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Fri. Mar. 22, 2019
All Gave Some~Some Gave All
So much to comment on I don’t know where to begin.
First...a sincere thank you to the nurses and medical personnel at Charlton Hospital in Fall River. Most of the serious medical matters were dealt with successfully. Whatever was not handled is in the process. I should continue being in the saddle. Look out liberals, I’m feeling spunky.
Journalists Are Ignorant and Silly, But At Least They're Smug About It
(Getty Images)
Over the years I've been called every name in the book, and it takes a lot to offend me anymore. But there's one epithet that never fails to raise my ire: "journalist."
The conversation tends to go something like this:
Dumb Person: I just read that thing you wrote and I'm angry. You call yourself a journalist?!?
Me: No.
Dumb Person: Oh. Well... you're a terrible journalist!!!
Journalists have gone out of their way to earn the public's mistrust, and I'm proud not to be one. Trump ran against the media and won, after they spent the whole 2016 campaign giving him publicity because they assumed Hillary would beat him, and it only seems to have driven them all even crazier. That's the only rational explanation for these three recent news items.
She’s 38, a Mother of 2, Latina, and the New Leader of California’s Republican Party

SACRAMENTO -- California is a Democratic stronghold, with supermajorities in the Senate and Assembly, a Democratic governor and big congressional wins in last year's midterm elections.
But there was a time when the Golden State wasn't so deeply blue.
California birthed two Republican presidents, Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon, and in more recent memory, voters twice elected Republican Arnold Swarzeneggar to be governor.
But as the saying goes, that was then and this is now.
Now, only one out of every four voters in California identifies as Republican. That's something that's going to change according to the GOP's new leader in California -- Jessica Patterson.
Jessica Patterson: She’s 38, a Mother of 2, Latina, and the New Leader of California’s Republican Party: ‘We’re in a Place Where We’re the Capital of Poverty and This has All Happened Under Democrat Watch’
Patterson is the newly-elected chair of the California Republican Party. She's a fresh face many feel will help revamp a party in decline in the state.
"We're in a place where we're the capital of poverty and this has all happened under Democrat watch," she said.
"In California, we're at a turning point."Patterson, 38, is a married mother of two, Latina, and is the first woman to be elected chair of her party in California.
Her political career spans more than a decade at both the state and national level. She also serves as the CEO of California Trailblazers, an organization that recruits and trains candidates for office and she's known for being a strong fundraiser.
"In California, we’re at a turning point. And if we’re the ones that are delivering the message on what has failed and what is an opportunity for us to succeed then let's go out there and do it," Patterson said.
Patterson also doesn't shy away from shortfalls within her own party.
"We definitely have seen some dark times and November was a tough pill to swallow for a lot of us and so, for me, it was really important that we don’t give up on the party," she told FOX40.
Her introduction to the GOP came at a young age. She grew up in Southern California, and both of her parents were Democrats.
One day, on the way, to school she asked her mom if she could volunteer at a party headquarters nearby. She was 16.
Patterson said she was drawn to the Republican Party because of its values.
"Doing things on your own, no one's ever going to help you out," Patterson said. "You know, working as hard as you could. I felt like those were all principles of Republicans."
"November was a tough pill to swallow..."Those are principles Patterson says she still believes in today, and put the Democratic Party on notice during her speech at the recent CAGOP convention. She said the Republican Party would be the "party of winning," which she admits will take a lot of work.
"It’s going to take a lot of things. We didn’t get here overnight and it's not going to be fixed overnight. There is no silver bullet. But a lot of our problems is going to be fixed by engaging, engaging all over the state in communities that have been neglected by us over the years," Patterson said.
Among the forgotten communities are groups Patterson is familiar with — Latinos and women. She’s also hoping to gain ground with the 20 million Californians currently registered to vote, the highest percentage since 1996, according to the secretary of state.
"We need to focus on what is going to appeal to people that are already registered to vote to becoming Republicans, whether it’s decline to states or soft Democrats," she said. "What are the issues that are important to them that Republicans are right on?"
Some have said Patterson is the face of the future for the GOP. San Diego City Councilman Carl DeMaio said the California Republican Party would collapse into a "regional organization" without her, according to the Los Angeles Times.
The pressure isn't lost on her.
"I understand the responsibility that I have, and so it only drives me more to make sure our party is successful," she said.
Moving forward, Patterson says the lack of affordable housing, poor education and high taxes are some of the issues she will pointing to as Democratic failures in order to sway more Californians to vote Republican.
Democrat Contender John Hickenlooper Confirms Watching Porno With Mother
Danny Matson/Getty Images for SXSW
Democratic presidential candidate John Hickenlooper confirmed Wednesday night during his CNN town hall event that he took his mother to watch an X-rated pornographic movie when he was younger and that the two stayed for the entire movie.
Hickenlooper confirmed that the incident, which he wrote about in his memoir, happened when he returned home from college to visit his mother for Thanksgiving. Hickenlooper's dad died when he was 8-years-old, and he said that he didn't realize that his mother was lonely until he returned home from college.
"I promised, I called a friend in Philadelphia — and ... we didn't know what an X-movie was," Hickenlooper claimed. "We thought it was a little naughty, but we didn't think it was that bad. You've gotta understand, I was 18 years old."
"I said, 'I promised Jed that we'd go to the movie theater and see this new movie, you want to come?' And it's an X-movie, and I was sure she wouldn't say no. I made a mistake," Hickenlooper continued. "And she said, 'I'd love to go' because she didn't want to be left alone in the house again. So I took my mother to see 'Deep Throat.'"
"And to her credit, the first scene is ... my mother was, I'm sure she was mortified, and I said repeatedly that 'I think we should leave,' 'I think we would should go,'" Hickenlooper claimed. "And my mother was the kind of person who rarely went to a movie. She thought almost every movie would get on TV. Obviously not this one. When she paid, she was going to stay."
