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Sat., Sept.16, 2017

~All Gave Some~Some Gave All~ God Bless America~

I for one, am thankful for the power of the Internet. I would  never see this in or on any of this country's main media outlets. Shame on  them!    


This  statue currently stands outside the Iraqi  palace, now home to the 4th  Infantry Division.   It will  eventually be shipped home and put in the memorial museum in Fort  Hood , Texas .

The statue was created  by an Iraqi artist named Kalat, who for years was forced by Saddam Hussein  to make the many hundreds of bronze busts of Saddam that dotted Baghdad . Kalat was so grateful for the American's  liberation of his country; he melted 3 of the heads of the fallen Saddam and made the statue as a memorial to the  American Soldiers and their fallen warriors. Kalat worked on this memorial night and day for several months.  

To the left of the kneeling soldier is a small Iraqi girl giving the soldier comfort as he mourns the loss of his comrade in  arms.

Do you know why we don't hear about this in the news?  The media avoids it because it does not have the shock effect -  but we can do something about it.  We can pass this along to as many people as we can in honor of all our brave military who are making a difference.

Please pass this  on!

Mexican Government Helping Illegals Get Into California  


As promised, the Trump administration is cracking down on illegal immigration. The push to build the border wall continues, and Trump has recently chosen not to renew DACA – the illegal, Obama-era program that circumvented Congress and created a lenient immigration law out of thin air.
Now, though, Mexican citizens living in the USA illegally have gained a baffling ally – the government from their home country. That’s correct: Mexican officials are now helping their own citizens break the laws of the United States in order to keep them from being sent back to Mexico.
On Monday, Mexico’s Foreign Relations Secretary Luis Videgaray visited California – the capital of resistance to Trump’s immigration policies and, arguably, the capital of illegal immigration as well. There, he met with a number of Californian politicians as well as illegal immigrants in the state to discuss how Mexico could help these illegals continue flying under the radar and avoid deportation.
The many narratives in this story are all telling. One is the fact that Mexican officials are actively helping left-leaning politicians in California undermine the efforts of the Trump administration. For all the flack that Trump and his team have caught for supposedly colluding with Russia, it’s baffling to see Gov. Jerry Brown and state legislative leaders in California openly working with officials from another country to undermine the efforts of our President. The hypocrisy here is thick enough to cut with a knife.
The fact that Mexico would rather commit time and resources to keep their citizens out of Mexico than work towards making their country a place these citizens would want to return to is pretty telling. However, the Mexican government does have a lot to gain by encouraging illegal immigration out of its own borders.
A large portion of the money that illegal immigrants make in the US is sent back to Mexico. Sometimes, the manner in which these transactions take place is legal, but many times it is not. Regardless, this money – also known as “remittances” – is a huge boost to the Mexican economy. In fact, a report written by NPR showed that in 2016, a staggering $28 billion flowed into the Mexican economy in the form of remittances. This means that, last year, Mexico made more money off of illegal immigrants in the United States than they did off of their own oil revenues, which have always been a big part of the Mexican economy.
It’s no real surprise then that Mexico would have a vested interest in keeping illegal immigrants in the United States. What is shocking is the willingness of some of our leaders to collude with them in these efforts. To make matters worse, this comes at a time when our ability to bargain and make deals with the Mexican government is especially important.
The Trump administration has made renegotiating our trade deals with Mexico as well as well as our stance on immigration from Mexico both priorities, and both Trump and members of his team have already been working closely with officials in Mexico. In an interview with The Hill, Mexican Ambassador Gerónimo Gutiérrez expressed his belief that US-Mexico relations were improving, saying, “One for us is clearly the issue of the wall, or paying for the wall. But once those red lines are clear, we understand better each other’s priorities, we do try to find common ground.”
Whether Trump will convince Mexico to pay for the border wall is something that is yet to be seen. One thing we know for sure, though, is that left-wing officials working with Mexican officials to undermine Trump’s agenda is certainly not going to benefit the Trump administration’s relations with the Mexican government, and may likely damage our ability to work with them on these key issues.
If Mexico feels as if they can circumvent Trump and work with his rivals in America — politicians who are willing to undermine their own President and cave to Mexico’s demands — why would they choose to work with the hard-bargaining Trump administration instead?
Without a doubt, the left’s complete disrespect for the rule of law and the authority of the presidency continues to reach new heights and has created a weakness in the united front that the USA is supposed to present. Now, the Mexican government has started to seize the opportunity that this weakness presents.

