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Thurs. July 27, 2017

Our son Arthur just asked me a very intelligent question. If a drug addict can receive methadone free of charge why not free chemo for cancer victims?
Democrat Super Stars
CIA Official Reveals Startling Truth About Russian Collusion
They’ve painted a picture of an espionage operation out of a spy thriller like The Americans.
But one former CIA official revealed the most shocking accusation of collusion in the 2016 election.
Edward Price worked for the CIA and also served on Barack Obama’s National Security Council.
So it’s not surprising that he leveled allegations of collusion with the Russians.
But it was who he said worked with the Russians that stopped everyone cold in their tracks.
Price claimed it was the media that really colluded with the Kremlin.
NTK Networks reports:
“Edward Price, a former CIA employee who served as a top spokesman and a senior director for President Obama’s National Security Council, accused the media of colluding with Russian intelligence officials during the 2016 presidential election while taking part in a panel discussion at the Aspen Security Forum on Thursday.
The panel discussion titled “The Kremlin Plan to Beat the West without Firing a Shot,” dealt with Russian’s involvement in the 2016 election and was moderated by CNN’s Jim Sciutto.
During the discussion, Price took exception with how the media covered Russia’s involvement in the election citing October 7, 2016, as the most vivid example of the media’s poor coverage of Russia’s role.
On October 7, Price noted when the United States government formally attributed the meddling in the election to the most senior levels of the Russian government, the Donald Trump “Access Hollywood” tape was released, and John Podesta’s emails started getting released.
“From October 7th to November 8th, there was a media frenzy on John Podesta’s emails focused on the substance and the content but not the origins,” Price remarked.”
Price explained the media aided Russia by not covering the October 7th announcement by the Obama administration that Russia was behind the cyber attacks on the Democrat National Committee and Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta.
NTK Networks also reports:
“It wasn’t just the statement… and this term is a loaded but the collusion on the part of certain elements in the media and Guccifer 2.0, the Russian cyber persona, who would send scoops to individual reporters and say, ‘hey you should take a look at this,’” Price responded. “And then lo and behold, major media outlets would write on the scoops provided by this Russian intelligence officer.”
CNN’s Sciutto took objection to Price’s accusation that the media colluded with Russia and asked Price to explain what he meant.
Price stood by his claim telling Sciutto to call it, “cooperation, collusion, whatever you want.”
Sciutto pointed out that collusion implies willing corporation.
“At a certain point, you had to have blinders and earmuffs on not to know that Guccifer 2.0 was a Russian intelligence official,” Price responded.”
It should be noted that everything Guccifer 2.0 and WikiLeaks published was accurate.
Their email dumps showed collusion between the media and Democrats during the 2016 campaign.
Compliant reporters were fed questions to ask Republicans, and primary debate questions were leaked to Hillary Clinton.
Claiming the media colluded with the Russians because accurate news was reported is one of the most bizarre conspiracy theories floated about the 2016 election.
Anthony Scaramucci threatens to fire White House staff 'if they don't stop leaking'
by Sarah Westwood
Who is Anthony Scaramucci?
Anthony Scaramucci, incoming White House communications director, said Tuesday that he was upset by stories about his plans to fire staffers from the West Wing because he hadn't yet spoken with aides whose terminations have already been made public.
"This is actually a terrible thing," Scaramucci told reporters outside the White House when pressed about reports that Michael Short, a communications aide, will soon be let go. "Let's say I'm firing Michael Short today. The fact that you guys know about it before he does really upsets me as a human being and as a Roman Catholic."
"So I should have the opportunity, if I have to let somebody go, to let the person go in a very humane, dignified way, and then the next thing I'm going to do is help the person get a job somewhere," Scaramucci added.
Word of Short's pending termination began to leak out of the White House on Monday, and Scaramucci himself confirmed to Politico on Tuesday morning that he was looking to fire Short.
The new White House press chief, who doesn't officially start until mid-August, warned that he is willing to strip the communications office down to himself and Sarah Sanders, incoming press secretary, in order to stop future leaks.
"The people in the room can stay in the room, they have to stop leaking. If they don't stop leaking, I'm going to put them out on Pennsylvania Avenue," Scaramucci said. "You want to sell postcards to the tourists outside the gate, or do you want to work in the West Wing? If you want to work in the West Wing, you have to stop leaking."
