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Sunday, Dec. 16, 2018
All Gave Some~Some Gave All *****
Granddaughter Lauren helping us to look and feel better…
The U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree stands on the West Front of the Capitol on Dec. 10. The noble fir was harvested on November 2nd, from Willamette National Forest in Oregon.
(Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call)
Chuck, Nancy, Donald and 'The Wall'
There was a moment in that Trump, Chuck and Nancy meeting about "The Wall" at the White House when I thought Nancy would surely win the day.
She'd put on her best Katherine Hepburn "On Golden Pond" voice, place her arm around Chuck, slumping in his chair, and tell him, ever-so-brightly, "You are my knight in shining armor."
But it didn't turn out that way, did it? President Trump won the meeting.
And afterward, the two Democrats, once and future House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, tried to spin their way out of it.
But they lost, and Trump won, publicly willing to accept blame for shutting down the federal government if he doesn't get a paltry $5 billion for that wall he wants.
And now Chuck and Nancy have once again allowed Democrats to become the party of no-border security. Trump, who ran and won the White House on the promise of building his wall along the Mexican border, fashions himself as America's Hadrian.
Hadrian actually built his wall. Trump just talks about building one.
The Nancy, Chuck and Trump show will continue, although the 36-month sentence handed down to Trump's fixer lawyer Michael Cohen may at some point in the future derail this fine drama through impeachment.
She'd put on her best Katherine Hepburn "On Golden Pond" voice, place her arm around Chuck, slumping in his chair, and tell him, ever-so-brightly, "You are my knight in shining armor."
But it didn't turn out that way, did it? President Trump won the meeting.
And afterward, the two Democrats, once and future House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, tried to spin their way out of it.
But they lost, and Trump won, publicly willing to accept blame for shutting down the federal government if he doesn't get a paltry $5 billion for that wall he wants.
And now Chuck and Nancy have once again allowed Democrats to become the party of no-border security. Trump, who ran and won the White House on the promise of building his wall along the Mexican border, fashions himself as America's Hadrian.
Hadrian actually built his wall. Trump just talks about building one.
The Nancy, Chuck and Trump show will continue, although the 36-month sentence handed down to Trump's fixer lawyer Michael Cohen may at some point in the future derail this fine drama through impeachment.
Yet it was clear by the pained smirk on Chuck's face, and by Pelosi's bizarre vulgarity, babbling on as she did about skunk urine and manhood, that Trump won their meeting.
The way I see it, Democrats want unfettered illegal immigration, so the undocumented can be put on costly welfare and other social programs and thereby become a new crop of Democratic voters. It is a time-tested formula that has worked before. And the Republican establishment, which has long turned a blind eye to illegal immigration because their donors still want cheap labor, still hate Trump.
And American taxpayers?
A lot of them want a wall, they want an immediate stop to illegal immigration, and they don't like being played.
Which is probably why, in their White House meeting, Nancy complained about the media being into the room.
"So, I don't think we should have a debate in front of the press on this," she said, repeating her media discomfort many times.
Happily, for that one day at least, the media weren't the enemy of the people. They were enemy of Pelosi and Schumer.
Clearly, Pelosi believes that certain topics, i.e., American border security, should never be discussed in front of the children.
And who are the children? The American people, seated at the kids table, so they won't be troubled by troublesome grown-up talk. But Nancy? Not all American taxpayers yearn to be infantilized.
After it was over, Chuck mumbled as if he'd just had unmentionable outpatient surgery. And Nancy bragged about how she was "the mom" in the room, before she veered off to a treatise on skunk urination fights while questioning the president's "manhood."
We can at least thank Pelosi for having the decency not to hold up her hands.
But when a gentlewoman like Nancy Pelosi feels compelled to discuss skunk urine in the most vulgar terms, while putting her "I was trying to be the mom" in the same rhetorical stew as her ruminations on "manhood," it suggests she's lost the day.
I'm clearly in the minority. Many pundits puffed up their chests and waxed proudly that Pelosi was "the mom."
But let me ask you: Does your mom talk about skunk urine in public?
I will not repeat her quotes here. Cheering on a great lady like Pelosi as she debases herself by crawling through the mud of VulgarTowne is something I just won't do. Feel free to Google her comments while you're eating lunch.
But Trump won, even without much help from that silent white-haired throw pillow in the room. I believe the pillow may have been the vice president of the United States.
Now, how much did Hadrian spend on his wall blocking the blue-painted Scots from drifting southward into what became England?
