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Tues., April 9, 2019
All Gave Some~Some Gave All
Trump Attorney: 'The President Has Not Asked for Nancy Pelosi's Tax Returns'
By Susan Jones)

(CNSNews.com) - The idea that Congress can use the IRS as a political weapon "is incorrect both as a matter of statutory law and constitutionally," President Trump's attorney Jay Sekulow told ABC's "This Week" with George Stephanopoulos on Sunday.
"We should not be in a situation where individual private tax returns are used for political purposes. As you just said, George, what stops another party from doing the same thing?"
Stephanopoulos asked Sekulow if President Trump plans to do that -- to ask members of Congress to produce their tax returns:
"No, no. He hasn't. Congress has," Sekulow replied:
The majority party in the House has, the president has not. The president has not asked for Nancy Pelosi's tax returns, which, by the way, and it's in the letter that my colleague sent forward on this issue. They have not asked for or...they've not produced their tax returns. It's not a requirement that they do, by the way.
So this idea that you're using a hearing, a Ways and Means hearing, about IRS enforcement as a way to get to the president's private individual and business tax returns makes no sense, both constitutionally and statutorily. And, look, this -- I think this is going to be, if necessary, we're not at that point yet, if it has to be litigated, it will be litigated.
Sekulow said the president has not ordered the IRS commissioner to do anything, one way or another, in response to the congressional request for six years of his business and personal tax returns. Sekulow said he and Trump's other attorneys have objected to the request, as is their right.
In a letter to the Treasury Department's legal office, one of Trump's attorneys wrote:
If the IRS acquiesces to Chairman Neal’s request, it would set a dangerous precedent. As Secretary Mnuchin recently told Congress, he is “not aware that there has ever been a request for an elected official’s tax returns.” For good reason. It would be a gross abuse of power for the majority party to use tax returns as a weapon to attack, harass, and intimidate their political opponents. Once this Pandora’s box is opened, the ensuing tit-for-tat will do lasting damage to our nation.
Can the Chairman request the returns of his primary opponents? His general-election opponents? Judges who are hearing his case? The potential abuses would not be limited to Congress, as the President has even greater authority than Congress to obtain individuals’ tax returns. 26 U.S.C. §6103(g). Congressional Democrats would surely balk if the shoe was on the other foot and the President was requesting their tax returns. After all, nearly 90% of them have insisted on keeping their tax returns private, including Speaker Pelosi, Senator Schumer, Representative Nadler, Representative Schiff, and Representative Neal himself.
As CNSNews.com reported in February, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) apparently has no intention of voluntarily releasing her own tax returns, even as she demands those of President Trump.
Pelosi "will gladly release her tax returns if and when she runs for president," her Chief of Staff Drew Hammill tweeted, following repeated questions from CNSNews.com. Pelosi is not running for president, although as Speaker, she is third in line for the presidency.
H.R. 1, which is co-sponsored by Pelosi, would force the president and vice president, but not members of Congress, to make their tax returns public.
High Tax, High Crime Nancy Pelosi to be Awarded JFK Profile in Courage Award: ‘The Most Important Woman in American Political History’
Beep, beep, beep: That’s the sound of Adam Schiff backing up from ‘crime’ into Trump’s ‘character’
Despite the fact that Adam Schiff has told us repeatedly that he has evidence that Trump colluded with Russia and none has been produced.
Despite the fact that Robert Mueller’s report (according to the AG report) found that the Trump campaign did not collude with Russia.
Despite the fact that all nine Republican members of his committee have called for his resignation.
CNN still invites Adam Schiff on as a guest to tell us how Trump is a blight on humanity.
Trump gets an unexpected welcome in California
by Jerry McCormick
California is a haven for liberals, but there are still some conservative Californians who are not afraid to show their support for President Donald Trump.
Trump was pleasantly surprised at the warm welcome he received as he visited California to attend a fundraiser and inspect a new portion of the border wall.
Conservatives Love Their President
If there is one thing we have realized throughout the mess of the last two years, it is that conservatives are not afraid to come out and show their support for Trump.
Trump’s first stop in California was to hit the Calexico-Mexicali border to check on the progress of the new 30-foot “bollard wall.”
Afterward, he headed to Los Angeles for a fundraiser. The private event was reportedly sponsored by Lee Samson, a healthcare executive. The reception for Trump there was phenomenal.
When Trump left the fundraiser, he met his son Eric for dinner at his Rancho Palos Verdes Golf Club. Again, the crowd was very happy to see Trump, the Daily Mail reported.
The president was very cordial, making the rounds and shaking hands with everyone there.