Republicans, Democrats Losing Faith In Their Congressional Leaders
Republican voters appear to have lost the enthusiasm they showed earlier this year about their Congressional leaders, and now Democrats are following suit.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 67% of Likely Republican Voters now believe Republicans in Congress have lost touch with GOP voters throughout the nation over the past several years. That’s up from 51% in February, just weeks into the new Congress. Still, the latest finding remains below the high of 76% measured in early 2016.
Just 25% of Republicans now think their representatives have done a good job representing the party’s values, down from 40% in the previous survey but more consistent with earlier polling. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
(Want a free daily email update? If it's in the news, it's in our polls). Rasmussen Reports updates are also available on Twitter or Facebook.
The survey of 1,000 Likely Voters was conducted on July 20 and 23, 2017 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC.
US Navy Ship Fires Warning Shot at Middle Eastern Country
by: Lucas Tomlinson
A U.S. Navy ship fired warning shots at an Iranian ship in the Persian Gulf on Tuesday, U.S. defense officials confirmed to Fox News.
The U.S. Navy coastal patrol ship fired warning shots from its .50-caliber machine gun at an Iranian patrol boat when it came within 150 yards of the ship in the Persian Gulf, according to two U.S. defense officials.
The Iranian ship ignored repeated radio calls from the USS Thunderbolt, which also launched flares to warn the fast approaching Iranian ship, officials said.
The incident happened Tuesday as a formation of U.S. Navy warships was doing an exercise in the Northern Persian Gulf.
Obama Is Furious About What Trump Just Did
Obama spent eight years working tirelessly to mold America into his vision.
Countless burdensome regulations were rammed through.
But one simple thing President Trump just did could drive a stake through the heart of former President Obama’s “legacy.”
Expecting a win from Hillary Clinton, Obama didn’t finalize over 800 proposed regulations before leaving office.
Now, President Trump is not letting those regulations go into effect.
The White House just announced they had either withdrawn or removed from considering more than 800 proposed regulations from the Obama-era.
As reported by Reuters:
The business community and conservative Americans were hit the hardest by the anti-business regulations of the Obama-era.
Those groups are seeing this as a welcomed move toward making America more business- friendly again.
This is a result of President Trump’s February executive order that placed regulatory reform task forces and officers within federal agencies.
That move is seen as the most far-reaching effort to pare back U.S. red tape in recent decades.
White House Budget Director Mick Mulvaney stated the Trump administration is addressing the “slow cancer that can come from regulatory burdens that we put on our people.”
Already, representatives from business industries are cheering this move.
The oil and gas industry, in particular, are excited.
As reported by Reuters:
It is clear President Trump is moving forward with his campaign promises.
The next four to eight years of Trump are sure to be good for business, and bad for liberals like former President Obama.
The response of Yogin Kothari of the left-leaning Union of Concerned Scientists proves that:
Grim defeat for one child, his parents, and every family
(The don’t execute IRA bombers, but a helpless child must die for the honor of what?)
Charlie Gard's Parents Give Up Fight To Take Son To U.S.
Bureaucracy won a major battle this week. The battleground was Britain rather than America, but the issue is a universal one, for the battle was over the central government's right to deprive a patient, in this case a baby, of medical treatment. It was also a battle by the state to deprive loving, non-abusive parents of the right to determine what's best for their child.
It was a battle no government should ever wage.
The parents of 11-month-old Charlie Gard finally surrendered this week in their fight to assert their rightful control over the little boy's medical care. The confounding question, and the outraging answer, is about why the parents' control was ever questioned. No one ever accused them of being bad parents. They neither abused their dying baby son nor tried to deprive him of care. They had not given their government cause to intervene and imprison him in a hospital, from which they were forbidden to remove him.
As Charlie's parents, they had what should be a universally understood right to determine his care, in consultation with doctors and with the benefit of outside medical opinions if that proved necessary.