Hadrian had his legions, and slaves, so it probably didn't cost the $5 billion Trump is demanding for his wall.
The upshot of the Nancy, Chuck and Trump show the other day at the White House is that the president is willing to take credit for shutting down the government if he doesn't get that money.
While many who "believe" in government as others "believe" in Christ might freak at the prospect of a government shutdown, it means only that unnecessary government workers will go on furlough, and get their checks later.
Watching them yak at each other in the Oval Office, Trump using his reasonable voice and Pelosi at least trying to fight him while Schumer played the wrinkled root vegetable in the back of your crisper, I wondered about Rand Paul.
Republican Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky, the non-interventionist, was the candidate I hoped would win the White House.
I wondered if Paul might have trapped them as did Trump, without a trace of irony on his face. I just don't think Paul could have pulled it off.
But Paul would have done what Trump forgot to do, with those cameras rolling and Nancy thinking of skunk urine and not wanting the kids to hear:
Paul would have reminded Democrats in the room about all the anti-illegal immigrant border talk from Democrats just a very short time ago.
All that tough anti-illegal immigration speechifying from Schumer and Barack Obama, Bernie Sanders and Bill and Hillary Clinton?
But they don't want the kids to hear about it.
Donald Trump Names Mick Mulvaney Acting Chief of Staff
OMB director will replace John Kelly at the end of the year, on an interim basis
OMB director will replace John Kelly at the end of the year, on an interim basis
OMB Director Mick Mulvaney will take over as acting White House chief of staff. (Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call file photo)
President Donald Trump announced Friday that Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney will be the acting White House chief of staff, starting in the new year.
“Mick has done an outstanding job while in the Administration,” Trump tweeted. “I look forward to working with him in this new capacity as we continue to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! John will be staying until the end of the year. He is a GREAT PATRIOT and I want to personally thank him for his service!”
I am pleased to announce that Mick Mulvaney, Director of the Office of Management & Budget, will be named Acting White House Chief of Staff, replacing General John Kelly, who has served our Country with distinction. Mick has done an outstanding job while in the Administration....
....I look forward to working with him in this new capacity as we continue to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! John will be staying until the end of the year. He is a GREAT PATRIOT and I want to personally thank him for his service!
Trump said current Chief of Staff John F. Kelly will continue on until the end of the year.
Mulvaney was until recently the acting head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau in addition to leading the OMB.
The added responsibilities come during the season when the OMB is supposed to be finishing up work on the president’s budget request for fiscal 2020.
A senior administration official told reporters at the White House that there was no discernible distinction between an acting and permanent designation.
“There’s no time limit. He’s the acting chief of staff, which means he’s the chief of staff,” the official said. “He got picked because the president liked him they get along.”
“We’ll see,” a second official told the White House press corps. “It’s what the president wants right now and, if we have anything else we’ll let you know.”
Mulvaney did not learn of his role from the Trump Twitter feed, said one of the officials.
Hillary Clinton Responds to Court Order – Files New Email Answers Under Oath on Private Server
Hillary Clinton Responds to Court Order – Files New Email Answers Under Oath on Private Server
by Cristina Laila
On Friday morning Hillary Clinton responded to a court order forced by Judicial Watch to answer more questions about the setting up of her private server.
Judicial Watch appeared in a DC federal court last month on a motion to compel more testimony from Hillary Clinton as well as to make public video recordings of depositions of top Clinton aides such as Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills.
The court ruled that Hillary Clinton must answer more questions about the setting up of her private server under oath.
As expected, Hillary Clinton responded to the court order with her usual arrogance — she said she set up the server for “convenience,” and had “no role” in the process setting up the server.
Clinton also played stupid and said she knows nothing about the equipment, how it was created or who else had accounts on the system.
The court ordered Clinton to “[D]escribe the creation of the clintonemail.com domain name and the decision to set the domain up on the existing server, the date it was decided to create the domain and set it up on the existing server, who made those decisions, and when the domain became operational on the existing server.” Clinton answered under oath:
Subject to and without waiving the forgoing objections, Secretary Clinton answers as follows: As Secretary Clinton prepared in late 2008/early 2009 to serve as Secretary of State, she was aware that President Clinton’s office had set up an e-mail system, but she had no role in this process.
Secretary Clinton knew that President Clinton’s staff had recently upgraded that system. Secretary Clinton does not know what equipment that system used, how it was created, who decided that the system needed to be upgraded, or who else had accounts on the system.
Secretary Clinton believes that one of the President’s aides, Justin Cooper, set up the system. Secretary Clinton decided to use a clintonemail.com account on the system for the purpose of convenience. Secretary Clinton recalls that the clintonemail.com account was created in early 2009.
