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Thurs. Feb. 21, 2019
All Gave Some~Some Gave All
Elizabeth Warren Shows Her Socialist Stripes
We already knew 2020 Presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren is a liar. We knew she claimed to be a Native American to get benefits and special treatment, and scored herself a plum teaching position at Harvard University, claiming to be a minority. Warren taught law, which boggles the mind, because the woman has no comprehension of the concept of fundamental rights.
Elizabeth Warren ✔@ewarren
Child care should be a fundamental right, period. I remember how hard it was to find affordable, high-quality child care for my two kids when I was a working mom – and it's a zillion times harder today. Here’s how my #UniversalChildCare plan works. https://medium.com/@teamwarren/my-plan-for-universal-child-care-762535e6c20a?source=friends_link&sk=4ed76dbac4cac36c0a7944df8a0a5b30 …
My plan for Universal Child Care – Team Warren By Elizabeth Warren
No, really. A zillion.
Not only does Warren claim that health care should be government-funded, along with her fellow socialist leeches, who claim that need is a claim check on the skills, knowledge, hard work, and education of medical personnel, but now the former law professor exhibits her profound ignorance about the concept of fundamental rights by claiming that those who need it also must appropriate the efforts of child care providers.
And how does Warren plan to pay for her “child care for all” plain? By stealing from the rich, of course! Because people who have achieved a certain amount of success in life, and who may or may not have children of their own, must be forced to pay for the decisions of others who chose to breed, but can’t afford the result. And no one will pay more than 7 percent of their income for child care, no matter how many kids they have!
The Massachusetts senator’s plan, unveiled Tuesday on Medium.com, would make child care free for families with incomes below 200 percent of the poverty level, or less than $51,500 for a family of four. Other families would pay up to 7 percent of income, depending on how much they earn.
The plan wasn’t met with a whole lot of enthusiasm on Twitter, where people with a modicum of understanding about the issue took Warren to task on her ignorance.
As someone who spent almost 20 years working in child care I will tell you this is absolute bullshit. No one has a fundamental right to my time, labor, and talent.
Elizabeth Warren ✔@ewarren
Child care should be a fundamental right, period. I remember how hard it was to find affordable, high-quality child care for my two kids when I was a working mom – and it's a zillion times harder today. Here’s how my #UniversalChildCare plan works. https://ift.tt/2DXB0DD …
Child care should be a fundamental right, period. I remember how hard it was to find affordable, high-quality child care for my two kids when I was a working mom – and it's a zillion times harder today. Here’s how my #UniversalChildCare plan works. https://ift.tt/2DXB0DD …
Warren is adopting the Occasional-Cortex plan of action to reach the White House: give people free shit by robbing the rich – those evil millionaires (a club to which she belongs) and billionaires whose “Scrooge McDuck diving into a pool of riches” image she works to promote to ensure that her mindless, brainless, frothing proglodyte freeloaders don’t feel too guilty about looting their fellow Americans.
So what happens when Warren has appropriated all the money from billionaires? Then the millionaires become the “rich” target. Once the millionaires have been eliminated, then those earning $500,000 and above become “the rich,” while those who spend their lives demanding a higher minimum wage and aspiring to nothing more than getting paid more than their labor is worth to their employer continue to suck dry those who have learned, achieved, and succeeded.
Until no more “rich” remain.
Then whom will Warren bleed to retain her power? Those making more than $250,000 per year? And when she’s appropriated their earnings, because they’re the only “rich” people left in the country, will she then target the next lowest demographic?
This is how socialism works, boys and girls. It bleeds dry every producer, every employer, and everyone who has the courage to work their way to the top, cutting the top until there’s equal misery for all.
People like Warren, Kamala Harris, and Bernie Sanders sit at the top of the pile of corpses their efforts create and suck the marrow out of their bones, and it all begins with redefining the concept of “fundamental rights.”
In 2016, economist Walter Williams wrote a column discussing the concept of fundamental rights, after Bernie Sanders burst onto the electoral stage like a drunken streaker at a college football game (I’ll give you a moment to bleach that image out of your brain).
In the standard historical usage of the term, a “right” is something that exists simultaneously among people. As such, a right imposes no obligation on another. For example, the right to free speech is something we all possess. My right to free speech imposes no obligation upon another except that of noninterference. Similarly, I have a right to travel freely. Again, that right imposes no obligation upon another except that of noninterference.
Contrast those rights to free speech and travel with the supposed rights to medical care and decent housing. Those supposed rights do impose obligations upon others. We see that by recognizing that there is no Santa Claus or tooth fairy. If one does not have money to pay for a medical service or decent housing and the government provides it, where do you think the government gets the money?
