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Tues. Sept.5, 2017
~All Gave Some~Some Gave All~ God Bless America~
BREAKING: The Real Reason Trump Fired Comey Revealed
A recent letter submitted by Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) alleges that former FBI Director James Comey decided not to press charges against Hillary Clinton before concluding his investigation.
The Department of Justice drafted a series of memos explaining why James Comey was an unfit leader of the FBI. The memos cited his mishandling of the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email server, and his usurping the Attorney General’s authority in announcing the end of the investigation. However, a source inside the White House explain that Comey was also fired, in part, because he refused to admit that President Trump was not under investigation, according to The Daily Caller.
The first few months of President Trump’s term were plagued by allegations that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government to get a leg up on Hillary Clinton during his presidential campaign. Critics argued that numerous sources close to President Trump and the Trump campaign had undisclosed ties to Russia. Additionally, the hack of the Democratic National Committee, supposedly conducted by Russian agents, was allegedly orchestrated to help Donald Trump secure the election.
According to a source in the White House, top officials in the Trump administration were becoming increasingly frustrated that then-FBI Director James Comey would not publicly admit that there were no ties between President Trump and the Russian government.
James Comey wouldn’t confirm that there were no ties, the source said, despite Comey’s private assurances to President Trump.
“While I greatly appreciate you informing me, on three separate occasions, that I am not under investigation,” President Trump wrote, when announcing Comey’s dismissal, “I nevertheless concur with the judgment of the Department of Justice that you are not able to effectively lead the Bureau.”
However, in light of the allegations made by Senators Grassley and Graham, it appears that Comey’s refusal to exonerate President Trump was a partisan concern.
According to longstanding Justice Department protocol, it is inappropriate for the Director of the FBI to discuss ongoing investigations publicly. Comey spectacularly violated this protocol when on July 5th, 2016, he admitted that the investigation into Hillary Clinton would be closed without bringing charges.
According to Department of Justice’s rules, the Director of the FBI does not have the authority to decide whether or not to prosecute a case. The duty of the FBI director is to investigate a case and present any evidence to the Attorney General. It is then the Attorney General’s decision as to whether or not a charge is brought forth.
Former FBI Director Comey committed many misdeeds before his firing. Is it time to investigate him?
Comey’s error in publicly announcing the close of the Clinton investigation created a predicament that ultimately led to his dismissal. James Comey’s decision to admit publicly that Hillary Clinton was not under investigation, while refusing to do the same for President Trump, undermines the nonpartisan mission of the FBI.
The allegations lobbied by Senators Graham and Grassley insinuate that James Comey was acting with partisan interests from the beginning, and was attempting to protect Hillary Clinton from the consequences of her own actions.
Flashback: Where Michelle Obama Was After Hurricane Sandy
Ever since Melania Trump went down to Texas to help her husband with the White House’s response to Hurricane Harvey, the media has been eviscerating her — particularly on her high heels.
The whole kerfuffle began with a piece on Vogue by a “fashion expert” who vaguely resembles Pennywise from “It.” The contumely went far beyond there, though, until even The New York Times got in on it. Never mind, of course, that Melania changed into sneakers on the plane; the fact she was wearing stilettos in dry-as-a-bone Washington, D.C. was all anyone in the media could talk about.
Now, during Barack Obama’s presidency, the first family faced a similar situation when Hurricane Sandy hit the Northeast. So, what did Michelle Obama wear when she visited the affected area? Nothing.
Now, during Barack Obama’s presidency, the first family faced a similar situation when Hurricane Sandy hit the Northeast. So, what did Michelle Obama wear when she visited the affected area? Nothing.
No, she didn’t appear at the site of a natural disaster in the altogether (although I’m sure the nudist lifestyle is part of the wider LGBTTQQIAAP32XOMGBBQ acronym, so, check your privilege). In fact, she didn’t didn’t appear at all.
PATHETIC: Liberal Reporters Use Hurricane Harvey to Attack Melania Trump http://ift.tt/2eWvWnn …
Let's ask Michelle Obama what she wore during #SuperstormSandy. I don't know. She never showed up. #Harveyhttp://pic.twitter.com/gHCQOoIULe
As Independent Journal notes, Hurricane Sandy was so pressing an agenda item for Michelle Obama that she stayed in Chicago and sent out fundraising emails while the Eastern Seaboard was underwater.
Well, thank God she didn’t wear stilettos. Although given it was Michelle, I can almost see the NYT headline: “Amid Floods, Death, First Lady Demonstrates Poise By Writing Fundraising Missives Hundreds of Miles Away.”