"And at the end, she knew I was humiliated," Hickenlooper added. "And as we drove home and — you know how the dashboard in the old cars had a kind of green light, and I asked her, I said, 'That was some experience.' And she goes, 'I thought the lighting was very good in the movie.' I thought I saw a little grin in that green light."
Hickenlooper's presidential bid is a long shot to put it mildly, as he is only polling at 1% in the latest Real Clear Politics average and CNN does not even have him ranked in their top 10 power rankings.
This isn't the first time strange behavior by Hickenlooper has made headlines. In 2013, Hickenlooper admitted that he drank a glass of fracking fluid produced by Halliburton.
"You can drink it. We did drink it around the table, almost ritual like, in a funny way," Hickenlooper told the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. "It was a demonstration. … they’ve invested millions of dollars in what is a benign fluid in every sense."
Hickenlooper is also on record saying that he supports 99% of socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's far-left "Green New Deal," which has been projected to cost up to $93 trillion.
Hickenlooper's endorsement of the radical environmentalist plan clashes with his record; an ethics complaint was recently filed against him for taking approximately 100 flights across the world on private planes "owned by wealthy benefactors and then not disclosing the gifts as the law requires," The Denver Post reported.
Omar Voted to Block Bill Denying Insurance Payouts to Terrorist Families Implemented restrictions on “payments to beneficiaries of persons furthering terrorism
By: Jack Murphy
The bill implemented restrictions on 'payments to beneficiaries of persons furthering terrorism.' Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) was one of the two state legislators that voted against a bill allowing insurance companies to deny payouts to the relatives of terrorists.
The bill, H.F. 1397, implemented restrictions on “payments to beneficiaries of persons furthering terrorism.”The bill was introduced following the 2015 San Bernardino shooting massacre where fourteen people were killed.
The terrorists, Syed Rizwan Farook and his wife Tashfeen Malik both took out life insurance policies are amounting to $275,000.
Another legislator who voted against the bill, Rep. John Lesch, said he did not want insurance companies to decide what is considered
Ilhan Omar Calls Obama a ‘Murderer’ for Killing Terrorists
But the federal government stopped the process by filing a lawsuit and seizing the money for the victims’ families, according to the Daily Caller Foundation’s CheckYourFact.com.
Another legislator who voted against the bill, Rep. John Lesch, said he did not want insurance companies to decide what is considered terrorism.“[The bill] allows an insurance company, not a court, to decide what constitutes an act of terrorism under the cited statute, and it lowers the burden on that call to the preponderance of the evidence,” Lesch told Alpha News, a Minnesota-based news outlet.
TRENDING: Sweden Population 10M Offers Asylum to 11 Million Uyghur Muslims“Terrorists should not be able to send life insurance benefits to beneficiaries based on bad faith recent policy purchases. I think we can all agree on that,” he said.
The bill was introduced following the 2015 San Bernardino shooting massacre where fourteen people were killed. Omar refused to comment.
Omar is no stranger to refusing to comment, except when she was suddenly triggered earlier this month saying Trump is not "human."
Fox News’s Guerin Hays questioned the Minnesota congresswoman about her recent comments on former President Obama, in which she suggested that he is a murderer for authorizing the use of drones to kill terrorists during his presidency.
Omar, who has been entangled in an anti-Semitism scandal, ignored Hays's questions about an interview she gave to Politico last week where she attacked Barack Obama.
Trump Declares the US Recognizes Israel's Sovereignty over the Golan Heights
By Emily Jones
JERUSALEM, Israel - President Donald Trump announced Thursday that the United States officially recognizes Israel's sovereignty over the Golan Heights, a move that defies international law and signals a significant change in US policy towards Israel.
"After 52 years it is time for the United States to fully recognize Israel's Sovereignty over the Golan Heights, which is of critical strategic and security importance to the State of Israel and Regional Stability!" Trump tweeted.
Donald J. Trump ✔@realDonaldTrump
After 52 years it is time for the United States to fully recognize Israel’s Sovereignty over the Golan Heights, which is of critical strategic and security importance to the State of Israel and Regional Stability!

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office applauded the move, saying, "At a time when Iran seeks to use Syria as a platform to destroy Israel, @POTUS Trump boldly recognizes Israeli sovereignty in the Golan Heights. Thank you President Trump!"
Netanyahu: World 'Must Recognize' Israel's Sovereignty in Golan, No Iranian Presence
US State Dept. No Longer Calling Golan, Gaza, West Bank 'Occupied Territory'
PM of Israel ✔@IsraeliPM
At a time when Iran seeks to use Syria as a platform to destroy Israel, @POTUS Trump boldly recognizes Israeli sovereignty in the Golan Heights. Thank you President Trump!
The Golan Heights is a key territory near Israel's border with Syria. Israel captured this key region from Syria during the Six Day War in 1967 and formally annexed the territory in 1981.
Until Trump's announcement, the United States and the international community have considered the Golan to be occupied Syrian territory.
Last week, in its annual human rights report, the US State Department erased the phrase "Israeli-occupied" from the Golan Heights section, instead calling it "Israeli-controlled."
In the same week, Israel Defense Forces exposed an Iranian-backed terror outpost on the Syrian Golan.
“Anybody that cares about regional stability should be concerned about the fact that Hezbollah is trying to build a terror network on our doorstep,” IDF spokesman Jonathan Conricus said. “We will continue to use all means, overt and covert, to block Iran's effort to use Syria, Lebanon and Gaza as forward bases for attacking Israel,” he said.
Earlier this month, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) toured the Golan and pledged to push for the US to recognize Israel's sovereignty over the area.
"The Golan is not disputed. It is in the hands of Israel and will always remain in the hands of Israel," Graham said.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Lied About Her Test Scores To A Public Education Group
by Joe Cunningham
This comes from the Washington Free Beacon, and it is a great one:
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) spoke Saturday at an event focused on eliminating private education and boycotting ‘racial’ and ‘gender-biased’ standardized testing.