Where, indeed?
If you believe that doctors (and child care providers and home builders) deserve to get paid for their knowledge, their labor, and their expertise, how will the government pay them?
Well, since the government doesn’t produce anything, the only way it can pay these professionals for their work is to appropriate that money from other Americans, and the government will have to decide how much to pay these doctors, these child care providers, and these home builders, taking away their right to set the value for their own labor.
And Warren’s plan will cost roughly $70 billion per year – yet more money that will be appropriated from Americans deemed “rich” enough to afford it.
If an individual knows that some nameless, faceless government bureaucrat will determine what he earns, how much of an incentive does said individual have to achieve? If a medical student understands that government officials will decide his salary, and that salary will be the same, no matter if he graduates first in his med school class or last, do you think he’s going to expend the effort to be the best? Do you believe that doctor will give his best if he is forced to work for his brothers, with the value of his labor determined by the likes of Elizabeth Warren?
Would you trust your child to a caregiver whose salary is paid for by the government, and who is accountable to the state that pays its salary rather than you, the parent? What incentive does that caregiver have to perform better and provide better care for your children if her right to determine the value of her efforts and knowledge has been abrogated?
Not only does Elizabeth Warren (and other 2020 Democratic contenders) want to violate the rights of Americans to determine how much their knowledge, experience, expertise, and efforts are worth, but she wants to steal from other Americans to pay that predetermined rate – all so those who claim need can cash in that claim check at others’ expense.
Any time these socialist parasites promise free health care, free child care, free housing, or free food, one must ask who is to provide said free service, and at whose expense it is being provided.
You do not have the right to force doctors to provide treatment for you.
You do not have the right to force child care providers to care for your spawn.
You do not have the right to force builders to construct a home for you.
The only way you can do it is through violence – at the point of a government gun – and that’s what the Democrats want. That’s what their vision of a utopian society will devolve into.
Petition To Sell Montana to Canada Gains Steam
This is DUUUUMB. This is so, SO dumb.
Some jackwad who has never been to Montana wants to sell Montana to Canada to “help ease the national debt.”
I’m SURE (I hope!) it was initially meant as a joke… however the petition has now gained considerable steam.
According to Fox News:
Montana should be sold to Canada to help pay off some of the U.S.’s national debt, according to a petition on Change.org.
Ian Hammond, the petition creator, wants to sell The Treasure State to the nation’s neighbor to the north for $1 trillion.
“We have too much debt and Montana is useless. Just tell them it has beavers or something,” the petition description read.
Ah yes. Written like a true “funny” liberal.
More than 7,000 people have already signed the petition as of Tuesday. The petition was looking to garner at least 7,500 online signatures.
Some jackwad who has never been to Montana wants to sell Montana to Canada to “help ease the national debt.”
I’m SURE (I hope!) it was initially meant as a joke… however the petition has now gained considerable steam.
According to Fox News:
Montana should be sold to Canada to help pay off some of the U.S.’s national debt, according to a petition on Change.org.
Ian Hammond, the petition creator, wants to sell The Treasure State to the nation’s neighbor to the north for $1 trillion.
“We have too much debt and Montana is useless. Just tell them it has beavers or something,” the petition description read.
Ah yes. Written like a true “funny” liberal.
More than 7,000 people have already signed the petition as of Tuesday. The petition was looking to garner at least 7,500 online signatures.
A Canadian spoke out against the “plan”
“Love you my American friends. Love you more because you aren’t here. We have enough trouble with Trudeau’s (our Prime Minister) socialism,” George Lyche wrote. “We don’t need to import more from your whacko-democrats. Here’s the new ‘green deal’ – we’ll pay you to stay home!!”
LOLOLOL. What does it say about the state of American liberals when not even LIBERAL CANADA wants them?
PS: Is Montana full of libs? I don’t really think so…
Pope Francis: Christians Should Not Fear Looking Like ‘Communists’ --- Papa Rougee
A Canadian spoke out against the “plan”
“Love you my American friends. Love you more because you aren’t here. We have enough trouble with Trudeau’s (our Prime Minister) socialism,” George Lyche wrote. “We don’t need to import more from your whacko-democrats. Here’s the new ‘green deal’ – we’ll pay you to stay home!!”
LOLOLOL. What does it say about the state of American liberals when not even LIBERAL CANADA wants them?
PS: Is Montana full of libs? I don’t really think so…
Pope Francis: Christians Should Not Fear Looking Like ‘Communists’ --- Papa Rougee
Too many Christians shy away from the social gospel, Pope Francis said Monday, because they are afraid the Church will end up looking like the communist party.