Although Secretary Clinton does not have specific knowledge of the details of the creation of the account, the “domain,” or the “domain name,” her best understanding is that Mr. Cooper set it up.
This answer is unacceptable, says JW President Tom Fitton.
Thanks to Judicial Watch, the American public was made aware of Hillary Clinton’s private email server.
Hillary Clinton conducted official business on a non government server so she could hide her Clinton Foundation pay-to-play while she was head of the Department of State.
Bill Clinton received nearly $50 million for speeches while his wife Hillary was the head of the Department of State.
Countless classified emails were discovered on Hillary’s private server, a server we know was compromised, yet she still has not been indicted.
POLL: Should Hillary Be In Jail?
Hillary continues to get away with her crimes because we have a two-tiered justice system — one for Trump supporters and another for Democrat-Deep State swamp dwellers.
Update: Judicial Watch will be pursuing additional questions and discovery with Hillary Clinton.
Tom Fitton said, “Hillary Clinton’s assertion that she used a separate email system as a matter of ‘convenience’ is simply not credible and is belied by evidence and testimony. We intend to pursue additional questions with Mrs. Clinton.”
Now hear this...warming up your car in the cold just harms the engine..don’t do it...read this...
Now hear this...warming up your car in the cold just harms the engine..don’t do it...read this...
The long-held notion that you should let your car idle in the cold is only true for carbureted engines|
Jay Bennett, Associate Editor
In the thick of winter, the common wisdom is that when you are gearing up to take your truck out in the cold and snow, you should step outside, start up your engine and let it idle to warm up. But contrary to popular belief, this does not prolong the life of your engine; in fact, it decreases its life by stripping oil away from the engine's cylinders and pistons.
In a nutshell, an internal combustion engine works by using pistons to compress a mixture of air and vaporized fuel within a cylinder. The compressed mixture is then ignited to create a combustion event — a little, controlled explosion that powers the engine.
When your engine is cold, the gasoline is less likely to evaporate and create the correct ratio of air and vaporized fuel for combustion. Engines with electronic fuel injection have sensors that compensate for the cold by pumping more gasoline into the mixture. The engine continues to run rich in this way until it heats up to about 40 degrees Fahrenheit.
"That's a problem because you're actually putting extra fuel into the combustion chamber to make it burn and some of it can get onto the cylinder walls," Stephen Ciatti, a mechanical engineer who specializes in combustion engines at the Argonne National Laboratory, told Business Insider. "Gasoline is an outstanding solvent and it can actually wash oil off the walls if you run it in those cold idle conditions for an extended period of time."
The life of components like piston rings and cylinder liners can be significantly reduced by gasoline washing away the lubricating oil, not to mention the extra fuel that is used while the engine runs rich. Driving your car is the fastest way to warm the engine up to 40 degrees so it switches back to a normal fuel-to-air ratio. Even though warm air generated by the radiator will flow into the cabin after a few minutes, idling does surprisingly little to warm the actual engine. The best thing to do is start the car, take a minute to knock the ice off your windows and get going.
Of course, hopping into your car and gunning it straightaway will put unnecessary strain on your engine. It takes five to 15 minutes for your engine to warm up, so take it nice and easy for the first part of your drive.
Warming up your car before driving is a leftover practice from a time when carbureted engines dominated the roads. Carburetors mix gasoline and air to make vaporized fuel to run an engine, but they don't have sensors that tweak the amount of gasoline when it's cold out. As a result, you have to let older cars warm up before driving, or they will stall out. But it's been about 30 years since carbureted engines were common in cars.
So unless you're rolling in a 1970s Chevelle — which we assume isn't your daily driver—bundle up, get into that cold car and get it moving.
Trump Says He Just Got Mexico To Pay for the Border Wall Through USMCA Deal
Trump Says He Just Got Mexico To Pay for the Border Wall Through USMCA Deal
President Donald Trump inspects border wall prototypes with Chief Patrol Agent Rodney S. Scott in San Diego, California, on March 13, 2018. (Mandel Ngan / AFP / Getty Images)
President Donald Trump announced that Mexico is going to indirectly pay for the border wall by saving the United States money through the new trade agreement with Canada and Mexico.
It became obvious early on in Trump’s presidency that Mexico was unwilling to build the wall or fund the building of the wall.
Mexico remains stubborn even after thousands of immigrants from Central America passed through their country hoping to enter the United States through whatever means necessary.