The ‘Education Town Hall’ organized by Jackson Heights People for Public Schools included a medley of New York’s progressive organizations. NYC Opt Out, New York State Association for Bilingual Education, Network for Public Education, Class Size Matters, Alliance for Quality Education, and Allies for Public Education participated.
One of the speakers at this event was Diane Ravitch, a former U.S. assistant secretary of education who believes that offering any children choice of schools is anti-democratic and is a major conspiracy from the right wing and major corporations meant to destroy public education.
She also has some very… questionable beliefs when it comes to teaching African-American history in schools, as pointed out by school choice activist Citizen Stewart on Twitter.
Citizen Stewart ✔@citizenstewart
I love how your educational godmother thinks teaching your children their story of self is damn near violence, while you out here screaming Save “Our” Schools.#EducatedNegroesAreKillingUs
She is also something of a hypocrite, as a former private school mother decided that was best for her children but not for other children, particularly black students in failing schools.
Anyway, back to AOC, who lied in the most obvious of ways during this event:
During her remarks, Ocasio-Cortez claimed her teachers doubted her academic abilities until she took a ‘high-stakes’ test and placed in the ’99th percentile.’
According to Ravitch, however, Ocasio-Cortez’s claim sparked ‘controversy’ during the event.
In a blog post generally praising the congresswoman, Ravitch notes Ocasio-Cortez could not be telling the truth about her test experience. The ‘high-stakes’ test, she explains, is not scored by percentile.
AOC – who is supposed to be some intellectual we simply can’t understand – had to lie about her test scores in order to prove a point. She is currently trying her best to prove my theory that the Republican Party has a sleeper cell program that was activated the moment Donald Trump took office in order to ensure the future of the Republican Party. She is doing a stellar job.
But, in all seriousness, this is the exact kind of thing that will actually hurt Democrats with black voters. Black families are among the biggest advocates for getting their kids out of poorly-performing schools and into much better ones. For all her talk about Trump’s racism, AOC actually wants to keep black kids from getting a good education.
AOC and Ravitch believe that education is something that can only be successfully provided by the great and glorious State, and anyone else who tries is actually trying to kill education as we know it. They completely ignore study after study and story after story of good things coming to children who have a choice in what school they go to and instead focus on making sure that the teachers’ unions don’t get hurt along the way.
If AOC and Ravitch are on the same side, then you just know that position is the wrong one. The fact that AOC had to tell an obvious lie in order to try and work the crowd is just another sign that she is not a serious contender in the political arena.
Chuck Ross | Reporter
President Donald Trump maintained his attacks on John McCain on Wednesday, accusing the late Republican Arizona senator of putting him in “jeopardy” with the FBI by giving the salacious and unverified Steele dossier to James Comey in late 2016.
At a speech in Ohio, Trump also faulted McCain for not contacting him after receiving the dossier, which was funded by the Clinton campaign and DNC.
“I’ll be honest with you, I’ve never liked him much,” Trump said of McCain, who passed away Aug. 25, 2018, after a battle with cancer.
“But there are certain reasons for it,” Trump continued.
“John McCain received the fake and phony dossier. You hear about the dossier? It was paid for by Crooked Hillary Clinton. And John McCain got it. He got it. And what did he do? He didn’t call me. He turned it over to the FBI hoping to put me in jeopardy.”
“That’s not the nicest thing to do,” Trump added, while also criticizing McCain for voting against a Republican-led effort to repeal Obamacare.
Yahoo News ✔@YahooNews
Trump goes after John McCain once again during an event at a tank factory: "He turned [the Steele dossier] over to the FBI hoping to put me in jeopardy"
Trump ramped up his attacks on McCain in the wake of court documents that revealed details about the Republican lawmaker’s handling of the dossier, which was authored by former British spy Christopher Steele. Trump’s comments have drawn rebuke from some Republicans, including Georgia Sen. Johnny Isakson, who called the remarks “deplorable.”
McCain and an associate, David Kramer, were first told about Steele’s report Nov. 18, 2016. At McCain’s direction, Kramer to travel to London to meet with Steele, a former MI6 officer.
Kramer obtained a copy of the report and provided it to McCain. McCain met with Comey at FBI headquarters Dec. 9, 2016. He long claimed he had no idea whether the allegations in the dossier were accurate, but he said the FBI should investigate. Unknown to McCain at the time, the FBI had already obtained Steele’s report through several other channels.
Kramer, a former State Department official, speculated in a Dec. 13, 2017, deposition that Steele and Fusion GPS chose McCain so a Republican, rather than a Democrat, could present the dossier to Comey.
“I think they felt a senior Republican was better to be the recipient of this rather than a Democrat because if it were a Democrat, I think that the view was that it would have been dismissed as a political attack,” Kramer said in a deposition in a court case involving BuzzFeed, which was sued for publishing the dossier.
The FBI took seriously Steele’s report. Investigators relied heavily on the document to obtain four surveillance warrants against former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.
The dossier is also the source of salacious allegations that have hung over the Trump administration since BuzzFeed published Steele’s document Jan. 10, 2017. Steele alleges in his first memo of the dossier that the Russian government has a videotape from 2013 of Trump with prostitutes in a Moscow hotel room. According to Steele’s sources, the Kremlin has used the tape to blackmail Trump.
But more than two years after its publication, the dossier’s most serious allegations about Trump and his associates remain unverified. Serious doubt has been cast on other claims made in the Steele’s report, including that former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen visited Prague in August 2016 to pay off Russian hackers.
Cohen, who has since fallen out with Trump, testified under oath Feb. 27 that he never visited Prague.
Ocasio-Cortez Off the Deep end... Calls For Radical Gun Ban, Champions Confiscation
John Lamparski/Getty Images
Democratic socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) called for banning all semi-automatic firearms on Thursday night after championing New Zealand's radical new gun control measures, which includes government confiscation of nearly all semi-automatic firearms.
