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Saturday, August 11, 2018
All Gave Some~Some Gave All
War on Women: Democrat Dirtbag Steve Cohen Says at ‘Prayer Breakfast’ That He Wishes Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn Would Kill Herself
WHOA: Democrat Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand Promises to Look Into Robert Mueller’s Role in Covering Up Saudi Arabia’s Role in the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks While FBI Director: ‘I’m On It; I’ll Do It’
Air Force Officer Proposes Using Military Aircraft to Snuff Out Wildfires
By Jason Devaney
A radical new proposal raises the idea of using military ordinance and aircraft to battle wildfires, such as the ones burning in California.
In a piece for War on the Rocks, Air Force officer Mike Benitez said dropping bombs onto a wildfire or sending a sonic boom through it could cause a shockwave that might put the fire out.
In a piece for War on the Rocks, Air Force officer Mike Benitez said dropping bombs onto a wildfire or sending a sonic boom through it could cause a shockwave that might put the fire out.
Benitez referenced a 2014 study that found shockwaves to be an effective fire fighting method. In another example, a Swedish Air Force jet dropped a 500-pound bomb onto a forest fire this year, which resulted in the fire being extinguished. And while dropping a bomb on a fire could work, it is also costly — one piece of ordinance can be several hundred thousand dollars to as much as $2 million.
"Regardless if a new munition were developed for this mission, and the fact that using munitions to fight fires may be extremely effective in certain situations, the concept is simply not scalable or useful in most scenarios," Benitez wrote.
"Knowing that both sound waves and shock waves can affect fire, what can produce these but is economically reusable and has none of the side effects of a traditional explosion? Simple: A sonic boom. Any aircraft capable of exceeding the speed of sound (Mach 1) creates a sonic boom along its flight path."
Benitez then proposed how to create the proper sonic boom to put out a forest fire, which could involve multiple military aircraft flying in various formations. Positioning the boom on just the right path could, in theory, extinguish the majority of the fire.
From that point, firefighting aircraft could then dump retardant on the remainder of the fire to put it out.
"This could then permit firefighters on the ground to close with and engage the fire on a more manageable level," Benitez wrote. "Integrating this into the current list of firefighting capabilities may produce synergistic effects that would help contain and quell the largest parts of the fire. If it were a military operation, this would be called force-packaging."
Wildfires are currently burning in nearly every corner of California, leaving more than 800,000 acres of charred Earth and several people dead.
Trump Scores Major Foreign Policy Victory
TTN Staff
According to The Daily Wire:
President Trump has won another victory: Germany’s central bank has terminated a $400 million cash delivery to Iran.
Deutsche Bundesbank has previously worked with the Iranian-owned European-Iranian trade bank (EIH) to end-around sanctions the United States has placed on Iran. As Fox News reports, “The U.S. and the European Union previously sanctioned the EIH for its role in advancing Iran’s nuclear and missile programs. The sanctions on the EIH were lifted after the world powers reached an agreement to curb Iran's nuclear program in 2015.”
In July, it was revealed that German Chancellor Angela Merkel's government was trying to circumvent the sanctions that were implemented this week. U.S. ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell urged Merkel to terminate the $400 million cash delivery.
Grenell tweeted his approval of Deutsche Bank’s actions:
The EU has recently tried to position itself to help Iran and defy US sanctions. It is unclear if this is just a warning, but it looks like Germany does not want any part of it.
Rudy Giuliani Blasts Doors Off Mueller Investigation, ‘It’s Going To Blow Up’
For well over a year now, Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his team of liberal attorneys have been investigating allegations of Russian interference in the 2016 election and anything else that may arise from their probe.
Based on media reports, that “anything else” has included unrelated crimes committed by associates of President Donald Trump long before his campaign for the presidency, lawful actions he has taken since becoming president — viewed by the left as “obstruction of justice” — and even the content and context of his social media postings.
Unfortunately, there is no clear end in sight for the increasingly wide-ranging investigation into apparently all things Trump-related, and it has been reported that Mueller and his team are itching to sit down with the president for an in-person interview, something Trump’s attorneys and many supporters fear could be little more than a “perjury trap” to finally “get Trump” on something, even if only a mere process crime.
The request from Mueller for an interview with Trump was a topic of the conversation Wednesday night between Fox News host Sean Hannity and Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani, but Giuliani said discussion of the interview wasn’t the “real story” at all, and instead suggested that things were about to “blow up” on Mueller’s team, according to Real Clear Politics.