They were deprived of that right after the boy was diagnosed with a rare mitochondrial disorder and admitted to the Great Ormond Street Hospital. At first, both his parents and his medical team wanted to allow him to receive an experimental treatment. But after his condition worsened due to a series of seizures, the hospital staff not only withdrew its support, but went to court to remove Charlie's life support in defiance of his parents' wishes. As the legal battle ground on — remember that saying about the wheels of justice turning slowly? — Charlie's parents were prevented from taking him elsewhere for treatment or even just to die in peace. And as time went by, his condition got worse.
There may have been no way to save Charlie's life. The treatment his parents wanted to try in the United States was a longshot. But given his situation, there was no harm in trying. As an increasing number of American states have recognized with "right to try" laws, a longshot is often the only shot, and it is better than nothing for those who would certainly otherwise die. Given Charlie's age, his parents should have been the default deciders about whether he would be better served rolling the dice in this way.
When people argue that healthcare is a human right, they are often making the case for taxpayer-financed healthcare on demand. But Gard's case illustrates the need to recognize a true right of the individual to seek and obtain care without government interference. The state's job, after all, is to protect life. Remember that the founding document of this country demands and takes as axiomatic the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. All of a government's coercive power is supposed to be directed toward that end. It is a grotesque and dismaying violation of human rights for a government to prevent a patient from trying potentially lifesaving care where providers are willing to give it.
Death is part of life. Everyone dies. And the deaths of even the youngest patients can sometimes only be delayed, not prevented. When competent doctors encounter certain situations, they understand that they can do nothing better than provide palliative care and let nature take its course.
No one can fault Charlie's doctors for making such a determination in his case. But they are at fault for interfering with his parents' right to seek help elsewhere or to remove him, in collusion with a judiciary that overstepped its moral bounds and what should have been its legal limitations, too. It was a crime against Charlie's human rights and the Gards' parental rights. If Britain's laws or those of the United States need to be changed to prevent such a thing from happening again, they should be.
Claim that “22 Million” Will Lose Health Insurance is Another Fake News Whopper!
I’ve always suspected that something wasn’t right about the media’s reporting on the number of people who would “lose” health insurance if the disastrous ObamaCare program isn’t repealed. And now we know for sure.
The number, pulled from an “analysis” of the various repeal options by the liberal Congressional Budget Office (CBO), sounds like a lot of people, right? Cataclysmic, even!
But it turns out to be absolute, total, unadulterated BS.
The truth is, 16 million of those 22 million who would allegedly be “kicked off” health insurance are people who didn’t want to pay for health insurance in the first place.
That’s right, three-quarters of the people who CBO and the fake news media (and liberal Republicans) claim would “lose” their health insurance only have health insurance now because the government will nail them with a huge monetary penalty on their tax returns if they don’t buy it.
That includes 87,780 households - based on the most recent figures compiled by Americans for Tax Reform - in my home state of Nevada that have paid the ObamaCare tax penalty rather than buy health insurance.
“The idea that Americans should be forced by the government to buy a private product, merely for the offense of being alive, is seen by all conservatives as a constitutional injury.
“And there’s a more fundamental question: if Obamacare’s insurance is so wonderful, why do millions of Americans need to be forced to buy it? By definition, you haven’t been ‘kicked off’ your insurance if the only reason you’re no longer buying it is that the government has stopped fining you.”
So when you hear the Democrats and the fake news media claim that “22 million people” will lose health care insurance if ObamaCare is repealed, what that really means is that 16 million will be liberated from a government mandate to buy something they don’t want to buy.
As for the rest who will supposedly “lose” health care coverage under the Senate GOP plan, Mr. Roy writes…
“The GOP Senate health reform bill does repeal Obamacare's Medicaid expansion. But it replaces it with a robust system of tax credits and block grants that ensure that every single person enrolled in that Medicaid expansion will get financial assistance to afford private coverage.”
So there is no reason – NO REASON! – for any - ANY - Senate Republican to vote against an ObamaCare repeal bill. This is absolutely the last chance to uproot ObamaCare before it becomes set in stone. Any Republican who votes against repeal should be ousted from office, even if it means Democrats regain the majority in 2018.
Let’s face it, if Republicans can’t fulfill this seven-years-in-the-making campaign promise, they don’t deserve their majority anyway. Use it or lose it.