The 29-year-old congresswoman tweeted on Wednesday: "Sandy Hook happened 6 years ago and we can’t even get the Senate to hold a vote on universal background checks w/ #HR8. Christchurch happened, and within days New Zealand acted to get weapons of war out of the consumer market."
Included in that tweet was a video of liberal New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announcing the new gun control laws.
"This is what leadership looks like," Ocasio-Cortez added.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ✔@AOC
Sandy Hook happened 6 years ago and we can’t even get the Senate to hold a vote on universal background checks w/ #HR8.
Christchurch happened, and within days New Zealand acted to get weapons of war out of the consumer market.
This is what leadership looks like 
Keith Boykin ✔@keithboykin
“Today I am announcing that New Zealand will ban all military-style semi-automatic weapons.” - New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Arden
Ardern specifically stated in that speech that the government was going to be confiscating firearms from law abiding citizens. Arden said:
In the meantime, we are asking all current holders of military-style semi-automatic weapons and assault rifles to visit www.police.govt.nz. There they will find details of the weapons included in this ban. In the next 48 hours, a form will be available on this site that we are asking these gun owners to complete, identifying what banned guns they hold. The police will then arrange for these weapons to be handed over, and eventually destroyed. Details of the weapons handed back by owners that are covered by the ban will also be taken to ensure that fair and reasonable compensation is paid once the buyback is in place. If owners are unable to complete the online form, they are able to contact the police on the phone to arrange the handover of these now-banned guns...
...As the legislation is developed, we will determine the time available for the return of military-style semi-automatic weapons and assault rifles, and the duration of the buyback scheme. I can assure people that there will be time for the returns to be made, and that they will not be criminalized overnight. After a reasonable period for returns, those who continue to possess these guns will be in contravention of the law. Currently, the penalties for this range from fines of up to $4,000 and or three years in prison. The draft legislation will look to increase these penalties.
On Thursday night, Ocasio-Cortez flat out called for banning all semi-automatic firearms, which would include handguns, and called for banning bump stocks and high capacity magazines.
"You know, instead of training children, teachers, houses of faith, & concertgoers to prep for being shot, we could just:
-Pass Universal Background checks (#HR8!) -Disarm domestic abusers -Mandate safe storage-Ban bump stocks, semiautos, & high cap mags designed to kill people," Ocasio-Cortez tweeted.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez✔@AOC
You know, instead of training children, teachers, houses of faith, & concertgoers to prep for being shot, we could just:
-Pass Universal Background checks (#HR8!)
-Disarm domestic abusers
-Mandate safe storage
-Ban bump stocks, semiautos, & high cap mags designed to kill people
IndyStar ✔@indystar
'It hurt so bad': Indiana teachers shot with plastic pellets during active shooter training http://dlvr.it/R1Glqy
People with violent criminal records are already prohibited from owning and possessing firearms and bump stocks have already been banned.
The Hill's Buck Sexton noted: "The problem with New Zealand mirroring the Australian approach to gun control is the Australian approach didn’t work and wasn’t needed. There are more guns in private hands in Australia now than before the 1996 ban *and* gun violence has simultaneously gone down for decades."
Buck Sexton ✔@BuckSexton
The problem with New Zealand mirroring the Australian approach to gun control is the Australian approach didn’t work and wasn’t needed
There are more guns in private hands in Australia now than before the 1996 ban *and* gun violence has simultaneously gone down for decades.
New Zealand’s knee-jerk gun ban is EXACTLY why we have the Second Amendment
Nate Madden
arinahabich | Shutterstock
Thank goodness we have the Second Amendment. I say that a lot, but I’m especially grateful after seeing the latest news out of New Zealand.
Less than a week after the mosque shootings in Christchurch, New Zealand has moved to ban and confiscate semi-automatic long guns.
The bill bans so-called “military style semi-automatic firearms,” which according to the bill are any rifle or shotgun that accepts a detachable magazine that holds more than five rounds. But .22 and smaller-caliber arms are exempt, so everybody’s varmint guns are safe.
And, according to reports, the legal owners of now-illegal hardware will be entitled to “fair and reasonable” compensation through a buyback program that’s expected to cost a couple hundred million dollars.
How generous.
Naturally, Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., says that we “must follow New Zealand’s lead.”
This is exactly why we have the Second Amendment. Whatever government currently in power in the U.S. cannot push through a ban like this or anything close to it because of our constitutional protection of the right to bear arms.
Gun bans like this frequently follow on the heels of a heinous violent crime, when people are thinking least clearly about the issue. We don’t think clearly when we’re dealing with grief and trauma. That’s just a fact. And just as it’s common for individuals to make sweeping, ill-advised life changes in the wake of personal tragedies, it’s possible for large groups of people to do ill-advised things in the wake of public tragedies, like give up their ability to defend themselves.
That’s what happened with Britain’s big gun ban in the 1990s, the same with Australia, and the same now with New Zealand. And it’s the exact tactic the anti-gunners in this country employ when they immediately try to use human suffering to push for more gun control. It took New Zealand less than a week to enact this gun-grab.
In response, you have folks like the New York Time’s token alleged conservative Bret Stephens, who piggybacks on tragedy to call to repeal the Second Amendment so that we can pass more gun control. Without 2A, a Democrat-controlled Congress could probably beat New Zealand’s time at passing a gun ban in the future.
That’s just one thing that’s so great about having a Constitution that’s hard to change by design and has language specifically protecting the right to keep and bear arms. Every human being is born with the intrinsic right to defend themselves. Period. Our Founders knew this and wisely put a backstop in place that keeps reactionary impulses from trampling over that right.
Knee-jerk gun ban proposals in reaction to horrible events don’t get to use an express lane. Activists typically have to spend a lot of time convincing a lot of people of their position if they really want to change the document. That’s a feature, not a bug.
Because, for the record, once again: Gun bans only affect the law-abiding; the best defense against a bad guy with a gun is the ability to fire back; and the warm and fuzzy feeling people might get from passing new gun control laws won’t stop a bullet when a wicked person breaks them.