Protestors Come Out Too
As expected, when Trump arrived at each location, liberal protesters were holding up signs to slam Trump on one bogus narrative or another.
More than likely, they were all there in the hopes Trump would announce a border closing so they could attack him but once again, the liberal media got it wrong.
Trump had already announced a one-year deadline for Mexico to get with the program or the border would be closed.
However, that particular stance may change in upcoming weeks, as there has been a massive surge of illegal crossings over the last month or so.
Things have gotten so bad, in fact, Trump said “It’s a colossal surge, and it’s overwhelming our immigration system. We can’t take anymore.”
Trump Responds to Barbara Bush's Criticism
President Trump has responded to criticism of him by the late former first lady Barbara Bush. The president said he doesn't blame her after what he did to her sons.
According to The Daily Caller:
“I have heard that she was nasty to me, but she should be. Look what I did to her sons,” Trump said Thursday in an interview with The Washington Times.
...Bush told biographer Susan Page before her death that she did not like Trump going all the way back to the 1990s when she wrote in her diary, “Trump now means greed, selfishness and ugly. So sad.” Bush elaborated that because of Trump’s takeover of the Republican party that she would no longer say she is a Republican.
...Trump had an acrimonious relationship with the Bush family throughout the 2016 presidential campaign and said he believes that Bush’s criticism of him stems from that.
“Look, she’s the mother of somebody that I competed against … most people thought [Jeb] was going to win and he was quickly out … I hit him very hard in South Carolina … remember? He was supposed to win South Carolina and I won it in a landslide,” Trump continued in his latest remarks. “I hit him so hard.”
Bush also had a countdown clock on her bedside that marked the exact amount of time until Trump left office, presumably if he served one term.

WH Official Shares When Democrats Will Get Trump’s Taxes
Acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney recently appeared on “Fox News Sunday” to candidly share when Democrats could expect to receive Trump’s tax returns.
Apparently Democrats can expect to see those documents right around the time that pigs learn how to navigate the skies.
Mulvaney ripped members of the DNC for ever thinking otherwise saying, “They knew they are not going to get these taxes. They know what the law is. They know one of the fundamental principles of the IRS is to protect the confidentiality of you and me and everybody else who files taxes. They know that. They know the terms under law by which the IRS can give them the documents, but political hit job is not one of those reasons.”
When directly asked if Democrats would be able to get Trump tax returns Mulvaney directly replied, “Oh no never. Nor should they. Keep in mind that’s an issue that was already litigated during the election. Voters knew the president could have given his tax returns. They knew that he didn’t, and they elected him anyway. That’s what drives them crazy. They know they are not going to get this. They just want attention on the issue because they don’t want to talk to us about policy.”
‘Mayor Pete’ Buttigieg and Liberal Religious Bigotry
Pete Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend, Indiana, and a sudden Democratic presidential contender, is attacking the religious beliefs of his opponents.
Worse, he is mocking the faith of religious voters who support President Donald Trump.
The irony is rich: Buttigieg is openly gay, and is married to a man, both of which contradict traditional religious teachings.
That is not to say his faith is illegitimate, but one might expect him to be less judgmental of others.
Last week, in an interview with USA Today, Buttigieg called Trump’s Christian faith into question: “I would say it is hard to look at this president’s actions and believe that they’re the actions of somebody who believes in God,” he said. “I just don’t understand how you can be as worshipful of your own self as he is and be prepared to humble yourself before God,” he added. Buttigieg later defended his remarks on ABC, saying he was attacking Trump’s “hypocrisy.”
It is odd that someone whose own faith would have been called into question until quite recently for a lifestyle that directly contradicts traditional Christian principles would dare to question anyone else’s commitment, doing unto others precisely what he would not have done unto him.
But in point of fact, Trump has openly — and humbly — acknowledged his personal religious failings, telling the Republican National Convention in accepting his party’s nomination in 2016 that “I’m not sure I totally deserve” the support he had received from the evangelical community.
Buttigieg wasn’t finished. In a speech to the LGBT Victory Fund’s annual brunch Sunday, he attacked Vice President Mike Pence, suggesting that Pence was an anti-gay bigot. “My marriage to Chasten has made me a better man. And yes, Mr. Vice President, it has moved me closer to God,” he said, as quoted by The Hill. He added that he wished “the Mike Pences of the world would understand” that being gay was not a choice: “Your quarrel, sir, is with my creator.”
The left is obsessed with the idea that Pence is anti-gay, solely because he is a born-again Christian and once advocated for conversion therapy — 20 years ago.
If anything, Pence has tried to appease the gay community. In 2015, when Indiana passed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, to protect Christian business owners from being compelled to endorse gay marriage, Pence immediately backed down in the face of criticism and signed a “fix” to the law.