Of the investigation thus far, Giuliani stated, “Can it get any worse? I mean, what do we need to know that this is a totally illegitimate investigation based on a report, a dossier that was paid for by Hillary Clinton and the Democrats — probably the biggest illegality so far, the biggest collusion so far.”
“Completely made up. Completely made up. Led to nothing except several fraudulent FISA wires,” he continued, likely meaning “warrants” instead of “wires.” He added, “And now we have Mueller, who doesn’t seem to care that he’s sitting on top of a totally illegitimate investigation.”
Hannity reiterated how ironic it was that the infamous anti-Trump “dossier” was funded by Hillary Clinton and the Democrats and compiled by opposition research firm Fusion GPS and ex-British spy Christopher Steele from Russian sources, all for the express purpose of spreading misinformation among the American public.
Giuliani replied, “Well, maybe if Mueller and his band of whatever they are — Democrats, right — were fair-minded, maybe they’d investigate, maybe that’s the collusion. Maybe that’s the collusion.”
Later in the discussion Giuliani expressed his hope and belief that the investigation would be wrapped up by September, and again noted that he and Trump’s other attorneys weren’t about to let Trump walk into a perjury trap set by Mueller and his team.
A moment later, Giuliani insinuated that something big was about to break, and stated, “The reality is, the real story is not that this case isn’t going to fizzle. It’s going to blow up on them. The real question is, what we talked about before, there’s a lot more to what they did that nobody knows about yet.”
“A lot more — a lot more to the obstruction of justice, to the collusion, to the fake dossier,” he continued. “They’re trying to bring Steele back in after he was completely discredited.”
After more discussion about the dossier and how it was dishonestly used by the FBI to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on Trump’s campaign through a marginal associate — something anybody else would be ruined for doing — Giuliani stated, “And I believe that when this plays out over the next year or two, it’s not going to be about President Trump. That’s going to get over with. It’s going to be about all the things they did. This — you know how sometimes the cover-up is worse than the crime? In this case, the investigation was much worse than the no-crime.”
Hannity concluded by suggesting his sources had told him that the ultimate truth of this whole thing “will shock the heart, the soul, and the mind of any fair-minded American,” to which Giuliani replied, “I think it’s going to lead to some very strict — very big reforms, just like Watergate. It’s a different kind of Watergate. It’s on the side of the investigator.”
It remains to be seen just what Giuliani was referring to that would “blow up” Mueller’s investigation or what Hannity inferred would “shock” the hearts and minds of the American people.
One thing is certain, though — patience is running thin on the part of many Americans, on both sides of the ideological divide, and just about all of us would prefer the whole thing be wrapped up sooner rather than later, regardless of the eventual outcome.
‘Absurd’: Kellyanne Conway’s husband throws cold water on Omarosa’s claim Trump called him racist slur
Frieda Powers
Kellyanne Conway‘s husband has slammed Omarosa Manigault‘s claim that President Trump used racial slurs against him, dismissing the accusations as “absurd” and “ridiculous.”
George Conway has made no secret of his criticism of the administration at times but adamantly disputed the former White House aide’s claim while questioning her credibility in a tweet.
“It’s absurd all around,” Conway tweeted Friday.
hooooooo boy https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/aug/10/omarosa-trump-book-the-apprentice-memoir?CMP=edit_2221 … pic.twitter.com/bYfsASWP2p
The allegation is not credible, and indeed is ridiculous, particularly in light of the timing of her departure from the White House—December 12, 2017. It’s absurd all around.
9:23 AM - Aug 10, 2018
The dispute comes over a preview from Manigault’s upcoming book, “Unhinged: An Insider’s Account of the Trump White House” in which the former “Apprentice” star claimed Trump used derogatory terms for Filipinos in referring to Conway as a “f*cking flip” and a “goo-goo,” according to The Guardian.
She also claims she has secret tapes she made, as did former Trump attorney Michael Cohen, which prove the president used the racial slurs.
If Trump did use racial slurs to denigrate @gtconway3d -- and it's a giant if, given that Omarosa is the source of the story -- it might have been this June 2017 tweet that set him off.
9:49 AM - Aug 10, 2018
But her claims and credibility have been called into question given her abrupt departure from the White House in December.
Conway, a Yale-trained lawyer who represented Paula Jones in her lawsuit against former President Bill Clinton, has openly criticized Trump in the past, despite his wife position as White House counselor.
