democrat Party in Pennsylvania has forced the resignation of its executive director after just one month on the job, for a pair of social media postings, including one expressing reverence for the American flag and Christian cross.
The party hired Marine and Gulf War veteran Mark Salvas as executive director in September, CBS Pittsburgh reports, but asked him to resign last week after uncovering a year-old Facebook post declaring, “I stand for the flag, I kneel at the cross”; and a July post in which his wife sought donations for the legal defense of a police officer accused of fatally shooting an unarmed black teenager.
“This whole entire situation is awful for all involved,” Cindy DeZort-Salvas wrote, according to Pittsburgh’s local NPR affiliate. “But I personally know this family, and they are good people. Family helps family. They were there for me and I am there for them.” The Salvas have a biracial child and other black relatives.
In addition to an expression of patriotism and faith, the kneeling comment was taken as a rebuke of NFL players who have knelt during the National Anthem at the start of games, a gesture meant to protest to the alleged racism of America generally, and police specifically.
Officer Michael Rosfeld, meanwhile, has been charged with criminal homicide for the death of 17-year-old Antwon Rose II, who was attempting to flee a June 19 traffic stop. Rose was a passenger in the car, which the police suspected of being involved in an earlier shooting. If convicted, Allegheny County District Attorney Steve Zappala says Rosfeld could potentially spend the rest of his life in prison.
Allegheny County Democrat Committee solicitor Jim Burn confirmed in a statement that Salvas was no longer with the party, but said the party wouldn’t be making any further public comments because “this is a personnel matter.”
Elected Democrats from the district have been much more vocal.
“There is troubling stuff on his Facebook page. This does not line up with the party’s mission or where it wants to go,” claimed committee vice-chair and state Rep. Austin Davis. “You have to decide which side of the aisle you want to stand on, and I’m always going to stand on the side of the victims.”
State Rep. Jake Wheatley applauded county Democrat chair Eileen Kelly and others for making a “swift choice between the wishes and aspirations of the base of their party, and an individual who was clearly tone-deaf to the region."
Yet Salvas stands by both posts. “I’m not ashamed of my patriotism, not one bit. I fought for this country. I think I have a right to have a voice and be patriotic,” he told CBS, adding that he also recognizes athletes’ right to take a knee.
As for the second post, Salvas said “we can all agree” that Rose’s death “was a tragedy,” but at the same time he knew Rosfeld “since he was literally 3-years-old.” His family “have been there for us in hard times, and my wife and I felt it was necessary to be there for them because family backs family.”
“It’s never easy when people you have never met accuse you of things and call you names, and you’ve never met them,” he lamented.
The most recent posts on the Allegheny Democrat Party’s Facebook page have been met with numerous commenters angered by Salvas’ firing.
“SO the dems [sic] are against FREEDOM of RELIGION?” one asked. “He’s a vet who spoke his mind and that is obviously no longer allowed in the Democrat party,” another lamented.
“Don’t try to bury this Mark Salvas thing,” a third commenter warned. “If [you] don’t start dealing with the problem soon [your] hand will be forced. Consider this a friendly warning.”
Liberals Who Say Truck’s Tailgate Is Racist Will Flip When They See Where It Came From
Liberals Who Say Truck’s Tailgate Is Racist Will Flip When They See Where It Came From
A photo of a truck with an anti-welfare message has gone viral.
The message, in bold all-caps, reads “CAN’T FEED ‘EM DON’T BREED ‘EM.” The text underneath says “The Government Is Not Your Baby’s Daddy.”
Any liberal wanting to shout “racist” may be surprised after seeing who posted it.
The Facebook post was not uploaded by a white conservative, which may be why those on the left have kept quiet on this, despite the blatant anti-welfare sentiment. The photo was actually uploaded by MikeMike DaPromoter Franklin on October 9, and has racked up almost 60,000 shares since then.
Franklin showed another conservative side, firing off against abortion in the comment section.
The message, in bold all-caps, reads “CAN’T FEED ‘EM DON’T BREED ‘EM.” The text underneath says “The Government Is Not Your Baby’s Daddy.”
Any liberal wanting to shout “racist” may be surprised after seeing who posted it.
The Facebook post was not uploaded by a white conservative, which may be why those on the left have kept quiet on this, despite the blatant anti-welfare sentiment. The photo was actually uploaded by MikeMike DaPromoter Franklin on October 9, and has racked up almost 60,000 shares since then.
