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For Fri., Nov. 17, 2017
~All Gave Some~Some Gave
All~God Bless America
Republicans Drop Shock Lynch Accusation, It’s a Bombshell
Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election resulted in charges against Paul Manafort and his associate Rick Gates for unrelated crimes. As a result, many have been left wondering why charges — or an investigation, at least — haven’t been waged in the Democrat corruption rampant during the Obama administration, especially given the widespread evidence.
On Monday, three House Republicans appeared with Fox Business’Lou Dobbs to discuss corruption and matters requiring investigation. Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX), told Dobbs, “Don’t forget Loretta Lynch is the one who had to specially approve the Russian agent coming into this country when she didn’t have a visa so she could have a meeting with Don Trump Jr., setting him up! So they could then say ‘oh look, Don Trump Jr., is meeting with this Russian agent so now we need warrants to wiretap these people.’” -
Alongside Rep. Gohmert were Reps. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), and Andy Biggs (R-AZ). The three are just a sampling of the House GOP members dissatisfied and frustrated with Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ lack of action regarding these serious issues. -
Dobbs announced to viewers, “It appears tonight General Sessions has put it under consideration” regarding an investigation into the Uranium One deal. Dobbs introduced the GOP members and told them directly, “This is the first genuine consequence of a congressional action on this issue that we have seen. And I just want to say not only congratulations, but thank you.” -
Rep. Biggs explained, “I’m glad that [Sessions] is finally taking some action. We’ve been calling for that. But I am concerned because, in his letter, he said he’s going to have it reviewed, in part, by Rod Rosenstein. And I think Rod Rosenstein is part of the problem.” -
“He is,” Rep. Gohmert interjected.
“I think we need to hold [Attorney] General Sessions accountable and get him to give us a real review. Give us a real Special Counsel, and let’s open this thing up and let’s follow where it leads.”
Rep. Gaetz explained that Tuesday will be a big day as the House Judiciary Committee holds a hearing that will question Mr. Sessions on these issues. “The American people are tired of one legal standard for the Clintons, and then a totally separate legal standard for everyone else in the United States of America,” he said. -
Rep. Gaetz further explained that Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation has been ongoing for six months and has produced nothing on alleged collusion crimes perpetrated by President Trump. Instead, the Democrats colluded when they paid Russians to dig up information on Mr. Trump, using Fusion GPS to do so. Rep. Gaetz stated, “What’s totally inappropriate would be to put Bob Mueller and Rod Rosenstein in the mix looking into these things because they are potential witnesses.”
Rep. Gohmert made the aforementioned remark about former Attorney General Loretta Lynch, implying that her visa approval of the Russian agent who met with Donald Trump Jr. was an intentional set-up to establish a reason for wiretapping.
Porn star announces 2020 presidential bid
(Finding a clothed photo of Miss DeVille was difficult.)
The audacity of some celebs to compare themselves to the president is shameful.
Americans have just been thrown the biggest curve ball of all, a porn star has announced her 2020 presidential bid.
Cherie DeVille has suggested that presidential candidates have lower standards to meet now, and she has claims she would be the perfect candidate to replace Donald Trump.
The porn star has announced that she will be running alongside rapper Coolio.
If that does not made you furious, just wait….
“If our criteria now for becoming a political official is minor celebrity, I have that,” Deville suggested.
Well, Cherie, if you can honestly compare yourself to a successful, professional, and competent business man then you have completely lost your marbles.
For a sex worker to think she has the capability to run a nation is unbelievable and appalling.
Deville said that she will be running as a Democrat and her slogan would be “Make America F—king Awesome Again”.
Unfortunately for DeVille, she is too blind to see that America is already being made great again by President Trump.
Americans do not need a woman who sells her body for cash as a public official.
According to the porn star, she would be bringing the American people scandalous, interesting news, rather than “’boring’ political news.”
Because to her, politics is so boring and drama is super fun!
Newsflash DeVille–what America needs is a leader, not another stupid Democrat who creates more scandalous news for the nation.
And thank goodness for Americans, we already have a President who leads us with integrity and concern for the country.
-The Horn editorial team
Shep Smith 'Destroys' The Uranium One Scandal. Except There's More To The Story.
By BEN SHAPIRO @benshapiro
On Tuesday evening, the media world went gaga over Fox News’ Shepard Smith “debunking” the so-called Uranium One scandal.