He continued to field responses to his comments on Twitter, doubling down that Manigault’s claim the president used the derogatory terms against him is “preposterous.”
Replying to @gtconway3d @lachlan
Hi George. CNN, WaPo and others published articles in June 2017 about your tweets criticizing the travel ban. Is it possible Omarosa heard Trump reacting to one of those articles? She was still in the White House in June 2017.
No. There was one tweet, it didn’t criticize the travel ban, and it was clear at the time from my and others’ personal interactions with him that he didn’t hold it against me—not one bit. From what I saw and heard, any suggestion he would have used such slurs is preposterous.
10:53 AM - Aug 10, 2018
Kerry Picket | Reporter
Kerry Picket | Reporter
WASHINGTON–A former agent in charge of the Drug Enforcement Agency’s Special Operations Division called in to the Mark Levin Show Thursday night and wondered if Bruce Ohr prioritized other issues over his previous job as director of the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force.
The agent, Derek Maltz, detailed to Levin how illicit American businesses were funneling money to terrorist organizations, and that his suspicion was Ohr either sidelined or ignored his responsibility to track these businesses in order to pursue a political agenda against the Donald Trump campaign.
Ohr is a key Justice Department figure in the Congressional Russia investigation whose wife Nellie Ohr worked for Fusion GPS, the opposition researchers behind the Democrat-funded and Christopher Steele authored anti-Trump dossier.
According to a report from The Hill, Bruce Ohr had communicated with Steele after Steele had reportedly cut ties with the FBI.
Maltz called into Levin’s show and explained to the radio host he was the head of his division when there was an initiative against Hezbollah in their cocaine and money laundering activities.
“Major cocaine loads leaving Colombia South America going into West Africa. Cocaine is sold millions and millions of dollars are collected Middle Eastern couriers transporting the cash back to Beiruit, Lebanon. Hezbollah militants protecting the money going into the banks. Money transfers back to America. Going into bank accounts,” Maltz said.
He went on to say, “Middle Eastern used car businesses taking cash out– buying cars at auto auctions– sending the cars back down to West Africa to resell for like 20, 25 percent profit, and monies were going right back to Hezbollah to support their overall worldwide initiative.”
In 2011, Ohr was head of the Department of Justice’s transnational organized crime strategy. The purpose of the strategy, according to Maltz, was to unite the U.S. government agencies to work against the biggest threats to the United States.
“Unfortunately, I now believe, based on everything I’m reading and hearing, that Mr. Ohr had other priorities as he was working in the Department of Justice with his political priorities,” said Maltz who said that Ohr’s responsibility was to unite the interagency of America to go after terror threats.
Last year Politico reported how the Obama administration let their operations, known as Project Cassandra, against Hezbollah slide. According to the report, Justice Department officials threw roadblocks and other obstacles in the way of investigators who were probing the Hamas threat.
“We had about 300 businesses in America identified and we seized 150 million dollars out of their bank accounts, but we couldn’t get the U.S. interagency government to work together because of the constant infighting and the lack of sharing of information,” Maltz said to Levin.
He added, “But the real issue is that Bruce Ohr did nothing about it. He did not address it. There was no one held accountable. And these businesses are still operating in America right in our backyards. And this is what the public doesn’t realize.”
In an e-mail statement to The Daily Caller, Maltz said, “Bruce Ohr could have been more engaged with the interagency to unite the efforts since it was a major national security priority. We blew some awesome opportunities and we are dealing with terror groups so no excuses.”
“Not sure what happened with Bruce but now hearing about all this discreet stuff he was engaging in, it really makes me wonder. I’m not suggesting he was solely responsible for the lack of action but he was tasked to get it done and it didn’t get done.”
On Wednesday, multiple warrants were executed at almost a dozen locations in several states against 17 individuals for violating immigration laws.
15-Month Long Investigation
Based on the information revealed, it appears that this investigation started just several months after President Donald Trump took office.
Authorities stated that the warrants executed were the result of a 15-month long investigation.
The purpose of the investigation was to identify business owners who were employing undocumented immigrants.
In addition to the business owners, 133 undocumented workers were rounded up.
The businesses that were raided included Christensen Farms with numerous locations in Appleton, MN, Sleepy Eye, MN, and Atkinson, NE; Elkhorn River Farms in O’Neill, NE; O’Neill Ventures in O’Neill, NE; La Herradura Restaurant in O’Neill, NE; and El Mercadito (grocery store) in O’Neill, NE.
