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Collusion, collusion the man says collusion...but there is no collusion...Aristotle (or was it Plato or maybe Socratese)...
Fri. Mar. 1, 2019
All Gave Some~Some Gave All
You gotta believe...
“We’re in the midst of a cultural civil war…” N. Gingrich 2019
Save the Date! Donald Trump Announces ‘Salute to America’ on July 4th
About That $35,000 Check Cohen Came Up With Yesterday
By S.Noble
During yesterday’s House spectacle with lying Michael Cohen shooting off Democrat talking points, he said he had evidence of Trump’s criminality. One of the pieces of “evidence” was a $35,000 check that Cohen said Trump gave him to pay Stormy.
CNN wants to promote the idea that the President violated campaign finance law. They call it a criminal conspiracy which is hogwash. The prosecutors , Cohen, whoever are weaponizing campaign finance laws.
CNN ✔@CNN “This is the check ex-Trump attorney Michael Cohen is providing to Congress, dated Aug. 1, 2017, for $35,000. It doesn’t show what the payment was for, but Cohen says in his testimony the check was signed by Trump and to reimburse for “illegal hush money I paid on his behalf”
The payments by President Trump to Karen MacDougall and Stormy Daniels did not break the law according to FEC Chairman Bradley Smith. The Trump payoffs to the women were personal expenditures.
Smith wrote:
“However, regardless of what Cohen agreed to in a plea bargain, hush-money payments to mistresses are not really campaign expenditures. It is true that “contribution” and “expenditure” are defined in the Federal Election Campaign Act as anything “for the purpose of influencing any election,” and it may have been intended and hoped that paying hush money would serve that end. The problem is that almost anything a candidate does can be interpreted as intended to “influence an election,” from buying a good watch to make sure he gets to places on time, to getting a massage so that he feels fit for the campaign trail, to buying a new suit so that he looks good on a debate stage. Yet having campaign donors pay for personal luxuries — such as expensive watches, massages, and Brooks Brothers suits — seems more like bribery than a funding campaign speech.”
What he is saying in that paragraph is that Trump’s attempts to “influence an election” isn’t enough to label an action a campaign finance issue. There is a problem that comes in with the FEC language regarding the applicable test: “…if the expense would exist even in the absence of the candidacy or even if the officeholder were not in the office, then the personal use ban applies.”
It’s only a personal expenditure if Trump would have paid it regardless of the context. If he pays off women all the time, he can show evidence that is true.
![ON FIRE: Jim Jordan Obliterates Perjurer Michael Cohen, Clinton Lawyer Lanny Davis and Chairman Elijah Cummings in One Fell Swoop: ‘This Might be the First Time Someone Convicted of Lying to Congress has Appeared Again so Quickly in Front of Congress’ — ‘You are Their Patsy Today’ [VIDEO]](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/oMtu_NzMif3Qz-QpUdlApwAo3LMiq5Z2giU-wdDbNw72nHKSyXG0kXxAZcp2LdVY-Lx-JHWgbRV6GT1s_AsYlaDYVg9hcwhJ3kDN2WBibI4fWJcToHlyZkRjtUMyRd0e5C7_kyw8)
ON FIRE: Jim Jordan Obliterates Perjurer Michael Cohen, Clinton Lawyer Lanny Davis and Chairman Elijah Cummings in One Fell Swoop: ‘This Might be the First Time Someone Convicted of Lying to Congress has Appeared Again so Quickly in Front of Congress’ — ‘You are Their Patsy Today’
WASHINGTON, D. C. - Ohio congressman Jim Jordan on Wednesday attacked Donald Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen as a liar, patsy and shill for Clinton loyalists and described his testimony before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform as an effort by Democrats to remove Trump from office.
Jordan - a Trump defender who is the committee’s top Republican - berated Democrats for inviting a witness who will go to prison for lying to Congress, and claimed the hearing was “choreographed” by longtime Clinton attorney Lanny Davis, who now represents Cohen.
“This could be the first time someone convicted of lying to Congress has appeared again so quickly in front of Congress,” said Jordan, of Champaign County. “Certainly, it’s the first time that a convicted perjurer has been brought back to be a star witness in a hearing.”
He said Cohen’s criminal acts were prompted by a “desire for ever greater wealth and influence,' and part of an effort to “try to remove the president from office.” He said Davis persuaded the committee’s chairman - Maryland’s Elijah Cummings - to give a convicted felon a forum to tell stories and lie about the President of the United States so they can all start their impeachment process.”
“When we legitimize dishonesty, we delegitimize this institution," Jordan said.