Michelle skips out on Sandy visit: “Eh, that’s fine.” Melania wears heels: “Not so much.”
There’s Melania on the day President Trump visited Hurricane Harvey Victims and Michelle on the day President Obama visited Hurricane Sandy victims. Only one of these angers the media.
Now, before we jump all over Michelle, let’s point out that I don’t know what was the best thing for her to do in the situation. For all I know, she made the decision to stay in Chicago and forego the trip to the Eastern Seaboard for a very good reason, although I cannot for the life of me think of one.
The point is that if the media decided to give Michelle Obama a pass for not visiting the victims of Hurricane Sandy, that’s fine with me — provided, of course, they were to give Melania Trump the same courtesy. However, the first lady did go to Texas — and the media decided to focus on the shoes she wore to get on the plane.
What a shocker.
Secret Identities of Antifa Terrorists Revealed – This Is Unbelievable
Groups are joining together that have no regard for anyone’s rights but their own, but who are these people?
You might be surprised to find out that many of the people involved in Antifa are actually public school teachers, according to The Daily Caller.
This mounting violence is nothing short of homegrown terrorism, and these people are teaching children, in some cases from a very early age. One of the key players in the Antifa movement is a group called By Any Means Necessary (BAMN).
Attention was first drawn to BAMN when they decided to attack marchers in Sacramento in July of 2016. The FBI took note of their actions, according to Politico, when ten people ended up hospitalized after the events.
Several of the people involved in the march had stab wounds. This group is trying to make sure that no one else can practice free speech unless they’re an antifa member.
One of the most well-known leaders of BAMN is Yvette Felarca, who happens to be a middle school teacher for Berkeley. She has openly admitted that she is in favor of committing violence against people who don’t think like her.
In her mind, anyone who does not agree with her is a fascist, and needs to be destroyed. The irony here is that if she wants to destroy anyone who does not agree with her ideology, then she is, by definition, closer to a fascist than anyone she claims to want to destroy.
Antifa first started getting attention from the public when they stopped political speaker and author Milo Yiannopoulos from making a speech in Berkeley. They burned property, attacked Trump supporters, and generally caused chaos.
Then, in April of this year, they stopped Ann Coulter from speaking at the same location. To make matters worst, Felarca defended the violence that the group committed. The Coulter event was canceled because BAMN promised to bring that same level of violence if she were allowed to speak.
The Department of Homeland Security and the FBI have confirmed that Antifa, and groups like it, such as BAMN, regularly commit “domestic terrorist violence.”
BAMN is still in the news now. Most recently, Felarca helped BAMN shut down an anti-Marxism rally that was scheduled to take place in Berkeley. It appears as if every time the campus is set to play host to a speaker with conservative or other non-liberal values, the planned demonstrations are summarily disrupted and destroyed. That’s the left’s vision of unity for you.
It ended with BAMN members assaulting peaceful protesters Saturday, and people were hurt as a result. The goal was to shut down the rally, and it gave people another look into the insane minds of Antifa members, many of whom believe that destroying others is the only way to make the world a better place.
The violence is mounting to an all time high, and something has to be done about this group. When people like Nancy Pelosi are coming out and saying they are bad, it is a sign that things need to change — with haste.
Paul Ryan Issues Nasty Demand to Trump
Jeff Charles
Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) had some words for President Donald Trump regarding illegal immigration.
After the president announced his intention to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, Ryan voiced his disagreement with the president’s decision. According to The Hill, Ryan said, “I actually don’t think he should do that, and I believe that this is something Congress has to fix.”
DACA was implemented by former President Barack Obama in 2012. While Ryan doesn’t believe the president should end the program, he has also indicated that Obama did not have the legal authority to implement the program in the first place, “President Obama did not have the legislative authority to do what he did,” he said. He continued, “You can’t, as an executive, write law out of thin air.”
President Trump previously indicated that he did not intend to end DACA, but he has been under increasing pressure from Republican lawmakers and ten states to do away with the program. The ten states have threatened to take legal action against the program if Trump does not remove it by September 5.
So what is the Deferred Action for Childhood arrivals program? The initiative — which was created through an executive order issued by President Obama — protects the immigrants who entered the country illegally with their parents from deportation. Through the program, children of illegal immigrants can request “consideration of deferred action” for a two-year period. The deferred action is subject to renewal after two years.
According to Fox News, the deferred action allows the children of illegal immigrants to remain in the country, but it does not give them legal status. The program allows individuals to request DACA status if they were under the age of 13 on June 15, 2012, arrived in the U.S. before turning 16, and have lived continuously in the country since June 15, 2007.