Franklin showed another conservative side, firing off against abortion in the comment section.
Social safety nets are a touchy subject on the left, with even welfare reform being called “not-so-subtle racism” by the New York Times.
And it’s no wonder why they want you to look the other way- socialism’s failings are well-documented, with skeletons of nations serving as grim reminders of how low the wrong political ideology can take you.
And it’s no wonder why they want you to look the other way- socialism’s failings are well-documented, with skeletons of nations serving as grim reminders of how low the wrong political ideology can take you.
Not many political philosophies can match the body count of socialism, nor the sheer misery it brings to humanity.
Venezuela is a shining modern example of what socialism can do to a country. Although the country boasts the world’s largest oil reserves, people are rioting on the streets and have resorted to eating zoo animals.
Large cities in the South American country are so poorly managed, running water is only a temporary luxury.
The culprit couldn’t be clearer. Lacking a competitive and free market, Venezuelans will have to continue digging through the trash for meals.
Despite this, socialized healthcare and other mass-benefit programs are a favorite talking point with the left. This can be seen most easily in the rise of the Democratic Socialists of America, who have had several candidates making headlines this year.
These candidates highlight the importance of the 2018 elections.
At a time when our country is politically vulnerable, the last thing needed is more socialist influence.
Hateful comments are frequently used against conservatives. Antifa, a radical socialist organization, already conducts riots in American cities.
Without every right-leaning vote we can muster, socialists will have an easy shot into our country’s leadership come November. So get out there and go vote.
Congressional Sources Concerned Judiciary Cmte Threat to Subpoena Rosenstein is Empty
Congressional Sources Concerned Judiciary Cmte Threat to Subpoena Rosenstein is Empty
By Sara Carter
Congressional sources fear they are running out of time to question Rosenstein Congress is also deliberating on whether it can hold embattled Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson in contempt former FBI General Counsel James Baker is expected to speak to congressional officials again this week
Congressional sources are concerned that the House Judiciary Committee may not follow through on its recent threat to subpoena Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein if he does not agree to come forward and answer questions. The subpoena threat comes after former FBI General Counsel James Baker testified to Congress that Rosenstein’s comments about secretly recording President Trump and invoking the 25th Amendment to remove him from office were taken “seriously” by then-Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe and then-FBI lawyer, Lisa Page.
Over the weekend, House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) told Fox News that Rosenstein “has not agreed to come for a transcribed interview on the record. He needs to do that, and if he does not agree to do that very soon, I will issue a subpoena for him to appear.” However, several sources close to the investigation contend that the threats to subpoena Rosenstein won’t carry a lot of weight and claim they must move forward with a subpoena or risk losing their credibility.
“Time is running short and the congressional break is looming, leaving lawmakers running against the clock and we believe Rosenstein is hoping that’s exactly what happens,” said a source close to the investigation, who added that “Congress has no teeth unless they make good on their threat to get to the truth.”
According to a source with the Judiciary Committee, the committee will continue to work with the Justice Department to obtain testimony from Rosenstein on the record.
Congress is also deliberating on whether it can hold embattled Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson in contempt, as he is refusing to be deposed by Congress for questioning and has invoked his Fifth Amendment right not to participate, according to his attorney.
Lawmakers say it is essential to get answers from Rosenstein on the recent reports that he was ‘serious’ about secretly recording Trump in May 2017 during discussions with McCabe and Page. Baker, who did not attend the meeting with Rosenstein, said that both Page and McCabe took seriously what was suggested and that it was not a joke, as the DOJ spokesperson explained after the New York Times first published the story.
Baker is expected to speak to congressional officials again this week during a follow-up deposition, said Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) who has been at the forefront of the investigations.
“In talking to some of the other Judiciary members they’ve said it’s a matter of when Rod Rosenstein testifies, not if he testifies, but any definitive time frame has not been agreed to,” Meadows told SaraACarter.com. “I think they are still negotiating with Rosenstein and the DOJ.”
McCabe was fired by Attorney General Jeff Session’s early this year after DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz released a scathing report showing that McCabe had lied numerous times to investigators and leaked information to the media. Page resigned from the FBI in May, months after Congress discovered tens of thousands of text messages between her and her lover former FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok, which showed their anti-Trump bias and involvement in the FBI’s questionable handling of the Russia probe.