Still, Trump looked for other ways to get Mexico to fund the wall indirectly.
“I often stated, ‘One way or the other, Mexico is going to pay for the Wall.’ This has never changed,” Trump said on Twitter Thursday morning.
Trump argued that the recently signed United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement will pay for the wall by saving the country money.
“Our new deal with Mexico (and Canada), the USMCA, is so much better than the old, very costly & anti-USA NAFTA deal, that just by the money we save, MEXICO IS PAYING FOR THE WALL!” Trump said.
Donald J. Trump ✔@realDonaldTrump
I often stated, “One way or the other, Mexico is going to pay for the Wall.” This has never changed. Our new deal with Mexico (and Canada), the USMCA, is so much better than the old, very costly & anti-USA NAFTA deal, that just by the money we save, MEXICO IS PAYING FOR THE WALL!
7:38 AM - Dec 13, 2018
7:38 AM - Dec 13, 2018
While we don’t know yet how the trade deal will actually impact economic growth and tax revenue, Trump seems confident that it will be a better deal than North American Free Trade Agreement.
“The terrible NAFTA will soon be gone. The USMCA will be fantastic for all!” Trump wrote on Twitter after the deal was finalized late last month.
Just signed one of the most important, and largest, Trade Deals in U.S. and World History. The United States, Mexico and Canada worked so well together in crafting this great document. The terrible NAFTA will soon be gone. The USMCA will be fantastic for all!
9:45 AM - Nov 30, 2018
Regardless of the new trade deal, the United States is in desperate need of a border wall.
Illegal immigrants are currently costing taxpayers over $100 billion while contributing significantly less money in tax revenue, and some use stolen identities to collect costly benefits.
Trump scored a new trade deal with Mexico, and now it’s time to save the country even more money by building the wall.
Indiana county installs blue Christmas tree in honor of officers killed in the line of duty
Indiana county installs blue Christmas tree in honor of officers killed in the line of duty
(FOX NEWS) -- A special tribute to fallen officers is on display at the Boone County Sheriff’s Office in Indiana.
They installed a Christmas tree with 137 blue ornaments to represent the 137 officers killed in the line of duty this year, including Boone County’s own Deputy Jacob Pickett.
“It means a lot to all of us – we were all very close. He was a wonderful officer, and it’s our way of honoring him and the other 136 officers that have been killed this year,” said Mike Gideon, Boone County Senior Dispatch Officer.
Each ornament was hand-written with the officer’s name, rank, and end of watch date.
"That's a life. That's a life that matters. That's a chair that's empty. That's a car that's not being driven. That is an incredible hero that's no longer walking our streets, so it meant something,” said Joni Scott, Boone Co Sheriff’s Office Chaplain.
After Christmas, each ornament will be sent to the department where the officer worked.
Amber Athey | Media and Breaking News Editor
Democratic Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren admitted on Friday that she is not a person of color, despite recently seeking to prove that she has Native American ancestry.
In October, Warren released a DNA test in an attempt to combat President Donald Trump’s many attacks on her alleged Native American ancestry. The test results showed that she has a Native American ancestor “in the range of 6–10 generations ago.”
But during a commencement address at Morgan State University in Baltimore, Maryland, on Friday, Warren made clear that she does not consider herself a person of color.
“I’m not a person of color. And I haven’t lived your life or experienced anything like the subtle prejudice, or more overt harm, that you may have experienced just because of the color of your skin,” Warren admitted.
US Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) addresses a town hall meeting in Roxbury, Massachusetts, October 13, 2018. (Photo JOSEPH PREZIOSO/AFP/Getty Images)
Warren’s attempt to prove that she had Native American ancestors was condemned by minority leaders, including the Cherokee Nation, who called her use of a DNA test “inappropriate.”
“A DNA test is useless to determine tribal citizenship,” the Cherokee Nation said in a statement. “Sovereign tribal nations set their own legal requirements for citizenship, and while DNA tests can be used to determine lineage, such as paternity to an individual, it is not evidence for tribal affiliation.”
Warren has been identified as a minority and a person of color multiple times in her past, including in her professional career. A 1997 Fordham Law Review article, for example, identified Warren as Harvard Law School’s “first woman of color.” (RELATED: Harvard Law School Once Touted Liz Warren As Native American Professor)
Warren later admitted that she had listed herself as a minority in an Association of American Law Schools directory from 1986-1994, but claimed she was not using it to advance her career or employment options.
G’ day…Ciao…
Helen and Moe Lauzier
Helen and Moe Lauzier
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