Cohen followed Jordan’s remarks by delivering damning testimony that described Trump as a racist, conman and cheat. He said his illegal behavior for Trump - which included paying off porn star Stormy Daniels so she wouldn’t publicly discuss an affair with Trump - were motivated by “weakness and misplaced loyalty.”
In a half-hour presentation, Cohen said Trump knew about the WikiLeaks emails stolen from the Democratic National Committee before they were released from the public because Roger Stone had told him about it. He said Trump regularly made racist remarks, saying that countries run by black people were “shitholes” and that black people would never vote for him because they were “too stupid.”
He said Trump regularly inflated his assets when he wanted to appear on lists of the nation’s wealthiest people, and deflated them to reduce his tax bills.
Cohen also said Trump, who criticized President Obama for not revealing his college grades, threatened schools he attended and the College Board with lawsuits if they ever revealed his grades or SAT scores without his permission.
He said Trump’s business organization was negotiating a large real estate project in Russia during his campaign, and Trump lied about it because he stood to make hundreds of millions of dollars and didn’t expect to win the presidency. Trump regarded his presidential campaign as a marketing opportunity and “the greatest infomercial in political history,” said Cohen.
“Donald Trump is a man who ran for office to make his brand great, not make his country great," said Cohen. “He ran to market himself and build his wealth and power.”
Jordan attacked Cohen for filing false tax returns on his own behalf, failing to pay $1.4 million in taxes over a period of years, and said he turned on Trump because he was disappointed because he didn’t get a job in the White House after ten years of working for Trump.
“Now you’re behaving just like everyone else who got fired or didn’t get the job they wanted,” said Jordan.
Cohen said he didn’t want a job in the White House, and wanted to continue serving as Trump’s personal attorney when he was elected President.
“I received exactly what I wanted," said Cohen. “I asked Mr. Trump for that job and he gave it to me.”
Another Ohio Republican on the committee, Rep. Bob Gibbs of Holmes County, berated Cohen for calling Trump a racist and liar while Trump was out of the country negotiating with North Korea.
“Real repentance would be to go serve your time and don’t come back here and make allegations,” said Gibbs, asking why Cohen spent ten years working for a person who he seemed to find so horrible. “Looks like you’re trying to save face.”
Cohen told Gibbs he was asked to testify before the committee and didn’t think subjecting himself to congressional grilling “in front of the world” was an effort to save face.
“I take no pleasure in saying anything negative about Mr. Trump,” said Cohen.
DEMOCRAT RASHIDA TLAIB’s Heated Exchange With Rep. Meadows Turns Into A Grandstanding Circus [Video]
DEMOCRAT RASHIDA TLAIB’s Heated Exchange With Rep. Meadows Turns Into A Grandstanding Circus [Video]
MICHIGAN CONGRESSWOMAN RASHIDA TLAIB got into a back and forth with Republican Mark Meadows over Meadows bringing in Lynn Patton during Michael Cohen’s testimony today on Capitol Hill.
Meadows had called out Cohen for saying President Trump is a racist and then presented Lynn Patton who refuted any claim that President Trump is a racist.
Lynn Patton was behind Meadows standing at first and then sitting down behind him. She’s a black woman who has worked within the Trump organization and now with HUD. During the Trump campaign in 2016, she famously read a letter on a video (see below) about how she wanted to set the record straight on people who call Trump a racist.
Tlaib basically turned the hearing into more of a circus than it already was. She claimed Meadows pulled a stunt by bringing in Patton. The left went ballistic claiming Patton was being used as a prop by Meadows.
Patton said the opposite in a tweet about being a guest of Meadows at the hearing. She said she was ‘honored’ to be at the hearing (see below).
Tlaib’s comment:
“Just because someone has a person of color, a black person working for them does not mean they aren’t racist..And it is insensitive, and some would even say that the fact that someone would actually use a prop, a black woman, in this chamber, in this committee…here she took a heavy sigh…is alone racist in itself.”
#RashidaTlaib is a disgrace
She called @MarkMeadows a racist for having a personal friend of the #Trump family who is black come in to refute charges @realDonaldTrump is a racist
Tlaib called #LynnePatton a prop and Meadows rightly pointed out that was that actual racist act
Patton had tweeted out that she is honored to be the guest of Meadows:
I am honored to be the special guest of @RepMarkMeadows today. I am here in support of @POTUS and in support of the truth, as Michael Cohen (knows that I know) it to be. And the truth is that it doesn’t take you 15 years to call someone a racist. Unless they’re not one.
Surprise guest Lynn Patton stood behind Rep. Mark Meadows to testify that she disagrees with Cohen’s claim that President Trump is a racist:
This was a stunning rebuke of Cohen and you could see just how uncomfortable he was answering the questions from Meadows.