Dr. Chuck Muth, PsD
Professor of Psephology (homeschooled)
Nevada’s #1 Irritator of Liberals and RINOs
Professor of Psephology (homeschooled)
Nevada’s #1 Irritator of Liberals and RINOs
P.S. A couple days ago, former House Speaker and Trump supporter Newt Gingrich revealed that 99.81% of the donations from the law firm of Trump investigator Robert Mueller went to Hillary Clinton.
Yet current House Speaker and frequent Trump critic Paul Ryan said on Monday that Mueller was “anything but” a biased partisan.
Ryan’s absurd public declaration is called giving “aid and comfort” to the enemy.
This guy continues to be a “useful idiot” who is actually more of a threat to the Trump presidency than Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Elizabeth “Fauxcahontas” Warren and Maxine “Mad Max” Waters put together.
Brilliant Move By Gop On Health Care Bill
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is pulling a rabbit out of a hat by redefining what constitutes a rabbit and what is a hat.
Everyone assumed that the procedural motion to vote and bring an end to the health care debate was simply a precursor to passing the final bill. But it was McConnell's genius to realize that it is a separate vote with its own momentum and its own context.
He realized that while the Republican Senators could not agree on what was the solution, they all agreed that one was needed. So he floated three different ideas in order to get the Senators to vote to close debate and vote on something:
1. The Full Monty -- A full repeal and replace bill.
2. A Half Monty -- Just repeal.
3. A Bland Monty -- Just repeal the mandate that people have to buy insurance and some of the tax hikes.
With such a broad array of choices, every Republican could find something he could vote for and use that to justify his vote to close debate.
Once the closure motion passes, then the real bargaining will begin. Why will it succeed now?
McConnell is betting, perhaps wisely, that the momentum of the closure vote will carry over and that, at least, the mandate bill (Option 3) will pass.
President Trump and the GOP leaders rightly reckon that the requirement is to pass something and repeal some of Obamacare. Passing anything will give Trump momentum and a reprieve and will give Republicans something to cheer about.
Back in the days when Obama was president, Republicans passed a bill stripping the mandates and leaving the rest of the Obamacare in tact. He killed it with a veto threat, but if it was good enough for the Republicans back then, its good enough now.
Without the mandate, Obamacare cannot survive. People will not pay its outrageous premiums unless they must. 6.5 million taxpayers paid a fine last year -- totaling $3 billion -- for not having health coverage. The average fine was $470. Once the mandate is lifted, those folks are not going to buy insurance and many who have knuckled under an paid for plans they don't want will flock away.
To save the insurance industry, it will then be essential to permit the sale of more limited plans to bring down prices.
Obama always said that if you abandoned the mandate, the whole structure would fall apart. He was and is right.
So, let's do it!
Chuck Schumer Blindsided Trump With This Decision
They just unveiled their new agenda for the 2018 midterms.
And one thing about it just blindsided Donald Trump.
During the Obama era, Democrats were defined by social issues and identity politics.
Transsexuals picking and choosing what bathroom they wanted to use.
Homosexual marriage.
Black Lives Matter.
Abortion as a woman’s “right.”
Democrats believed they could employ cultural wedge issues to exploit their so-called demographic advantage to permanently control Washington.
But a backlash was building.
Regular Americans were sick of being told they were bigots because they believed in traditional values and the normal gender structures of society.
Donald Trump’s campaign was the manifestation of the pushback from real America against the attempted cultural hijacking by liberal elites.
Now that Democrats are shut out of power at the federal level and have been reduced to rubble at the state level, Chuck Schumer and other national Democrats are plotting a path back to the majority.
And when they released their messaging campaign for the 2018 midterms there was one issue cluster noticeably missing.
There was no mention of social issues.
Politico reports:
“Congressional Democratic leaders descended upon this rural Virginia town Monday to unveil a progressive economic package they say can win back working-class voters next November, even in red states.
And noticeably missing, amid the talk of raising wages and reining in corporate interests, were the left-leaning stances on social issues that help form the backbone of the party, including immigration, abortion and LGBT rights.
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) vowed that his party’s red-state incumbents would largely embrace the new agenda — which, he acknowledged, purposefully avoids the social issues that have already opened a rift this year between the party’s liberal base and centrist bloc.