Columbus Day is Out, Indigenous Peoples Day is In

Since 1937, the second Monday of October has been federally observed as Columbus Day. This year; however, Los Angeles will make one small, yet significant change.
The day formally known as Columbus Day will still be observed, only the name will change. As of Wednesday, when the Los Angeles City Council voted on the decision, Columbus Day will become known as a day for celebrating “indigenous, aboriginal and native people.”

How This Plays Out

Doc Thompson, of “The Morning Blaze with Doc Thompson,” believes, “In the end, what’s going to eventually end up happening…there will be an Indigenous People Day in California.”
Doc could be right. After all, once this type of change begins, namely changing the official name of a federally observed holiday like Columbus Day, it’s difficult to know how far it will go. There have even been demands to remove statues of the famous explorer in New York City as recently as this past Friday night.
Mayor Bill de Blasio put the statue, which has been up since the 1800s, under review as part of his specially appointed task force designed to “remove symbols of hate in the city.” Protesters lobbying for the statue’s demise were carrying picket style signs that read in part:
“Columbus didn’t Discover America, he Invaded it” and “Columbus Statues: A Tribute to Racism & Genocide.”

Why Christopher Columbus is Now a Focus of Hatred

The following statement was made by Katy Schumaker, a letters and classics professor at the University of Oklahoma. It explains the negative emotions and beliefs that many have about Columbus today:
“There are plenty of other people who came and ‘found’ the Americas before Columbus. I think even if Columbus isn’t necessarily important as the person to discover the new world, his voyage, and then further, Spanish and Portuguese settlements, set up a chain reaction that made the Americas what they are today. Things like slavery, the decimation of native populations, all of those things were initiated by that first contact.”
This statement explains the motivation behind the crusade as it were to strike Columbus from America’s list of heroes. It comes not only from the fact that Columbus was not the first person to discover America, but also due to his perceived cruelty towards the indigenous people whose lives he altered forever.

The Danger of Renaming Holidays

Perhaps the case could be made that Christopher Columbus isn’t “worthy of commemoration.” However, the same case could be made for virtually each and every so-called American hero that exists if you base it only on the presence of negative character qualities.
When society begins to go through and pick apart the legacy of those who were formerly praised, they will find faults in every life because they were all human. Pretty soon, there will be no heroes remaining.
Now, if it is proven that Christopher Columbus wasn’t the first person to discover the Americas and that is why individuals feel he shouldn’t be praised for accomplishing something he didn’t actually do, that’s different. If this is the case, the day should be renamed for the person who does deserve the honor.
However, that isn’t the focus of the protestors. They aren’t focusing on the fact that he is being honored for doing something he didn’t’ do, they are instead focusing on the negative qualities of his personality or morality that led to slavery and the end of life as they knew it for the indigenous people already living in America.

What Should Be Done

As the nation grows older, racism is attacked and society becomes more sensitive to the injustices that exist in the world, it only makes sense that the heroes of the past might come under intense scrutiny. It’s almost as if the world is looking at them through new eyes.
In fact, it’s important to remember that today’s society is judging them with eyes colored by today’s standards, which didn’t exist in their time. This makes it somewhat unfair to hold them to the standards of today, when the standards in which they lived weren’t at all the same.
Therefore, it would be wise for us to honor these people for what they did do right and learn from their mistakes, not erase their existence in its entirety, for in doing this, we as a nation essentially “throw the baby out with the bathwater.”

What if South Korea Acted Like North Korea?