Others were a private ranch in O’Neill, NE; La Herradura Restaurant in Stromsburg, NE; GJW LLC with three locations in Ainsworth, NE; J.E. Meurets Grain Company in Ainsworth, NE; Herd Co Cattle Company in Bartlett, Ne; and Long Pine (farm) in Royal, NE.
The Job Magnet
Law enforcement officials noted that this specific investigation was undertaken in an effort to reduce the number of jobs available to undocumented immigrants.
They believe available employment is hugely responsible for immigrants coming into the country illegally.
Additionally, undocumented immigrants are robbing American workers the opportunity to find employment.
It’s great to hear that ICE is working to stop these crimes across the U.S.
Sarah Sanders RIPS ‘disgruntled’ Omarosa and her book ‘riddled with lies’ to absolute shreds
Tom Tillison
Sarah Sanders RIPS ‘disgruntled’ Omarosa and her book ‘riddled with lies’ to absolute shreds
Tom Tillison
White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders ripped Omarosa Manigault Newman in a statement Friday in response to Omarosa’s explosive new book, calling her a “disgruntled former White House employee” who is “trying to profit off of these false attacks.”
“Instead of telling the truth about all the good President Trump and his administration are doing to make America safe and prosperous, this book is riddled with lies and false accusations,” Sanders said in the statement.
The president’s spokesperson dinged the media while cleverly calling attention to the contradictions in what Omarosa has previously said about Trump.
“It’s sad that a disgruntled former White House employee is trying to profit off these false attacks, and even worse that the media would now give her a platform, after not taking her seriously when she had only positive things to say about the President during her time in the administration,” the release concluded.
Statement from Sarah Sanders on Omarosa. via @maggieNYT12:38 PM - Aug 10, 2018
Omarosa claims in her book that Trump frequently used the n-word while he was on the “Celebrity Apprentice,” and that there are tapes to prove it.
(She met Trump as a contestant on the show.)
Even though common sense would tell you that if those tapes existed, they would have surfaced in 2016.
Speaking of tapes, she also claims to have secretly recorded conversations with Trump.
‘Absurd’: Kellyanne Conway’s husband throws cold water on Omarosa’s claim Trump called him racist slur http://dlvr.it/QfT0zB
Another claim in the memoir is that Trump used racial slurs when referring to White House counselor Kellyanne Conway‘s husband, George Conway — he is half Filipino on his mother’s side.
George Conway, who’s been an outspoken critic of Trump, responded to the accusation, dismissing it as “all around absurd” and “ridiculous.”
America's Most Wanted, Profiles in Treason: John Brennan - This 'Stooge For Jihad' Should Be Facing The Gallows For Subverting President Trump In Deep State Plot To Overthrow America
John Velisek, Retired US Navy - All News Pipeline
CIA officials, including the upper echelons, are required to be 'apolitical'. The main purpose of the CIA is to gather intelligence on America’s enemies and guarantee the safety and security of the citizens of this country. The administration of CIA chief John Brennan came nowhere near meeting this standard. Brennan used the CIA to lie for political ideological goals. This has been shown earlier when Brennan used the CIA to conduct illegal surveillance of the Senate Intelligence Committee and then lied about it. These the same investigations that Brennan lied to Senator Feinstein about, and Brennan later apologized to the leaders of the SIC.
This the same Brennan who coerced the FBI into investigating this sham of Trump-Russia collusion using the unverified Steele dossier. In Brennan’s own words “Just because it is unverified doesn’t mean it isn’t true". A sad idea pushed by a biased 'has been' that was trying to hold on to his job through a Hillary administration. Lying to the Security Intelligence Committee as stated above, it is now known that it was Brennan who passed on and spoke of the Steele dossier to Harry Reid and other Democrat leaders, fed allegations that remain unverified to the FBI and fed information detrimental to President Trump to the press.
This is the same Brennan that lied about NSA surveillance of American citizens and only avoided a perjury trial because he resigned, and the statute of limitations ran out because of obfuscation from the Obama administration. Brennan even had the audacity to proclaim he just gave the “least untruthful answer”. For anyone else, a lie like this would land them in jail. But the Obama administration and the sycophantic media ignored this crime, once again.