“There is not that divide on economic issues,” Schumer told reporters as Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, whose anti-corporate agenda influenced Democrats’ new economic strategy, worked a small but adoring crowd in a county that went for Donald Trump by more than 55 percent last year.
“The focus starts on economic issues,” Schumer continued. “That’s where the American people are hurting. That’s what we most felt was missing in the past in
Wasserman Schultz’s IT Aide Arrested At Airport After Transferring $300k To Pakistan From House Office
Florida Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s right-hand information technology (IT) aide was arrested attempting to leave the country just a few hours after The Daily Caller News Foundation’s Investigative Group revealed that he is the target of an FBI investigation.
The employees had wired $283,000 from the Congressional Federal Credit Union in a House office building to two individuals in Pakistan.
“On January 18, 2017 at 12:09 pm, an international wire transfer request form was submitted [at the Congressional Federal Credit Union] at the Longworth House Office Building in the District of Columbia, in the amount of $283,000.00, to two individuals in Faisalabad, Pakistan,” according to a 10-page affidavit obtained by TheDCNF.
Imran Awan, a Pakistani-born IT aide, had access to all emails and files of dozens of members of Congress, as well as the password to the iPad that Wasserman Schultz used for Democratic National Committee business before she resigned as its head in July 2016.
In March, his wife, who also was on the House payroll, withdrew her children from school and left the country, the affidavit says. The Capitol Police confronted her at the airport but could not stop her. “U.S. Customs and Border Protection conducted a search of Alvi’s bags immediately prior to her boarding the plane and located a total of $12,400.00 in U.S. cash inside. Alvi was permitted to board the flight to Qatar and she and her daughters have not returned to the United States,” the affidavit says.
Soon after Imran began working for Wasserman Schultz in 2005, four of his relatives appeared on the payroll of other Democrats — many from Wasserman Schultz’s home state of Florida — at inflated salaries, but Democratic staffers said they were rarely seen at work. They collected $4 million in total.
House authorities told members in February that Awan and his relatives were suspects in a criminal investigation into theft and IT abuses, and they were banned from the Capitol network.
Wasserman Schultz has refused to fire Awan, despite being a known criminal suspect in a cybersecurity probe for months, and has blocked Capitol Police from searching a laptop they confiscated because it was tied to Awan.
TheDCNF reported Sunday night that the FBI had joined the investigation and seized smashed hard drives from Awan’s home. The next day, the FBI apprehended him at Dulles Airport after noticing that he had purchased a ticket to Pakistan, routed through Qutar.
The affidavit says he was charged with bank fraud due to a mortgage scheme, which was one of several financial schemes TheDCNF has detailed. It appears to be a placeholder for future charges, spurred because of the attempt to leave the country, and does not mention his work for Congress, which is the investigation’s primary focus.
As TheDCNF has reported, the Awans own numerous rental properties that often have multiple mortgages taken out on them, and they have told renters they want payments in untraceable ways. The charging documents say Imran’s wife Hina Alvi, who also made $165,000 working for House Democrats, took out a second mortgage against a house from the Congressional Federal Credit Union by falsely claiming it was her “principal residence” and that she will “occupy” the property, and also fraudulently reported no rental income on her taxes.
A renter told the FBI “they paid approximately $2,000 per month for rent and that the rent check was written to Suriaya Begum. Based on information and belief, I know that Begum is Alvia’s mother,” an FBI agent wrote.
The agent also said Imran appears to have applied for the loan in his wife’s name.
Democratic members of Congress, including Rep. Gregory Meeks of New York, have suggested that police had framed the Pakistani-born brothers out of Islamophobia. Yet his own stepmother, a devout Muslim, filed court documents accusing him of using high-tech devices to wiretap her and extorting her (see p. 23 of court documents in that case). A dozen people who have dealt with Imran painted a picture in interviews with TheDCNF of a charming, “cunning” extrovert who bragged about his power among Democratic officials and who seemed to have an unquenchable thirst for cash.
Fox News was first to report the arrest.
Bill Miller, spokesman for the US Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia, told TheDCNF that Awan “was arraigned today in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia on one count of bank fraud, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1344. He pled not guilty and was released pursuant to a high-intensity supervision program. The conditions of release are that he receive a GPS monitor, he abide by a curfew of 10 p.m. to 6 a.m., and that he not leave a 50-mile radius of his residence in Virginia. Awan was also ordered to turn over all of his passports.”