Helen & Moe Lauzier. COM
Fri. Mar. 22, 2019
All Gave Some~Some Gave All
So much to comment on I don’t know where to begin.
First...a sincere thank you to the nurses and medical personnel at Charlton Hospital in Fall River. Most of the serious medical matters were dealt with successfully. Whatever was not handled is in the process. I should continue being in the saddle. Look out liberals, I’m feeling spunky.
Journalists Are Ignorant and Silly, But At Least They're Smug About It
(Getty Images)
Over the years I've been called every name in the book, and it takes a lot to offend me anymore. But there's one epithet that never fails to raise my ire: "journalist."
The conversation tends to go something like this:
Dumb Person: I just read that thing you wrote and I'm angry. You call yourself a journalist?!?
Me: No.
Dumb Person: Oh. Well... you're a terrible journalist!!!
Journalists have gone out of their way to earn the public's mistrust, and I'm proud not to be one. Trump ran against the media and won, after they spent the whole 2016 campaign giving him publicity because they assumed Hillary would beat him, and it only seems to have driven them all even crazier. That's the only rational explanation for these three recent news items.
She’s 38, a Mother of 2, Latina, and the New Leader of California’s Republican Party
SACRAMENTO -- California is a Democratic stronghold, with supermajorities in the Senate and Assembly, a Democratic governor and big congressional wins in last year's midterm elections.
But there was a time when the Golden State wasn't so deeply blue.
California birthed two Republican presidents, Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon, and in more recent memory, voters twice elected Republican Arnold Swarzeneggar to be governor.
But as the saying goes, that was then and this is now.
Now, only one out of every four voters in California identifies as Republican. That's something that's going to change according to the GOP's new leader in California -- Jessica Patterson.
Patterson is the newly-elected chair of the California Republican Party. She's a fresh face many feel will help revamp a party in decline in the state.
"We're in a place where we're the capital of poverty and this has all happened under Democrat watch," she said.
"In California, we're at a turning point."Patterson, 38, is a married mother of two, Latina, and is the first woman to be elected chair of her party in California.
Her political career spans more than a decade at both the state and national level. She also serves as the CEO of California Trailblazers, an organization that recruits and trains candidates for office and she's known for being a strong fundraiser.
"In California, we’re at a turning point. And if we’re the ones that are delivering the message on what has failed and what is an opportunity for us to succeed then let's go out there and do it," Patterson said.
Patterson also doesn't shy away from shortfalls within her own party.
"We definitely have seen some dark times and November was a tough pill to swallow for a lot of us and so, for me, it was really important that we don’t give up on the party," she told FOX40.
Her introduction to the GOP came at a young age. She grew up in Southern California, and both of her parents were Democrats.
One day, on the way, to school she asked her mom if she could volunteer at a party headquarters nearby. She was 16.
Patterson said she was drawn to the Republican Party because of its values.
"Doing things on your own, no one's ever going to help you out," Patterson said. "You know, working as hard as you could. I felt like those were all principles of Republicans."
"November was a tough pill to swallow..."Those are principles Patterson says she still believes in today, and put the Democratic Party on notice during her speech at the recent CAGOP convention. She said the Republican Party would be the "party of winning," which she admits will take a lot of work.
"It’s going to take a lot of things. We didn’t get here overnight and it's not going to be fixed overnight. There is no silver bullet. But a lot of our problems is going to be fixed by engaging, engaging all over the state in communities that have been neglected by us over the years," Patterson said.
Among the forgotten communities are groups Patterson is familiar with — Latinos and women. She’s also hoping to gain ground with the 20 million Californians currently registered to vote, the highest percentage since 1996, according to the secretary of state.
"We need to focus on what is going to appeal to people that are already registered to vote to becoming Republicans, whether it’s decline to states or soft Democrats," she said. "What are the issues that are important to them that Republicans are right on?"
Some have said Patterson is the face of the future for the GOP. San Diego City Councilman Carl DeMaio said the California Republican Party would collapse into a "regional organization" without her, according to the Los Angeles Times.
The pressure isn't lost on her.
"I understand the responsibility that I have, and so it only drives me more to make sure our party is successful," she said.
Moving forward, Patterson says the lack of affordable housing, poor education and high taxes are some of the issues she will pointing to as Democratic failures in order to sway more Californians to vote Republican.
Democrat Contender John Hickenlooper Confirms Watching Porno With Mother
Democrat Contender John Hickenlooper Confirms Watching Porno With Mother
Democratic presidential candidate John Hickenlooper confirmed Wednesday night during his CNN town hall event that he took his mother to watch an X-rated pornographic movie when he was younger and that the two stayed for the entire movie.
Hickenlooper confirmed that the incident, which he wrote about in his memoir, happened when he returned home from college to visit his mother for Thanksgiving. Hickenlooper's dad died when he was 8-years-old, and he said that he didn't realize that his mother was lonely until he returned home from college.
"I promised, I called a friend in Philadelphia — and ... we didn't know what an X-movie was," Hickenlooper claimed. "We thought it was a little naughty, but we didn't think it was that bad. You've gotta understand, I was 18 years old."
"I said, 'I promised Jed that we'd go to the movie theater and see this new movie, you want to come?' And it's an X-movie, and I was sure she wouldn't say no. I made a mistake," Hickenlooper continued. "And she said, 'I'd love to go' because she didn't want to be left alone in the house again. So I took my mother to see 'Deep Throat.'"
"And to her credit, the first scene is ... my mother was, I'm sure she was mortified, and I said repeatedly that 'I think we should leave,' 'I think we would should go,'" Hickenlooper claimed. "And my mother was the kind of person who rarely went to a movie. She thought almost every movie would get on TV. Obviously not this one. When she paid, she was going to stay."
"And at the end, she knew I was humiliated," Hickenlooper added. "And as we drove home and — you know how the dashboard in the old cars had a kind of green light, and I asked her, I said, 'That was some experience.' And she goes, 'I thought the lighting was very good in the movie.' I thought I saw a little grin in that green light."