Nellie Ohr, the wife of DOJ official Bruce Ohr, is also scheduled to testify Friday but “because Glenn Simpson didn’t show up I doubt she will, let’s see,” added Meadows. Nellie Ohr worked for Simpson’s Fusion GPS research group during 2016 and was hired as a contractor to specifically work on research investigating alleged ties between Trump’s campaign and Russia. Fusion GPS, which was paid by the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton campaign to investigate Trump, also hired former British Spy Christopher Steele, who compiled the salacious and unverified dossier. Bruce Ohr was demoted twice by the DOJ after it was discovered he had withheld information that his wife was working for Fusion GPS and that he was in communication with Steele. The bureau dismissed Steele from his work as a confidential informant after it was discovered he was sharing information with the media. However, the FBI continued to use Bruce Ohr as a go between to gather information from Steele, congressional investigators discovered.
On Sunday, in an interview with Fox New’s Maria Bartiromo, Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-TX) said that the FBI and DOJ have information that contradicts the FBI’s account of when the bureau’s Russia probe started. Ratcliffe, a member of the House Judiciary Committee who has seen all the documentation, said the information needs to be made public and hinted that it has to do with George Papadopoulos, who was a short-term campaign advisor to Trump. Papadopoulos, who became wrapped up in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, was charged with one count of lying to the FBI.
“Hypothetically, if the Department of Justice and the FBI have another piece of evidence that directly refutes that, that directly contradicts that, what you would expect is for the Department of Justice to present both sides of the coin to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to evaluate the weight and sufficiency of that evidence,” said Ratcliffe.
Meadows said Ratcliffe, who has viewed the classified documents Congress has asked Trump to declassify, said it is imperative that the American people and Congress have access to them to understand what happened and how the DOJ and FBI handled the Russia investigation.
Republican lawmakers are asking Trump to declassify the Bruce Ohr interviews, known as the FBI 302s, the ‘Gang of Eight’ documents seen by a handful of lawmakers with top secret security clearances and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant used by the FBI to spy on short-term campaign volunteer Carter Page.
“It’s in the hands of the IG to make a determination on the entire body of documents and possible declassification,” Meadows added. “We’ll have to wait and see.”
The Democrats’ Electoral Strategy for 2018 and Beyond: Political Terrorism
By Jim Simpson

The Democrats’ electoral strategy for 2018 and beyond can be summed up in two words: fear and hate: what all terrorists rely on, and what the Bolsheviks used to force their agenda on an unwilling Russian population that ultimately cost millions of lives. The Bolsheviks even had a name for it: The Red Terror.
Democrats are practicing a form of political and psychological terrorism. There is no factual content. The entire purpose of their campaigns is to motivate through fear. But Democrats believe this entirely justified.
What is the most salient feature of today’s Democrat? Rage.
Democrats raged at the Kavanaugh hearings. Democrats rage at President Trump. They rage at Republicans in restaurants, elevators and the street. Democrat political arsonists like Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Cory Booker and Maxine Waters rage at Republicans and urge confrontation and violence. Republicans have been attacked with switchblades, clubs and guns. Every time the GOP scores a victory Democrats rage. They behave like unglued lunatics, yet double down on their lies and blatant hypocrisy when called on it.
Their rage is not reality based. It is fantasy rage based on a fantasy utopian future they believe can be attained only if they control the levers of power. In their minds, anyone who opposes that agenda is guilty of genocide. Traditional values and morality, American constitutional principles, free market capitalism, nationalism and a strong defense all stand in the way of the Left’s fantasy utopian future.
For those who actually believe in that utopian future, i.e. the fanatic Democratic left base, we are actually threatening the human race, so the most outrageous behavior, including murder, is justified. And the longer they keep it up, the more able the spin doctors are to rationalize a plausible explanation.
For the greedy, self-serving Democrat establishment, it’s a great strategy. They care about power. Nothing else, and whatever works to obtain it is justified in their minds.
So they hate, they rage, they scream and shout, bully people and wreck property. Then they accuse us of what they are doing.
How will that play out if they actually obtain the absolute power they seek? The lunatic extreme Left base, constrained for the moment by what remains of the rule of law, will be unleashed. And those threats they have already made, to kill, torture, assassinate we “racists,” “bigots,” “Islamophobes,” “homophobes,” “imperialists,” “capitalists,” etc. will be carried out.
Do you want to be afraid? Base your fear on the reality of what we face: Democrats are today’s Bolsheviks, and if given the power they seek, they will be just as merciless.