Wasserman Schultz’s spokesman, David Damron, did not immediately return a request for comment. the last several elections.”
The employees had wired $283,000 from the Congressional Federal Credit Union in a House office building to two individuals in Pakistan.
“On January 18, 2017 at 12:09 pm, an international wire transfer request form was submitted [at the Congressional Federal Credit Union] at the Longworth House Office Building in the District of Columbia, in the amount of $283,000.00, to two individuals in Faisalabad, Pakistan,” according to a 10-page affidavit obtained by TheDCNF.
Imran Awan, a Pakistani-born IT aide, had access to all emails and files of dozens of members of Congress, as well as the password to the iPad that Wasserman Schultz used for Democratic National Committee business before she resigned as its head in July 2016.
In March, his wife, who also was on the House payroll, withdrew her children from school and left the country, the affidavit says. The Capitol Police confronted her at the airport but could not stop her. “U.S. Customs and Border Protection conducted a search of Alvi’s bags immediately prior to her boarding the plane and located a total of $12,400.00 in U.S. cash inside. Alvi was permitted to board the flight to Qatar and she and her daughters have not returned to the United States,” the affidavit says.
Soon after Imran began working for Wasserman Schultz in 2005, four of his relatives appeared on the payroll of other Democrats — many from Wasserman Schultz’s home state of Florida — at inflated salaries, but Democratic staffers said they were rarely seen at work. They collected $4 million in total.
House authorities told members in February that Awan and his relatives were suspects in a criminal investigation into theft and IT abuses, and they were banned from the Capitol network.
Wasserman Schultz has refused to fire Awan, despite being a known criminal suspect in a cybersecurity probe for months, and has blocked Capitol Police from searching a laptop they confiscated because it was tied to Awan.
TheDCNF reported Sunday night that the FBI had joined the investigation and seized smashed hard drives from Awan’s home. The next day, the FBI apprehended him at Dulles Airport after noticing that he had purchased a ticket to Pakistan, routed through Qutar.
The affidavit says he was charged with bank fraud due to a mortgage scheme, which was one of several financial schemes TheDCNF has detailed. It appears to be a placeholder for future charges, spurred because of the attempt to leave the country, and does not mention his work for Congress, which is the investigation’s primary focus.
As TheDCNF has reported, the Awans own numerous rental properties that often have multiple mortgages taken out on them, and they have told renters they want payments in untraceable ways. The charging documents say Imran’s wife Hina Alvi, who also made $165,000 working for House Democrats, took out a second mortgage against a house from the Congressional Federal Credit Union by falsely claiming it was her “principal residence” and that she will “occupy” the property, and also fraudulently reported no rental income on her taxes.
A renter told the FBI “they paid approximately $2,000 per month for rent and that the rent check was written to Suriaya Begum. Based on information and belief, I know that Begum is Alvia’s mother,” an FBI agent wrote.
The agent also said Imran appears to have applied for the loan in his wife’s name.
Democratic members of Congress, including Rep. Gregory Meeks of New York, have suggested that police had framed the Pakistani-born brothers out of Islamophobia. Yet his own stepmother, a devout Muslim, filed court documents accusing him of using high-tech devices to wiretap her and extorting her (see p. 23 of court documents in that case). A dozen people who have dealt with Imran painted a picture in interviews with TheDCNF of a charming, “cunning” extrovert who bragged about his power among Democratic officials and who seemed to have an unquenchable thirst for cash.
Fox News was first to report the arrest.
Bill Miller, spokesman for the US Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia, told TheDCNF that Awan “was arraigned today in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia on one count of bank fraud, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1344. He pled not guilty and was released pursuant to a high-intensity supervision program. The conditions of release are that he receive a GPS monitor, he abide by a curfew of 10 p.m. to 6 a.m., and that he not leave a 50-mile radius of his residence in Virginia. Awan was also ordered to turn over all of his passports.”
Wasserman Schultz’s spokesman, David Damron, did not immediately return a request for comment. the last several elections.”
But will Democrats be able to wash off the stench from their obsession with social issues that drive their base voters but repel everyone else?
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G’ day…Ciao…
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