In 2018, when he was publicly taunted by gay competitors at the Olympic Winter Games, Pence reached out — to no avail.
LGTB activists have set up the false conceit of Pence as an enemy, when he has treated them with nothing but tolerance.
Buttigieg’s remarks were not only mean-spirited, demonstrating the opposite of the Christian tolerance he claims to espouse, but they were also an indirect attack on the traditional Christian teachings that Pence, like many others, embraces.
Finally, on Sunday’s edition of NBC News’ Meet the Press, Buttigieg accused evangelical Christians of “unbelievable” hypocrisy for voting for Trump: “It’s something that frustrates me because the hypocrisy is unbelievable. Here you have somebody that not only acts in a way that’s not consistent with anything I hear in scripture or church were it is about lifting up the least among us and taking care of strangers, which is another word for immigrants, and making sure that you are focusing your efforts on the poor. Also personally how you’re supposed to conduct yourself.”
As has been widely reported, evangelicals have overlooked Trump’s personal failings because he has been more faithful than any other president to his promises on pro-life policies, conservative judges, religious freedom, protecting Israel, and other issues.
Buttigieg’s response is to attack evangelical voters. That is not exactly a smart idea when the main pitch of his presidential campaign is that he will be able to compete against Trump for support in the heartland.
Buttigieg is smart enough to know that voters are tired of the public attacks on Christians and Christianity — hence his recent defense of Chick-fil-A, noting that while he disagrees with its owners’ views, he dislikes “virtue signaling.”
And yet Buttigieg cannot help himself. Like many other Democrats, he disdains religion in the public sphere until he can use it to bludgeon his opponents, adopting the self-righteous posture towards other Christians that he accuses them of taking toward the LGBT community.
Rather than humility, Buttigieg is displaying intolerance, adding to the sense religious voters have that what Democrats want is not just to drive them out of the public square, but out of their own faith.
Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News. He is a winner of the 2018 Robert Novak Journalism Alumni Fellowship. He is also the co-author of How Trump Won: The Inside Story of a Revolution, which is available from Regnery. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.

Breadline Bernie Sanders Claims ‘Soviet Socialism’ Is Not His ‘Thing’ ― Old Footage Shows He’s Lying
2020 Democratic presidential primary candidate and Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) told an Iowa crowd on Saturday that the Soviet Union style of socialism was not his “thing,” the Washington Examiner reported, but old footage of him from 1988 shows this has not always been the case.
While speaking in Burlington, Iowa on Saturday, Sanders claimed that the Soviet style of socialism was not his “thing” and “countries like Denmark and Sweden do very well.”
“I think that countries like Denmark and Sweden do very well. I think it depends on what we mean by socialism. If we mean socialism is what the old Soviet Union was, that’s not my thing.”
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
He went on to say that China’s brand of socialism was “not [his] view” either, adding that his vision for the economy is one where wealth is “created by the private sector” and is then redistributed to “make sure the most vulnerable people in this country are doing well.”
Sanders’s bashing of the Soviet flavor of socialism, however, contradicts an old video showing the Vermont senator praising the Soviet Union for a variety of things including their “cultural programs which go far beyond what we do in this country.”
Watch the video here:
Alfons López Tena #FBPE ✔ @alfonslopeztena
Hear U.S. presidential candidate Bernie Sanders praising the Soviet dictatorship after a 1988 trip there. Now he praises the Chavista dictatorship in Venezuela. As the Communists call it, a perfect useful idiot
Former Swedish Prime Minister Carl Bildt did not take too kindly Sanders’s comments and slammed the senator on Twitter for “prais[ing] all [the Soviet Union’s] stunning socialist achievements before the entire system and empire collapsed under the weight of its own spectacular failures.”
Carl Bildt ✔ @carlbildt
Bernie Sanders was lucky to be able to get to the Soviet Union in 1988 and praise all its stunning socialist achievements before the entire system and empire collapsed under the weight of its own spectacular failures.
Additionally, in a separate video from 1985, Sanders called food lines a “good thing” and claimed that “in other countries, people don’t line up for food” because “the rich get food and the poor starve to death.”
Watch here:
The Vermont senator also failed to mention that Denmark and Sweden are both ranked in the top 20 most capitalist countries according to the Heritage Foundation’s Index of Economic Freedom. In fact, Sweden has been re-privatizingthe economic sectors it had socialized in the 1970s, including health care and education.
Sanders is considered a frontrunner in the 2020 Democratic presidential primary race where he is facing off against a cornucopia of opponents, including his Senate colleagues Sens. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), and Cory Booker (D-N.J.).
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