The administration of the CIA under the orders of Brennan operated as an offshoot of the Hillary campaign. Using spies and connections in England and Estonia, Brennan weaponized the CIA with the phony intelligence obtained through these sources in his attempt to delegitimize the Trump candidacy, to try and cause maximum political damage on the conservatives, and led a multi agency smear campaign that has led the government to end up in a sham of a Special Counsel investigation being used by the leftists to affect the midterms.
It was John Brennan who proudly admitted voting for Communist Party leader Gus Hall, and even know supports such fellow progressive socialists as Andrew McCabe, James Comey, and his partner in crime at the highest level, James Clapper. This is the same John Brennan who invited a plethora of communist subversives into the highest positions of the CIA. Brennan talks of corruption in the Trump presidency, but fails to mention and will not discuss the political corruption of the “Resistance” which he helped to get started and continues to push lies, innuendo, and double talk. To those like Brennan, even those still in government, the thought of legality is second to the thought that the ends justify the means in the ideology of leftist thought. They have yet to understand the juvenile antics of those in government and the media are not making a difference, The only difference is the #WalkAway movement which they claim are Russian bots but are actually millions of honest Americans who are tired of the lies.
In March of 2016 The Moscow Times reported the John Brennan, still, head of the CIA made a secret visit to Moscow. At the time he met with the FSS the successor of the KGB, of which the man being demonized by Brennan, Vladimir Putin was a part.
It was in the summer of 2016 when British spy Robert Hannigan passed material to John Brennan. Brennan then passed this information to the progressives socialists on Capitol Hill. After beefing the “Gang of Eight” this same information was then passed to the New York Times, which dutifully emblazoned the front pages of their liberal rag with this information.
One of the main reasons for Brennan’s animus towards President Trump was his sympathies towards the Muslim Brotherhood and his college days where he spent a year in Cairo learning about the Muslim sharia law and high-end courses in Middle East Studies. He applied for and received the station chief position in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
His background and sympathies for the Muslim outlook was also a primary reason for the intense dislike he felt for Michael Flynn. It was Brennan who instigated the investigation of Michael Flynn after he had already been cleared by the FBI. It was Brennan who released the confidential transcripts of Flynn’s conversations with the Russian ambassador and made sure the press, long in Brennan’s pockets because of earlier leaks, to spread the supposed lies to Mike Pence by Flynn.
The latest unhinged tirade from this Muslim/socialist sympathizer is laughable. This self-important narcissist now claims “America will triumph over you…”
Brennan also sent an aggressive threatening tweet to both Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell claiming they will bear the “responsibility of the harm done to our democracy is President Trump does not stop his disastrous path”. First, we are a Republic, not a democracy, a difference any competent CIA Director would understand. Second, the path President Trump is following, less government control, lower taxes, and border security, is the one the majority of Americans back and understand. His tweet pertained to the definitive proof that the FBI had an informant in the Trump campaign.
Perhaps this man needs to go back to American History in about the sixth grade. President Trump was elected by the people of this country contrary to what Brennan, Clapper, and all the others ensconced in the Deep State believe. He had already called for the executives in the Trump administration of refuse the orders of the President if they didn’t agree with the order. There is no doubt that Brennan and the others will continue to move forward in the adolescent ranting of impeachment and a coup to lead to civil war. It is all they have. They couldn’t beat Trump, they can’t turn his supporters (a group growing every day) against him, and no one listens to their lap dogs in the media anymore.
There is so much more to this web that Brennan has achieved. Passing the information to Harry Reid, who then wrote an open letter to James Comey which also happened to end up with the New York Times filled with lies and unverified innuendo. Or other agents and intelligence officials who were invested in a Clinton victory like former deputy of the CIA Mike Morell.
30 years CIA field operations officer Gene Coyle said the “Brennan is known as the greatest sycophants in the history of the CIA and a big supporter of Hillary Clinton". What has not been made clear if the John Brennan, along with a multitude of others who are no longer part of any governmental decision process, and as such should have the clearances they are still using to leak to the press dismissed?
Thinking they are our betters, they understand that the media and those still in place will do the best they can to protect them. Drawing out the Mueller sham of an investigation until after the midterms will allow the progressive socialists to shut down the investigations in Congress. Then the Stalinist “show trials and investigations" will begin. The impeachment process based on the banshee caterwauling of Mad Mouthy Maxine Waters will move forward if these slimy animals are allowed to take over Congress.
John Velisek USN (Ret). Lives in California and has written for sites such as intellectualconservative.com and independentsentinel.com and has published at Whatfinger and Bad Blue.

G’ day…Ciao…Helen and Moe Lauzier
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