God asks us lots of uncomfortable and inconvenient questions, the pope said in his homily at morning Mass at the Santa Marta residence in the Vatican, just like he did in the garden of Eden, asking Cain, “Where is your brother?” knowing full well that Cain had killed his brother Abel.
We are all responsible for one another, Francis said, especially for the poor and needy, even though we often try to back out of this duty.
“We ease our conscience a little by giving alms, as long as it does not hurt too much,” he said, because we fear that “with these social things the Church ends up looking like the communist party and this bothers us. Fine, but it was the Lord who said, ‘Where is your brother?’ Not the party, the Lord.”
God’s question is embarrassing, the pope said, and Cain’s answer is an attempt to wiggle out of the embarrassment and “escape God’s gaze,” Francis said. “Am I my brother’s keeper?” he asks.
Jesus, too, often asks embarrassing questions in the gospel, he said. He asked Peter the uncomfortable question, “Do you love me?” not once but three times, and in the end, “Peter did not know what to answer.” Jesus asked the disciples, “What do people say that I am?” but then gets more personal, saying, “But you, who do you say that I am?”
“Surely this is an embarrassing question,” Francis said.
But God’s question to Cain — “Where is your brother?” — is really a question He asks each of us today, Francis said, and it is an uncomfortable question.
With “your brother,” he said, Jesus means “the hungry, the sick, the prisoner, the persecuted for justice’s sake.”
“Where is your brother?” – “I do not know” – “But your brother is hungry!” – “Yes, yes, he must be at lunch at the parish Caritas; yes, surely they will feed him,” the pope dramatized.
“Where is your other brother, the sick one?” – “Surely he is in the hospital!” – “But there is no room in the hospital! Do you have any medicines?” – “But this is his thing, I cannot get involved in the lives of others, he must have relatives who can give him medicine.”
“And we wash our hands,” Francis said.
“Where is your brother, the prisoner?” – “Ah, he is paying what he deserves. He really messed up, he has to pay for it. We are tired of so many criminals on the street; let him pay.”
“I would like each one of us take this word of the Lord as if it were addressed to us personally,” the pope said.
“The Lord asks me: ‘Where is your brother?’ and then put the name of the brothers that the Lord names in chapter 25 of Matthew: the sick, the hungry, the thirsty, the one who has no clothes, that little brother who cannot go to school, the drug addict, the prisoner. Where is each of them, each of these brothers?”
Follow Thomas D. Williams on Twitter
SHARIA LAW OR AMERICAN LAW? Which Did Somali Muslims In Ilhan Omar’s District Choose? [Video]
SHARIA LAW OR AMERICAN LAW? Which Did Somali Muslims In Ilhan Omar’s District Choose? [Video]
Documentary filmmaker, Ami Horowitz hits the streets of Cedar-Riverside neighborhood in Somali immigrant and Democrat U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar’s district of Minneapolis Minnesota. Horowitz points out that Omar’s district is known for the export of terrorists who go overseas to fight for terror organizations ISIS and Al-Shabatt. It’s been reported that dozens of young Muslims have been recruited and gone to fight with terror groups from this community.
Horowitz engages a number of Somali Muslims in conversation, as he tries to discover how interested these Somali Muslims are in assimilating with American culture and American law. He asks them how easy it is to be a Muslim in American. The Muslims who are being interviewed cite rights like free speech as reasons they like living in the United States.
Every Muslim immigrant Horowitz speaks with says being a Muslim in American is easy. Things get interesting when Horowitz asks the Muslims he speaks with if they prefer Sharia law or American law. Across the board, they all prefer Sharia law over American law.
Horowitz also asks how the Muslim immigrants he’s questioning feel about the prophet Mohammed being mocked in cartoons. He asked the Muslims if they felt a law should be made to prevent Americans from insulting the prophet Mohammed? Every Muslim immigrant answered, “yes.” The real shocker came when Horowitz asked if someone who mocks the prophet, Mohammed, should they be killed? Again, they all answered, “yes.”
Finally, when Horowitz asked the Muslim immigrants if they would prefer to live in America or a Muslim majority nation, every person he interviewed claimed they would rather live in a Muslim majority nation.
It’s easy to see after watching this video, why the radical Muslim, and anti-Semite refugee from Somalia, Democrat Ilhan Omar was elected as their U.S. Congresswoman.
What do you think? Should American taxpayers be forced to support immigrants who would rather be living in the country they immigrated from because there are more people there who practice the same religion?