Recipients of deferred action are also required to possess a high school diploma, GED certification, been honorably discharged from the military, or be currently attending school. It excludes people who have a criminal record.
If President Trump ends DACA, 800,000 undocumented youths could be affected. Their deferred action status will end after their work permits expire. It is not yet known whether or not these individuals will be targeted for deportation.
Seven Character Flaws America's Schools Encourage By Failing to Teach History
It seems pretty obvious, in light of the recent "monument mess" and discussions/arguments over statues, that our nation's schools have done a pretty poor job in teaching kids history. The New York Post reported earlier this year that an abysmal 18 percent of American high school students were "proficient" in history.
The Atlantic, NBC News, The New York Times, Smithsonian Magazine, and the Huffington Post all reported the same depressing news: American high school and college students too, apparently) simply do not know American or World history, geography, or civics.
The facts are, most American high school and college students are dreadfully and blissfully ignorant of the most basic information about their own country, government, and the history and cultures of the world around them. This can account for some of the behavior among mobs of "students" attacking free speech and vandalizing property. Do not expect the schools which have been teaching them thus far to turn things around anytime soon.
A good thorough, systematic knowledge of U.S. and World history must be taught to kids for the following reasons. (And since the schools, for whatever reason, are failing us in this matter, parents and grandparents must take up the slack and teach the kids at home. If they don't, it won't get done, and our country will continue to suffer as we are now.)
1. Learning history develops character.
From history students learn such virtues as character, perseverance, compassion, and justice. Kids can read great stories of how William Wilberforce for 50 years led the fight to end slavery in the British Empire, and saw success only at the end of his life!
Children also read about the great villains of history like Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and Mao Zedong. (Ask a student today if they've ever heard of Mao and what he did. They probably have no clue that he was the greatest mass-murderer of all time.) In history, kids can compare and contrast the great heroes (like Winston Churchill) with the great villains (like Fidel Castro or Pol Pot), and learn to develop the character that sets heroes apart from villains.
2. History helps kids understand today's world.
How did North Korea become the tyrannical communist state that it is today? Teachers (parents and grandparents) must take the kids back to World War II when the Japanese occupied the entire Korean peninsula. In the last week of the war, the Soviet Union declared war against Japan, invaded Korea, and set up a puppet state in the northern half of the country.
To understand Stalinism, students need to know who Karl Marx was and what he believed and wrote. Students need to understand Vladimir Lenin and Mao Zedong. They need to know about the tyrannical apparatus these men set up to control millions of people.
Why are American troops still in Afghanistan? Good question (I ask this question often myself!). The other day I was at the Flight 93 Memorial near Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Most of the visitors were old enough to have remembered vividly the horrible day of September 11, 2001. However, there were a number of people there age 20 and under.
Kids are not born automatically knowing all the events we have experienced. They had no idea what happened that day, or what has happened in the past 16 years to put our military in the Middle East. So parents and grandparents must go back and teach about the Quran (not a bad idea to actually read it, along with the Bible and compare/contrast the two), Muhammed, and the history of jihadism in the Middle East the past 70 years or so. We must connect the past to the present.
3. History connects kids to their community.
Do your kids know how your local community was founded? I grew up in the wonderful, beautiful city of Savannah, Georgia. When I was a kid, my community always had "Georgia Week" every February. My friends and I all learned about how General Oglethorpe wanted to start a colony for debtors (very few actually came), arranged a peace treaty with the Yamacraw Indians (Georgia was the only colony never to have a war with the Indians), and actually had slavery banned in the colony in 1735 (tragically, it was legalized in 1750).
I grew up knowing who my people were as Georgians, why Georgia existed, and how Georgians "fit" in the tapestry of America. My friends and I knew about Tomochichi and Count Casimir Pulaski and the Owens-Thomas House and the Ships of the Sea Museum and Juliet Gordon Lowe (founder of the Girl Scouts) ... and we were PROUD of our city!
Do kids know this kind of stuff today about their community? Who better to teach them than their parents and grandparents?
4. History teaches perspective.
The uproar in America today is similar to the uproar in the 1960s. I remember well the communist SDS (Students for a Democratic Society) and the Weather Underground. I remember watching on TV the riots at the 1968 Democratic National Convention. I remember well the feeling of fear and depression in our country after the assassinations of Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert F. Kennedy (although I was too young to understand what was going on). Americans who lived through this can tell kids today how such events are similar to today's news and events.
I have taught my kids many of the stories my parents told me about the Great Depression and World War II, and I also pulled out photos and mementos of my grandparents and even great-grandparents from World War I and the late nineteenth century.