Hickenlooper's presidential bid is a long shot to put it mildly, as he is only polling at 1% in the latest Real Clear Politics average and CNN does not even have him ranked in their top 10 power rankings.
This isn't the first time strange behavior by Hickenlooper has made headlines. In 2013, Hickenlooper admitted that he drank a glass of fracking fluid produced by Halliburton.
"You can drink it. We did drink it around the table, almost ritual like, in a funny way," Hickenlooper told the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. "It was a demonstration. … they’ve invested millions of dollars in what is a benign fluid in every sense."
Hickenlooper is also on record saying that he supports 99% of socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's far-left "Green New Deal," which has been projected to cost up to $93 trillion.
Hickenlooper's endorsement of the radical environmentalist plan clashes with his record; an ethics complaint was recently filed against him for taking approximately 100 flights across the world on private planes "owned by wealthy benefactors and then not disclosing the gifts as the law requires," The Denver Post reported.
Omar Voted to Block Bill Denying Insurance Payouts to Terrorist Families Implemented restrictions on “payments to beneficiaries of persons furthering terrorism
Omar Voted to Block Bill Denying Insurance Payouts to Terrorist Families Implemented restrictions on “payments to beneficiaries of persons furthering terrorism
By: Jack Murphy
The bill implemented restrictions on 'payments to beneficiaries of persons furthering terrorism.' Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) was one of the two state legislators that voted against a bill allowing insurance companies to deny payouts to the relatives of terrorists.
The bill, H.F. 1397, implemented restrictions on “payments to beneficiaries of persons furthering terrorism.”The bill was introduced following the 2015 San Bernardino shooting massacre where fourteen people were killed.
The terrorists, Syed Rizwan Farook and his wife Tashfeen Malik both took out life insurance policies are amounting to $275,000.
Another legislator who voted against the bill, Rep. John Lesch, said he did not want insurance companies to decide what is considered
Ilhan Omar Calls Obama a ‘Murderer’ for Killing Terrorists
But the federal government stopped the process by filing a lawsuit and seizing the money for the victims’ families, according to the Daily Caller Foundation’s CheckYourFact.com.
Another legislator who voted against the bill, Rep. John Lesch, said he did not want insurance companies to decide what is considered terrorism.“[The bill] allows an insurance company, not a court, to decide what constitutes an act of terrorism under the cited statute, and it lowers the burden on that call to the preponderance of the evidence,” Lesch told Alpha News, a Minnesota-based news outlet.
TRENDING: Sweden Population 10M Offers Asylum to 11 Million Uyghur Muslims“Terrorists should not be able to send life insurance benefits to beneficiaries based on bad faith recent policy purchases. I think we can all agree on that,” he said.
The bill was introduced following the 2015 San Bernardino shooting massacre where fourteen people were killed. Omar refused to comment.
Omar is no stranger to refusing to comment, except when she was suddenly triggered earlier this month saying Trump is not "human."
Fox News’s Guerin Hays questioned the Minnesota congresswoman about her recent comments on former President Obama, in which she suggested that he is a murderer for authorizing the use of drones to kill terrorists during his presidency.
Omar, who has been entangled in an anti-Semitism scandal, ignored Hays's questions about an interview she gave to Politico last week where she attacked Barack Obama.
Trump Declares the US Recognizes Israel's Sovereignty over the Golan Heights
Trump Declares the US Recognizes Israel's Sovereignty over the Golan Heights
By Emily Jones
JERUSALEM, Israel - President Donald Trump announced Thursday that the United States officially recognizes Israel's sovereignty over the Golan Heights, a move that defies international law and signals a significant change in US policy towards Israel.
"After 52 years it is time for the United States to fully recognize Israel's Sovereignty over the Golan Heights, which is of critical strategic and security importance to the State of Israel and Regional Stability!" Trump tweeted.
After 52 years it is time for the United States to fully recognize Israel’s Sovereignty over the Golan Heights, which is of critical strategic and security importance to the State of Israel and Regional Stability!
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office applauded the move, saying, "At a time when Iran seeks to use Syria as a platform to destroy Israel, @POTUS Trump boldly recognizes Israeli sovereignty in the Golan Heights. Thank you President Trump!"
Netanyahu: World 'Must Recognize' Israel's Sovereignty in Golan, No Iranian Presence
US State Dept. No Longer Calling Golan, Gaza, West Bank 'Occupied Territory'
At a time when Iran seeks to use Syria as a platform to destroy Israel, @POTUS Trump boldly recognizes Israeli sovereignty in the Golan Heights. Thank you President Trump!
The Golan Heights is a key territory near Israel's border with Syria. Israel captured this key region from Syria during the Six Day War in 1967 and formally annexed the territory in 1981.
Until Trump's announcement, the United States and the international community have considered the Golan to be occupied Syrian territory.
Last week, in its annual human rights report, the US State Department erased the phrase "Israeli-occupied" from the Golan Heights section, instead calling it "Israeli-controlled."
In the same week, Israel Defense Forces exposed an Iranian-backed terror outpost on the Syrian Golan.
“Anybody that cares about regional stability should be concerned about the fact that Hezbollah is trying to build a terror network on our doorstep,” IDF spokesman Jonathan Conricus said. “We will continue to use all means, overt and covert, to block Iran's effort to use Syria, Lebanon and Gaza as forward bases for attacking Israel,” he said.
Earlier this month, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) toured the Golan and pledged to push for the US to recognize Israel's sovereignty over the area.
"The Golan is not disputed. It is in the hands of Israel and will always remain in the hands of Israel," Graham said.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Lied About Her Test Scores To A Public Education Group
by Joe Cunningham
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Lied About Her Test Scores To A Public Education Group
by Joe Cunningham
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) spoke Saturday at an event focused on eliminating private education and boycotting ‘racial’ and ‘gender-biased’ standardized testing.