Watch below:
Cohen claimed President Trump is a racist and has said racist things.
This was a stunning rebuke of Cohen and you could see just how uncomfortable he was answering the questions from Meadows.
Watch below:
Cohen claimed President Trump is a racist and has said racist things.
Rep.Mark Meadows: What proof do you have to backup your claims?
Michael Cohen: I don’t have any recordings or proof of him saying anything racist
Michael Cohen: I don’t have any recordings or proof of him saying anything racist
Michael Cohen: @realDonaldTrump is a racist and has said racist things
Rep. @RepMarkMeadows: What proof do you have to backup your claims?
Michael Cohen: I don't have any recordings or proof of him saying anything racist -----
Lynn Patton spoke out during the campaign about her boss:
The video below is stunning and was made when Patton was fed up with the left trying to paint candidate Trump as a racist. It’s fantastic and worth a listen.
The video the Left will not want America to see…
“Today, I was compelled to sit down and write this letter. Not to anyone in particular, maybe even just for myself. But as a black, female executive at the Trump Organization, I can no longer remain silent about the repeated and reprehensible attempts to align my boss and his family with racist, hate mongering groups, campaigns and messaging. As the daughter of man born in Birmingham, Alabama, who rose against all odds to become one of the most established and respected doctors at Yale University, there is no amount to money in the world that could buy my loyalty to a family that subscribed to such intolerant and bigoted ideologies.”
Here is Lynne Patton reading the powerful letter she penned to dispel the lies about Donald J. Trump, as well as his family:
From LinkedIn:
Lynn Patton, Chief of Staff to Eric Trump, Ivanka Trump & Donald Trump Jr. (May 2009 – Present):
Oversee primary assistants for the Trump adult children & all internal operations for the 25th Floor, Trump Tower. Provide personal assistance to Eric F. Trump, Donald J. Trump, Jr., and Ivanka Trump, including calendar, travel, expenses, purchases, event coordination, contact/engagements, as well as home & business responsibilities, in conjunction with two (2) other primary assistants. Handle celebrity talent acquisition/bookings and work in tandem with the Executive Director of The Eric Trump Foundation to oversee all operations, volunteers, events, outreach, vendors & corporate partnerships; Acquire celebrity donations & experiences for The Eric Trump Foundation On-Line Charity Buzz Auction & The Eric Trump Foundation Annual Golf Invitational Live Auction; Responsible for organizing, executing and overseeing all ETF operations, philanthropic events/golf tournaments, social media & websites; Identify and develop viable partnerships and research projects for ETF in conjunction with the ETF Executive Director and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.
Teen Can Get Abortion Without Parental Consent, Can’t See Pro-Life Movie “Unplanned” Without Adult Supervision
“A 15-year-old girl can get an abortion without her parent’s permission but she can’t see this movie without adult supervision?” Pure Flix Entertainment Executive VP Ken Rather recently said to The Hollywood Reporter. “That’s sad.”
Yes it is, but it’s true. The Motion Picture Association of America has slapped an R-rating on Unplanned, a pro-life movie from Pure Flix. The the film’s bloody abortion scenes earned it the rating. The filmmakers, who were pushing for a PG-13 rating, claimed the designation reflects an industry double standard that seeks to punish the movie for its “direct” depictions of abortion.
Pure Flix Entertainment is the same company behind Christian film God’s Not Dead. Unplanned tells the story of Abby Johnson, the former Planned Parenthood employee who, after witnessing the horrors done by the abortion giant, became a pro-life advocate. The filmmakers are seeking to reach viewers unfamiliar with Johnson’s story, and worry an R-rating might give a false idea of what’s in the film, and perhaps deter younger viewers.
The Christian Post reported on Monday that “while the filmmakers were certain they were making a PG-13 film, the MPAA has informed them that it will be rated R for ‘some disturbing/bloody images’ unless all scenes of abortions are removed or altered.” Obviously disappointed with the news, Pure Flix maintained that the movie would go forward with the adult rating, as they worry an official appeal “would delay its distribution efforts.”
Cary Solomon and Chuck Konzelman, the film’s co-directors, wrote a formal complaint to the MPAA, pointing to inconsistencies in the rating system. “We consider the MPAA’s current standards to be deeply flawed, insofar as they allowed scenes of remarkably graphic sex, violence, degradation, murder and mayhem to have a PG-13 rating, whereas our film, highlighting the grave dangers of abortion in a straightforward manner, is considered dangerous for the American people to view.”