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Elizabeth Warren Admitted To Telling A Massive Lie That Doomed Her Career
Over the weekend, House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) told Fox News that Rosenstein “has not agreed to come for a transcribed interview on the record. He needs to do that, and if he does not agree to do that very soon, I will issue a subpoena for him to appear.” However, several sources close to the investigation contend that the threats to subpoena Rosenstein won’t carry a lot of weight and claim they must move forward with a subpoena or risk losing their credibility.
“Time is running short and the congressional break is looming, leaving lawmakers running against the clock and we believe Rosenstein is hoping that’s exactly what happens,” said a source close to the investigation, who added that “Congress has no teeth unless they make good on their threat to get to the truth.”
According to a source with the Judiciary Committee, the committee will continue to work with the Justice Department to obtain testimony from Rosenstein on the record.
Congress is also deliberating on whether it can hold embattled Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson in contempt, as he is refusing to be deposed by Congress for questioning and has invoked his Fifth Amendment right not to participate, according to his attorney.
Lawmakers say it is essential to get answers from Rosenstein on the recent reports that he was ‘serious’ about secretly recording Trump in May 2017 during discussions with McCabe and Page. Baker, who did not attend the meeting with Rosenstein, said that both Page and McCabe took seriously what was suggested and that it was not a joke, as the DOJ spokesperson explained after the New York Times first published the story.
Baker is expected to speak to congressional officials again this week during a follow-up deposition, said Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) who has been at the forefront of the investigations.
“In talking to some of the other Judiciary members they’ve said it’s a matter of when Rod Rosenstein testifies, not if he testifies, but any definitive time frame has not been agreed to,” Meadows told SaraACarter.com. “I think they are still negotiating with Rosenstein and the DOJ.”
McCabe was fired by Attorney General Jeff Session’s early this year after DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz released a scathing report showing that McCabe had lied numerous times to investigators and leaked information to the media. Page resigned from the FBI in May, months after Congress discovered tens of thousands of text messages between her and her lover former FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok, which showed their anti-Trump bias and involvement in the FBI’s questionable handling of the Russia probe.
Nellie Ohr, the wife of DOJ official Bruce Ohr, is also scheduled to testify Friday but “because Glenn Simpson didn’t show up I doubt she will, let’s see,” added Meadows. Nellie Ohr worked for Simpson’s Fusion GPS research group during 2016 and was hired as a contractor to specifically work on research investigating alleged ties between Trump’s campaign and Russia. Fusion GPS, which was paid by the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton campaign to investigate Trump, also hired former British Spy Christopher Steele, who compiled the salacious and unverified dossier. Bruce Ohr was demoted twice by the DOJ after it was discovered he had withheld information that his wife was working for Fusion GPS and that he was in communication with Steele. The bureau dismissed Steele from his work as a confidential informant after it was discovered he was sharing information with the media. However, the FBI continued to use Bruce Ohr as a go between to gather information from Steele, congressional investigators discovered.
On Sunday, in an interview with Fox New’s Maria Bartiromo, Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-TX) said that the FBI and DOJ have information that contradicts the FBI’s account of when the bureau’s Russia probe started. Ratcliffe, a member of the House Judiciary Committee who has seen all the documentation, said the information needs to be made public and hinted that it has to do with George Papadopoulos, who was a short-term campaign advisor to Trump. Papadopoulos, who became wrapped up in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, was charged with one count of lying to the FBI.
“Hypothetically, if the Department of Justice and the FBI have another piece of evidence that directly refutes that, that directly contradicts that, what you would expect is for the Department of Justice to present both sides of the coin to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to evaluate the weight and sufficiency of that evidence,” said Ratcliffe.
Meadows said Ratcliffe, who has viewed the classified documents Congress has asked Trump to declassify, said it is imperative that the American people and Congress have access to them to understand what happened and how the DOJ and FBI handled the Russia investigation.
Republican lawmakers are asking Trump to declassify the Bruce Ohr interviews, known as the FBI 302s, the ‘Gang of Eight’ documents seen by a handful of lawmakers with top secret security clearances and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant used by the FBI to spy on short-term campaign volunteer Carter Page.
“It’s in the hands of the IG to make a determination on the entire body of documents and possible declassification,” Meadows added. “We’ll have to wait and see.”