The ‘Education Town Hall’ organized by Jackson Heights People for Public Schools included a medley of New York’s progressive organizations. NYC Opt Out, New York State Association for Bilingual Education, Network for Public Education, Class Size Matters, Alliance for Quality Education, and Allies for Public Education participated.
One of the speakers at this event was Diane Ravitch, a former U.S. assistant secretary of education who believes that offering any children choice of schools is anti-democratic and is a major conspiracy from the right wing and major corporations meant to destroy public education.
She also has some very… questionable beliefs when it comes to teaching African-American history in schools, as pointed out by school choice activist Citizen Stewart on Twitter.
I love how your educational godmother thinks teaching your children their story of self is damn near violence, while you out here screaming Save “Our” Schools.#EducatedNegroesAreKillingUs
She is also something of a hypocrite, as a former private school mother decided that was best for her children but not for other children, particularly black students in failing schools.
Anyway, back to AOC, who lied in the most obvious of ways during this event:
During her remarks, Ocasio-Cortez claimed her teachers doubted her academic abilities until she took a ‘high-stakes’ test and placed in the ’99th percentile.’
According to Ravitch, however, Ocasio-Cortez’s claim sparked ‘controversy’ during the event.
In a blog post generally praising the congresswoman, Ravitch notes Ocasio-Cortez could not be telling the truth about her test experience. The ‘high-stakes’ test, she explains, is not scored by percentile.
AOC – who is supposed to be some intellectual we simply can’t understand – had to lie about her test scores in order to prove a point. She is currently trying her best to prove my theory that the Republican Party has a sleeper cell program that was activated the moment Donald Trump took office in order to ensure the future of the Republican Party. She is doing a stellar job.
But, in all seriousness, this is the exact kind of thing that will actually hurt Democrats with black voters. Black families are among the biggest advocates for getting their kids out of poorly-performing schools and into much better ones. For all her talk about Trump’s racism, AOC actually wants to keep black kids from getting a good education.
AOC and Ravitch believe that education is something that can only be successfully provided by the great and glorious State, and anyone else who tries is actually trying to kill education as we know it. They completely ignore study after study and story after story of good things coming to children who have a choice in what school they go to and instead focus on making sure that the teachers’ unions don’t get hurt along the way.
If AOC and Ravitch are on the same side, then you just know that position is the wrong one. The fact that AOC had to tell an obvious lie in order to try and work the crowd is just another sign that she is not a serious contender in the political arena.
Chuck Ross | Reporter
President Donald Trump maintained his attacks on John McCain on Wednesday, accusing the late Republican Arizona senator of putting him in “jeopardy” with the FBI by giving the salacious and unverified Steele dossier to James Comey in late 2016.
At a speech in Ohio, Trump also faulted McCain for not contacting him after receiving the dossier, which was funded by the Clinton campaign and DNC.
“I’ll be honest with you, I’ve never liked him much,” Trump said of McCain, who passed away Aug. 25, 2018, after a battle with cancer.
“But there are certain reasons for it,” Trump continued.
“John McCain received the fake and phony dossier. You hear about the dossier? It was paid for by Crooked Hillary Clinton. And John McCain got it. He got it. And what did he do? He didn’t call me. He turned it over to the FBI hoping to put me in jeopardy.”
“That’s not the nicest thing to do,” Trump added, while also criticizing McCain for voting against a Republican-led effort to repeal Obamacare.
Trump goes after John McCain once again during an event at a tank factory: "He turned [the Steele dossier] over to the FBI hoping to put me in jeopardy"
Trump ramped up his attacks on McCain in the wake of court documents that revealed details about the Republican lawmaker’s handling of the dossier, which was authored by former British spy Christopher Steele. Trump’s comments have drawn rebuke from some Republicans, including Georgia Sen. Johnny Isakson, who called the remarks “deplorable.”
McCain and an associate, David Kramer, were first told about Steele’s report Nov. 18, 2016. At McCain’s direction, Kramer to travel to London to meet with Steele, a former MI6 officer.
Kramer obtained a copy of the report and provided it to McCain. McCain met with Comey at FBI headquarters Dec. 9, 2016. He long claimed he had no idea whether the allegations in the dossier were accurate, but he said the FBI should investigate. Unknown to McCain at the time, the FBI had already obtained Steele’s report through several other channels.
Kramer, a former State Department official, speculated in a Dec. 13, 2017, deposition that Steele and Fusion GPS chose McCain so a Republican, rather than a Democrat, could present the dossier to Comey.
“I think they felt a senior Republican was better to be the recipient of this rather than a Democrat because if it were a Democrat, I think that the view was that it would have been dismissed as a political attack,” Kramer said in a deposition in a court case involving BuzzFeed, which was sued for publishing the dossier.
The FBI took seriously Steele’s report. Investigators relied heavily on the document to obtain four surveillance warrants against former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.
The dossier is also the source of salacious allegations that have hung over the Trump administration since BuzzFeed published Steele’s document Jan. 10, 2017. Steele alleges in his first memo of the dossier that the Russian government has a videotape from 2013 of Trump with prostitutes in a Moscow hotel room. According to Steele’s sources, the Kremlin has used the tape to blackmail Trump.
But more than two years after its publication, the dossier’s most serious allegations about Trump and his associates remain unverified. Serious doubt has been cast on other claims made in the Steele’s report, including that former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen visited Prague in August 2016 to pay off Russian hackers.
Cohen, who has since fallen out with Trump, testified under oath Feb. 27 that he never visited Prague.
Ocasio-Cortez Off the Deep end... Calls For Radical Gun Ban, Champions Confiscation
Ocasio-Cortez Off the Deep end... Calls For Radical Gun Ban, Champions Confiscation
Democratic socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) called for banning all semi-automatic firearms on Thursday night after championing New Zealand's radical new gun control measures, which includes government confiscation of nearly all semi-automatic firearms.