Through studying history, kids do not just learn from great world events, but also from personal family history that oftentimes, "we" have faced these trying times before. The 1940s, the 1930s, even the 1850s and the 1770s all had some similar situations. People faced them, overcame them, and went on with their lives.
5. History gives a sense of identity.
Where did we come from? Why are we here? What is our purpose for being here in America? My wife's family came here 100 years ago from Italy and Hungary. My family came here 300 years ago from England and France. So, in studying our various family histories, my wife and I learned the stories of those nations, and why people emigrated from Europe to America. We learned what they hoped for, what they built, and hopefully what they passed on to us.
Our kids learned that Mom's family came to Ellis Island literally with nothing. They wanted to become Americans. They were discriminated against, but worked hard and brought up their kids to be Americans. When World War II came, her uncles all fought in the Army against the Japanese. They were proud of their heritage from Europe, but they were 100 percent Americans and proud of that, too. They helped preserve our freedom, so we believe in our family that we all owe them (they have all passed away now), and need to carry on their legacy of preserving freedom.
6. History teaches what works and what doesn't.
The 20th century was the single most bloody century in recorded history. Over 100 million people were slaughtered by socialist regimes (the German Nazis, the Italian Fascists, and world-wide Communists) in which political and economic power was concentrated in the hands of a few in government. In every country where Marxism has been tried, it has failed miserably, with a tragic human toll (look no further than Venezuela today).
Yet, American high school and college students today are gravitating toward the bloody, repressive failures of Marxism. Why? Aren't they taught the history of Marxism's march across the world for the past 100 years? Apparently not. Somebody needs to teach them the truth. They are not getting it in most of their high school or college education.
The only economic system that has lifted the vast majority of the world's population out of wretched poverty is a free enterprise system (capitalism) which stems only from free governments. Who is teaching this to kids? Don't wait until they are in high school. Teach them now, before it is too late.
Here is a link to my article on how to "fill in the blanks" when the schools don't (or won't) teach history.
7. History teaches responsibility and gratitude.
When I study how America was founded and the cost in blood it took to create a nation founded upon the idea of liberty and personal responsibility, it fills me with a sense of civic duty and gratitude. I have a desire now, to keep this country going, and to defend it against those who want to destroy and erase its history.
History humbles me, and I hope it fills my children with the same attitude. I see how there have been millions before me who built this country and preserved it. Surprise, surprise — the world, after all, does not revolve around me.
My greatest contribution to this world and to freedom in this country is not going to be found in marching in the streets, but rather in working in an honest job, saving my money, maybe creating jobs for others, and raising a decent family that loves other people. Study history, teach it with passion, and tell your kids and grandkids to pass the heritage of this great country on to the next generation.
Keep Confederate Statues Standing
A petition drive has started to remove the Confederate Memorial in Pensacola’s Lee Square. I will not take the time to detail the history of the memorial which was erected in 1891 with private dollars. The reader should do that with a quick Internet search. That’s the problem with this insane drive to remove Confederate statues from across our nation – ignorance of history.
I am an American who happens to be black. I am not an African American. This is my country. The terms African American, Hispanic American, Asian American and other such phrases were largely unheard of before the late 1980s. As a nation, we must get away from this relatively recent agenda of dividing our country into different ethnic camps. We are one nation under God.
The insidiousness of these dual distinctions gives the impression to too many people that the United States is not really their nation and that their real deep seated allegiance actually belongs elsewhere. This leads to too many people acting like they have no ownership in this great nation. It’s similar to how renters act compared to how owners behave. By using these terms, the pride of ownership is not there when it comes to the thinking about the United States, its history and its heritage. This makes it easier to disrespect our culture, our flag, and our history. It also makes it easier to accept dependence from the state.
We need to reject such nonsense. We need to be proud to be Americans. This is a nation upon which God has abundantly shed His grace.
America is an amazing nation full of opportunity and potential for those who seize it. As Tom G. Palmer wrote in “The Morality of Capitalism,” the framework for America’s greatness comes from a constitution that limits our government, individual rights, equal treatment under the law, freedom of speech and freedom of religion. This is a recipe for what has made this such a great nation. Of course, parts of our past are flawed (because flawed people were involved) but we learn from our history and our mistakes. We should not try to hide from it and tear it down.
Tearing down a statue is barbaric, a brutish act that belies a civilized people. Nobody’s lives are improved by tearing down statues. A new job does not suddenly appear. Children do not start performing better in school and those are measurable metrics.