Keep up with the latest pro-life news and information on Twitter.
Solomon claimed that the MPAA gave the R-rating because of three scenes “directly” addressing abortion. “It was clear that any meaningful treatment of the issue was going to be objectionable,” Solomon told Catholic News Agency, saying he believed the MPAA must see “anything that has to do with abortion is an act of extreme violence. Ironically that’s our viewpoint,” the director added.
According to Fox News, the ratings association claimed that this designation was “in no way politically motivated” and reflected the same standards of judgment as all other films. This ultimately involves a majority decision by an official panel of ten viewers — “people from all walks of life … all of whom have children.”
Pure Flix Entertainment remains confident of the movie’s success. Company President Michael Scott stated, “We’re proud to be associated with this film and we are confident that our fans will not stay away because of the opinions of reviewers and listen to those in the faith community who have seen the film and agree with us. In this case, R stands for recommended,” he added.
Unplanned will be released in theaters on March 29.
LifeNews Note: Gabriel Hays writes for Newsbusters, where this originally appeared.
Pressure builds as Kamala Harris ‘misrepresents’ her position as prosecutor with illegal immigrants
Pressure builds as Kamala Harris ‘misrepresents’ her position as prosecutor with illegal immigrants
Democrat presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris continues to twist herself into a pretzel trying to excuse her past work as the district attorney of San Francisco.
While there’s nothing inherently wrong with being a district attorney — especially if you believe in being tough on criminals, which conservatives do — the problem is that the senator’s past doesn’t align with the worldview of Democrats, who think criminals should be handled with kid gloves.
But instead of just admitting her past and arguing that she’s become a different person since she left the DA’s office in 2011 to pursue a career in politics, she keeps lying through her teeth (though just to be clear, she’s not the only liar running for office):
The Democrat Party’s recent push for reparations should not be believed, conservative commentator and radio show host David Webb says.https://www.bizpacreview.com/2019/02/24/david-webb-blacks-you-are-being-lied-to-if-you-believe-dems-will-deliver-reparations-727056 …
Case in point: During her 7-year stint as San Francisco’s DA, she publicly supported a policy enacted by then-Mayor Gavin Newsom that called for transferring illegal alien teens arrested for felonies over to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. When questioned about this policy last Sunday, she lied.
“That ended up being an unintended consequence of the policy and I did not support that consequence of that policy,” she said on “Political Party Live,” a podcast about Iowa politics.
“And that policy I believe has since changed because it was not the intended purpose of that policy. I’ll say this, and I feel very strongly about it, and I always have, which is this, my background is as a prosecutor and I want to know that a person, a victim of a rape or a child molestation, or a vicious violent crime, I want to know that that victim will be able to run in the middle of the street and wave down a police officer and receive protection and security without having to worry about if they do that they will be deported.”
Fast-forward to the 33:55 mark in the clip below to hear her for yourself:
According to a recent article from CNN, everything she said was a lie, or as the network put it, a ‘mischaracterization’: “Reporting arrested undocumented juveniles to ICE was not an ‘unintended consequence’ of the policy, it was the policy.”
Though San Francisco had been a sanctuary city since 1989, in 1992 the local government removed protections for illegal alien adults suspected of crimes. Sixteen years later then-Mayor Newsom dropped protections for illegal alien teens as well.
“Newsom changed this policy in 2008 after a 21-year-old undocumented man was arrested for murdering three members of a San Francisco family,” CNN reported. “The man had previously been arrested as a youth at 17 and was found guilty of attempted robbery and assault, but he was never reported to federal immigration authorities.”
“After Newsom’s change, the city began reporting arrested undocumented juveniles to ICE who were suspected of committing a felony, regardless of whether they were actually found guilty of a crime.”
While this sounds perfectly reasonable to the average conservative, it reeks of racism and white supremacy to the increasingly radical yet mainstream wing of the Democrat Party. That’s why Harris keeps lying about policies such as this, among others. Reason magazine notes for instance that as San Francico’s DA, Harris also waged war against sex workers and drug addicts:
Again, to the average conservative there’s nothing inherently wrong with this tough approach toward crime. But for someone attempting to win the 2020 Democrat presidential primary, it’s a problem.
But it gets worse. San Francisco’s policy toward illegal alien teens didn’t change until 2011, after both Harris Newsom had left office. Why? In part because the two had during their tenure in office reportedly worked hard to stymie efforts by other city officials to put a stop to it.
This is not a good look for her. In fact, some members of the far-left base are so disgusted by her past policy positions that they’ve called for her to run as a Republican instead.
G’ day…Ciao…
Helen & Moe Lauzier
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