The 29-year-old congresswoman tweeted on Wednesday: "Sandy Hook happened 6 years ago and we can’t even get the Senate to hold a vote on universal background checks w/ #HR8. Christchurch happened, and within days New Zealand acted to get weapons of war out of the consumer market."
Included in that tweet was a video of liberal New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announcing the new gun control laws.
"This is what leadership looks like," Ocasio-Cortez added.
Sandy Hook happened 6 years ago and we can’t even get the Senate to hold a vote on universal background checks w/ #HR8.
Christchurch happened, and within days New Zealand acted to get weapons of war out of the consumer market.
This is what leadership looks like 
Ardern specifically stated in that speech that the government was going to be confiscating firearms from law abiding citizens. Arden said:
In the meantime, we are asking all current holders of military-style semi-automatic weapons and assault rifles to visit www.police.govt.nz. There they will find details of the weapons included in this ban. In the next 48 hours, a form will be available on this site that we are asking these gun owners to complete, identifying what banned guns they hold. The police will then arrange for these weapons to be handed over, and eventually destroyed. Details of the weapons handed back by owners that are covered by the ban will also be taken to ensure that fair and reasonable compensation is paid once the buyback is in place. If owners are unable to complete the online form, they are able to contact the police on the phone to arrange the handover of these now-banned guns...
...As the legislation is developed, we will determine the time available for the return of military-style semi-automatic weapons and assault rifles, and the duration of the buyback scheme. I can assure people that there will be time for the returns to be made, and that they will not be criminalized overnight. After a reasonable period for returns, those who continue to possess these guns will be in contravention of the law. Currently, the penalties for this range from fines of up to $4,000 and or three years in prison. The draft legislation will look to increase these penalties.
On Thursday night, Ocasio-Cortez flat out called for banning all semi-automatic firearms, which would include handguns, and called for banning bump stocks and high capacity magazines.
"You know, instead of training children, teachers, houses of faith, & concertgoers to prep for being shot, we could just:
-Pass Universal Background checks (#HR8!) -Disarm domestic abusers -Mandate safe storage-Ban bump stocks, semiautos, & high cap mags designed to kill people," Ocasio-Cortez tweeted.
You know, instead of training children, teachers, houses of faith, & concertgoers to prep for being shot, we could just:
-Disarm domestic abusers
-Mandate safe storage
-Ban bump stocks, semiautos, & high cap mags designed to kill people
IndyStar ✔@indystar
'It hurt so bad': Indiana teachers shot with plastic pellets during active shooter training http://dlvr.it/R1Glqy
'It hurt so bad': Indiana teachers shot with plastic pellets during active shooter training http://dlvr.it/R1Glqy
People with violent criminal records are already prohibited from owning and possessing firearms and bump stocks have already been banned.
The Hill's Buck Sexton noted: "The problem with New Zealand mirroring the Australian approach to gun control is the Australian approach didn’t work and wasn’t needed. There are more guns in private hands in Australia now than before the 1996 ban *and* gun violence has simultaneously gone down for decades."
The problem with New Zealand mirroring the Australian approach to gun control is the Australian approach didn’t work and wasn’t needed
There are more guns in private hands in Australia now than before the 1996 ban *and* gun violence has simultaneously gone down for decades.
New Zealand’s knee-jerk gun ban is EXACTLY why we have the Second Amendment
New Zealand’s knee-jerk gun ban is EXACTLY why we have the Second Amendment
Nate Madden
Thank goodness we have the Second Amendment. I say that a lot, but I’m especially grateful after seeing the latest news out of New Zealand.
Less than a week after the mosque shootings in Christchurch, New Zealand has moved to ban and confiscate semi-automatic long guns.
The bill bans so-called “military style semi-automatic firearms,” which according to the bill are any rifle or shotgun that accepts a detachable magazine that holds more than five rounds. But .22 and smaller-caliber arms are exempt, so everybody’s varmint guns are safe.
And, according to reports, the legal owners of now-illegal hardware will be entitled to “fair and reasonable” compensation through a buyback program that’s expected to cost a couple hundred million dollars.
How generous.
Naturally, Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., says that we “must follow New Zealand’s lead.”
This is exactly why we have the Second Amendment. Whatever government currently in power in the U.S. cannot push through a ban like this or anything close to it because of our constitutional protection of the right to bear arms.
Gun bans like this frequently follow on the heels of a heinous violent crime, when people are thinking least clearly about the issue. We don’t think clearly when we’re dealing with grief and trauma. That’s just a fact. And just as it’s common for individuals to make sweeping, ill-advised life changes in the wake of personal tragedies, it’s possible for large groups of people to do ill-advised things in the wake of public tragedies, like give up their ability to defend themselves.
That’s what happened with Britain’s big gun ban in the 1990s, the same with Australia, and the same now with New Zealand. And it’s the exact tactic the anti-gunners in this country employ when they immediately try to use human suffering to push for more gun control. It took New Zealand less than a week to enact this gun-grab.
In response, you have folks like the New York Time’s token alleged conservative Bret Stephens, who piggybacks on tragedy to call to repeal the Second Amendment so that we can pass more gun control. Without 2A, a Democrat-controlled Congress could probably beat New Zealand’s time at passing a gun ban in the future.
That’s just one thing that’s so great about having a Constitution that’s hard to change by design and has language specifically protecting the right to keep and bear arms. Every human being is born with the intrinsic right to defend themselves. Period. Our Founders knew this and wisely put a backstop in place that keeps reactionary impulses from trampling over that right.
Knee-jerk gun ban proposals in reaction to horrible events don’t get to use an express lane. Activists typically have to spend a lot of time convincing a lot of people of their position if they really want to change the document. That’s a feature, not a bug.
Because, for the record, once again: Gun bans only affect the law-abiding; the best defense against a bad guy with a gun is the ability to fire back; and the warm and fuzzy feeling people might get from passing new gun control laws won’t stop a bullet when a wicked person breaks them.
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