Smith went after President Trump’s characterization of the situation; Trump stated that Hillary Clinton’s State Department had approved “transfer of 20% of America’s uranium holdings to Russia. Well, nine investors in the deal funneled $145 million to the Clinton Foundation.” Smith stated that the Clinton State Department “had no power to approve or veto that transaction,” continuing:
The accusation is predicated on the charge that Secretary Clinton approved the sale. She did not. A committee of nine evaluated the sale, the president approved the sale, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and others had to offer permits, and none of the uranium was exported for use by the U.S. to Russia.
Smith also pointed out that most of the money supposedly funneled to the Clinton Foundation came from Frank Giustra, who had divested from the uranium company years before the sale.
So, here’s what’s true about the Uranium One deal.
Giustra owned a company called UrAsia, which was sold to Uranium One; Giustra then says he divested his personal stake in the company, though his shareholders still owned 60% of the company, and there is no way to confirm the truth of his claim. In 2009 and 2010, Rosatom, Russia’s atomic energy agency, was poised to buy a majority of the company. Rosatom was barred by law from exporting American uranium abroad, so Russia couldn’t exactly mine in Wyoming and build nukes in Moscow.
In 2013, Russia bought the rest of Uranium One with the approval of the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, as well as the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Utah agencies. The CFIUS includes the State Department. Clinton claimed she had nothing to do with the greenlighting, and pointed to the fact that multiple agencies had approved the sale.
So, how much money actually flowed from Uranium One beneficiaries to the Clinton Foundation? If we don’t include Giustra, the amount drops from $145 million to $4 million.
But this is a bit too simplistic. The New York Times reported that the Uranium One acquisition actually began in 2005, while Giustra still owned the company, “with Mr. Clinton at his side.” According to the Times:
The two men had flown aboard Mr. Giustra’s private jet to Almaty, Kazakhstan, where they dined with the authoritarian president, Nursultan A. Nazarbayev. Mr. Clinton handed the Kazakh president a propaganda coup when he expressed support for Mr. Nazarbayev’s bid to head an international elections monitoring group, undercutting American foreign policy and criticism of Kazakhstan’s poor human rights record by, among others, his wife, then a senator.
Within days of the visit, Mr. Giustra’s fledgling company, UrAsia Energy Ltd., signed a preliminary deal giving it stakes in three uranium mines controlled by the state-run uranium agency Kazatomprom.
Within days of the visit, Mr. Giustra’s fledgling company, UrAsia Energy Ltd., signed a preliminary deal giving it stakes in three uranium mines controlled by the state-run uranium agency Kazatomprom.
If the Kazakh deal was a major victory, UrAsia did not wait long before resuming the hunt. In 2007, it merged with Uranium One, a South African company with assets in Africa and Australia, in what was described as a $3.5 billion transaction. The new company, which kept the Uranium One name, was controlled by UrAsia investors including Ian Telfer, a Canadian who became chairman. Through a spokeswoman, Mr. Giustra, whose personal stake in the deal was estimated at about $45 million, said he sold his stake in 2007.
Soon, Uranium One began to snap up companies with assets in the United States. In April 2007, it announced the purchase of a uranium mill in Utah and more than 38,000 acres of uranium exploration properties in four Western states, followed quickly by the acquisition of the Energy Metals Corporation and its uranium holdings in Wyoming, Texas and Utah. That deal made clear that Uranium One was intent on becoming “a powerhouse in the United States uranium sector with the potential to become the domestic supplier of choice for U.S. utilities,” the company declared. … The Times published an article revealing the 2005 trip’s link to Mr. Giustra’s Kazakhstan mining deal. It also reported that several months later, Mr. Giustra had donated $31.3 million to Mr. Clinton’s foundation.
Furthermore, questions about Rosatom’s control of uranium isn’t about the Russians crafting nukes — they already have them. It’s about shortages of uranium in the United States, and dependence on foreign sources for that material. It was also about Rosatom purchasing a huge stake of nuclear material in Kazakhstan.