Caught In ANOTHER LIE: AOC’s Boyfriend DID Get Paid
Caught In ANOTHER LIE: AOC’s Boyfriend DID Get Paid
Remember when AOC and her Chief of Staff got ULTRA defensive when it was exposed that AOC’s boyfriend had a Congressional email?
According to Fox News:
The democratic socialist waded into the issue in response to a tweet alleging boyfriend Riley Roberts had been put on staff. The tweet included a screenshot of an official House email address. Ocasio-Cortez insisted that he was only given the email account so he could access her calendar.
“Actually this calendar designation is a permission so he can have access to my Google Calendar. Congressional spouses get Gcal access all the time,” Ocasio-Cortez wrote, after a political consultant Luke Thompson tweeted the picture showing Roberts having an official account like other staffers on the Hill. “Next time check your facts before you tweet nonsense.”
Her chief of staff, insisted that the boyfriend isn’t on the payroll and that he’s not doing any work related to the government.
Looks like AOC has learned A LOT from her socialist predecessors! “SCREW THE PEOPLE, PAY YOUR FAMILY! ”
How VERY interesting!
She’ll have three houses like Uncle Bernie IN NO TIME!
Conservative group blasts Ocasio-Cortez over Amazon with Times Square billboard
A conservative advocacy group put up a billboard in Times Square on Wednesday calling out Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) over Amazon’s recently announced decision to scrap plans for building a second headquarters in Queens.
The Job Creators Network (JCN) is putting up the billboard in the tourist hotspot for one week, the organization announced. The group blames Ocasio-Cortez for the consequences it says will follow the tech giant’s decision.
“The pullout of Amazon—because of anti-business politicians, notably Ocasio-Cortez—is a major blow to the New York economy. The retreat will not only cost the area $12 billion in economic activity, but 25,000 new jobs that would have paid an average salary of $150,000,” the group said in a statement.
“The Amazon pullout is a perfect example of what we’ve been saying: socialism takes and capitalism creates,” JCN President and CEO Alfredo Ortiz added. “The economic consequences of Amazon’s pullout is just a small taste of the harm that is to come if Ocasio-Cortez’s anti-business canon comes to fruition and is made federal policy.”
Ocasio-Cortez and other local activists were vocal in their opposition to Amazon’s move, claiming it would not create jobs for people already living in the area and make the community unaffordable for low-income residents.
The New York Democrat lauded local organizers’ efforts when Amazon announced it would not go through with the Queens project. The company had planned to split its second headquarters between New York's Long Island City and northern Virginia.
“Anything is possible: today was the day a group of dedicated, everyday New Yorkers & their neighbors defeated Amazon’s corporate greed, its worker exploitation, and the power of the richest man in the world,” she tweeted.
Amazon directly cited local opposition in New York when it announced it would seek to build a second headquarters elsewhere.
“While polls show that 70 percent of New Yorkers support our plans and investment, a number of state and local politicians have made it clear that they oppose our presence and will not work with us to build the type of relationships that are required to go forward with the project we and many others envisioned in Long Island City,” Amazon said in a statement.
The Job Creators Network (JCN) is putting up the billboard in the tourist hotspot for one week, the organization announced. The group blames Ocasio-Cortez for the consequences it says will follow the tech giant’s decision.
“The pullout of Amazon—because of anti-business politicians, notably Ocasio-Cortez—is a major blow to the New York economy. The retreat will not only cost the area $12 billion in economic activity, but 25,000 new jobs that would have paid an average salary of $150,000,” the group said in a statement.
“The Amazon pullout is a perfect example of what we’ve been saying: socialism takes and capitalism creates,” JCN President and CEO Alfredo Ortiz added. “The economic consequences of Amazon’s pullout is just a small taste of the harm that is to come if Ocasio-Cortez’s anti-business canon comes to fruition and is made federal policy.”
Ocasio-Cortez and other local activists were vocal in their opposition to Amazon’s move, claiming it would not create jobs for people already living in the area and make the community unaffordable for low-income residents.
The New York Democrat lauded local organizers’ efforts when Amazon announced it would not go through with the Queens project. The company had planned to split its second headquarters between New York's Long Island City and northern Virginia.
“Anything is possible: today was the day a group of dedicated, everyday New Yorkers & their neighbors defeated Amazon’s corporate greed, its worker exploitation, and the power of the richest man in the world,” she tweeted.
Amazon directly cited local opposition in New York when it announced it would seek to build a second headquarters elsewhere.
“While polls show that 70 percent of New Yorkers support our plans and investment, a number of state and local politicians have made it clear that they oppose our presence and will not work with us to build the type of relationships that are required to go forward with the project we and many others envisioned in Long Island City,” Amazon said in a statement.
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