There are some who insist they will feel better if the statues are removed. But will they? How do they know that? Why should the public pay for them to feel better? It’s clear taxpayers will have to pay to remove a statue that private donors erected.
Let us put a stop to this rush to divide our great nation. We are a land of tremendous opportunity. In the United States, every individual has before them an incredible future. My father proudly served as an enlisted member of the U.S. Air Force. I graduated from the Air Force Academy. My father worked for a Fortune 500 company. I started my own successful company from scratch.
I am not unique. There are countless success stories of hardworking Americans overcoming the obstacles that happen in life and leaving things better for their children. Determining your successful, amazing future is within your grasp. Carpe diem!
Karen Pence Makes Powerful Move On Behalf Of Texans – Thank You Mrs. Pence!
Adam Selene
Vice President Mike Pence and his wife, Karen Pence, left for Corpus Christi, Texas, just two days after President Trump, in an effort to bolster the Trump administration’s support for the victims of Hurricane Harvey.
Mike Pence helped to raise spirits by meeting with survivors of the hurricane, all while helping them clean up debris. Second Lady Karen Pence also offered her support by leading a clean-up crew in prayer. Karen’s prayer, which preceded an official government meeting, received no objections from the Texan crowd, according to the Independent Journal Review.
Expressions of the Christian faith in government settings have been under attack in recent years, but the people of Texas were happy to bow their heads and follow the Second Lady in a short act of prayer. The moment helped unite the people ravaged by Hurricane Harvey.
“We pray that you would build them up, give them the strength and the endurance as they go forward,” Karen Pence said. “We thank you for the first responders and those who at this very moment are saving lives. We pray for their safety and a blessing on them… We know you’re here with us, Lord, and we just pray your blessing on the state of Texas and Louisiana as they go through some hard days going forward. We know that You will lift us up.”
The crowd erupted into cheers as Karen Pence wrapped up her short prayer, and many in the crowd could be heard yelling, “Thank you!”
Vice President Pence is leading the Trump administration’s effort to respond to the devastation wrought by Hurricane Harvey. The Vice President was joined on Airforce 2 by Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta, Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, Energy Secretary Rick Perry, and acting Department of Homeland Security Elaine Duke, who are all assessing the damage in Texas.
Vice President Pence made his first stop in Texas outside a Baptist Church that was badly damaged by the storm in Rockport. CNN reports that Texas Governor Greg Abbott introduced Pence to a crowd of over 100 volunteers and survivors. “There is no storm as tough as the people of Texas!” Abbott exclaimed, before declaring Sunday, September 03 as an official day of prayer for the state.
Paul Ryan Gets Brutal Dose of Reality
Adam Selene
Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan has made a long string of bad decisions, and they have come back to haunt him.
A new poll from NBC has revealed that Paul Ryan is as disliked as Nancy Pelosi. Only 31 percent of respondents view Pelosi favorably, while 30 percent say the same for Ryan. Their rates of disapproval are staggering, at 64 percent and 63 percent, respectively.
The poll was conducted through Surveymonkey, and was released on August 31st. I don’t think anyone will be surprised at the results, save for maybe Paul Ryan himself.
The truth is, Paul Ryan has failed to deliver on his promises to the American People in many ways. He barely scraped an Obamacare repeal through the house, as Breitbart mentions, but essentially, no one was happy with the bill.
The Speaker of the House has also recently argued that President Trump should not use his executive power to get rid of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). As Christian News Alerts just reported, Ryan was once very outspoken against DACA, arguing it is unconstitutional.
Now he wants Congress to offer a “fix,” when he knows full well that the American people want a full repeal of this law. It seems that Paul Ryan was unable to learn from the healthcare fiasco, and is determined to repeat his losing strategy.
Anyone with such strong disapproval ratings should resign from their position. Career politicians refuse to do the honorable thing, but that’s only because they care more about their own power than the will of the people, and the future of this country.
Eventually, such behavior simply has to get you out of office. How Nancy Pelosi has held on — despite her numbers — is an absolute scandal, and Paul Ryan is heading the same way.
Perhaps Nancy Pelosi has maintained her position because Democrats have few better options. Besides, we all know the party is willing to support candidates they know are unpopular, like Hillary Clinton, even going so far as to rig the primaries for her.
Republicans would never sink so low. Paul Ryan is doomed to leave politics in disgrace, and he should. After all, he’s not on President Trump’s side, so he isn’t on ours.
Consider CNN‘s reaction to Paul Ryan’s growing unpopularity this April. They couldn’t help but paint Ryan as a “victim” to both the Freedom Caucus and “the reality of modern politics.”
G’ day…Ciao…
Helen and Moe Lauzier
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