Think of the Korean Peninsula turned upside down.
Imagine if there were a South Korean dictatorship that had been in power, as a client of the United States since 1953.
Imagine also that contemporary South Korea was not the rich, democratic home of Kia and Samsung. Instead, envision it as an unfree, pre-industrialized and impoverished failed state, much like North Korea.
Further envision that the U.S. had delivered financial aid and military assistance to this outlaw regime, which led to Seoul possessing several nuclear weapons and a fleet of long-range missiles.
Next, picture this rogue South Korean dictatorship serially threatening to incinerate its neighbor, North Korea — and imagine that North Korea was ruled not by the Kim dynasty, but by a benign government without nuclear weapons.
Also assume that the South Korean dictatorship would periodically promise to wipe out Chinese cities such as Shanghai and Beijing. The implicit message to the Chinese would be that the impoverished South Koreans were so crazy that they didn’t care whether they, too, went up in smoke — as long a dozen of their nuclear-tipped missiles could blow up Chinese cities and paralyze the second-largest economy in the world. Assume that these South Korean threats had been going on without consequences for over a decade.
Finally, in such a fantasy scenario, what if the United States falsely claimed ignorance of much of its South Korean client’s nuclear capability and threats. America instead would plead that it regretted the growing tension and the reckless reactions of China to the nuclear threats against it. Washington would lecture China that the crisis was due in part to its support for its North Korean ally.
For effect, the United States would occasionally issue declarations of regret and concern over the situation — even as it warned China not to do anything to provoke America’s provocateur ally.
In such a fantasy, American security experts and military planners would gleefully factor a roguish nuclear South Korea into U.S. deterrent strategy. The Pentagon would privately collude with the South Korean dictatorship to keep the Chinese occupied and rattled, while the U.S. upped shipments of military weaponry to Seoul and overlooked its thermonuclear upgrades.
The American military would be delighted that China would be tied down by having an unhinged nuclear dictatorship on its borders, one that periodically threatened to kill millions of Chinese. South Korea would up the ante of its bluster by occasionally test-launching missiles in the direction of its neighbor.
Question: How long would China tolerate having weapons of mass destruction pointed at its major cities by an unbalanced tyrannical regime?
In response, would Beijing threaten a nuclear Seoul with a preemptory military strike, even though the Chinese would know that Seoul could first do a lot of nuclear damage?
Would China conclude that the United States was the real guilty party because it tacitly sanctioned South Korea’s possession of nuclear weapons?
Would China then warn the U.S. to pressure Seoul to disarm?
Would Beijing cease all trade with America?
Would China boycott, embargo or blockade South Korea?
Would China be furious that after ensuring that its own client, North Korea, remained non-nuclear and played by the rules, America had deliberately done exactly the opposite: empowering its dictatorial client, South Korea, to become a nuclear power in order to threaten China?
In other words, if China and North Korea found themselves in the same respective positions of current America and South Korea, the world may well have already seen a preemptive Chinese attack on Seoul to remove its nuclear capability.
The international community would already have seen China expel the conniving Americans from Chinese embassies, cut trade with the U.S., disrupt American banks and threaten the use of force against the U.S. mainland.
The truth of the North Korea missile crisis is not the boilerplate assumption that China is the key to the solution, but rather that China is by design the root of the problem.
China did not fail to realize that North Korea was developing a nuclear arsenal. Rather, it calculated that North Korea would do exactly what it is now doing, and that such nuclear roguery would serve China’s strategic interests both on the Korean peninsula and in its rivalries with the United States and with America’s allies in Asia.
In other words, if China were in America’s position, we would have likely witnessed a tragically destructive war a long time ago.
China should make the necessary corrections now, before things get even worse.