The Democrats’ Electoral Strategy for 2018 and Beyond: Political Terrorism
By Jim Simpson
The Democrats’ electoral strategy for 2018 and beyond can be summed up in two words: fear and hate: what all terrorists rely on, and what the Bolsheviks used to force their agenda on an unwilling Russian population that ultimately cost millions of lives. The Bolsheviks even had a name for it: The Red Terror.
Democrats are practicing a form of political and psychological terrorism. There is no factual content. The entire purpose of their campaigns is to motivate through fear. But Democrats believe this entirely justified.
What is the most salient feature of today’s Democrat? Rage.
Democrats raged at the Kavanaugh hearings. Democrats rage at President Trump. They rage at Republicans in restaurants, elevators and the street. Democrat political arsonists like Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Cory Booker and Maxine Waters rage at Republicans and urge confrontation and violence. Republicans have been attacked with switchblades, clubs and guns. Every time the GOP scores a victory Democrats rage. They behave like unglued lunatics, yet double down on their lies and blatant hypocrisy when called on it.
Their rage is not reality based. It is fantasy rage based on a fantasy utopian future they believe can be attained only if they control the levers of power. In their minds, anyone who opposes that agenda is guilty of genocide. Traditional values and morality, American constitutional principles, free market capitalism, nationalism and a strong defense all stand in the way of the Left’s fantasy utopian future.
For those who actually believe in that utopian future, i.e. the fanatic Democratic left base, we are actually threatening the human race, so the most outrageous behavior, including murder, is justified. And the longer they keep it up, the more able the spin doctors are to rationalize a plausible explanation.
For the greedy, self-serving Democrat establishment, it’s a great strategy. They care about power. Nothing else, and whatever works to obtain it is justified in their minds.
So they hate, they rage, they scream and shout, bully people and wreck property. Then they accuse us of what they are doing.
How will that play out if they actually obtain the absolute power they seek? The lunatic extreme Left base, constrained for the moment by what remains of the rule of law, will be unleashed. And those threats they have already made, to kill, torture, assassinate we “racists,” “bigots,” “Islamophobes,” “homophobes,” “imperialists,” “capitalists,” etc. will be carried out.
Do you want to be afraid? Base your fear on the reality of what we face: Democrats are today’s Bolsheviks, and if given the power they seek, they will be just as merciless.
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Elizabeth Warren Admitted To Telling A Massive Lie That Doomed Her Career
Elizabeth Warren is running for President.
Pundits believe the far-left Senator may be the biggest threat to Trump in 2020.
But she admitted to telling a lie that ended her campaign before it even began.
Elizabeth Warren Traps Herself Into Admitting She Is A Liar
Elizabeth Warren faced a big problem.
She wanted to run for President.
But Donald Trump spent months taunting her with the nickname
Warren had claimed to be Native American to help advance her career in the 1990s.
But Warren could provide no documentation to back it up.
Her only evidence of being Native American was “old family stories” and her mother having high cheekbones.
Trump proved in 2016 that his nicknames could end the careers of his opponents.
So Warren tried to head him off at the pass.
She revealed that her campaign had hired a leftist academic from Stanford to conduct a DNA test.
The results proved Warren is a liar.
Professor Carlos Bustamante found that Warren was somewhere between 1/64 and 1/1/024 Native American.
To put that into perspective, Warren is between 0.098 and 1.56 percent Native American.
The average Caucasian person in America is 0.18 Native American
That means an average White person may have twice as much Native American blood as Elizabeth Warren.
Pundits believe the far-left Senator may be the biggest threat to Trump in 2020.
But she admitted to telling a lie that ended her campaign before it even began.
Elizabeth Warren faced a big problem.
She wanted to run for President.
But Donald Trump spent months taunting her with the nickname
Warren had claimed to be Native American to help advance her career in the 1990s.
But Warren could provide no documentation to back it up.
Her only evidence of being Native American was “old family stories” and her mother having high cheekbones.
Trump proved in 2016 that his nicknames could end the careers of his opponents.
So Warren tried to head him off at the pass.
She revealed that her campaign had hired a leftist academic from Stanford to conduct a DNA test.
The results proved Warren is a liar.
Professor Carlos Bustamante found that Warren was somewhere between 1/64 and 1/1/024 Native American.
To put that into perspective, Warren is between 0.098 and 1.56 percent Native American.
The average Caucasian person in America is 0.18 Native American
That means an average White person may have twice as much Native American blood as Elizabeth Warren.
G’ day…Ciao…
Helen and
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