And the Clintons were still involved. Here’s the Times again:
Mr. Telfer’s undisclosed donations came in addition to between $1.3 million and $5.6 million in contributions, which were reported, from a constellation of people with ties to Uranium One or UrAsia, the company that originally acquired Uranium One’s most valuable asset: the Kazakh mines. Without those assets, the Russians would have had no interest in the deal: “It wasn’t the goal to buy the Wyoming mines. The goal was to acquire the Kazakh assets, which are very good,” Mr. Novikov, the Rosatom spokesman, said in an interview.
Amid this influx of Uranium One-connected money, Mr. Clinton was invited to speak in Moscow in June 2010, the same month Rosatom struck its deal for a majority stake in Uranium One.
Amid this influx of Uranium One-connected money, Mr. Clinton was invited to speak in Moscow in June 2010, the same month Rosatom struck its deal for a majority stake in Uranium One.
The $500,000 fee — among Mr. Clinton’s highest — was paid by Renaissance Capital, a Russian investment bank with ties to the Kremlin that has invited world leaders, including Tony Blair, the former British prime minister, to speak at its investor conferences.
So no, it’s not at all unclear that the Clintons were unrelated to Uranium One. And it’s not unclear that they’d have no interest in pushing Uranium One — Giustra still had an interest in maintaining faith with his former shareholders, and the Clintons had intervened in the past to help out the company beyond Giustra’s involvement. That doesn't mean that Hillary signed off on the Uranium One sale. But to downplay the sale itself or the Clintons' interest in it would neglect facts in evidence.
Steve Bannon and Allies Have Second Thoughts About Roy Moore, Sources Say
Team Breitbart was defiant at first that the charges were BS. But even its resolve is starting to wane.
Donald Trump’s former chief strategist Steve Bannon is keeping the door open to ditching Roy Moore as the sexual-assault allegations against the Alabama Republican Senate candidate continue to pile up.
Publicly, the Trump confidant and Breitbart chairman has stood behind Moore, who is now accused of attempted rape of a 16-year-old girl. Bannon has also railed against what he and his allies dub “fake news” and the GOP establishment for trying to push Moore out of the race.
“This is just another desperate attempt by Mitch McConnell to keep power, and it’s not going to work,” Bannon said on Monday’s episode of Breitbart News Daily. “You know, people in Alabama see through this. The good folks of Alabama are going to be able to weigh and measure this… This is an orchestrated hit from the Uniparty.”
But over the past few days, Bannon has begun privately taking the temperature of those in his inner circle to see what they think of the Moore allegations and to get their sense of how to proceed, according to four knowledgeable sources. Late last week, the Breitbart chairman said, “I will put him in a grave myself,” if he determines that Moore was lying to him about the numerous accusations, a source close to Bannon relayed.
Bannon emphasized, to both friends and colleagues, that he’s uncomfortable with the charges of sexual harassment and child molestation that have been levelled at Moore. But he wasn’t convinced that the initial flood of on-record testimony, starting with the first Washington Post story last week, was anything more than a hit job. And he believes it may have been planted by #NeverTrump operatives to put the screws to Moore’s campaign.
Several of Bannon’s most trusted allies have already told him that it would be “insane,” as one put it, to believe at this point that the Moore accusations are baseless. They have also warned that the time is rapidly approaching when he would have to disavow Moore before it appeared as though he was simply caving to political pressure. (Critics of Bannon, of course, argue he should never have backed Moore in the first place.)
It is unclear if those points have completely resonated. Bannon is currently in Japan, where he went to deliver a speech. He is scheduled to fly back at the end of the week.
For Bannon, the stakes are far higher than one Senate seat. He and his allies saw Moore’s candidacy as a referendum on the Republican establishment, which went all-in for Moore’s primary opponent, Sen. Luther Strange (R-AL), and is now threatening to remove Moore if he prevails. In particular, Bannon believes that a Moore win would be a stinging defeat for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) who he and others at Breitbart fault for stalling Trump’s legislative agenda and for the longer-term corrosion of ideological purity in the Republican Party. As the website’s editor in chief Alex Marlow told Politico on Tuesday, the Alabama senate contest “represents so much beyond one race.”
Shortly after the first Moore allegations surfaced, Bannon and his editorial leadership dispatched two of its top journalists, including political editor Matt Boyle, to Alabama in a so-far fruitless attempt to uncover evidence discrediting the Post story. As of Tuesday afternoon, the Breitbart homepage led with defiant headlines such as, “MCCONNELL SENDING BANNON A MESSAGE,” “ESTABLISHMENT HOPES TO ‘STOP MOMENTUM’ OF ‘AMERICA FIRST,’” and “[RUSH] LIMBAUGH: ‘SEARCH-AND-DESTROY MISSION’ AGAINST ROY MOORE.”