SHOCK POLL Anti-Trump Senator In Trouble
by: Jim Ellis

SHOCK POLL Anti-Trump Senator In Trouble
GBA Strategies, polling for the Democratic leadership’s Senate Majority PAC (8/30-9/7; 600 AZ likely general election voters; and 500 AZ Republican primary voters), just produced stunningly poor numbers for first-term Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake (R) from their new Grand Canyon State survey.
What makes matters even worse for the Senator is that the 27-point deficit referenced in the title is from the Republican primary voter sample segment.  The GBA ballot test finds former state Sen. Kelli Ward, who held Sen. John McCain to a 51-40% re-nomination victory in 2016, leading Mr. Flake by an incredible 58-31% margin.  While other polls have found Flake in difficult political shape within his own Republican Party base, almost exclusively attributable to his national public feud with President Trump, none have detected anything close to this spread.
On the other hand, GBA is a Democratic pollster and not known for testing a Republican primary sample.  Therefore, doubt exists regarding this survey’s reliability because the pollsters may not have the necessary experience to understand the nuances within this particular voter segment.  But, the margin is so large that few if any findings exist to conclude anything other than Flake is today likely trailing badly in the fledgling Republican primary contest.
The other results don’t give the Flake team much reason for optimism, either.  Among Republicans, his personal favorability is a poor 25:56% while his job approval ratio is a slightly better, but still an abysmal 34:58% positive to negative.  Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is in even worse shape within the party base.  Only 17% rate Sen. McConnell in a favorable light, with 42% of Republicans expressing disapproval of the national party leader.  But, that is of little solace to Sen. Flake since Mr. McConnell doesn’t face the Arizona electorate.
Curiously, GBA apparently didn’t test President Trump within the voter base.  Or, if they did, the numbers were not publicized within the polling prospectus.  Either way, the lack of Trump data is a surprising development considering it is Sen. Flake’s relationship with the President that is causing the preponderance of his political base problems.
Among general election voters, Sen. Flake is in better position but still trails his only prospective Democratic rival purportedly tested.  Paired with Rep. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Phoenix), Sen. Flake would trail 40-47%.
Interestingly, Flake’s job approval rating before the electorate as a whole is actually better than within his own party.  When adding Democrats and Independents to the sampling mix in order to complement the Republicans, the Senator’s job approval index improves to 38:50% favorable to unfavorable.
Sen. Flake has a full year before the Republican primary (August 28, 2018) to rectify his position and make known his case to the base Republican electorate. He will certainly have much more in the way of resources to communicate than his current opponent.  It remains to be seen, however, if this string of poor polling numbers encourages a stronger Republican to enter the race.
It is clear, however, that the Senator is going to need a public fence-mending with President Trump if he is to right his political ship.  With former Trump advisor Steve Bannon now a political free agent again and rattling his sabre about spending heavily against anti-Trump Republicans largely through the Great America Alliance organization, it may behoove the Senator to move toward improving relations with the White House and doing so with urgency.

Trump Receives Urgent Terror Warning

Ben Baker
It’s been five years since the terrible Benghazi terrorist attack that left four Americans dead. What’s upsetting is that not only could it have been prevented, but it may happen again.

According to Fox News, two security men from an American security company who tried to assist in preventing the original attack said another Benghazi attack could happen because the same officials who botched the security are still in office. They also said existing contract rules motivate security companies to cut corners.
The two men, Brad Owens and Jerry Torres, work for Torres Advanced Enterprise Solutions, a private security contractor based out of the US. They insist that their company was pressured to keep quiet about the failed security in Benghazi.

The company has a long history of providing security for US embassies around the world. Working in highly dangerous locales like Africa, the Middle East, and South America. This company knows what it takes to provide accurate and well-executed security measures to keep American diplomats safe and protect lives.

Owens is a former Army Intelligence Officer and has experience in Libya from his work for the company in 2012 as point man. He said the attack on Benghazi was a result of the death of Muammar Qaddafi, the Libyan dictator who was overthrown and murdered in the streets in 2011. The death led to destabilization in the area where terrorist organizations like al Queda began to thrive and obtain power.

His company applied to provide security for the embassy but were beat out by a smaller less experienced company, The Blue Mountain Group, based out of the UK, because they were cheaper.

When the attack occurred, the hired security company proved incapable of doing their job in the face of a “coordinated attack” and the Torres Advanced Enterprise Solutions company was contacted for assistance.
Owens says their company lacked the necessary time to mount a proper defense to prevent the horrendous attack. “There was nothing we could’ve done about it,” Owens said. “If we’d had a one-month warning… who knows what might’ve happened.”

To their surprise, the Obama administration and Hillary Clinton, who was Secretary of State at the time, blamed the attack on an anti-Islam video and subsequent protest, claiming they didn’t have the warnings or the time to properly secure the embassy.

Even worse, Torres claims he was called in by the State Department contracting officer, Jan Visintainer, and told to keep quiet about it. “[Visintainer] said that I and people from Torres should not speak to the media, should not speak to any officials with respect to the Benghazi program,” Torres said.

Planned Parenthood’s Missouri Abortion Expansion Plans May Be

By Operation Rescue

Cheryl Sullenger - Kansas City, MO – Reveling in an injunction issued by U.S. District Judge Howard Sachs earlier this year that blocked enforcement Missouri’s long-standing requirement that those who conduct abortions must have hospital privileges within 30 miles of their abortion facility, two Planned Parenthood organizations are pushing forward with plans to expand abortions into four communities in the Show Me State.