But even as he defended the publication’s aggressive efforts to discredit Moore’s accusers, Marlow also made a seemingly surprising concession. If the allegations against Moore are true, he said, “[Moore] should not be a United States senator.”
Team Bannon’s political enemies on the right have been lining up to publicly wash their hands of Moore—someone who, should he remain in the race, appears in danger of losing the seat to Democratic contender Doug Jones next month. Polls have shown the race tightening, though Moore still enjoys plenty of conservative support in the heavily Republican state.
Senate Republicans, including McConnell, have begun exploring options for replacing Moore with another Republican candidate, running a competing write-in candidate, or in removing Moore from office if he is elected. Sen. Cory Gardner, who chairs the National Republican Senatorial Committee, disavowed Moore on Monday and said he should be expelled from the Senate if elected. The NRSC last week withdrew from a joint fundraising agreement with Moore, the Alabama Republican Party, and the Republican National Committee. By Tuesday evening, the RNC had finally followed suit.
The Trump administration has been increasingly critical of Moore, as well. Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the president’s press secretary, relayed his view last week that Moore should withdraw from the race if the allegations against him are true. On NBC’s Meet the Press on Sunday, White House legislative affairs director Marc Short said, “I think there’s a special place in hell for those who actually perpetrate these crimes. And I think Roy Moore has to do more explaining than he has done so far.”
Tuesday evening, Sean Hannity, who'd seen a few advertisers exit his Fox show after a sympathetic radio interview with Moore last Friday following the Post bombshell, said on his Fox show that "the judge has 24 hours" to "immediately and fully come up with a satisfactory explanation for your inconsistencies that I just showed. You must remove any doubt. If he can’t do this, Judge Moore needs to get out of this race.”
Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who previously held the Alabama Senate seat, insisted this week that he has no interest in returning to the chamber even as McConnell reportedly is exploring potential avenues for installing him there should Moore prevail in the election. At a congressional hearing on Tuesday, Session also emphasized that he has “no reason to doubt these young women” accusing Moore of past sexual violence or misconduct.
Though it constitutes a last-ditch effort to spare the Republican caucus from the political baggage of a Moore victory, McConnell’s efforts are also feeding Moore’s allegations of a political conspiracy against him. The candidate and his allies, including Breitbart, have begun attacking McConnell far more aggressively than they’ve gone after Jones.
On Tuesday, Moore began appending a new hashtag to his defiant tweets: #DitchMitch.
Susan Collins: Senate Has ‘No Choice but to Seat’ Judge Roy Moore If He Wins
According to the law, “We would have no choice but to seat him,” she said, speaking to reporters on Capitol Hill.
Sen Collins says she’s looked at the law and if @MooreSenate is elected “we would have no choice but to seat him...”
Her remarks come amid threats from Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and other establishment Republican senators that they will push Moore out even if he wins on December 12 over Democrat Doug Jones.
Republican senators who opposed Moore are calling for him to step aside, after the Washington Post published an interview with a woman who said she met him in 1977 when she was 14 and he was 32, alleging that the second time she went out with Moore, he initiated a sexual encounter.
On Monday, another woman said during a press conference arranged by celebrity attorney Gloria Allred that when she was 16, Moore groped her in his car and tried to force her head towards his crotch.
Moore has denied both allegations, which he said were politically motivated attacks.
“I had nothing to do with this, this is a completely manufactured story meant to defrock this campaign,” Moore told Fox News host Sean Hannity. “They are losing, they are 11 points behind, they don’t like my acknowledgment that there is a God.”
“These allegations are completely false and misleading,” he added.
Republican senators are also trying to get President Trump to pressure Moore to step aside, but there is no word on whether he will weigh in.
Philo Launches 37 Channel Streaming Service for $16 Month (With No ESPN, CNN!)
Flickr/Eko Priyanto Lo
With cable and satellite television currently in a slow-motion death spiral, America’s left-wing entertainment titans are hoping they can fool us into subsidizing their rigged business model, even as we move online. The launch of Philo TV shows that the free market is beating these corrupt titans.
Why cut the cord, why cancel your cable or satellite package only to pay for Sling TV, which falsely advertises itself as a la carte TV, when it is just a smaller, cheaper version of cable TV. Same with DirecTV Now and Sony Playstation Vue. In all three cases, you are still paying too much money for a bunch of networks you will never watch.
Moreover, these streaming services are still hustling you. Just like with your cable or satellite package, whether you watch or not, you are still forced to subsidize leftwing networks like ESPN and CNN, still forced to fund your own destruction through your monthly bill.
Which means that a just-released streaming TV package called Philo, is a big step in the right direction.
Before we go any further, I am not a Philo customer. I have no self-interest in Philo. I do not know anyone nor have I been in contact with anyone at Philo. This is not an endorsement. All I am doing here is observing, is looking at a new product launch and talking about what it might mean for the future.
For a mere $16 a month, Philo offers 37 channels, including A&E, AMC, BET, CMT, MTV, HGTV, OWN, History, VH1, Comedy Central, and IFC. For another $4 a month you can add nine more networks for a total of 46. Basically, this is a service little different from cable TV, where you watch these channels live. The only difference is that you are streaming them over the Internet.
What makes Philo’s launch so noteworthy is that this is the first pay TV package of this sort (that I am aware of) that does not force you to pay for sports and cable news. There is no ESPN, no CNN or MSNBC. These are entertainment-only networks.
Yes, you are still subsidizing left-wing garbage like MTV and Comedy Central. But for the first time you can enjoy cable-like television without making CNN’s serial-liars and ESPN’s social justice warriors rich.
What this means is that the market is working. People are disgusted with obnoxiously expensive cable packages that offer 492 channels they never watch and 8 channels they do (with 20 minutes of punishing commercials every hour). And a big part of that expense is ESPN, which it seems as though you can never escape from.
For my money, the ultimate streaming TV service will be a $10 a month package that allows you to choose the 20 or 30 networks you want, including your local affiliates. Eventually, I believe, the market will force this, or even something better. Considering all of the freakin’ commercials, it would not surprise me if someday many of these networks are forced to offer themselves up for free, just to get the eyeballs. This only happens, though, if we cut the cord and force their hands. Because as of right now, many of these corrupt networks do not need eyeballs to make a fortune. That fortune comes from you, straight out of your cable bill, whether or not you watch.
Therefore, Philo holds no interest for me. Whether it comes through my cable or internet, TV pretty much sucks. Moreover, I am not going to subsidize Comedy Central and MTV, and I simply cannot handle all of those commercials.
As of now, and for less than $20 a month, I am perfectly happy with Netflix and Amazon. For free I also have seven over-the-air networks through my roof antenna, Pluto TV, YouTube, and an unlimited number of streaming channels that, with only a few commercials, offer all kinds of free movies and TV shows.
As far as news and sports? Well, all the news you could possibly ask for is available online for free, and the NFL can die in a fire.
BREAKING: House Gives Obama The Bad News, It’s Epic
It looks like future presidents who are expecting the government to reimburse their living expenses will find themselves having to pay their own bills.
Congress is cracking down on the lavish lifestyles of former-presidents, having just approved a bill that would reduce taxpayer funding for the former heads of state.
Although it was a problem that persisted before now, legislators never saw the need for the bill until after the Obama administration, according to The Washington Examiner.
The House approved a bill Monday that would reduce taxpayer funding of former-presidents. Authored by Rep. Jody Hice (R-GA), the legislation is similar to a previous bill passed in 2016. That bill was vetoed by former-President Barack Obama.
“The lifestyle available to former presidents in this day and age is filled with high-paying opportunities, such as top-dollar speaking engagements, book deals, and board memberships,” Mr. Hice said. “Despite the millions of dollars offered by these lucrative deals, American taxpayers continue to foot the bill for yearly pensions, staff salaries, and office space. Given that our federal deficit is more than $20 trillion, it is imperative that our past presidents lead by example in cutting costs and prioritizing accountability as we strive toward a balanced budget.”
The bill would cap the annual expenses for offices, leases, furniture and staff salaries for former-presidents to $500,000 annually. It would also cap pensions at $200,000. Finally, the bill will also reduce monetary allowances if a former-president earns more than $400,000 per year.