However, Planned Parenthood’s abortion expansion plans may be short-lived.
On September 12, 2017, the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals granted State Attorney General Josh Hawley’s request that the full court rehear the appeal of the ruling that blocked the long-standing safety regulations. The Eighth Circuit also ruled to vacate a July ruling that denied the state the opportunity to make a motion in opposition to the restraining order that Planned Parenthood is relying on to expand their abortion businesses.

Earlier this week, Planned Parenthood Great Plains, based in Overland Park, Kansas, announced that it has begun taking appointments for medication abortions, which are expected to resume next week. It also reportedly just passed a state inspection of its Columbia location, which has been the heated fulcrum of Missouri’s abortion battle for a number of years.

Planned Parenthood of Greater St. Louis Region has signaled that medication abortions at its Springfield center are just weeks away. It also plans to add abortions to their list of services in Joplin.

None of the abortionists involved in the expansion plans have qualified for hospital privileges, leaving women at risk of delay in emergency care should abortion complications arise, as they have all too frequently at the currently-lone Missouri abortion facility in St. Louis.

This means if the state appeal to the full Eighth Circuit is successful, the four expansion locations would again be in noncompliance of Missouri licensing requirements.

In addition, a Missouri new law, SB5, is set to go into effect later this year. There is doubt that the Planned Parenthood facilities can comply with the many new patient safety requirements, which include:
Detailed emergency plans;
Prohibitions against interfering with emergency medical treatment by requesting ambulances run without lights and sirens;
Unannounced annual inspections;
Informed consent must be given by the person conducting the abortions.

SB5 also has placed the authority of enforcement of this new law within the jurisdiction of the Attorney General’s office, and provides new protections for whistleblowers who come forward with information of violations.

“Planned Parenthood organizations in Missouri have been known to engage in dangerous and deceptive practices in order to circumvent state laws and safety regulations. Given their poor past performance, I believe Planned Parenthood’s anticipated abortion expansion will not last long,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue.

The work of Operation Rescue in documenting abortion abuses at Planned Parenthood’s St. Louis abortion location provided a basis for many of the provisions in SB5.

A 2015 State Senate investigation, led by State Sen. Kurt Schaefer, into Planned Parenthood’s shady operations led to the discovery that Planned Parenthood Great Plains had obtained phony hospital privileges for their Columbia abortionist Colleen McNichols, along with irregularities in in the required pathology reports for all tissue and human remains from abortions. It also revealed that the Department of Health at that time may have been complicit in allowing these violations.

Since then, a new pro-life administration under the able leadership of Gov. Eric Greitens made no bones about their efforts to ensure abortion facilities stop their shoddy practices. Also, the Missouri Department of Health has appointed a new director who is dedicated to ensuring that the laws of that state are properly enforced.

Despite the headlines touting Planned Parenthood’s abortion expansion, Newman remains hopeful.

“We will just have to wait and see how the legal issues and the new law pans out in Missouri, but given the new conditions in Missouri with a new pro-life administration and the new law, don’t place any bets on Planned Parenthood,” he said.

This pretty much sums it up.

I have BREAKING NEWS for all those that want to erase American history during the day or in the dead of night:

If you take down every statue on the continent, slavery and the American Civil War will still have happened.
If you have minimum wage skills now, taking down statues won't change that.
If you're up to your ass in college loan debt, taking down statues won't change that.
The nation will still be $20,000,000,000,000 in debt. We will still be in a global economy.
North Korea will still be run by a lunatic who wants you dead.
Radical Islamists will still want you dead.
People who hate you now, will still hate you, perhaps even more.
Soros, Obama and the Clinton's will still be sleazy and corrupt and you'll still be just a puppet for them.
The Department of Education will still not have educated anyone.
There will still be only two genders.
Abortion will still be murder.

Hillary will still not have won the 2016 election and Bernie will still be a communist charlatan.

There will still be opposing views outside your safe spaces.
You'll still be accountable for your own choices and the world will still owe you nothing.
Taking down all the statues will still not change the fact that Communism has been responsible for more slavery and death than the Confederacy ever was and that it was Democrats who fought to KEEP slavery while Republicans fought to stop it.
The removal of statues won't change the fact that the first slave owner was a black man.
So, if you have a problem with a statue of Robert E. Lee in Virginia, but no issues with a statue of Vladimir Lenin in Seattle,

we'll erect a monument to your cowardice and depict a huddled mass of frightened and drooling idiots who can't find their asses with both hands and a map.
G’ day…Ciao…
Helen and Moe Lauzier

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