This legislative push comes in light of recent findings that ex-presidents are becoming exceedingly wealthy, and not because of the taxpayer funding they receive. Former-President Bill Clinton earned $104.9 million for 542 speeches between 2001 and 2013, as reported by The Washington Post.
As for former-President Obama and his wife, they have already earned over $65 million in advance money for books that each is writing.
These ex-president funding cuts will be implemented over time, reducing it to $350,000 in six years and eventually down to $250,000 in ten. Under the Former Presidents Act of 1958, ex-presidents receive a pension just over $200,000 along with unlimited taxpayer money for staff salaries, office space, communications, travel, and other costs.
According to Rep. Hice, these benefits cost American taxpayers millions of dollars every year, costing $2.84 million in the fiscal year of 2017 alone.
The representative tweeted that “my bill, the Presidential Allowance Modernization Act, sailed through the House last night, which limits expense accounts for our past presidents to lead by example in cutting costs and prioritizing accountability as we strive toward a balanced budget.”
Stepson of Roy Moore Accuser Calls Story a Lie, “I’ve Known the Woman”
Alabama senatorial candidate Judge Roy Moore has suffered a barrage of attacks from Democrats, including sexual assault accusations.
On Monday, Beverly Young Nelson, 56, claimed Moore assaulted her when she was 16-years-old.
Beverly Young Nelson’s stepson, Darrel Nelson, posted a video on Facebook yesterday to tell America what he thinks of his stepmother’s claims.
“I’ve known the woman, she married my father many, many years ago. I’ve known her for a while now, and I truly do not believe that she’s being honest about this,” he said.
Darrel said he did not think his stepmother was telling the truth and wanted to set the record straight when he found out what she was doing.
“I don’t believe it,” he said about the accusations.
“I do believe you’re innocent,” he said to Moore, adding that he believed Beverly was “lying through her teeth.”
Darrel questioned the timing of his stepmother’s allegations, explaining that she had been in his family for a long time and this was the first time he had ever heard this story about Moore.
Acknowledging that he would probably get “some backlash” from his family, Darrel said he didn’t mind if it meant helping to clear Moore’s reputation.
Darrel also said that he stood behind Moore “100 percent” and would do anything he could to help the judge.
If Darrel Nelson is who he said he is, then his testimony could be damaging to Beverly Nelson and her story.
Nelson is one of the several women to make claims that Moore was sexually inappropriate with them.
As it stands now, none of these allegations have been proved, and Moore has denied all of them.
It wouldn’t be far-fetched to think that these allegations are an attempt to slander Moore’s reputation just before the special Senate election on Dec. 12 to fill current Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ vacant seat.
Democrats have been known to play dirty before.
Nevertheless, Moore will need to work hard to stop these allegations from hijacking his campaign.
On Monday, Beverly Young Nelson, 56, claimed Moore assaulted her when she was 16-years-old.
Beverly Young Nelson’s stepson, Darrel Nelson, posted a video on Facebook yesterday to tell America what he thinks of his stepmother’s claims.
“I’ve known the woman, she married my father many, many years ago. I’ve known her for a while now, and I truly do not believe that she’s being honest about this,” he said.
Darrel said he did not think his stepmother was telling the truth and wanted to set the record straight when he found out what she was doing.
“I don’t believe it,” he said about the accusations.
“I do believe you’re innocent,” he said to Moore, adding that he believed Beverly was “lying through her teeth.”
Darrel questioned the timing of his stepmother’s allegations, explaining that she had been in his family for a long time and this was the first time he had ever heard this story about Moore.
Acknowledging that he would probably get “some backlash” from his family, Darrel said he didn’t mind if it meant helping to clear Moore’s reputation.
Darrel also said that he stood behind Moore “100 percent” and would do anything he could to help the judge.
If Darrel Nelson is who he said he is, then his testimony could be damaging to Beverly Nelson and her story.
Nelson is one of the several women to make claims that Moore was sexually inappropriate with them.
As it stands now, none of these allegations have been proved, and Moore has denied all of them.
It wouldn’t be far-fetched to think that these allegations are an attempt to slander Moore’s reputation just before the special Senate election on Dec. 12 to fill current Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ vacant seat.
Democrats have been known to play dirty before.
Nevertheless, Moore will need to work hard to stop these allegations from hijacking his campaign.
Helen and Moe Lauzier
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